Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
FIONA DISIKAT menggelitik pada telinganya, tapi itu adalah kembali dalam sekejap. Dia tergores di itu, dan mendengar suaminya throaty tertawa. Bahkan dengan mata tertutup, dia bisa merasakan siang pada wajahnya, tetapi tampaknya seolah-olah ia hanya pergi tidur. Kenangan malam tersebar dia seperti madu dari sisir, hangat dan emas, dan sangat manis. Tubuhnya sakit dalam cara yang lezat, dan ia membentang ke memudahkan ototnya."Selamat pagi, adil gadis," Myles berkata, berdetak telinganya sekali lagi.Dia menampar tangannya pergi dalam bercanda. "Hentikan itu. Belum Anda menusuk saya sudah cukup?"Ia menggelengkan kepala. "Bukan setengahnya." Ia ditarik kembali dadanya, menekan gairah Nya ke bawah nya.Dia adalah uang randy sekarang bahwa dia akan membebaskan dirinya. Tapi sedikit pikiran dia, karena ia telah menunjukkan padanya akan ada kesenangan dalam bagian itu. Meskipun demikian, dia pura-pura perjuangan yang lemah, berpikir itu hal yang tepat. "'Tis pagi, Anda menguasai. Waktu untuk bangkit dan memulai hari."Dia mendorong terhadap pantat nya tegas dan dibungkus lengan yang padat pinggang. "Saya telah meningkat. Lihat?"She laughed and tried to wiggle free, but his lips upon her shoulder silenced any false complaints. His kiss was a tonic to her senses as he nipped her skin and soothed away the tiny injury with his tongue. Trailing a finger down her side, along the curve of her hip, and landing on her thigh, his touch sent ripples of anticipation through her body. Warmth flooded through, draining any will to resist. She gave in to it, willingly, wantonly, sighing into the pillow. He ran the finger up to the side of her breast, then down once more to her hip, his touch soft as a feather.She reached her arms up toward her head, granting him full privilege to stroke her body at his leisure. He groaned softly into her ear, and the pressure of his hand increased. He cupped her breast and ran a thumb across the tip until it tightened. Her breath hitched in her lungs, hot and thick. She’d never thought to know such indolent pleasure. Dewy with want for him, she pressed her buttocks back against his erection, longing to be closer, to be one.Gentle as a whisper, he pressed her belly down upon the mattress and nudged her thighs apart with his own. Contentment spread throughout her limbs when his hand slid beneath them both and delved into the curls between her legs to tantalize that tiny bud. His fingers circled and teased, creating sensations so enticing a moan rose unbidden from her throat. And she sighed with gladness and relief when at last he sought the entrance to her femininity and sheathed his body deep inside of hers.He rocked slowly, his chest upon her back, rolling like an endless wave caressing the shore until her own hips began to set a faster pace. Her breasts rubbed against the sheets, adding a delightful friction to the smoothness of his strokes. She pressed down upon his hand, bold in her desire.And so they rode, until she thought she could not breathe from the pressure building inside, but with one final gasp, her lungs burst free and she tumbled into white-hot bliss, and seconds later, Myles joined her. They lay spent and breathing hard, until at last he rolled onto his own back.“I may never leave this bed.” His words came on a sigh.“We will get hungry enough, eventually.” She lifted up onto her elbows and looked over at him. His hair was wild, his jaw covered in stubble. And yet he’d never looked more handsome. His face was wondrous to behold, all angles and shadow. His torso and arms were thick with muscles. Yes, he was impressive, this husband of hers. He turned to gaze at her and gave a smile hot enough to melt a frozen loch.Her heart clenched inside her breast, and tender feelings, so foreign for their newness, threatened to overwhelm her. Her mother had died over such feelings of longing. Fiona would do well to try to keep her head about her. She was free now, to care for him a little. He was her husband, after all, but she’d not be so foolish as to give him her whole heart. Perhaps just a sliver.“I am hungry, now that you mention it,” he said. “Shall we have breakfast and then go find you that horse? We could ride to Killean, or even Oban, but that would take a day or two.”“You need not purchase a new horse for me, Myles. Just let me choose one from the stables.”“If we have one you’ve set your fancy on, then fine. But I should enjoy a little sojourn with you. And you’ve not seen much of the countryside around here. Now that I think on it, a trip to Oban is a grand idea.”Once her husband had made his decision, it seemed there was no stopping him, and the very next morning, she found herself upon a borrowed Campbell horse heading toward the Firth of Lorn and the town of Oban. Six Campbell men-at-arms who rode a ways ahead, keeping watch, accompanied them. Robert and Vivienne insisted upon joining them as well, and they made a joyous foursome. It was a pleasant journey, with fair weather.
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