Limitations Of Ratio AnalysisThe following list includes some of the m terjemahan - Limitations Of Ratio AnalysisThe following list includes some of the m Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Limitations Of Ratio AnalysisThe fo

Limitations Of Ratio Analysis
The following list includes some of the more important pitfalls that may be encountered in computing and interpreting financial ratios:
• It is sometimes difficult to identify the industry category to which a firm belongs when the firm engages in multiply lines of business.
• Published industry averages are only approximations and provide the user with general guidelines rather than scientifically determined averages of the ratios of all or even a representative sample of the firms within the industry.
• Accounting practices differ widely among firms an can lead to differences in computed ratios.
• Financial ratios can be too high or too low. For example, a current ratio that falls below the norm indicates the possibility that the firm has inadequate liquidity and may at some future data be unable to pay its bills on time.
• An industry average may not provide a desirable target ratio or norm.
• Many firms experience seasonality in their operations. Thus, balance sheet entries and their corresponding ratios will vary with the time of year when the statements are prepared. To avoid this problem, an average account balancer should be used (for several months or quarter during the year) rather than the year-end total.
The analyst should be aware of these potential weaknesses when performing a ratio analysis.
Accounting Earnings Vs. Economic Earnings
A balance sheet and an income statement are prepared in accordance with accounting principles, with the result that the accountant's estimate of past and current earnings often differs significantly from that of financial analyst or economist.
There are important conceptual differences between accounting profits and economic profits. These differences reflect a basis disagreement regarding the definitions of income and cost, but they also reflect the very different objectives of the accountant and the economist. Some of the more important are these:
Cash Flow and accural basis
Economic analysis is based on the concept of cash flow, while a firm's accounts typically are kept in accrual basis. This exemplifies the accountant's concern with allocating revenues and costs to specific years. The economist can match cost and revenues without one year incomes statements, and can replace it with a two- or more years. A major advantage of the cash flow approach is that it focuses in the timing of recept and expenditures.
What costs, which revenues
The economist and the account not only disagree with respect to the timing of revenues and costs; they often do not agree on exactly what costs should be deducted, and from which revenues, when calculating net income. For example, the economist assigns a cost of capital to the equity employed by the firm, the accountant recognizes only interest costs on debt capital.
Estimating depreciation
Depreciation is estimated differently. The accountant is concerned primarily with allocating the historical cost of the asset to the particular years of its expected lifetime. Economic depreciation is the difference between the assets's market value at the beginning of the period, and its market value at the end . For the economist, the original cost of the asset is irrelevant.
Sunk costs
For economists past costs (or sunk costs as they are often called) are irrelevant to all current evaluations and future decisions. This view is responsible for much of the divergence between the accounting and economic concepts of income.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Limitations Of Ratio AnalysisThe following list includes some of the more important pitfalls that may be encountered in computing and interpreting financial ratios: • It is sometimes difficult to identify the industry category to which a firm belongs when the firm engages in multiply lines of business.• Published industry averages are only approximations and provide the user with general guidelines rather than scientifically determined averages of the ratios of all or even a representative sample of the firms within the industry.• Accounting practices differ widely among firms an can lead to differences in computed ratios.• Financial ratios can be too high or too low. For example, a current ratio that falls below the norm indicates the possibility that the firm has inadequate liquidity and may at some future data be unable to pay its bills on time.• An industry average may not provide a desirable target ratio or norm.• Many firms experience seasonality in their operations. Thus, balance sheet entries and their corresponding ratios will vary with the time of year when the statements are prepared. To avoid this problem, an average account balancer should be used (for several months or quarter during the year) rather than the year-end total.The analyst should be aware of these potential weaknesses when performing a ratio analysis. Accounting Earnings Vs. Economic EarningsA balance sheet and an income statement are prepared in accordance with accounting principles, with the result that the accountant's estimate of past and current earnings often differs significantly from that of financial analyst or economist.There are important conceptual differences between accounting profits and economic profits. These differences reflect a basis disagreement regarding the definitions of income and cost, but they also reflect the very different objectives of the accountant and the economist. Some of the more important are these:Cash Flow and accural basisEconomic analysis is based on the concept of cash flow, while a firm's accounts typically are kept in accrual basis. This exemplifies the accountant's concern with allocating revenues and costs to specific years. The economist can match cost and revenues without one year incomes statements, and can replace it with a two- or more years. A major advantage of the cash flow approach is that it focuses in the timing of recept and expenditures.What costs, which revenuesThe economist and the account not only disagree with respect to the timing of revenues and costs; they often do not agree on exactly what costs should be deducted, and from which revenues, when calculating net income. For example, the economist assigns a cost of capital to the equity employed by the firm, the accountant recognizes only interest costs on debt capital.Estimating depreciationDepreciation is estimated differently. The accountant is concerned primarily with allocating the historical cost of the asset to the particular years of its expected lifetime. Economic depreciation is the difference between the assets's market value at the beginning of the period, and its market value at the end . For the economist, the original cost of the asset is irrelevant.Sunk costsFor economists past costs (or sunk costs as they are often called) are irrelevant to all current evaluations and future decisions. This view is responsible for much of the divergence between the accounting and economic concepts of income.Inflation
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Keterbatasan Of Analisis Rasio
Daftar berikut termasuk beberapa perangkap yang lebih penting yang mungkin ditemui dalam komputasi dan menafsirkan rasio keuangan:
• Kadang-kadang sulit untuk mengidentifikasi kategori industri yang sebuah perusahaan milik ketika perusahaan terlibat dalam lini kalikan bisnis.
• rata-rata industri Diterbitkan hanya perkiraan dan menyediakan pengguna dengan pedoman umum daripada rata-rata ilmiah ditentukan dari rasio semua atau bahkan sampel yang representatif dari perusahaan dalam industri.
• praktik akuntansi berbeda di antara perusahaan-perusahaan yang dapat menyebabkan perbedaan dihitung rasio.
• Rasio keuangan bisa terlalu tinggi atau terlalu rendah. Misalnya, rasio lancar yang jatuh di bawah norma menunjukkan kemungkinan bahwa perusahaan memiliki memadai likuiditas dan mungkin beberapa data masa depan tidak mampu membayar tagihan tepat waktu.
• Sebuah rata-rata industri mungkin tidak memberikan rasio sasaran yang diinginkan atau norma.
• Banyak perusahaan mengalami perubahan trend dalam operasi mereka. Dengan demikian, entri neraca dan rasio yang sesuai mereka akan bervariasi dengan waktu tahun ketika laporan disusun. Untuk menghindari masalah ini, akun penyeimbang rata harus digunakan (untuk beberapa bulan atau kuartal sepanjang tahun) daripada total akhir tahun.
Analis harus menyadari ini potensi kelemahan saat melakukan analisis rasio.
Laba Akuntansi Vs. Laba ekonomi
Neraca dan laporan laba rugi disusun sesuai dengan prinsip akuntansi, dengan hasil bahwa estimasi akuntan dari laba masa lalu dan saat ini sering berbeda secara signifikan dari analis keuangan atau ekonom.
Ada perbedaan konseptual penting antara keuntungan akuntansi dan ekonomi keuntungan. Perbedaan ini mencerminkan ketidaksepakatan secara mengenai definisi pendapatan dan biaya, tetapi mereka juga mencerminkan tujuan yang sangat berbeda dari akuntan dan ekonom. Beberapa yang lebih penting adalah ini:
Arus Kas dan dasar accural
Analisis ekonomi didasarkan pada konsep arus kas, sedangkan rekening sebuah perusahaan biasanya disimpan dalam basis akrual. Ini mencontohkan perhatian akuntan dengan pendapatan mengalokasikan dan biaya untuk tahun tertentu. Ekonom dapat mencocokkan biaya dan pendapatan tanpa pendapatan satu tahun laporan, dan dapat menggantinya dengan dua tahun atau lebih. Keuntungan utama dari pendekatan arus kas adalah bahwa hal itu berfokus dalam waktu recept dan pengeluaran.
Biaya apa, yang pendapatan
Ekonom dan akun tidak hanya tidak setuju terhadap waktu pendapatan dan biaya; mereka sering tidak setuju pada apa biaya harus dikurangi, dan dari mana pendapatan, ketika menghitung laba bersih. Misalnya, ekonom memberikan biaya modal untuk ekuitas dipekerjakan oleh perusahaan, akuntan hanya mengakui biaya bunga atas modal utang.
Memperkirakan penyusutan
Penyusutan diperkirakan berbeda. Akuntan prihatin terutama dengan mengalokasikan biaya historis dari aset untuk tahun-tahun tertentu seumur hidup yang diharapkan. Penyusutan ekonomi adalah selisih antara nilai pasar aset pada awal periode, dan nilai pasar di akhir. Bagi para ekonom, biaya asli dari aset tersebut tidak relevan.
Biaya Sunk
untuk ekonom masa lalu biaya (atau biaya hangus seperti yang sering disebut) tidak relevan untuk semua evaluasi saat ini dan keputusan masa depan. Pandangan ini bertanggung jawab untuk banyak perbedaan antara konsep akuntansi dan ekonomi dari pendapatan.
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