Frequency %Panel A: by year2007 18 18.002008 24 24.002009 38 38.002010 terjemahan - Frequency %Panel A: by year2007 18 18.002008 24 24.002009 38 38.002010 Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Frequency %Panel A: by year2007 18

Frequency %
Panel A: by year
2007 18 18.00
2008 24 24.00
2009 38 38.00
2010 20 20.00
Total 100 100.00
Panel B: by industry
Manufacturing 58 58.00
Non-manufacturing 42 42.00
Total 100 100.00
CFOt=TAt21 ¼ a0ð1=TAt21Þ þ a1ðSALESt=TAt21Þ þ a2ðDSALESt=TAt21Þ þ 1 ð1Þ

where CFOt is cash flows from operations. TAt21 is the total assets at the beginning of
year. SALESt is sales. DSALESt is the change in sales. After the estimation of parameters
in equation (1), ACFOt is measured as the residual value of equation (1). Since the signed
value of abnormal cash flows from operations decreases with sales manipulation, a high
value of ACFOt indicates low real earnings management.

Managers may reduce discretionary expenditures to increase earnings as these
expenditures are generally expensed in the same period that they are incurred[5]. Firms
that opportunistically cut discretionary expenditures will have unusually lower
discretionary expenses. Following Roychowdhury (2006), we measure discretionary
expenditures as the sum of advertising expenses, R&D expenses, and selling, general
and administrative expenses. To disentangle the abnormal part of discretionary
expenditures, we run the following regression for every two-digit SIC industry and year:

DISXt=TAt21 ¼ a0ð1=TAt21Þ þ a1ðSALESt21=TAt21Þ þ 1 ð2Þ

where DISXt is discretionary expenses. SALESt21 is lagged sales. Our second measure
of real earnings management is abnormal discretionary expenses (ADISXt), which are
obtained using the residual value of equation (2). As a reduction of discretionary
expenditures leads to lower values of abnormal discretionary expenses, a high value of
ADISXt reflects lower real earning management.

Firms may produce more units of good than necessary to increase earnings because
such activities can reduce the cost of goods sold. When goods are overproduced, lower cost
of goods sold is caused by spreading fixed overhead costs over a larger number of units.
It is expected that the level of production costs will be abnormally high if managers
manipulate earnings by overproduction[6]. Similar to Roychowdhury (2006), we define
production costs as the sum of cost of goods sold and change in inventory. We estimate
the following regression model to compute abnormal production costs (APRODt):

PRODt=TAt21 ¼ a0ð1=TAt21Þ þ a1ðSALESt=TAt21Þ þ a2ðDSALESt=TAt21Þ
þ a3ðDSALESt21=TAt21Þ þ 1 ð3Þ

where PRODt is production costs. DSALESt21 is lagged change in sales. equation (3)
is also estimated for every two-digit SIC industry and year. Our third measure of
real earnings management is abnormal production costs, which are measured as the
residual value of equation (3). A high value of APRODt indicates high real earnings
management because overproduction leads to higher value of abnormal production costs.
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Frekuensi %Panel A: tahun2007 18 18.002008 24 24,002009 38 38,002010 20 20,00Total 100 100,00Panel B: oleh industriManufaktur 58 58.0042.00 42 bebas-manufakturTotal 100 100,00CFOt = TAt21 ¼ a0ð1 = TAt21Þ þ a1ðSALESt = TAt21Þ þ a2ðDSALESt = TAt21Þ þ 1 ð1Þdimana CFOt adalah arus kas dari operasi. TAt21 adalah total aset pada permulaantahun. SALESt adalah penjualan. DSALESt adalah perubahan dalam penjualan. Setelah estimasi parameterdalam persamaan (1), ACFOt diukur sebagai nilai sisa persamaan (1). Sejak ditandatanganinilai arus kas abnormal dari operasi menurun dengan manipulasi penjualan, tingginilai ACFOt menunjukkan rendah real penghasilan manajemen.Manajer dapat mengurangi pengeluaran discretionary untuk meningkatkan penghasilan tersebutpengeluaran umumnya expensed pada periode yang sama yang timbul [5]. Perusahaanyang opportunistically memotong pengeluaran discretionary akan memiliki sangat rendahdiscretionary biaya. Mengikuti Roychowdhury (2006), kita mengukur discretionarypengeluaran sebagai jumlah biaya iklan, R & D biaya dan menjual, Umumdan biaya administrasi. Untuk menguraikan bagian normal dari discretionarypengeluaran, kami menjalankan regresi berikut untuk setiap dua digit SIC industri dan tahun:DISXt = TAt21 ¼ a0ð1 = TAt21Þ þ a1ðSALESt21 = TAt21Þ þ 1 ð2Þdimana DISXt adalah discretionary pengeluaran. SALESt21 adalah penjualan tertinggal. Ukuran kedua kamireal penghasilan manajemen adalah biaya discretionary abnormal (ADISXt), yangDiperoleh dengan menggunakan nilai sisa persamaan (2). Sebagai pengurang discretionarypengeluaran mengarah untuk menurunkan nilai abnormal discretionary pengeluaran, nilai tinggiADISXt mencerminkan manajemen penghasilan nyata yang lebih rendah.Perusahaan dapat menghasilkan unit yang lebih baik dari yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan penghasilan karenaaktivitas tersebut dapat mengurangi biaya barang yang dijual. Ketika barang sudah overproduced, biaya lebih rendahbarang-barang yang dijual disebabkan oleh menyebar biaya overhead tetap jumlah unit yang lebih besar.Diharapkan bahwa tingkat biaya produksi akan abnormal tinggi jika Manajermemanipulasi penghasilan dengan berlebihan [6]. Mirip dengan Roychowdhury (2006), kita mendefinisikanbiaya produksi sebagai jumlah biaya barang dijual dan perubahan dalam persediaan. Kami memperkirakanmodel regresi berikut untuk menghitung biaya produksi normal (APRODt):PRODt = TAt21 ¼ a0ð1 = TAt21Þ þ a1ðSALESt = TAt21Þ þ a2ðDSALESt = TAt21Þþ a3ðDSALESt21 = TAt21Þ þ 1 ð3Þdimana PRODt adalah biaya produksi. DSALESt21 tertinggal perubahan dalam penjualan. persamaan (3)juga diperkirakan untuk setiap SIC industri dua digit dan tahun. Ukuran kami ketigaReal penghasilan manajemen adalah biaya produksi, yang diukur sebagainilai sisa persamaan (3). Nilai tinggi APRODt menunjukkan penghasilan nyata yang tinggiManajemen karena produksi berlebih mengarah ke nilai yang lebih tinggi dari biaya produksi yang abnormal.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Frequency %
Panel A: by year
2007 18 18.00
2008 24 24.00
2009 38 38.00
2010 20 20.00
Total 100 100.00
Panel B: by industry
Manufacturing 58 58.00
Non-manufacturing 42 42.00
Total 100 100.00
CFOt=TAt21 ¼ a0ð1=TAt21Þ þ a1ðSALESt=TAt21Þ þ a2ðDSALESt=TAt21Þ þ 1 ð1Þ

where CFOt is cash flows from operations. TAt21 is the total assets at the beginning of
year. SALESt is sales. DSALESt is the change in sales. After the estimation of parameters
in equation (1), ACFOt is measured as the residual value of equation (1). Since the signed
value of abnormal cash flows from operations decreases with sales manipulation, a high
value of ACFOt indicates low real earnings management.

Managers may reduce discretionary expenditures to increase earnings as these
expenditures are generally expensed in the same period that they are incurred[5]. Firms
that opportunistically cut discretionary expenditures will have unusually lower
discretionary expenses. Following Roychowdhury (2006), we measure discretionary
expenditures as the sum of advertising expenses, R&D expenses, and selling, general
and administrative expenses. To disentangle the abnormal part of discretionary
expenditures, we run the following regression for every two-digit SIC industry and year:

DISXt=TAt21 ¼ a0ð1=TAt21Þ þ a1ðSALESt21=TAt21Þ þ 1 ð2Þ

where DISXt is discretionary expenses. SALESt21 is lagged sales. Our second measure
of real earnings management is abnormal discretionary expenses (ADISXt), which are
obtained using the residual value of equation (2). As a reduction of discretionary
expenditures leads to lower values of abnormal discretionary expenses, a high value of
ADISXt reflects lower real earning management.

Firms may produce more units of good than necessary to increase earnings because
such activities can reduce the cost of goods sold. When goods are overproduced, lower cost
of goods sold is caused by spreading fixed overhead costs over a larger number of units.
It is expected that the level of production costs will be abnormally high if managers
manipulate earnings by overproduction[6]. Similar to Roychowdhury (2006), we define
production costs as the sum of cost of goods sold and change in inventory. We estimate
the following regression model to compute abnormal production costs (APRODt):

PRODt=TAt21 ¼ a0ð1=TAt21Þ þ a1ðSALESt=TAt21Þ þ a2ðDSALESt=TAt21Þ
þ a3ðDSALESt21=TAt21Þ þ 1 ð3Þ

where PRODt is production costs. DSALESt21 is lagged change in sales. equation (3)
is also estimated for every two-digit SIC industry and year. Our third measure of
real earnings management is abnormal production costs, which are measured as the
residual value of equation (3). A high value of APRODt indicates high real earnings
management because overproduction leads to higher value of abnormal production costs.
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