areast o gathera nds ynthesizer elevanitn formationa,n alyzeo ptionsf, terjemahan - areast o gathera nds ynthesizer elevanitn formationa,n alyzeo ptionsf, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

areast o gathera nds ynthesizer ele

areast o gathera nds ynthesizer elevanitn formationa,n alyzeo ptionsf, ormulatpe lans,
ande valuates trategies.
Iti s ther esponsibilitoyf thes trategimc anagementet amt o provideth es tructurfeo r
developinga ndu pdatingst rategipc lansa ndf org uidingth eiri mplementatioin a ll areas.
B ecauses trategimc anagemenist a continuoupsr ocesst, hes trategimc anagement
groups houldm eeto n a regularb asist o discusss trategiesm, onitorp rogresse, valuate
effectivenessa, ndg enerallym aintaina collectivef ocuso n the strategica gendaI. his
includesid entifyingn ewlye mergingst rategiics sues,g augingp roblemas ndo pportunitiesa
s theyd evelopm, odifyings trategiesa,n dp rovidingd irectiona ndc ontrolo ver
implementatiopnla nst o advanceth es trategiac gendae ffectivelyP. eriodicallyit, may
resulti n thed evelopmenotf news trategicin itiatives.
Thes trategicm anagemenptr ocessa lso mayi nvolvea strategicp lannings ystems
approachin whichp lanninge ffortsa t variousle velsa rec entrallyc oordinatewd ithin
thef rameworokf an organization-widore a jurisdiction-widsetr ategicp lanningp rocess.
Fore xamplea, city'ss trategimc anagemengtr oupc ouldd evelopa no veralls trategic
plant hati dentifiess trategicg oals ando bjectivest,h e outlineo f strategiesfo r
achievingth em,a ndt hea ssignmenotf implementatiornes ponsibilitieAs.l thoughd epartmenhte
adsa ndc ertaino thers taffo fficersh aveb eeni nvolvedin thise ffortt, hef ocus
appropriatehlya sb eeno n citywidei ssuesa nds trategiesW. itht hea doptiono f this
overallp lan,t he strategicm anagemengtr oupm ightw ell directt he operatingd epartmentst
o formulatteh eiro wns trategipc lans,w hichr espondto m andateess tablishedin
the overallp lana nda lso addresss trategicis suesa t theiro wnl evel.
At thes amet ime,t hec ity'so veralpl lanm ighth avee stablishedgo alsf ora few "key
resultsa reas"th atc rossd epartmentlainl ess ucha st her evitalizatioonf severasl atellite
retaila ndc ommerciacle nterso rt he" reengineerinogf" t hej urisdiction'psr ocurement
processesT. he strategicm anagemengtr oupm ightt henc onvenec ross-departmental
taskf orceso r actiont eamst o formulatme ores peciElsct rategiefso r achievingt hese
goalsa ndt o developp lansf ort heiri mplementatioInn.a dditiont,h es trategimc anagementg
roupm ightb er equiringr,e viewinga, nda pprovinagc tionp lansf orm ovingb oth
the departmentaln dc itywidei nitiativefso rwardO. vert ime the strategicm anagementg
roupa lsow ouldb e monitorintgh er esultso f all thisa ctivitya, ssessingn ewi ssues,
a nds tructurinpgl anu pdatee ffortsa s mightb e necessary.
In additiont o strategicp lanninga ctivities,t he strategicm anagemenpt rocess
clearlyr equireas commitmentto usingt heo rganizationd'se cisionp rocessest o focus
attentiona nde fforto n thes trategica gendat o achieves trategicg oalso vert ime.T hus,
thes trategimc anagemenptr ocessa, s illustrateidn Figure2 , placesh eavye mphasios n
implementatioans well as on planningT. oe nsuret hats trategicp lansw ill indeedb ecomet
hed rivingf orceb ehindo perating-levdele cisionsa nda ctivitiesin ano rganization,
t hes trategimc anagementet amm ustd evelopp rocessesfo ra llocatingr esources,
managingp eople,a ndm easurinpg erfotmancteh ata reg earedt o movingt hes trategic
agenda forward.
Onces trategicp lansh aveb eena doptedt,h en ecessaryre sourcefso ri mplementing
them must be identifieda nd committedA. s indicatedi n Figure2 , some type of
results-orientebdu dgetingsy stemi n whichf undingc anb e tiedt o particulaprr ograms,
projectso, ra ctivitiesa ndd irectlyr elatedto plannedo utputas ndi mpactsc anf acilitate
the allocationo f budgetss o as to maximizet heiri mpacti n advancingth e strategic
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
areast o gathera nds ynthesizer elevanitn formationa,n alyzeo ptionsf, ormulatpe lans,ande valuates trategies.Iti s ther esponsibilitoyf thes trategimc anagementet amt o provideth es tructurfeo rdevelopinga ndu pdatingst rategipc lansa ndf org uidingth eiri mplementatioin a ll areas.B ecauses trategimc anagemenist a continuoupsr ocesst, hes trategimc anagementgroups houldm eeto n a regularb asist o discusss trategiesm, onitorp rogresse, valuateeffectivenessa, ndg enerallym aintaina collectivef ocuso n the strategica gendaI. hisincludesid entifyingn ewlye mergingst rategiics sues,g augingp roblemas ndo pportunitiesas theyd evelopm, odifyings trategiesa,n dp rovidingd irectiona ndc ontrolo verimplementatiopnla nst o advanceth es trategiac gendae ffectivelyP. eriodicallyit, mayresulti n thed evelopmenotf news trategicin itiatives.Thes trategicm anagemenptr ocessa lso mayi nvolvea strategicp lannings ystemsapproachin whichp lanninge ffortsa t variousle velsa rec entrallyc oordinatewd ithinthef rameworokf an organization-widore a jurisdiction-widsetr ategicp lanningp rocess.Fore xamplea, city'ss trategimc anagemengtr oupc ouldd evelopa no veralls trategicplant hati dentifiess trategicg oals ando bjectivest,h e outlineo f strategiesfo rachievingth em,a ndt hea ssignmenotf implementatiornes ponsibilitieAs.l thoughd epartmenhteadsa ndc ertaino thers taffo fficersh aveb eeni nvolvedin thise ffortt, hef ocusappropriatehlya sb eeno n citywidei ssuesa nds trategiesW. itht hea doptiono f thisoverallp lan,t he strategicm anagemengtr oupm ightw ell directt he operatingd epartmentsto formulatteh eiro wns trategipc lans,w hichr espondto m andateess tablishedinthe overallp lana nda lso addresss trategicis suesa t theiro wnl evel.At thes amet ime,t hec ity'so veralpl lanm ighth avee stablishedgo alsf ora few "keyresultsa reas"th atc rossd epartmentlainl ess ucha st her evitalizatioonf severasl atelliteretaila ndc ommerciacle nterso rt he" reengineerinogf" t hej urisdiction'psr ocurementprocessesT. he strategicm anagemengtr oupm ightt henc onvenec ross-departmentaltaskf orceso r actiont eamst o formulatme ores peciElsct rategiefso r achievingt hesegoalsa ndt o developp lansf ort heiri mplementatioInn.a dditiont,h es trategimc anagementgroupm ightb er equiringr,e viewinga, nda pprovinagc tionp lansf orm ovingb oththe departmentaln dc itywidei nitiativefso rwardO. vert ime the strategicm anagementgroupa lsow ouldb e monitorintgh er esultso f all thisa ctivitya, ssessingn ewi ssues,a nds tructurinpgl anu pdatee ffortsa s mightb e necessary.In additiont o strategicp lanninga ctivities,t he strategicm anagemenpt rocessclearlyr equireas commitmentto usingt heo rganizationd'se cisionp rocessest o focusattentiona nde fforto n thes trategica gendat o achieves trategicg oalso vert ime.T hus,thes trategimc anagemenptr ocessa, s illustrateidn Figure2 , placesh eavye mphasios nimplementatioans well as on planningT. oe nsuret hats trategicp lansw ill indeedb ecomethed rivingf orceb ehindo perating-levdele cisionsa nda ctivitiesin ano rganization,t hes trategimc anagementet amm ustd evelopp rocessesfo ra llocatingr esources,managingp eople,a ndm easurinpg erfotmancteh ata reg earedt o movingt hes trategicagenda forward.Onces trategicp lansh aveb eena doptedt,h en ecessaryre sourcefso ri mplementingthem must be identifieda nd committedA. s indicatedi n Figure2 , some type ofresults-orientebdu dgetingsy stemi n whichf undingc anb e tiedt o particulaprr ograms,projectso, ra ctivitiesa ndd irectlyr elatedto plannedo utputas ndi mpactsc anf acilitatethe allocationo f budgetss o as to maximizet heiri mpacti n advancingth e strategic
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
areast o gathera nds ynthesizer elevanitn formationa, n ptionsf alyzeo, LAN ormulatpe,
ande Analisis Perhitungan trategies.
Iti s ther esponsibilitoyf thes trategimc anagementet amt o provideth es tructurfeo r
developingã ndu pdatingst rategipc LANSA ndf org uidingth eiri mplementatioin sebuah daerah ll.
B ecauses trategimc anagemenist sebuah ocesst continuoupsr, hes trategimc anajemen
kelompok houldm eeto na regularb asist o discusss trategiesm, onitorp rogresse, valuate
effectivenessa, ndg enerallym aintaina collectivef ocuso n strategica Gendai. nya
includesid entifyingn ewlye mergingst rategiics menggugat, g augingp roblemas ndo pportunitiesa
s theyd evelopm, odifyings trategiesa, n dp rovidingd irectiona NDC ontrolo ver
implementatiopnla nst o advanceth es trategiac gendae ffectivelyP. eriodicallyit, mungkin
resulti n thed evelopmenotf berita trategicin itiatives.
Tes trategicm anagemenptr ocessa LSO mayi nvolvea strategicp lannings ystems
approachin whichp lanninge ffortsa t variousle velsa rec entrallyc oordinatewd ithin
thef rameworokf an-widore organisasi yurisdiksi-widsetr sebuah ategicp lanningp rocess.
xamplea Fore, kota 'ss trategimc anagemengtr oupc ouldd evelopa ada veralls trategic
tanaman hati dentifiess trategicg oals ando bjectivest, ia outlineo f strategiesfo r
achievingth em, sebuah NDT HEA ssignmenotf implementatiornes ponsibilitieAs.l thoughd epartmenhte
ADSA NDC ertaino thers taffo fficersh aveb EENI nvolvedin ffortt thise, Hef ocus
appropriatehlya sb eeno n citywidei ssuesa nds trategiesW. itht HEA doptiono f ini
overallp lan, t ia strategicm anagemengtr oupm ightw elo directt ia operatingd epartmentst
o formulatteh eiro wns trategipc LAN, w hichr espondto m andateess tablishedin
yang lana overallp nda LSO addresss trategicis Suesa t theiro WNL Evel.
Pada thes amet ime, t HEC ity'so veralpl lanm ighth avee stablishedgo alsf ora beberapa "kunci
reas resultsa" th atc rossd epartmentlainl ess Ucha st nya evitalizatioonf severasl atellite
retaila NDC ommerciacle nterso rt dia "reengineerinogf" t hej urisdiction'psr ocurement
processesT. ia strategicm anagemengtr oupm ightt henc onvenec ross-departemen
taskf orceso r actiont eamst o formulatme bijih peciElsct rategiefso r achievingt hese
goalsa NDT o developp lansf ort heiri mplementatioInn.a dditiont, h es trategimc anagementg
roupm ightb er equiringr, e viewinga, nda pprovinagc tionp lansf orm ovingb lembaga lainnya
yang departmentaln dc itywidei nitiativefso rwardO. vert ime yang strategicm anagementg
Roupa lsow ouldb e monitorintgh er esultso f semua thisa ctivitya, ssues EWI ssessingn,
sebuah nds tructurinpgl anu pdatee ffortsa s mightb e diperlukan.
Dalam additiont o strategicp lanninga AKTIVITAS, t ia strategicm anagemenpt rocess
clearlyr equireas commitmentto usingt heo rganizationd 'se cisionp rocessest o fokus
attentiona nde fforto n thes trategica gendat o Raih trategicg oalso vert ime.T hus,
thes trategimc anagemenptr ocessa, s illustrateidn Figure2, placesh eavye mphasios n
implementatioans serta pada planningT. oe nsuret topi trategicp lansw indeedb sakit ecomet
hed rivingf orceb ehindo perating-levdele cisionsa nda ctivitiesin ano rganization,
t hes trategimc anagementet amm Ustd evelopp rocessesfo ra llocatingr esources,
managingp eople, sebuah ndm easurinpg erfotmancteh ata reg earedt o movingt hes trategic
agenda ke depan.
onces trategicp lansh aveb eena doptedt, h en ecessaryre sourcefso ri mplementing
mereka harus identifieda nd committedA. s indicatedi n Figure2, beberapa jenis
hasil-orientebdu dgetingsy STEMI n whichf undingc anb e tiedt o particulaprr ograms,
projectso, ra ctivitiesa NDD irectlyr elatedto plannedo utputas ndi mpactsc anf acilitate
yang allocationo f budgetss o untuk maximizet heiri mpacti n advancingth e strategis
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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