The Flame Hawk Archers fly­ing speed ul­tra-fast, most over 10 min­ute terjemahan - The Flame Hawk Archers fly­ing speed ul­tra-fast, most over 10 min­ute Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Flame Hawk Archers fly­ing spee

The Flame Hawk Archers fly­ing speed ul­tra-fast, most over 10 min­utes can­not ar­rive in the dragon cer­tainly re­stricted area, but I and Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. flushed quickly, en­tered the moun­tain val­ley, when I graze be­hind was an ar­tillery sound, the shock-wave clashes me sharply to clash dozens me­ters with horse for­ward, that was Long Jing ar­tillery, the demon moun­tain waited for us Long Jing pun­metals mount­ing in the moun­tain val­ley , be­fore being lucky us, in the poly­gonum mul­ti­flo­rums have not set out has not en­tered the moun­tain val­ley rashly, oth­er­wise non- fell whole army has been an­ni­hi­lated.
„Picks up the speed!”
I am rais­ing the but­ter­fly anx­iously to the front line, was away from my less than 200 yards is the ham­mer of trade union god of thun­der has pre­pared good de­fense, the tac­tic of demon moun­tain com­pletely blocked them out­side the moun­tain val­ley, then in­ter­rupted our chan­nels with Long Jing ar­tillery and hot crag ar­tillery, en­abling the [Zhan Long] head and tail to look at each other, as the mat­ter stands they were or­ganic may take ad­van­tage, de­feated a nu­mer­i­cally su­pe­rior enemy and de­feats a su­pe­rior enemy is not im­pos­si­ble.
This time I have not flushed too quickly, was away from 100 yards to an­chor, waited for that Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min, Lin Wan Er and other main forces led over 1000 peo­ple of front part to start to charge, [Zhan Long] only then this op­por­tu­nity!
Looked at the past from afar, in the blue for­est in moun­tain val­ley re­ally white rays shot up to the sky, was that large-scale trans­mis­sion, had the con­tin­u­ous high­est heaven city play­ers to clash from trans­mis­sion, the speed was quick, must de­stroy this trans­mis­sion as soon as pos­si­ble, oth­er­wise the per­son of demon moun­tain more will only hit, the demon moun­tain was the in­spi­ra­tional fig­ure in Ger­man war zone, I do not be­lieve firmly that a [Zhan Long] guild can re­sist the en­tire Ger­man war zone to ex­ceed the as­ton­ish­ing mil­i­tary strength of 1000 W per­son.
Town Yue Dao trem­bles slightly, I stim­u­lated the ef­fect of town moun­tain bat­tle song, si­mul­ta­ne­ously Lin Xi­aowu the fly­ing shut­tle in the crowd, in the hand Huang Zhong­gong shakes slightly, yel­low loyal angry skill in ad­di­tion holds suc­cess­fully, in the sur­round­ing 1000 yards the archer pro­motes 100% strik­ing power com­pletely!
The [Zhan Long] peo­ple show spe­cial prowess, Lin Wan Er is in the hand grasps the dou­ble dag­ger to enter in the array of ham­mer of god of thun­der, the step ac­com­plished Daoist priest win­ter cloth stunt starts, the day sound praised the en­e­mies within sur­round­ing 100 yards to enter the dizzi­ness con­di­tion in abun­dance, si­mul­ta­ne­ously she filled Lan­ling hua­diao liquor, the small cheek rip­pled sat­is­fac­tory blush­ing, the sys­tem is plan­ning to melt the player slightly drunk stance, this time Lin Wan Er looked like slightly thinks the god­dess that the later co­quet­tish be­hav­ior re­vealed com­pletely sim­ply, the dou­ble dag­ger in a flash, formed bone-chill­ing cold storm to erupt in the crowd, that was the stunt on her dag­ger, after hav­ing the good wine sys­tem, Lin Wan Er can also. Such stunt salvo.
Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min et al. are al­most also ex­actly the same, starts the stunt to break through the crowd re­spec­tively, I also opened the art of danc­ing of ghosts and gods to be able in the crowd to wreak havoc to rush ahead, among the mo­ments, the [Zhan Long] groups of he­roes have bro­ken through the enemy lines.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The Flame Hawk Archers fly­ing speed ul­tra-fast, most over 10 min­utes can­not ar­rive in the dragon cer­tainly re­stricted area, but I and Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. flushed quickly, en­tered the moun­tain val­ley, when I graze be­hind was an ar­tillery sound, the shock-wave clashes me sharply to clash dozens me­ters with horse for­ward, that was Long Jing ar­tillery, the demon moun­tain waited for us Long Jing pun­metals mount­ing in the moun­tain val­ley , be­fore being lucky us, in the poly­gonum mul­ti­flo­rums have not set out has not en­tered the moun­tain val­ley rashly, oth­er­wise non- fell whole army has been an­ni­hi­lated.„Picks up the speed!”I am rais­ing the but­ter­fly anx­iously to the front line, was away from my less than 200 yards is the ham­mer of trade union god of thun­der has pre­pared good de­fense, the tac­tic of demon moun­tain com­pletely blocked them out­side the moun­tain val­ley, then in­ter­rupted our chan­nels with Long Jing ar­tillery and hot crag ar­tillery, en­abling the [Zhan Long] head and tail to look at each other, as the mat­ter stands they were or­ganic may take ad­van­tage, de­feated a nu­mer­i­cally su­pe­rior enemy and de­feats a su­pe­rior enemy is not im­pos­si­ble.This time I have not flushed too quickly, was away from 100 yards to an­chor, waited for that Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min, Lin Wan Er and other main forces led over 1000 peo­ple of front part to start to charge, [Zhan Long] only then this op­por­tu­nity!Looked at the past from afar, in the blue for­est in moun­tain val­ley re­ally white rays shot up to the sky, was that large-scale trans­mis­sion, had the con­tin­u­ous high­est heaven city play­ers to clash from trans­mis­sion, the speed was quick, must de­stroy this trans­mis­sion as soon as pos­si­ble, oth­er­wise the per­son of demon moun­tain more will only hit, the demon moun­tain was the in­spi­ra­tional fig­ure in Ger­man war zone, I do not be­lieve firmly that a [Zhan Long] guild can re­sist the en­tire Ger­man war zone to ex­ceed the as­ton­ish­ing mil­i­tary strength of 1000 W per­son.Town Yue Dao trem­bles slightly, I stim­u­lated the ef­fect of town moun­tain bat­tle song, si­mul­ta­ne­ously Lin Xi­aowu the fly­ing shut­tle in the crowd, in the hand Huang Zhong­gong shakes slightly, yel­low loyal angry skill in ad­di­tion holds suc­cess­fully, in the sur­round­ing 1000 yards the archer pro­motes 100% strik­ing power com­pletely!The [Zhan Long] peo­ple show spe­cial prowess, Lin Wan Er is in the hand grasps the dou­ble dag­ger to enter in the array of ham­mer of god of thun­der, the step ac­com­plished Daoist priest win­ter cloth stunt starts, the day sound praised the en­e­mies within sur­round­ing 100 yards to enter the dizzi­ness con­di­tion in abun­dance, si­mul­ta­ne­ously she filled Lan­ling hua­diao liquor, the small cheek rip­pled sat­is­fac­tory blush­ing, the sys­tem is plan­ning to melt the player slightly drunk stance, this time Lin Wan Er looked like slightly thinks the god­dess that the later co­quet­tish be­hav­ior re­vealed com­pletely sim­ply, the dou­ble dag­ger in a flash, formed bone-chill­ing cold storm to erupt in the crowd, that was the stunt on her dag­ger, after hav­ing the good wine sys­tem, Lin Wan Er can also. Such stunt salvo.Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min et al. are al­most also ex­actly the same, starts the stunt to break through the crowd re­spec­tively, I also opened the art of danc­ing of ghosts and gods to be able in the crowd to wreak havoc to rush ahead, among the mo­ments, the [Zhan Long] groups of he­roes have bro­ken through the enemy lines.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The Archers api Elang terbang kecepatan ultra-cepat, paling lebih dari 10 menit tidak dapat tiba di dragon daerah tentu terbatas, tapi saya dan Li Mu, Wang Jian et al. memerah dengan cepat, memasuki lembah gunung, ketika saya merumput di belakang adalah suara artileri, shock-gelombang bentrokan saya tajam berbenturan puluhan meter dengan kuda ke depan, itu Long Jing artileri, gunung setan menunggu kami Long Jing punmetals pemasangan di gunung lembah, sebelum menjadi beruntung kita, di multiflorums polygonum belum ditetapkan belum memasuki lembah gunung gegabah, dinyatakan non jatuh seluruh tentara telah dimusnahkan.
"Picks up kecepatan!"
saya mengangkat kupu-kupu cemas ke depan line, jauh dari saya kurang dari 200 yard adalah palu dewa serikat buruh guntur telah menyiapkan pertahanan yang baik, taktik setan gunung benar-benar diblokir mereka di luar lembah gunung, kemudian terganggu saluran kami dengan Long Jing artileri dan karang artileri panas, memungkinkan [Zhan panjang] kepala dan ekor untuk melihat satu sama lain, sebagai materi berdiri mereka organik bisa memanfaatkan, mengalahkan musuh numerik unggul dan mengalahkan musuh superior bukan tidak mungkin.
kali ini saya tidak memerah terlalu cepat, itu jauh dari 100 yard untuk jangkar, menunggu untuk itu Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min, Lin Wan Er dan kekuatan utama lainnya menyebabkan lebih dari 1000 orang dari bagian depan untuk mulai mengisi, [Zhan panjang] hanya kemudian kesempatan ini!
Memandang masa lalu dari jauh, di hutan biru di lembah gunung benar-benar sinar putih melesat hingga langit, adalah bahwa transmisi skala besar, memiliki tertinggi pemain kota surga terus menerus berbenturan dari transmisi, kecepatan cepat, harus menghancurkan transmisi ini segera mungkin, jika orang dari setan gunung lebih hanya akan memukul, gunung setan adalah sosok inspiratif di zona perang Jerman, saya tidak percaya dengan tegas bahwa [Zhan panjang] serikat dapat menahan seluruh zona perang Jerman melebihi militer menakjubkan kekuatan 1000 W orang.
kota Yue Dao gemetar sedikit, saya mendorong efek kota pegunungan pertempuran lagu, sekaligus Lin Xiaowu shuttle terbang di keramaian, di tangan Huang Zhonggong getar sedikit, kuning setia keterampilan marah selain memegang berhasil, di 1000 yard sekitarnya pemanah mempromosikan 100% kekuatan mencolok sekali!
The [Zhan panjang] orang menunjukkan kecakapan khusus, Lin Wan Er adalah di tangan menggenggam belati ganda untuk masuk dalam array palu dari dewa guntur, langkah dicapai Taois imam kain dingin aksi dimulai, hari suara memuji musuh dalam sekitarnya 100 yard untuk memasuki kondisi pusing dalam kelimpahan, secara bersamaan dia mengisi Lanling huadiao minuman keras, pipi kecil berdesir wajah merona memuaskan, sistem ini berencana untuk mencairkan pemain sikap sedikit mabuk, saat ini Lin Wan Er tampak seperti sedikit berpikir dewi bahwa perilaku centil kemudian mengungkapkan sepenuhnya sederhana, belati ganda dalam sekejap, dibentuk menusuk tulang badai dingin meletus di kerumunan, yang aksi pada belati nya, setelah itu baik sistem anggur, Lin Wan Er juga bisa. Seperti salvo stunt.
Li Mu, Wang Jian, Ran Min et al. hampir juga persis sama, mulai aksi untuk menerobos kerumunan masing-masing, saya juga membuka seni tari dari hantu dan dewa bisa dalam kerumunan untuk melampiaskan malapetaka buru-buru ke depan, antara saat, [Zhan Panjang] kelompok pahlawan telah menembus garis musuh.
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