Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Previous studies on other temperate anguillidspecies have reported spatial variation in the demographictraits of yellow eels because they can inhabita wide range of habitats from estuarine areas, riversand lakes, to small tributary streams far up in largeriver systems. In river habitats (Laffaille et al. 2003),and in wetlands habitats (Laffaille et al. 2004), asize-dependent habitat preference has been suggestedfor Anguilla anguilla. Moreover in large rivers, largeeels are found more upstream than the small ones(Lasne & Laffaille 2008). This type of pattern wasalso observed in studies of Anguilla australis andAnguilla dieffenbachii (Jellyman et al. 2003). It wasalso reported that the growth rate of Americanyellow eels in coastal brackish water habitats washigher than in riverine freshwater habitats (Hansen& Eversole 1984; Morrison & Secor 2003). Thissuggests that the lower reaches and estuaries of suggests that the lower reaches and estuaries ofrivers are one of the important habitats for freshwatereels, which supports the hypothesis of Helfmanet al. (1987) that the growth, abundance andproduction of the yellow-phase eels are higher indownstream brackish water habitats than in upstreamfreshwater locations. Despite the substantial reportsdescribing the ecological aspects only in freshwaterhabitat or the importance of estuaries as productivehabitats, few studies have investigated eel productionthrough the continuum from coastal habitats forfreshwater eels, which ranges from estuaries, torivers and lakes (Helfman & Bozeman 1984;Bozeman et al. 1985).
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