Roar”Evening calls out one, sur­round­ing one pur­ple fright­ened en­e terjemahan - Roar”Evening calls out one, sur­round­ing one pur­ple fright­ened en­e Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Roar”Evening calls out one, sur­rou

Evening calls out one, sur­round­ing one pur­ple fright­ened en­er­gies, in­stan­ta­neously about 20 [Zhan Long] play­ers in­clud­ing me enter by the fright­ened con­di­tion in abun­dance, after re­ceiv­ing the fear, my body back­lash can­not help but, loses the ha­tred value fi­nally, BOSS starts Wan Jian the ma­neu­ver skill im­me­di­ately, one sec­ond of hero, stars blade edge et al. in the body the num­ber sword per­ished im­me­di­ately.
„A bit faster”
Wiped the tea to be anx­ious, raised the shield to retro­cede em­phat­i­cally, at the same time said: „Pu­ri­fies the Boss!”
Two prac­tic­ing med­i­cine re­lease the pu­rifi­ca­tion tech­nique to me to­gether, what a pity two MISS fly, the BUFF ef­fect of eter­nal fright­ened skill is un­able to drive out with the pu­rifi­ca­tion tech­nique, but Yue Qing Qian raises the dag­ger to graze to come, small hands, sober tech­nique!
This time has suc­ceeded, on me the neg­a­tive ef­fect was elim­i­nated in­stan­ta­neously, pro­gresses to counter-at­tack hur­riedly, the sword blade edge cuts to strike to­ward evening con­tin­u­ously, will hate the value to at­tract, thou­sand area units Yaochi starts the bring­ing back to life stars blade edge, after a white light, re­ac­ti­vates suc­cess­fully, but in evening Raen­maa re­ceived the re­ac­ti­vat­ing huge ha­tred value haul­ing, the ex­trav­a­gant blade edge raises, the sam­sara cut the bang to ap­proach the stars blade edge.
„It is not good, can­not make the stars die again!” My hur­ried road.
Wipes tea sec­ondary re­ac­tion speed Qi Kuai, the shield pounds to fall on the place, sin­gle-handed, the body Saint light is dense, the long sword layer on layer shoots down above the back of BOSS, the sa­cred provoca­tive skill starts, evening roars to kill to our god di­rec­tions, but I had the an­tiq­uity god tiger at­tack to di­vert the ha­tred value fully, dif­fi­cult let­ting wiped the tea to es­cape!
„Roar roar”
Evening is ghost nian step BOSS, the strength can be imag­ined, sword air/Qi left be­hind the sword mark ver­ti­cally and hor­i­zon­tally above Shek Pik, the ground have left be­hind a beach beach hot mark be­cause of his tram­pling, the [Zhan Long] fight rhythm change with the change of BOSS, the change has not been quickly ac­tu­ally thrown into con­fu­sion, this was a strength of guild peak stan­dard, even if can also come the frontage to con­tend by hun­dred peo­ple of strength fac­ing BOSS of ghost nian step.
„Clang clang clang”
Mars are spat­ter­ing in all di­rec­tions on the evening breast­plate, when BOSS, only then 1% HP, Lin Wan Er leaves to draw back anx­iously, said: „Makes Li Xiao Yao kill BOSS, his charm value is high, knock rat­ing also com­pared with our tall Duo!”
The peo­ple of close com­bat de­part­ment retro­cede in abun­dance, Lin Xi­aowu, Dong Cheng month and other long-dis­tance has also called a halt, but under I bathe in Saint light of one group of prac­tic­ing med­i­cine go against BOSS to kill, rides to work as under the force out­puts of thou­sand + great an­tiq­uity, evening whin­ning knees down, but I also „brush­ing” to­gether the golden light cov­ered pro­moted, 117 lev­els, were sec­ond in the Tian Ling Em­pire day list.
When evening kneels down, crash-bang one blew out one pile of equip­ment, the luck is good, al­to­gether 4 equip­ment, I walk to go for­ward, 11 pick to take, then waves, 4 equip­ment at­trib­utes ap­pear in the peo­ple one after an­other at pre­sent
【Ice flame spear】( Di­vine Tier): The strik­ing power 2900-4250, pro­mote the user 37% strik­ing power, and ne­glects the goal 30% de­fen­sive pow­ers, re­quests the Level 111 lev­els
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Roar”Evening calls out one, sur­round­ing one pur­ple fright­ened en­er­gies, in­stan­ta­neously about 20 [Zhan Long] play­ers in­clud­ing me enter by the fright­ened con­di­tion in abun­dance, after re­ceiv­ing the fear, my body back­lash can­not help but, loses the ha­tred value fi­nally, BOSS starts Wan Jian the ma­neu­ver skill im­me­di­ately, one sec­ond of hero, stars blade edge et al. in the body the num­ber sword per­ished im­me­di­ately.„A bit faster”Wiped the tea to be anx­ious, raised the shield to retro­cede em­phat­i­cally, at the same time said: „Pu­ri­fies the Boss!”Two prac­tic­ing med­i­cine re­lease the pu­rifi­ca­tion tech­nique to me to­gether, what a pity two MISS fly, the BUFF ef­fect of eter­nal fright­ened skill is un­able to drive out with the pu­rifi­ca­tion tech­nique, but Yue Qing Qian raises the dag­ger to graze to come, small hands, sober tech­nique!„Brushes!”This time has suc­ceeded, on me the neg­a­tive ef­fect was elim­i­nated in­stan­ta­neously, pro­gresses to counter-at­tack hur­riedly, the sword blade edge cuts to strike to­ward evening con­tin­u­ously, will hate the value to at­tract, thou­sand area units Yaochi starts the bring­ing back to life stars blade edge, after a white light, re­ac­ti­vates suc­cess­fully, but in evening Raen­maa re­ceived the re­ac­ti­vat­ing huge ha­tred value haul­ing, the ex­trav­a­gant blade edge raises, the sam­sara cut the bang to ap­proach the stars blade edge.„It is not good, can­not make the stars die again!” My hur­ried road.Wipes tea sec­ondary re­ac­tion speed Qi Kuai, the shield pounds to fall on the place, sin­gle-handed, the body Saint light is dense, the long sword layer on layer shoots down above the back of BOSS, the sa­cred provoca­tive skill starts, evening roars to kill to our god di­rec­tions, but I had the an­tiq­uity god tiger at­tack to di­vert the ha­tred value fully, dif­fi­cult let­ting wiped the tea to es­cape!„Roar roar”Evening is ghost nian step BOSS, the strength can be imag­ined, sword air/Qi left be­hind the sword mark ver­ti­cally and hor­i­zon­tally above Shek Pik, the ground have left be­hind a beach beach hot mark be­cause of his tram­pling, the [Zhan Long] fight rhythm change with the change of BOSS, the change has not been quickly ac­tu­ally thrown into con­fu­sion, this was a strength of guild peak stan­dard, even if can also come the frontage to con­tend by hun­dred peo­ple of strength fac­ing BOSS of ghost nian step.„Clang clang clang”Mars are spat­ter­ing in all di­rec­tions on the evening breast­plate, when BOSS, only then 1% HP, Lin Wan Er leaves to draw back anx­iously, said: „Makes Li Xiao Yao kill BOSS, his charm value is high, knock rat­ing also com­pared with our tall Duo!”The peo­ple of close com­bat de­part­ment retro­cede in abun­dance, Lin Xi­aowu, Dong Cheng month and other long-dis­tance has also called a halt, but under I bathe in Saint light of one group of prac­tic­ing med­i­cine go against BOSS to kill, rides to work as under the force out­puts of thou­sand + great an­tiq­uity, evening whin­ning knees down, but I also „brush­ing” to­gether the golden light cov­ered pro­moted, 117 lev­els, were sec­ond in the Tian Ling Em­pire day list.When evening kneels down, crash-bang one blew out one pile of equip­ment, the luck is good, al­to­gether 4 equip­ment, I walk to go for­ward, 11 pick to take, then waves, 4 equip­ment at­trib­utes ap­pear in the peo­ple one after an­other at pre­sent
【Ice flame spear】( Di­vine Tier): The strik­ing power 2900-4250, pro­mote the user 37% strik­ing power, and ne­glects the goal 30% de­fen­sive pow­ers, re­quests the Level 111 lev­els
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Roar "
Evening memanggil satu, sekitar satu energi ketakutan ungu, seketika sekitar 20 [Zhan Panjang] pemain termasuk saya masukkan dengan kondisi ketakutan dalam kelimpahan, setelah menerima rasa takut, reaksi tubuh saya tidak bisa tidak, kehilangan nilai kebencian akhirnya, BOSS dimulai Wan Jian keterampilan manuver segera, kedua pahlawan, dibintangi pisau tepi et al. dalam tubuh pedang nomor tewas segera.
"Sedikit lebih cepat"
Mengusap teh menjadi cemas, mengangkat perisai untuk retrocede tegas, pada saat yang sama mengatakan: "! Memurnikan Bos"
Dua obat berlatih melepaskan teknik pemurnian dengan saya bersama-sama , sayang dua LEWATKAN terbang, efek BUFF keterampilan ketakutan abadi tidak dapat mengusir dengan teknik pemurnian, tapi Yue Qing Qian menimbulkan belati untuk merumput untuk datang, tangan kecil, teknik mabuk!
kali ini memiliki berhasil, pada saya efek negatif dihilangkan seketika, berkembang menjadi serangan balik cepat-cepat, pemotongan tepi pedang pisau untuk menyerang ke arah malam terus menerus, akan membenci nilai untuk menarik, unit ribu daerah Yaochi dimulai tepi membawa kembali ke Diulas hidup blade, setelah cahaya putih, mengaktifkan kembali berhasil, tetapi di malam Raenmaa menerima mengaktifkan besar nilai kebencian hauling, tepi pisau boros menimbulkan, samsara memotong bang untuk mendekati bintang pisau tepi.
"ini tidak baik, tidak bisa membuat bintang mati lagi "saya bergegas jalan.
Wipes teh sekunder kecepatan reaksi Qi Kuai, pound perisai jatuh pada tempat, satu tangan, tubuh Saint cahaya padat, pedang panjang lapisan pada lapisan tembak jatuh di atas belakang BOSS, suci keterampilan provokatif dimulai, malam mengaum membunuh untuk arah tuhan kami, tapi aku punya serangan kuno dewa harimau untuk mengalihkan nilai kebencian sepenuhnya, sulit membiarkan menyeka teh untuk melarikan diri!
"Roar gemuruh"
Evening hantu nian langkah BOSS, kekuatan bisa dibayangkan, pedang udara / Qi tertinggal tanda pedang secara vertikal dan horizontal di atas Shek Pik, tanah telah ditinggalkan tanda panas pantai pantai karena menginjak-injak-nya, [Zhan panjang] perubahan pertarungan irama dengan perubahan BOSS, perubahan belum cepat benar-benar dilemparkan ke dalam kebingungan, ini adalah kekuatan puncak standar serikat, bahkan jika juga bisa datang depan untuk bersaing dengan ratusan orang dari kekuatan menghadapi BOSS langkah hantu nian.
"dentang dentang dentang"
Mars percikan di semua arah pada dada malam, ketika BOSS, hanya 1% HP, Lin Wan Er daun untuk menarik kembali cemas, mengatakan: "Membuat Li Xiao Yao membunuh BOSS, nilai pesonanya tinggi, mengetuk wisatawan juga dibandingkan dengan Duo tinggi kami!"
The orang dari departemen pertempuran jarak dekat retrocede dalam kelimpahan, Lin Xiaowu, Dong Cheng bulan dan jarak jauh lainnya juga disebut berhenti, tetapi di bawah saya mandi di Saint terang salah satu kelompok praktek pengobatan melawan BOSS untuk membunuh, naik untuk bekerja sebagai di bawah output kekuatan ribu + sangat kuno, malam whinning lutut ke bawah, tapi aku juga "menyikat" bersama cahaya keemasan tertutup dipromosikan, 117 tingkat, yang kedua dalam daftar hari Tian Ling Empire.
Ketika malam berlutut, kecelakaan-bang satu meniup keluar satu tumpukan peralatan, keberuntungan yang baik, sama sekali 4 peralatan, aku berjalan untuk maju, 11 pick untuk mengambil, kemudian gelombang, 4 atribut peralatan muncul pada orang-orang satu demi satu saat
【Ice api tombak】 (Tier Ilahi) : kekuatan mencolok 2900-4250, mempromosikan pengguna 37% daya mencolok, dan mengabaikan tujuan 30% kekuatan pertahanan, meminta tingkat tingkat 111
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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