Prince diponegoro started a fierce guerrilla war and it was not until 1827 that the dutch army gained the upper hand. There were approximately 200,000 people died in thr course of the confict, of which 8,000 were dutch troops.
Pangeran diponegoro memulai perang gerilya sengit dan itu tidak sampai 1827 bahwa tentara Belanda memperoleh tangan atas. Ada sekitar 200.000 orang meninggal di thr tentu saja confict, yang 8.000 orang tentara Belanda.
Pangeran Diponegoro memulai perang gerilya sengit dan tidak sampai 1827 bahwa tentara Belanda meraih kemenangan. Ada sekitar 200.000 orang meninggal di thr saja dari confict, yang 8.000 itu tentara Belanda.