Boom! Boom! Boom!The mountain-like shadowy images bombarded Gui Sha to terjemahan - Boom! Boom! Boom!The mountain-like shadowy images bombarded Gui Sha to Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Boom! Boom! Boom!The mountain-like

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The mountain-like shadowy images bombarded Gui Sha to the ground. Gui Sha could feel that each attack became several times stronger than the one before it.

This terrible power isn’t something that Gui Sha can withstand with his physique.

Even though he has the devil’s physique, the power gradually reached the limit to what he could handle. Gui Sha can feel that the muscles in his arm were constantly being torn apart. If this continues, his body would crumble under the power.

This is the power of the Ten Thousand Demonic Beast Array!

A powerful array made with ten thousand Black Gold rank demon spirits!

Nie Li is only using a tenth of its power and it’s already enough to kill Gui Sha.

Seeing this scene, Shen Hong was scared out of his wits. He turned into a streak of light and tried to escape. At this moment, he only wants to escape and leave Glory City!

How could Ye Zong overlook Shen Hong? Seeing Shen Hong running away miserably, he sighed. if he has to be like this now, then why did he make that decision before? The sword in his hand turned into a streak of light and shot towards the escaping Shen Hong.

“Since you chose to betray us, we can’t contain you anymore!”

Ye Zong, who is a Legend rank existence now, isn’t what Shen Hong can withstand.


The sword pierced through Shen Hong’s chest.

Shen Hong unbelievably looked at the sword that pierced through his chest. He never expected that he would have such an ending. His great ambition and everything else vanished into thin air like a puff of smoke. It turns out that all of this was nothing more than a dream. He died, the centuries old Sacred Family has fallen in his hands.

Shen Hong sighed, slowly closing his eyes. Could it be that all of his actions were wrong? Perhaps this is his ending. The energy gradually left his body as it fell from the sky.

The other Patriarchs witnessed Shen Hong’s fall.

Only Gui Sha was left, painfully enduring the attack. He tried to break the mountain-like shadowy images that were suppressing his body; however, no matter how much he tried, the mountain-like shadowy images were filled with an unparalleled power, making him unable to move a single step.

By killing Gui Sha, Glory City will be safer!

Nie Li coldly snorted as he increased the power of the Ten Thousand Demonic Beast Array.

Once this power crashes down, Gui Sha will definitely die.

Suddenly, a boom was heard, the mountain-like shadowy images shattered. A figure quickly flew towards Gui Sha, grabbed him and soared into the sky.

He’s actually able to break the Thousand Layer Mountain of the Ten Thousand Demonic Beast Array? This guy probably has, at least, the strength of a Legend rank!

Nie Li focused his eyes and saw a man wearing shallow white robes. It’s a very handsome youth. Within the Dark Guild, there are only two people with the strength above Gui Sha!

He never thought that another one would appear!

When Gui Sha was about to be saved, Ye Zong coldly snorted, “Trying to leave? That won’t be so easy!” He quickly merged with the Snow Wind Great Ape demon spirit, and created an inexhaustible blizzard that rolled towards the youth. At the same time, the Snow Wind Spiritual God, who has been on standby, also furiously roared and made a grab for the white clothed youth.

When Gui Sha opened his dazed eyes, he saw the white clothed youth and let out a breath of relief, “Long Sha, why have you come……”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Boom! Boom! Boom!The mountain-like shadowy images bombarded Gui Sha to the ground. Gui Sha could feel that each attack became several times stronger than the one before it.This terrible power isn’t something that Gui Sha can withstand with his physique.Even though he has the devil’s physique, the power gradually reached the limit to what he could handle. Gui Sha can feel that the muscles in his arm were constantly being torn apart. If this continues, his body would crumble under the power.This is the power of the Ten Thousand Demonic Beast Array!A powerful array made with ten thousand Black Gold rank demon spirits!Nie Li is only using a tenth of its power and it’s already enough to kill Gui Sha.Seeing this scene, Shen Hong was scared out of his wits. He turned into a streak of light and tried to escape. At this moment, he only wants to escape and leave Glory City!How could Ye Zong overlook Shen Hong? Seeing Shen Hong running away miserably, he sighed. if he has to be like this now, then why did he make that decision before? The sword in his hand turned into a streak of light and shot towards the escaping Shen Hong.“Since you chose to betray us, we can’t contain you anymore!”Ye Zong, who is a Legend rank existence now, isn’t what Shen Hong can withstand.Woosh!The sword pierced through Shen Hong’s chest.Shen Hong unbelievably looked at the sword that pierced through his chest. He never expected that he would have such an ending. His great ambition and everything else vanished into thin air like a puff of smoke. It turns out that all of this was nothing more than a dream. He died, the centuries old Sacred Family has fallen in his hands.
Shen Hong sighed, slowly closing his eyes. Could it be that all of his actions were wrong? Perhaps this is his ending. The energy gradually left his body as it fell from the sky.

The other Patriarchs witnessed Shen Hong’s fall.

Only Gui Sha was left, painfully enduring the attack. He tried to break the mountain-like shadowy images that were suppressing his body; however, no matter how much he tried, the mountain-like shadowy images were filled with an unparalleled power, making him unable to move a single step.

By killing Gui Sha, Glory City will be safer!

Nie Li coldly snorted as he increased the power of the Ten Thousand Demonic Beast Array.

Once this power crashes down, Gui Sha will definitely die.

Suddenly, a boom was heard, the mountain-like shadowy images shattered. A figure quickly flew towards Gui Sha, grabbed him and soared into the sky.

He’s actually able to break the Thousand Layer Mountain of the Ten Thousand Demonic Beast Array? This guy probably has, at least, the strength of a Legend rank!

Nie Li focused his eyes and saw a man wearing shallow white robes. It’s a very handsome youth. Within the Dark Guild, there are only two people with the strength above Gui Sha!

He never thought that another one would appear!

When Gui Sha was about to be saved, Ye Zong coldly snorted, “Trying to leave? That won’t be so easy!” He quickly merged with the Snow Wind Great Ape demon spirit, and created an inexhaustible blizzard that rolled towards the youth. At the same time, the Snow Wind Spiritual God, who has been on standby, also furiously roared and made a grab for the white clothed youth.

When Gui Sha opened his dazed eyes, he saw the white clothed youth and let out a breath of relief, “Long Sha, why have you come……”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ledakan! Ledakan! Boom! Gambar bayangan gunung-seperti dibombardir Gui Sha ke tanah. Gui Sha bisa merasakan bahwa setiap serangan menjadi beberapa kali lebih kuat dari yang sebelumnya. Kekuatan mengerikan ini bukanlah sesuatu yang Gui Sha dapat menahan dengan fisiknya. Meskipun ia memiliki tubuh iblis, kekuatan secara bertahap mencapai batas untuk apa yang ia bisa menangani. Gui Sha bisa merasakan bahwa otot-otot di lengannya terus-menerus sedang terkoyak. Jika ini terus berlanjut, tubuhnya akan hancur di bawah kekuasaan. Ini adalah kekuatan dari sepuluh ribu setan Binatang Array! Array kuat dibuat dengan sepuluh ribu Black Gold peringkat setan roh! Nie Li hanya menggunakan sepersepuluh dari kekuasaan dan itu sudah cukup untuk membunuh Gui Sha. Melihat adegan ini, Shen Hong takut keluar dari akalnya. Dia berubah menjadi seberkas cahaya dan mencoba melarikan diri. Pada saat ini, ia hanya ingin melarikan diri dan meninggalkan Glory Kota! Bagaimana bisa Ye Zong mengabaikan Shen Hong? Melihat Shen Hong melarikan diri sedih, dia mendesah. jika ia harus menjadi seperti sekarang ini, maka mengapa dia membuat keputusan bahwa sebelum? Pedang di tangannya berubah menjadi seberkas cahaya dan menembak ke arah melarikan diri Shen Hong. "Karena Anda memilih untuk mengkhianati kita, kita tidak dapat berisi Anda lagi!" Ye Zong, yang merupakan peringkat keberadaan Legenda sekarang, tidak apa Shen Hong dapat menahan. Woosh! pedang menembus dada Shen Hong. Shen Hong luar biasa melihat pedang yang menembus dadanya. Dia tidak pernah menyangka bahwa ia akan memiliki akhir yang seperti itu. Ambisi besar dan segala sesuatu yang lain menghilang ke udara tipis seperti kepulan asap. Ternyata bahwa semua ini adalah tidak lebih dari sebuah mimpi. Dia meninggal, berabad-abad Sacred Family tua telah jatuh di tangannya. Shen Hong mendesah, perlahan-lahan menutup matanya. Mungkinkah semua tindakannya yang salah? Mungkin ini akhir nya. Energi secara bertahap meninggalkan tubuhnya karena jatuh dari langit. The Leluhur lainnya menyaksikan jatuhnya Shen Hong. Hanya Gui Sha yang tersisa, menyakitkan abadi serangan. Dia mencoba untuk memecahkan gambar bayangan gunung-seperti yang menekan tubuhnya; Namun, tidak peduli berapa banyak ia mencoba, gambar bayangan gunung-seperti dipenuhi dengan kekuatan yang tak tertandingi, membuatnya tidak bisa bergerak satu langkah. Dengan membunuh Gui Sha, Glory Kota akan lebih aman! Nie Li dingin mendengus sambil meningkatkan kekuatan sepuluh ribu setan Binatang Array. Setelah kekuatan ini crash down, Gui Sha pasti akan mati. Tiba-tiba, booming terdengar, gambar bayangan gunung-seperti hancur. Sesosok cepat terbang ke arah Gui Sha, menyambarnya dan melambung ke langit. Dia benar-benar mampu memecahkan Gunung Seribu Layer dari sepuluh ribu setan Binatang Array? Orang ini mungkin telah, setidaknya, kekuatan peringkat Legenda! Nie Li fokus matanya dan melihat seorang pria yang mengenakan jubah putih dangkal. Ini adalah pemuda yang sangat tampan. Dalam Persekutuan gelap, hanya ada dua orang dengan kekuatan di atas Gui Sha! Dia tidak pernah berpikir bahwa satu sama lain akan muncul! Ketika Gui Sha hendak diselamatkan, Ye Zong dingin mendengus, "Mencoba untuk meninggalkan? Itu tidak akan begitu mudah! "Dia segera bergabung dengan semangat setan Salju Angin Great Ape, dan menciptakan badai salju tak habis-habisnya yang digulung ke arah pemuda. Pada saat yang sama, Snow Angin Spiritual Allah, yang telah siaga, juga marah meraung dan membuat ambil untuk pemuda berpakaian putih. Ketika Gui Sha membuka mata bingung, ia melihat pemuda putih berpakaian dan menghela nafas lega, "panjang Sha, mengapa kau datang ......"

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