„Brushes!”Ap­pears in the dun­geon, opens eyes, the dis­cov­ery front  terjemahan - „Brushes!”Ap­pears in the dun­geon, opens eyes, the dis­cov­ery front  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Brushes!”Ap­pears in the dun­geon,

Ap­pears in the dun­geon, opens eyes, the dis­cov­ery front is ac­tu­ally crawl­ing a black mouse, raises its tail to dis­card, stands up from fail­ure, durable of mail-ar­mor and hel­met is not high, above the armor com­pletely by the tom­a­hawk and sword was di­vided the scar and hole that hole cuts, this was „just worked as” one, locked firmly, was a chief aide-de-camp said out­side: „Li Tongling, comes out, on us palace!”
I have rubbed the arm, thought some­what is sore, stands up to go out of the prison cell, thought that will not come back mostly again.
Ar­rives at the ground, by­passed sev­eral pavil­ions is the im­pe­r­ial palace main hall, my quick num­ber of lines step, over­took the chief aide-de-camp, asked: „Chief aide-de-camp, yes­ter­day what hap­pened?”
A chief aide-de-camp forced smile: „Im­por­tant mat­ter does not have, but the minor mat­ter oc­curred ac­tu­ally much”
„The beard of Great was all blown overnight only, com­ing the method of per­son to be wise, in the sit­u­a­tion that un­ex­pect­edly in the Great does not awake has scraped off his all per­haps, the pointed weapons that holds in­evitably were the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment of cut­ting iron like mud.”
I smile, the chief aide-de-camp looks that I think some­what am dis­re­spect­ful, said: „Has not thought that in the im­pe­r­ial palace will pre­sent this grade of out­stand­ingly able per­son.”
The chief aide-de-camp said: „Snort, this is clearly telling your majesty, does he want to take your majesty life is sim­i­lar to takes some­thing out of the pocket gen­eral? Snort, sim­ply was re­ally too trea­son and heresy, if made me catch him, cer­tainly tore to shreds him!”
I al­ready guessed cor­rectly that was, be­sides Aodiliya who will also do such bored ac­tu­ally the rash mat­ter?
Steps onto the main hall time, ap­proached high noon, Lin Wan Er and Fang Geque, Sim­ple, Dong Cheng month and leaf waited for the mer­i­to­ri­ous list first 10 play­ers al­ready, looks at my in­jured shack­les, Ye to come some­what was angry: „, What's all this about, the ram­ble, who gave the hand­cuffs to get up you?”
I show a faint smile: „All right!”
When I ar­rive under the king stair time, Locker looks to me, lets some­body cool off or calm down said: „After wear­ing and in­ves­ti­gat­ing thor­oughly, this mat­ter un­der­stood, all have noth­ing to do with Li Tongling, Li Tongling is not only in­no­cent, and is ac­tive, comes the human, turns on the shack­les for Li Tongling!”
I shake the head: „Does not need!”
Say­ing, the both arms catch up, drinks one lowly, this spe­cial cold iron the shack­les of cast­ing im­me­di­ately the dis­in­te­gra­tion, by my pre­sent bound­ary and strength, this every fer­ric rad­i­cal could not sur­round me, the shack­les dis­in­te­gra­tion is a frag­ment of place, looks at the se­nior king and et al. to be dumb­founded, thinks that they also know, so long as I want to come out, the dun­geon can­not sur­round me.
I ar­rive to wear the side to stand firm, wear look to me, said: „You know why will have put you eas­ily?”
I shake the head: „Does not know”
Wears lightly smiles, said: „Over the two days had a lot, the beard of fa­ther em­peror late at night scraped off, the sus­pi­cion is you do in the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den friend, more­over Long Xing, Xia Ye et al. led the palace guard, about hun­dred war­ships in the mil­i­tary god river bank, will frighten the at­mos­phere not to dare to leave one dock and har­bor of leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces hor­i­zon­tally, Han Yuan, Xiao Li about hun­dred Long Jing ar­tillery and hot crag ar­tillery will ad­vance out­side Tian Ling Em­pire less than 1000 me­ters place, the drill eques­trian skill out­side the city and archery, con­sec­u­tively for two days, the aris­to­crats in city has not dared to go out”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Brushes!”Ap­pears in the dun­geon, opens eyes, the dis­cov­ery front is ac­tu­ally crawl­ing a black mouse, raises its tail to dis­card, stands up from fail­ure, durable of mail-ar­mor and hel­met is not high, above the armor com­pletely by the tom­a­hawk and sword was di­vided the scar and hole that hole cuts, this was „just worked as” one, locked firmly, was a chief aide-de-camp said out­side: „Li Tongling, comes out, on us palace!”I have rubbed the arm, thought some­what is sore, stands up to go out of the prison cell, thought that will not come back mostly again.Ar­rives at the ground, by­passed sev­eral pavil­ions is the im­pe­r­ial palace main hall, my quick num­ber of lines step, over­took the chief aide-de-camp, asked: „Chief aide-de-camp, yes­ter­day what hap­pened?”A chief aide-de-camp forced smile: „Im­por­tant mat­ter does not have, but the minor mat­ter oc­curred ac­tu­ally much”„What?”„The beard of Great was all blown overnight only, com­ing the method of per­son to be wise, in the sit­u­a­tion that un­ex­pect­edly in the Great does not awake has scraped off his all per­haps, the pointed weapons that holds in­evitably were the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment of cut­ting iron like mud.”I smile, the chief aide-de-camp looks that I think some­what am dis­re­spect­ful, said: „Has not thought that in the im­pe­r­ial palace will pre­sent this grade of out­stand­ingly able per­son.”The chief aide-de-camp said: „Snort, this is clearly telling your majesty, does he want to take your majesty life is sim­i­lar to takes some­thing out of the pocket gen­eral? Snort, sim­ply was re­ally too trea­son and heresy, if made me catch him, cer­tainly tore to shreds him!”I al­ready guessed cor­rectly that was, be­sides Aodiliya who will also do such bored ac­tu­ally the rash mat­ter?Steps onto the main hall time, ap­proached high noon, Lin Wan Er and Fang Geque, Sim­ple, Dong Cheng month and leaf waited for the mer­i­to­ri­ous list first 10 play­ers al­ready, looks at my in­jured shack­les, Ye to come some­what was angry: „, What's all this about, the ram­ble, who gave the hand­cuffs to get up you?”I show a faint smile: „All right!”When I ar­rive under the king stair time, Locker looks to me, lets some­body cool off or calm down said: „After wear­ing and in­ves­ti­gat­ing thor­oughly, this mat­ter un­der­stood, all have noth­ing to do with Li Tongling, Li Tongling is not only in­no­cent, and is ac­tive, comes the human, turns on the shack­les for Li Tongling!”I shake the head: „Does not need!”Say­ing, the both arms catch up, drinks one lowly, this spe­cial cold iron the shack­les of cast­ing im­me­di­ately the dis­in­te­gra­tion, by my pre­sent bound­ary and strength, this every fer­ric rad­i­cal could not sur­round me, the shack­les dis­in­te­gra­tion is a frag­ment of place, looks at the se­nior king and et al. to be dumb­founded, thinks that they also know, so long as I want to come out, the dun­geon can­not sur­round me.I ar­rive to wear the side to stand firm, wear look to me, said: „You know why will have put you eas­ily?”I shake the head: „Does not know”Wears lightly smiles, said: „Over the two days had a lot, the beard of fa­ther em­peror late at night scraped off, the sus­pi­cion is you do in the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den friend, more­over Long Xing, Xia Ye et al. led the palace guard, about hun­dred war­ships in the mil­i­tary god river bank, will frighten the at­mos­phere not to dare to leave one dock and har­bor of leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces hor­i­zon­tally, Han Yuan, Xiao Li about hun­dred Long Jing ar­tillery and hot crag ar­tillery will ad­vance out­side Tian Ling Em­pire less than 1000 me­ters place, the drill eques­trian skill out­side the city and archery, con­sec­u­tively for two days, the aris­to­crats in city has not dared to go out”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Muncul di ruang bawah tanah, membuka mata, bagian depan penemuan sebenarnya merangkak mouse hitam, menimbulkan ekornya untuk membuang, berdiri dari kegagalan, tahan lama surat-armor dan helm tidak tinggi, di atas armor sepenuhnya oleh tomahawk dan pedang dibagi bekas luka dan lubang yang luka lubang, ini "hanya bekerja sebagai" satu, terkunci tegas, adalah seorang kepala pembantu-de-camp mengatakan luar: "Li Tongling, keluar, pada kami istana!"
saya harus menggosok lengan, pikir agak adalah sakit, berdiri untuk pergi keluar dari sel penjara, berpikir bahwa tidak akan datang kembali sebagian lagi.
tiba di tanah, melewati beberapa paviliun adalah istana aula utama kekaisaran, jumlah cepat saya dari garis langkah, menyalip kepala pembantu-de-camp, bertanya: "kepala pembantu-de-camp, kemarin apa yang terjadi?"
senyum ajudan kepala-de-camp dipaksa: "hal penting tidak memiliki, tapi hal kecil terjadi sebenarnya jauh"
" apa? "
" The jenggot Agung semua tertiup semalam saja, datang metode orang bijaksana, dalam situasi yang tak terduga di Great tidak terjaga telah dikerok nya semua mungkin, senjata tajam yang memegang pasti adalah ajaib . alat pemotong besi seperti lumpur "
aku tersenyum, kepala pembantu-de-camp terlihat yang saya pikir agak am tidak sopan, mengatakan:" belum berpikir bahwa di istana kekaisaran akan hadir kelas ini orang luar biasa mampu ".
kepala pembantu -de-kamp mengatakan: "Snort, ini jelas mengatakan Mulia, apakah dia ingin mengambil kehidupan paduka mirip dengan mengambil sesuatu dari umum saku? Snort, hanya benar-benar terlalu pengkhianatan dan bidah, jika membuat saya menangkapnya, tentu merobek-cabik dia! "
Aku sudah menebak dengan benar itu, selain Aodiliya yang juga akan melakukan bosan sebenarnya masalah ruam seperti itu?
Langkah ke waktu aula utama, mendekati tengah hari, Lin Wan Er dan Fang Geque, Simple, Dong Cheng bulan dan daun menunggu daftar berjasa pertama 10 pemain sudah, melihat belenggu saya terluka, Ye datang agak marah: "Apa-apaan ini, melantur yang , yang memberi borgol untuk bangun Anda "?
aku menunjukkan senyum tipis:"! Baiklah "
Ketika saya tiba di bawah waktu raja tangga, Locker tampak bagi saya, memungkinkan seseorang dingin atau tenang mengatakan:" Setelah memakai dan menyelidiki secara menyeluruh, hal ini dipahami, semua tidak ada hubungannya dengan Li Tongling, Li Tongling tidak hanya bersalah, dan aktif, datang manusia, ternyata pada belenggu untuk Li Tongling "!
aku menggelengkan kepala:"! Apakah tidak perlu "
mengatakan, lengan kedua mengejar ketinggalan, minuman satu rendah, besi dingin khusus belenggu pengecoran segera disintegrasi, dengan saya batas hadir dan kekuatan, ini setiap besi radikal tidak bisa mengelilingi saya, belenggu disintegrasi adalah fragmen dari tempat, terlihat di raja senior dan et al. . menjadi tercengang, berpikir bahwa mereka juga tahu, selama aku ingin keluar, penjara bawah tanah tidak dapat mengelilingi saya
saya tiba memakai samping untuk berdiri teguh, pakai melihat ke saya, mengatakan: "Anda tahu mengapa akan menempatkan Anda ? mudah "
saya menggelengkan kepala:" tidak tahu "
Wears ringan tersenyum, mengatakan:" Selama dua hari punya banyak, jenggot ayah kaisar larut malam dikerok, kecurigaan yang Anda lakukan di tanah yang tidak digarap dingin Dragon den teman, apalagi panjang Xing, Xia Ye et al. memimpin pengawal istana, sekitar seratus kapal perang di tepi sungai dewa militer, akan menakuti suasana tidak berani meninggalkan satu dermaga dan pelabuhan Kaisar Yu angkatan bersenjata legendaris horizontal, Han Yuan, Xiao Li sekitar seratus Long Jing artileri dan panas karang artileri akan maju luar Tian Ling Empire kurang dari 1000 meter tempat, bor keterampilan berkuda di luar kota dan memanah, berturut-turut selama dua hari, para bangsawan di kota belum berani untuk pergi keluar "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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