Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
MATERIALS AND METHODSHusbandry, Ingredients,and Experimental DietsAll experimental procedures used in this experimentwere approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of theUniversity of Madrid and were in compliance with theSpanish guidelines for the care and use of animals inresearch (Boletín Oficial Estado, 2005). A total of 960Lohmann Brown hens with an initial BW of 1,597 ±9.2 g were obtained from a commercial flock (CantosBlancos, Guadalajara, Spain) at 20 wk of age and used.The hens were selected at random, weighed individually,and stratified by BW into 4 groups of 240 henseach. Each treatment was replicated 8 times and theexperimental unit consisted of a group of 20 hens, 5 ofthem from each BW group, housed in groups of 5 in 610 × 450 mm battery cages (Big Dutchman, Vechta,Germany). Room temperature was kept at 21 ± 3°Cand the light program consisted of 16 h of light per daythroughout the experiment. The experiment lasted for28 wk. A batch of dent corn was obtained from a localcommercial supplier (Esasa, Cabezón de Pisuerga, Valladolid,Spain), divided into 3 portions and was groundwith a hammer mill provided with 6-, 8-, or 10-mmscreens. Also, a batch of durum wheat was obtainedfrom the same supplier, divided into 3 portions, andground as indicated for the corn. Six experimental dietsbased on either corn or wheat were formulated to havesimilar nutrient content (Fundación Española DesarrolloNutrición Animal, 2003) and were fed ad libitum
in mash form. All diets met or exceeded the nutrient requirements
of brown egg-laying hens (NRC, 1994), and
the only differences among feeds were the type of cereal
(dent corn vs. durum wheat) used and the GMD of the
cereal. A commercial enzyme complex that contained
β-glucanase (530 IU/g, EC and xylanase (605
IU/g, EC activity (Endofeed, GNC Bioferm
Inc., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada) was used in
the wheat but not in the corn diets. The ingredient
composition and the calculated nutritive value of the
diets are presented in Table 1.
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