Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Peraturan 12 saat ini mengoperasikan peralatan navigasi() untuk tujuan atau peraturan ini dibangun dengan kapal berarti tahap konstruksi mana:(i) ubin keel diletakkan; atau(ii) konstruksi diidentifikasi dengan kapal tertentu dimulai; atau(iii) Majelis kapal yang telah dimulai terdiri dari setidaknya 50 ton atau 1 persen dari massa perkiraan semua bahan struktural, mana yang kurang.(b)(i) kapal dari 150 ton tonase kotor dan ke atas akan dilengkapi dengan:(1 Kompas magnetik standar), kecuali sebagaimana ditentukan dalam subpasal (iv);(2 Kompas magnetik) kemudi, kecuali pos informasi yang diberikan oleh Kompas standar diperlukan di bawah (1) dibuat tersedia dan jelas untuk dibaca oleh juru mudi pada kemudi posisi utama;(3) memadai sarana komunikasi antara standar Kompas posisi dan posisi kontrol navigasi normal dengan kepuasan dari pemerintahan; dan(4) cara untuk mengambil bantalan hampir sama praktis atas busur cakrawala 360 °,(ii) tiap Kompas magnetik yang dimaksud dalam huruf (i) akan diatur dengan benar dan meja atau kurva dari sisa penyimpangan akan tersedia sepanjang waktu.Kompas magnetik (iii) sebuah cadangan, dipertukarkan dengan Kompas standar, akan dilakukan, kecuali Kompas kemudi disebutkan dalam subpasal (i)(2) atau Giro-Kompas dilengkapi.(iv) administrasi, apabila dianggap tidak masuk akal atau tidak perlu memerlukan Kompas magnetik standar, dapat mengecualikan kapal-kapal individu atau kelas kapal dari persyaratan ini jika sifat pelayaran, kapal dengan tanah atau jenis kapal tidak menjamin standar Kompas, asalkan Kompas kemudi cocok dalam semua kasus yang dilakukan.(c) kapal kurang dari 150 ton tonase kotor harus, sejauh administrasi menganggapnya wajar dan praktis, dilengkapi dengan Kompas kemudi dan memiliki sarana untuk mengambil bantalan.(d) kapal 500 ton tonase kotor dan ke atas dibangun pada atau setelah tanggal 1 September 1984 akan dilengkapi dengan gyro-Kompas mematuhi persyaratan berikut:(i) master gyro-Kompas atau Giro repeater harus jelas untuk dibaca oleh juru mudi pada kemudi posisi utama;(ii) di kapal 1,600 ton tonase kotor dan ke atas Giro repeater atau Giro Repeater diberikan dan akan ditempatkan sesuai untuk mengambil bantalan hampir sama praktis atas busur cakrawala 360 °.(e) kapal 1,600 ton tonase kotor dan ke atas, dibangun sebelum 1 September 1984 ketika terlibat pada perjalanan internasional, akan dilengkapi dengan gyrocompass yang mematuhi persyaratan dari ayat (d).(f) kapal dengan posisi kemudi darurat harus setidaknya disediakan dengan telepon atau cara lain komunikasi untuk menyampaikan informasi kepala ke posisi tersebut. Selain itu, kapal 500 ton tonase kotor dan ke atas dibangun pada atau setelah 1 Februari 1992 akan diberikan dengan pengaturan untuk memasok visual pembacaan Kompas posisi kemudi darurat.(g) kapal 500 ton gross ton dan ke atas dibangun pada atau setelah tanggal 1 September 1984 dan kapal 1,600 ton gross ton dan ke atas dibangun sebelum 1 September 1984 akan dilengkapi dengan instalasi radar. Dari 1 Februari 1995, instalasi radar akan mampu atau operasi di 9 GHz frekuensi band. Di samping itu, setelah 1 Februari 1995, kapal penumpang terlepas atau ukuran dan kapal-kapal kargo atau 300 ton tonase kotor dan ke atas ketika terlibat internasional perjalanan akan dilengkapi dengan instalasi radar yang mampu beroperasi di band frekuensi 9 GHz. Kapal penumpang kurang dari 500 ton tonase kotor dan kargo kapal 300 ton tonase kotor dan ke atas tapi kurang dari 500 ton tonase kotor dapat dibebaskan dari persyaratan-persyaratan ayat (r) atas kebijakan administrasi, asalkan peralatan ini sepenuhnya kompatibel dengan transponder radar untuk pencarian dan penyelamatan.(h) kapal tonase kotor 10.000 ton dan ke atas akan dilengkapi dengan dua radar instalasi, masing-masing mampu sedang dioperasikan secara independen yang lain. Dari 1 Februari 1995, setidaknya salah satu instalasi radar akan mampu beroperasi di band frekuensi 9 GHz.(i) Facilities for plotting radar readings shall be provided on the navigating bridge of ships required by paragraph (g) or (h) to be fitted with a radar installation. In ships of 1,600 tons gross tonnage and upwards constructed on or after 1 September 1984 the plotting facilities shall be at least as effective as a reflection plotter.(j)(i) An automatic radar plotting aid shall be fitted on:(1) ships of 10,000 tons gross tonnage and upwards, constructed on or after 1 September 1984;(2) tankers constructed before 1 September 1984 as follows:(aa) if of 40,000 tons gross tonnage and upwards by 1 January 1985;(bb) if of 10,000 tons gross tonnage and upwards but toss than 40,000 tons gross tonnage, by 1 January 1986;(3) ships constructed before 1 September 1984, that are not tankers, as follows:(aa) if of 40,000 tons gross tonnage and upwards by 1 September 1986;(bb) if of 20,000 tons gross tonnage and upwards, but less than 40,000 tons gross tonnage, by 1 September 1987;(cc) if of 15,000 tons gross tonnage and upwards, but less than 20,000 tons gross tonnage, by 1 September 1988.(ii) Automatic radar plotting aids fitted prior to 1 September 1984 which do not fully conform to the performance standards adopted by the Organization may, at the discretion of the Administration, be retained until 1 January 1991.(iii) The Administration may exempt ships from the requirements of this paragraph, in cases where it considers it unreasonable or unnecessary for such equipment to be carried, or when the ships will be taken permanently out or service within two years of the appropriate implementation date.(k) When engaged on international voyages ships of 1,600 tons gross tonnage and upwards constructed before 25 May 1980 and ships or 500 tons gross tonnage and upwards constructed on or after 25 May 1980 shall be fitted with an echo-sounding device.(l) When engaged on international voyages ships of 500 tons gross tonnage and upwards constructed on or after 1 September 1984 shall be fitted with a device to indicate speed and distance. Ships required by paragraph (j)to be fitted with an automatic radar plotting aid shall be fitted with a device to indicate speed and distance through the water.(m) Ships of 1,600 tons gross tonnage and upwards constructed before 1 September 1984 and all ships of 500 tons gross tonnage and upwards constructed on or after 1 September 1984 shall be flitted with indicators showing the rudder angle, the rate of revolution or each propeller and in additions if fitted with variable pitch propellers or lateral thrust propellers, the pitch and operational mode of such propellers. All these indicators shall be readable from the conning position.(n) Ships or 100,000 tons gross tonnage and upwards constructed on or after 1 September 1984 shall be fitted with a rate-of-turn indicator.(o) Except as provided in regulations I/7(b)(ii), I/8 and 1/9, while all reasonable steps shall be taken to maintain the apparatus referred to in paragraphs (d) to (n) in efficient working order, malfunctions of the equipment shall not be considered as making a ship unseaworthy or as a reason for delaying the ship in ports where repair facilities are not readily available.(p) When engaged on international voyages, ships of 1,600 tons gross tonnage and upwards shall be fitted with a radio direction-finding apparatus. The Administration may exempt a ship from this requirement if it considers it unreasonable or unnecessary for such apparatus to be carried or if the ship is provided with other radionavigation equipment suitable for use throughout its intended voyages.(q) Until 1 February 1999, ships of 1,600 tons gross tonnage and upwards constructed on or after 25 May 1980 and before 1 February 1995, when engaged on international voyages, shall be fitted with radio equipment for homing on the radiotelephone distress frequency.(r) All equipment fitted in compliance with this regulation shall be or a type approved by the Administration. Equipment installed on board ships on or after 1 September 1984 shall conform to appropriate performance standards not inferior to those adopted by the Organization. Equipment fitted prior to the adoption of related performance standards may be exempted from full compliance with those standards at the discretion of the Administration, having due regard to the recommended criteria which the Organization might adopt in connection with the standards concerned.(s) A rigidly connected composite unit or a pushing vessel and associated pushed vessel, when designed as a dedicated and integrated tug and barge combination, shall be regarded as a single ship for the purpose of this regulation.(t) if the application of the requirements of this regulation necessitates structural alterations to a ship constructed before 1 September 1984, the Administration may allow extension of the time limit for fitting the required equipment not later than 1 September 1989, taking into account the first scheduled dry-docking of such a ship required by the present regulations.(u) Except as provided elsewhere in this regulation, the Administration may grant to individual ships exemptions of a partial or conditional nature, when any such ship is engaged on a voyage where the maximum distance of the ship from the shore, the length and nature of the voyage, the absence or general navigation hazards, and other conditions affecting safety arc such as to render the full application of this regulation unreasonable or unnecessary. When deciding whether or not to grant exemptions to an individual ship, the Administration shall have regard to the effect that an exemption may have upon the safety of all other ships.
Regulation 14 Aids to navigation
The Contracting Governments undert
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