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Organization Development (OD) As A Strategic Management Tool in Developing Economies: The Case of Vietnam
Organization Development (OD) As A Strategic Management Tool in Developing Economies: The Case of Vietnam
April 2, 2006
By Dietrichsen, Pierre
Earlier research has highlighted the sensitive cultural dimension of the OD process when applied in Asian organizations. Subsequent research in East Asian organizations, particularly in Greater China, and the developments in OD practices in India, Singapore, and the Philippines, suggest that wisely applied OD processes, and a suitably adapted OD philosophy may not only benefit specific enterprises, but may also impact on the future function of the organization economically transitionally, such as China and Vietnam. This study reports on a pilot project conducted in Vietnam to evaluate the state of OD. The findings of the study, although of a preliminary nature, clearly indicate that OD is underdeveloped as a profession, that OD processes are utilized to a limited extent in enterprises, and that there is a limited awareness of the profession and OD as a management tool. The author identifies several avenues and approaches to increase OD awareness, expand the use of OD, and promote OD as a executive development focus.
Organizations are facing an increasingly complex and rapidly changing operational environment. In order to remain competitive and effective, businesses inevitably need to adjust their strategy, structure, systems, and organizational behavior. The typical life cycle of organizations, particularly businesses, indicate that those that do not adapt, will not be able to sustain adequate performance to be able to survive in the long run. The ability to manage dynamic change is a key challenge faced by leading managers, particularly in Asia. These economies experience remarkable economic growth and enterprises, as well as governmental organizations, and are under pressure to make managerial, social, and political adjustments.
Fundamentally, Organization Development (OD), is a process of applying behavioral science to an organization’s systems, structure, and processes to promote organizational effectiveness through change, i.e., to be able to maintain solid organizational performance and prosper. This process may be in response to rapid and significant changes in the external operating environment of the organization, or it may be as a result of an assessment by the organization that it needs to enhance its organizational performance to be able to achieve its objectives. OD as process has been used successfully in countless organizations in developed countries to selfdiagnose organizational shortcomings, to develop interventions and change programs aimed at fundamental organizational renewal, and to promote and ensure high performance. But, is that also the case in developing economies?
This paper examines the nature of OD in developing economies, particularly selected countries in Asia. It also reports on a pilot study undertaken in Vietnam. It is argued that Asia is the new frontier for the OD profession, not only to expand the application of OD processes in businesses but also to involve the OD profession in shaping the “contemporary” Asian organization.
Golembiewski argues that one of the constraints faced by OD practitioners in non-traditional OD societies outside North America and Europe, is the value-laden nature of OD. Interventions in organizations by OD practitioners and managers are perceived to be culturally biased, or threatening to Asian employees. He argues that OD could adapt its tools, and Western-based behavioral science assumptions, to adopt a more differentiated perspective suited to inter alia Asia (Golembiowski,1993). Research by Sun (2000) in Chinese state enterprises, and by Lau and Ngo (2001) in multinational enterprises operating in China, Hong Kong and elsewhere in the East Asia region, suggests that OD can be successfully applied when Western and Eastern perspectives are suitably adapted to environmental (cultural) conditions, and to the situation of the particular enterprise. According to Lau and Ngo, organizational reform, in its broad sense is an ongoing and much needed phenomenon in China, and provides challenging and unique opportunities to cross-culturally apply OD and related change methodologies. Dynamic leadership and change management competencies also need to be developed and implemented.
In India, OD has developed from a mostly academic exercise to a process recognized as a management tool (Rao & Vijayalakshmi, 2000). The Centre for Organization Development, for example, is active in consultancy and executive development. OD is also considered a tool to assist with institution building in non-profit organizations and non-governmental organizations, and to promote gender equality ( ; India should be of particular interest to the OD profession for a number of historical and contemporary reasons. Indian business society is largely English- speaking, they have had a British-founded education, and the business sector is innovative and dynamic. Recent economic developments since policy changes in the mid-1990s have enabled India to expand and globalize rapidly, develop a dynamic and reputable Information Technology sector, and diversify industry successfully into areas such as pharmaceuticals and manufacturing. With a population of more than one billion and a fast-growing economy, linked to a high level of skills and education, India is an area where OD as a profession can expand its influence and application. Although much smaller, Singapore is another Asian country where language, education levels, skills availability, and business culture provide an OD-friendly environment.
There is a long history of business and cultural links between the Philippines and Western countries. Language and business culture are sufficiently similar, despite some different Asian uses of influence and power, which provides a basic platform for OD expansion. However, disruptive events, and sporadically stagnant economic conditions, linked to peculiar national social and political phenomena, have made it a difficult and complex operational environment, not only for foreign businesses in but also for domestic enterprises. OD as profession is present as a partner in human resources management consultancies, the Philippine Society for Training and Development, and other private organizations such as the Organizational Change Consultancy International (OCCI) ( It remains a country with considerable potential for OD growth.
Organization Development in Vietnam
The primary purpose of this paper is to report on an assessment of the OD profession in Vietnam, relate the findings to opportunities for OD engagement in Vietnam, and to discuss ways in which OD could be used as a management tool in Vietnam and similar developing countries.
Vietnam has experienced steady economic growth, between 8 and 10% per year in GDP, over the last decade. A substantial proportion of this GDP growth can be ascribed to foreign direct investment (FDI) which has brought capital, entrepreneurship and know-how to the country in the form of joint venture companies, and wholly owned foreign companies. The relative success of these companies in establishing profitable manufacturing ventures and very successful export oriented operations have influenced Vietnamese State Owned Enterprises (SOE); these are still very prevalent in manufacturing and services, to commercialize and equitize organizational structures, and to adapt on approach to business with sustainable commercial operations. These commercialization and equitization processes, supported by a relatively enabling and increasingly business-friendly legislative and bureaucratic environments, have had a substantial impact on the way enterprises approach the future, i.e., there is an awareness for businesses to modernize and change to be able to compete and survive.
A pilot research project, comprizing six main areas, was conducted:
(i) A short questionnaire was sent to 670 firms (members of the American and European Chambers of Commerce in Vietnam);
(ii) An analysis was undertaken of all organizations registered in Vietnam as consultancies. Based on registers and directories, the OD involvement of 148 firms was evaluated;
(iii) A training needs analysis was initiated in 2004 on behalf of a training center at the National University of Vietnam to determine potential needs for executive development, OD training, and change management short courses in Vietnamese firms, particularly among the considerable number of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs). Questionnaires were sent to 500 SOEs and private firms registered with the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI);
(iv) A two-day executive development workshop was arranged at the same center which presented a short course in OD, and change management skills (on August 18, 2004) as a pilot study to evaluate the feasibility of establishing regular executive training courses. Participants were invited from SOEs and government departments/ ministries.
(v) Forty non-governmental organizations (NGOs) listed in the Directory of NGOs were reviewed, surveyed by questionnaire, and consulted to establish the extent of OD intervention
(vi) Newspaper and business journal advertisements, fo
training and development courses, were observed since June 2003 to determine the extent of OD coverage in co
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[Salinan]Disalin! ilmu Berita ruang teknologi kesehatan video gambar referensi informasi Rumah Video Berita Gambar Kesehatan Pendidikan Topik Blogs dari Mobile Ruang Ilmu pengetahuan Teknologi Kesehatan Umum Sci-Fi & game Aneh tapi nyata Internasional Bisnis Pendidikan Mars Science Laboratory keingintahuan«Home»Berita»Teknologi»Pengembangan organisasi (OD) sebagai alat manajemen strategis dalam pengembangan ekonomi: kasus VietnamPengembangan organisasi (OD) sebagai alat manajemen strategis dalam pengembangan ekonomi: kasus Vietnam2 April 2006Oleh Dietrichsen, PierreAbstrakPenelitian sebelumnya telah menyoroti dimensi budaya sensitif dari proses OD ketika diterapkan dalam organisasi Asia. Penelitian berikutnya di Asia Timur organisasi, terutama di Cina, dan perkembangan dalam praktik-praktik OD di India, Singapura, dan Filipina, menyarankan yang bijak diterapkan OD proses, dan filsafat OD sesuai disesuaikan mungkin hanya menguntungkan usaha tertentu, tetapi juga dapat mempengaruhi fungsi masa depan organisasi ekonomi transitionally, seperti Cina dan Vietnam. Penelitian ini laporan pada sebuah proyek percontohan yang dilakukan di Vietnam untuk mengevaluasi keadaan OD. Temuan-temuan penelitian, meskipun yang bersifat awal, jelas menunjukkan bahwa OD terbelakang sebagai sebuah profesi, bahwa proses OD dimanfaatkan secara terbatas perusahaan, dan bahwa ada kesadaran yang terbatas profesi dan OD sebagai alat manajemen. Pengarang memperkenalkan beberapa jalan dan pendekatan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran OD, memperluas penggunaan OD dan mempromosikan OD sebagai fokus pengembangan eksekutif.PendahuluanOrganisasi menghadapi semakin kompleks dan cepat berubah lingkungan operasional. Agar tetap kompetitif dan efektif, bisnis pasti perlu menyesuaikan strategi, struktur, sistem, dan perilaku organisasi. Siklus hidup yang khas organisasi, terutama Bisnis, menunjukkan bahwa orang-orang yang tidak beradaptasi, tidak akan mampu mempertahankan kinerja yang memadai agar dapat bertahan dalam jangka panjang. Kemampuan untuk mengelola perubahan dinamis adalah salah satu tantangan utama yang dihadapi oleh Manajer terkemuka, terutama di Asia. Ekonomi ini mengalami pertumbuhan ekonomi yang luar biasa dan perusahaan, serta organisasi-organisasi pemerintah, dan berada di bawah tekanan untuk membuat penyesuaian manajerial, sosial dan politik.Fundamentally, Organization Development (OD), is a process of applying behavioral science to an organization’s systems, structure, and processes to promote organizational effectiveness through change, i.e., to be able to maintain solid organizational performance and prosper. This process may be in response to rapid and significant changes in the external operating environment of the organization, or it may be as a result of an assessment by the organization that it needs to enhance its organizational performance to be able to achieve its objectives. OD as process has been used successfully in countless organizations in developed countries to selfdiagnose organizational shortcomings, to develop interventions and change programs aimed at fundamental organizational renewal, and to promote and ensure high performance. But, is that also the case in developing economies?This paper examines the nature of OD in developing economies, particularly selected countries in Asia. It also reports on a pilot study undertaken in Vietnam. It is argued that Asia is the new frontier for the OD profession, not only to expand the application of OD processes in businesses but also to involve the OD profession in shaping the “contemporary” Asian organization.BackgroundGolembiewski argues that one of the constraints faced by OD practitioners in non-traditional OD societies outside North America and Europe, is the value-laden nature of OD. Interventions in organizations by OD practitioners and managers are perceived to be culturally biased, or threatening to Asian employees. He argues that OD could adapt its tools, and Western-based behavioral science assumptions, to adopt a more differentiated perspective suited to inter alia Asia (Golembiowski,1993). Research by Sun (2000) in Chinese state enterprises, and by Lau and Ngo (2001) in multinational enterprises operating in China, Hong Kong and elsewhere in the East Asia region, suggests that OD can be successfully applied when Western and Eastern perspectives are suitably adapted to environmental (cultural) conditions, and to the situation of the particular enterprise. According to Lau and Ngo, organizational reform, in its broad sense is an ongoing and much needed phenomenon in China, and provides challenging and unique opportunities to cross-culturally apply OD and related change methodologies. Dynamic leadership and change management competencies also need to be developed and implemented.In India, OD has developed from a mostly academic exercise to a process recognized as a management tool (Rao & Vijayalakshmi, 2000). The Centre for Organization Development, for example, is active in consultancy and executive development. OD is also considered a tool to assist with institution building in non-profit organizations and non-governmental organizations, and to promote gender equality ( ; India should be of particular interest to the OD profession for a number of historical and contemporary reasons. Indian business society is largely English- speaking, they have had a British-founded education, and the business sector is innovative and dynamic. Recent economic developments since policy changes in the mid-1990s have enabled India to expand and globalize rapidly, develop a dynamic and reputable Information Technology sector, and diversify industry successfully into areas such as pharmaceuticals and manufacturing. With a population of more than one billion and a fast-growing economy, linked to a high level of skills and education, India is an area where OD as a profession can expand its influence and application. Although much smaller, Singapore is another Asian country where language, education levels, skills availability, and business culture provide an OD-friendly environment.There is a long history of business and cultural links between the Philippines and Western countries. Language and business culture are sufficiently similar, despite some different Asian uses of influence and power, which provides a basic platform for OD expansion. However, disruptive events, and sporadically stagnant economic conditions, linked to peculiar national social and political phenomena, have made it a difficult and complex operational environment, not only for foreign businesses in but also for domestic enterprises. OD as profession is present as a partner in human resources management consultancies, the Philippine Society for Training and Development, and other private organizations such as the Organizational Change Consultancy International (OCCI) ( It remains a country with considerable potential for OD growth.Organization Development in VietnamThe primary purpose of this paper is to report on an assessment of the OD profession in Vietnam, relate the findings to opportunities for OD engagement in Vietnam, and to discuss ways in which OD could be used as a management tool in Vietnam and similar developing countries.Vietnam has experienced steady economic growth, between 8 and 10% per year in GDP, over the last decade. A substantial proportion of this GDP growth can be ascribed to foreign direct investment (FDI) which has brought capital, entrepreneurship and know-how to the country in the form of joint venture companies, and wholly owned foreign companies. The relative success of these companies in establishing profitable manufacturing ventures and very successful export oriented operations have influenced Vietnamese State Owned Enterprises (SOE); these are still very prevalent in manufacturing and services, to commercialize and equitize organizational structures, and to adapt on approach to business with sustainable commercial operations. These commercialization and equitization processes, supported by a relatively enabling and increasingly business-friendly legislative and bureaucratic environments, have had a substantial impact on the way enterprises approach the future, i.e., there is an awareness for businesses to modernize and change to be able to compete and survive.A pilot research project, comprizing six main areas, was conducted:(i) A short questionnaire was sent to 670 firms (members of the American and European Chambers of Commerce in Vietnam);(ii) An analysis was undertaken of all organizations registered in Vietnam as consultancies. Based on registers and directories, the OD involvement of 148 firms was evaluated;(iii) A training needs analysis was initiated in 2004 on behalf of a training center at the National University of Vietnam to determine potential needs for executive development, OD training, and change management short courses in Vietnamese firms, particularly among the considerable number of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs). Questionnaires were sent to 500 SOEs and private firms registered with the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI);(iv) A two-day executive development workshop was arranged at the same center which presented a short course in OD, and change management skills (on August 18, 2004) as a pilot study to evaluate the feasibility of establishing regular executive training courses. Participants were invited from SOEs and government departments/ ministries.(v) Forty non-governmental organizations (NGOs) listed in the Directory of NGOs were reviewed, surveyed by questionnaire, and consulted to establish the extent of OD intervention(vi) Newspaper and business journal advertisements, fo
training and development courses, were observed since June 2003 to determine the extent of OD coverage in co
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