;**恵美子:夏私服:真剣[ActRR cn=

;**恵美子:夏私服:真剣[ActRR cn="emiko" p="2

[ActRR cn="emiko" p="2" body="20_0" a=8]

[OnName num=5]
[pv s="Vemiko0260"]
;「それで? 無事なんですか? ももと子供は」
And? Did it go well? How are Momo and the baby?[cpg1]

[Actch lay=2 a=a2]
[Ani_st lay=2 page=fore seg=1 lab=kokun_c]
[wa layer=4 page=fore seg=1]
[ActLLD cn="saera" p="2" body="20_0" a=2]

[OnName num=3]
[pv s="Vsaera0584"]
It's good; they're fine.[cpg1]

[Actch lay=3 a=2]

[OnName num=5]
[pv s="Vemiko0261"]
Thank goodness...[cpg1]

Relieved to her innermost core, Mom sat down on a nearby bench.[cpg]

She had always been optimistic, but when it comes to your daughter and grandchile, well, anyone would worry.[cpg]

Of course, I was worried as hell, too.[cpg]


At that moment, the delivery room doors opened. They were bringing Momo out on a stretcher.[cpg]

[OnName num=4]
[pv s="Vmomo0485"]
Ah, Momma. Big brother, too...[cpg1]

She looked worn out, body and soul. But she was smiling. Seeing that, I couldn't help it; tears started crowding my eyes.[cpg]

[OnName num=0]
You did well, huh, Momo?[cpg1]

;// 院長
[OnName num=10]
Well, just take a look.[cpg1]

[OnName num=0]
...Wow... he's so small...[cpg1]

In the director's arms was Momo's baby... fingers so small, yet still reaching up and moving around, as if trying to grasp everything and anything around.[cpg]


[ActC cn="emiko" p="2" body="20_0" a=a2]
[Ani_st lay=4 page=fore seg=101 lab=kokun_c]
[wa layer=4 page=fore seg=101]
[ActCD cn="emiko" p="2" body="20_0" a=2]

[OnName num=5]
[pv s="Vemiko0262"]
He's so cute. He looks just like Momo when she was born...[cpg1]

I could see tears in Mom's eyes as well.[cpg]

[OnName num=5]
[pv s="Vemiko0263"]
Ahh, I guess this makes me a grandma now, huh?[cpg1]

Mom smiled to herself, though Mimeri took that time to interject.[cpg]

[ActML lay=4 cn="emiko" p=2][wm]
[ActR cn="mimeri" p="1" body="20_0" a=12]

[OnName num=2]
[pv s="Vmimeri0320"]
Sure, when I call you Ma'am you get all up in arms, but then you go and call yourself grandma?[cpg1]

[ps se="se842"]

;**【KT】kt_56 ***************************************
[KT char="kt_56_0"]

[OnName num=2]
[pv s="Vmimeri0321"]
;「ごあっ! み、見事な右ストレート………」
Gwoah! Wh-what a perfect right-straight...[cpg1]


[ps se="se800"]

;**【KT】kt_56_a *************************************
[KT char="kt_56_a"]

Even the pheasant knows that if it sounds in the bush, it will get taken down, Mimeri...[cpg]


[ps se="se843"][was]

[waitex time=300]


That evening...[cpg]


*Ep002|Just the two of us...

[ABK bg="b_living_p4on_dinner" tm1=1400]
[plbgm bg="y"]


[OnName num=0]

[ps se="se829" w=400]

Mom and I clinked our glasses together at the dinner table. Momo, natually, was absent from the occasion.[cpg]


[OnName num=0]
Both mother and child are doing fine; we couldn't have asked for better, huh?[cpg1]

[OnName num=5]
[pv s="Vemiko0264"]
[ActC cn="emiko" p="4" body="20_0" a=a1]
[Ani_st lay=4 page=fore seg=101 lab=kokun_c]
[wa layer=4 page=fore seg=101]
[ActCD cn="emiko" p="4" body="20_0" a=1]
We really couldn't.[cpg1]

Mom nodded in agreement, though I could see her face was filled with emotion.[cpg]

[Actch lay=4 a=2]

[OnName num=5]
[pv s="Vemiko0265"]
I just think, since when Momo was a child to her first pregnancy, I've always entrusted her care to you, Kei-tan. For all of that, those long days then and now, thank you so much.[cpg1]

[OnName num=0]
Y-yeah, well, it was nothing...[cpg1]

What is this? Mom's speaking so... so formally, she's making me feel like this marks the end Momo and I's relationship as brother and sister or something. [cpg]

[OnName num=0]
Mom, too, for sure. You did all that work, alone, for Momo and I's sake... Really, it's me that should feel gratitude. Thank you.[cpg1]

I filled Mom's (now empty) glass with some more red wine we had gotten out for the occasion.[cpg]

As she drank the second glass, I guess her memories of our past came flooding back again I could hear her murmuring to herself as she stared into the glass..[cpg]

[Actch lay=4 a=1]

[OnName num=5]
[pv s="Vemiko0266"]
So much time has passed, before I could even say "Ah!" ...I close my eyes, and I see you two's school entrance ceremony and your graduation practice, your sports days and the parent's days, all of them... just flashing before my mind, as if they happened only yesterday.[cpg1]

[OnName num=0]

That's right...[cpg]

Now that I recall, no matter how busy work got, no matter how hectic, Mom would always find the time to show up for our school events.[cpg]

Though she wasn't able to join the PTA because of work (which got the other Mothers talking) she never let it get to her in front of us. She was always just our happy, boastful mother.[cpg]

All my friends would always be like "Dude, you're so lucky! Your Mom's so hot!"[cpg]

While other kid's mom's gained weight as they aged, our Mom and our Mom only always looked smart, stylish, and youthful... Momo and I were always proud of that fact. [cpg]

[Actch lay=4 a=2]

[OnName num=5]
[pv s="Vemiko0267"]
So much has happened, hasn't it?[cpg1]

[OnName num=0]

Mom and I drained our glasses in honor of Momo's giving birth.[cpg]

[OnName num=5]
[pv s="Vemiko0268"]
Though, you know, if we want to talk about my crowning achievement, I'd have to say it's that I was able to raise you as such a fine young man, fit even to my liking! Of all the things in my life, you're my number one best in the world masterpiece![cpg1]


[OnName num=0]
Woah! Waaah![cpg1]

Mom suddenly jumped forward to hug me, and planted a big kiss on my head.[cpg]

And then...[cpg]

[ActC cn="emiko" p="5" body="20_0" a=5]

[OnName num=5]
[pv s="Vemiko0269"]
As a mother, I'm so very satisfied...[cpg1]

Her tone seemed to suddenly shift down as she embraced me in her arms...[cpg]

[OnName num=0]

Feeling the warmth eminating from Mom's gentle touch, I could sense my body giving its self up into her familiar breast.[cpg]

It was so soft.[cpg]

Resting there, I somehow felt as though I'd reverted back to being a child, if nly fr a moment.[cpg]

It was a bottomless sense of relief and security... the sort of feeling only the beings known as "Mother" could possibly convey.[cpg]

Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
;**恵美子:夏私服:真剣[ActRR cn="emiko" p="2" body="20_0" a=8][OnName num=5][pv s="Vemiko0260"];「それで? 無事なんですか? ももと子供は」And? Did it go well? How are Momo and the baby?[cpg1];**冴羅:夏私服:笑顔:うなずく[Actch lay=2 a=a2][Ani_st lay=2 page=fore seg=1 lab=kokun_c][wa layer=4 page=fore seg=1][ActLLD cn="saera" p="2" body="20_0" a=2][OnName num=3][pv s="Vsaera0584"];「ええ。それはもう」It's good; they're fine.[cpg1];**恵美子:夏私服:笑顔[Actch lay=3 a=2][OnName num=5][pv s="Vemiko0261"];「よかったぁ……」Thank goodness...[cpg1];心底安心したように、傍の長椅子にドッカと腰を下ろす母さん。Relieved to her innermost core, Mom sat down on a nearby bench.[cpg];普段は脳天気だが、ちゃんと娘や孫のことを心配してくれているのだ。She had always been optimistic, but when it comes to your daughter and grandchile, well, anyone would worry.[cpg];勿論、俺のことも……。Of course, I was worried as hell, too.[cpg][LF3];##背景#################################;その時、ストレッチャーに乗せられたももが分娩室から出て来た。At that moment, the delivery room doors opened. They were bringing Momo out on a stretcher.[cpg][OnName num=4][pv s="Vmomo0485"];「あ……、ママ。お兄ちゃんも……」Ah, Momma. Big brother, too...[cpg1];心身共に疲れ果てた様子だったが、それでも微笑んでいる妹を見て涙が出て来た……。She looked worn out, body and soul. But she was smiling. Seeing that, I couldn't help it; tears started crowding my eyes.[cpg][OnName num=0];「頑張ったんだね、もも」You did well, huh, Momo?[cpg1];// 院長[OnName num=10];「さあ、見てあげて」Well, just take a look.[cpg1][OnName num=0];「わぁ……小さいなぁ」...Wow... he's so small...[cpg1];院長に抱かれた赤ん坊は、とても小さいのにちゃんと指を動かして、何かを掴もうとしているみたいだった。In the director's arms was Momo's baby... fingers so small, yet still reaching up and moving around, as if trying to grasp everything and anything around.[cpg];##立ち絵###############################;**恵美子:夏私服:笑顔:うなずく[ActC cn="emiko" p="2" body="20_0" a=a2][Ani_st lay=4 page=fore seg=101 lab=kokun_c][wa layer=4 page=fore seg=101][ActCD cn="emiko" p="2" body="20_0" a=2][OnName num=5][pv s="Vemiko0262"];「可愛いわ。ももが産まれた時とそっくり……」He's so cute. He looks just like Momo when she was born...[cpg1];母さんの目にも涙が浮かんでいた。I could see tears in Mom's eyes as well.[cpg][OnName num=5][pv s="Vemiko0263"];「ああ、これで私もおばあちゃんね」Ahh, I guess this makes me a grandma now, huh?[cpg1]; そんな風に笑った所へ、実芽梨が口を挟む。Ibu tersenyum kepada dirinya sendiri, meskipun Mimeri mengambil waktu itu untuk menyisipkan. [cpg][ActML berbaring = 4 cn = "emiko" p = 2] [wm]; ** 実芽梨:夏私服:ジト目[ActR cn = "mimeri" p = "1" tubuh = "20_0" = 12][OnName num = 2][pv s = "Vmimeri0320"]「おばさんて言うなって言ったのに、自分でおばあちゃんて... 」Tentu, ketika saya menghubungi Anda Ma'am Anda mendapatkan semuanya dalam lengan, tapi kemudian Anda pergi dan menyebut diri nenek? [cpg1][LF3]; //【SE】ズバンッ!![se id = "se842"];**【KT】kt_56 ***************************************[KT char = "kt_56_0"];*******************************************************[OnName num = 2][pv s = "Vmimeri0321"]「ごあっ! み、見事な右ストレート... 」Gwoah! WH-apa hak-lurus sempurna... [cpg1][stse]; //【SE】ドタッ!![se id = "se800"];**【KT】kt_56_a *************************************[KT char = "kt_56_a"];*******************************************************; 雉も鳴かずば打たれまいに... 。Bahkan Pegar tahu bahwa jika itu terdengar di semak-semak, hal itu akan mendapatkan diambil bawah, Mimeri... [cpg][stse]; //【SE】カンカンカンカンカン!!(ゴング乱打)[se id = "se843"] [adalah][ABK][stbgm][waktu waitex = 300][OnMes];\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\; //エフェクト; その夜...Malam itu... [cpg][OutMes];################################################* Ep002| Hanya kami berdua...;################################################; / / 【BG】桂の自宅・リビング(夜on/夕食あり) ***[ABK bg = "b_living_p4on_dinner" tm1 = 1400][plbgm bg = "y"][OnMes];##Bup###############################[OnName num = 0]; 「乾杯」Bersulang! [cpg1]; //【SE】チンッ[se id = "se829" w = 400]; 俺と母さんは、もものいない食卓で2人、グラスを合わせていた。Mom dan aku clinked kami kacamata bersama di meja makan. Momo, secara, tidak hadir dari kesempatan. [cpg][stse][OnName num = 0]; 「母子共に健康でなによりだったね」Ibu dan anak berbuat baik; kita tidak bisa minta lebih baik, ya? [cpg1][OnName num = 5][pv s = "Vemiko0264"]; ** 恵美子:夏私服:普通:B:うなずく[ActC cn = "emiko" p = "4" tubuh = "20_0" = a1][Ani_st berbaring = 4 halaman = kedepan seg = laboratorium 101 = kokun_c][wa lapisan = 4 halaman = kedepan seg = 101][ActCD cn = "emiko" p = "4" tubuh = "20_0" = 1]「本当にね... 」Kami benar-benar tidak bisa. [cpg1]; 母さんは、感無量といった様子で頷く。Ibu mengangguk dalam Perjanjian, meskipun aku bisa melihat wajahnya dipenuhi dengan emosi. [cpg]; ** 恵美子:夏私服:笑顔:B[Actch berbaring = 4 = 2].[OnName num = 5][pv s = "Vemiko0265"]; 「思えば、もものことは子供の頃も妊娠してからも、桂たんに任せっきりだったわね。 いままで長いこと、ご苦労様でした」Aku hanya berpikir, karena ketika Momo anak untuk kehamilan pertama, saya selalu sudah mempercayakan dia peduli kepada Anda, Kei-tan. Untuk semua itu, mereka yang panjang hari sekarang dan kemudian, terima kasih banyak. [cpg1][OnName num = 0]「よ、よしてよ... 」Y-yeah, well, it was nothing...[cpg1];何だか改まって労われると、まるでももとの兄妹関係がここで終わってしまうような気がしてくる。What is this? Mom's speaking so... so formally, she's making me feel like this marks the end Momo and I's relationship as brother and sister or something. [cpg][OnName num=0];「母さんこそ、女手一つで俺ともものために働きづめで…。本当に感謝してます。ありがとう」Mom, too, for sure. You did all that work, alone, for Momo and I's sake... Really, it's me that should feel gratitude. Thank you.[cpg1];俺は、一度飲み干された母さんのグラスを赤ワインで満たす。I filled Mom's (now empty) glass with some more red wine we had gotten out for the occasion.[cpg];それに再び口をつけながら、思い出に浸るように母さんが呟いた。As she drank the second glass, I guess her memories of our past came flooding back again I could hear her murmuring to herself as she stared into the glass..[cpg];**恵美子:夏私服:普通:B[Actch lay=4 a=1][OnName num=5][pv s="Vemiko0266"];「長いようで、あっという間だったわ…。こうやって目を閉じると、2人の入学式や卒業式、運動会や授業参観のことが、昨日のことみたいに蘇ってくる……」So much time has passed, before I could even say "Ah!" ...I close my eyes, and I see you two's school entrance ceremony and your graduation practice, your sports days and the parent's days, all of them... just flashing before my mind, as if they happened only yesterday.[cpg1]
[OnName num=0]

That's right...[cpg]

Now that I recall, no matter how busy work got, no matter how hectic, Mom would always find the time to show up for our school events.[cpg]

Though she wasn't able to join the PTA because of work (which got the other Mothers talking) she never let it get to her in front of us. She was always just our happy, boastful mother.[cpg]

All my friends would always be like "Dude, you're so lucky! Your Mom's so hot!"[cpg]

While other kid's mom's gained weight as they aged, our Mom and our Mom only always looked smart, stylish, and youthful... Momo and I were always proud of that fact. [cpg]

[Actch lay=4 a=2]

[OnName num=5]
[pv s="Vemiko0267"]
So much has happened, hasn't it?[cpg1]

[OnName num=0]

Mom and I drained our glasses in honor of Momo's giving birth.[cpg]

[OnName num=5]
[pv s="Vemiko0268"]
Though, you know, if we want to talk about my crowning achievement, I'd have to say it's that I was able to raise you as such a fine young man, fit even to my liking! Of all the things in my life, you're my number one best in the world masterpiece![cpg1]


[OnName num=0]
Woah! Waaah![cpg1]

Mom suddenly jumped forward to hug me, and planted a big kiss on my head.[cpg]

And then...[cpg]

[ActC cn="emiko" p="5" body="20_0" a=5]

[OnName num=5]
[pv s="Vemiko0269"]
As a mother, I'm so very satisfied...[cpg1]

Her tone seemed to suddenly shift down as she embraced me in her arms...[cpg]

[OnName num=0]

Feeling the warmth eminating from Mom's gentle touch, I could sense my body giving its self up into her familiar breast.[cpg]

It was so soft.[cpg]

Resting there, I somehow felt as though I'd reverted back to being a child, if nly fr a moment.[cpg]

It was a bottomless sense of relief and security... the sort of feeling only the beings known as "Mother" could possibly convey.[cpg]

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