This article looks at how the application of the concept of a ‘learnin terjemahan - This article looks at how the application of the concept of a ‘learnin Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

This article looks at how the appli

This article looks at how the application of the concept of a ‘learning organisation’ can be used at a specific organisation in South Africa to change the work performance of its employees. We do this by exploring different theories, models and definitions of organisational learning, learning organisation, organisational knowledge and knowl-edge management in the field, and against this background examine the perceptions of employees at a South African Organisation. The article underpins this approach by uniquely balancing conceptual rigour with practical experiences of employees at this institution. The view is taken that organisations are living systems that have the capacity to renew themselves by continuously reflecting on their practices and thereby create new knowledge, share and leverage it. Knowledge acquisition and sharing is closely linked to the core values of the organisation in order to achieve business competitive-ness, set goals, efficiency, and overall strategic success. The purpose of this article is to understand how an organisation’s training department could use the concept of a learning organisation within the South African context to sustain change. To achieve this objective we (the researchers) used a qualitative research paradigm. A phenomenologi-cal design presented the research with opportunities to analyse, interpret, and describe the perceptions, feelings and experiences of the participants at the organisation. Eight semi-structured individual interviews provided data for the purposes of this research. The data was analysed to identify categories, themes and sub-themes. The five main themes discussed are organisational learning, organisational culture, organisational change, globalisation and knowledge management and these were linked to the theory of learning organisations and were based on the findings.

Keywords: knowledge management, globalisation, organisational change, learning organisation, organisational culture, collaboration


The specific organisation, which forms the context of this article, is one that provides a wide range of services to its customers in the aeronautical industry. This organisation is one of the service providers in South Africa that provide airline services to clients and partners. Following the discontinuities created by a growing level of globalisation, heightened volatility, hyper-competition, demographic changes and the explosion of knowledge, the organisation has had to review its strategy for competitive advantage (Easterby-Smith, Burgoyne &

Arujo (1999:23). Further, technological advances in the aeronautical industry combined with the transition to a democratic government in South Africa urged the organisation to engage in a change strategy that would assist in improving processes and employee practices with the view to enhancing efficiency and business competitiveness for entry into the global business arena. One way of staying ahead of the game at the organisation was to adapt to the vision of a learning organisation (Tomassini, 2002:3). We believe that using different theories of a learning organisation and organisational learning, and particularly drawing from Senge’s (1990), theory will provide useful insights to inform how the organisation can improve to sustain change. A study was conducted to investigate how a training department within this specific organisation could contribute to organisational change towards a learning organisation.

In developing this account, the article is structured as follows. Initially, we provide a sketch of the organisation and the political changes that have occurred within South Africa. Embedded within the discourse of learning organisation and knowledge management is a political character of the process through which learning becomes an acceptable feature of organisational life (Scarbrough &

Swan, 2003:496). Often ‘learning organisation’ and ‘organisational learning’ are used interchangeably to epitomize the view that organisations are living systems. Following this discussion, we then explicate the theoretical underpinnings of the concepts of organisational learning, learning organisations, organisational knowledge and knowledge management; and problematise learning organisation to expose the divergent views of various authors in the field. Thereafter a discussion of the design of the inquiry, the themes and categories, with salient extracts from the raw data and a discussion of the findings and conclusions is presented. We argue that organisation learning and organisational knowledge will enhance the organisation’s capacity to learn (learning organisation) and its ability to acquire, create and leverage knowledge (knowledge management).

The context: How an organisation is challenged to change

This study was concluded in a particular kind of organisation in South Africa. The organisation provides a wide range of services to its customers in the national and international aeronautical arena, which includes airline services and maintenance.

The political changes brought about in South Africa by its transition to a democratic government has not only placed huge demands for economic, political and social transformation, but it has also pressurized organisations to improve the learning capabilities of their employees so that they are able compete locally and globally. This organisation was introduced into the global industry in order to tap into the new international market to improve its facilities and services to ensure growth and expansion. This initiative proposes to make inroads into the huge African market which is presently dominated by Europe. Further, this organisation intends to investigate some of the European major projects which they outsource during their off-peak seasons when it has a full maintenance programme (Tabane, 2005:6-9). This will enable the organisation to procure lucrative projects for its workforce. In response to change it is reasoned in this study that the learning organisation is the latest organisational transformation- or response strategy for guiding organisational change, learning and development (Loughlin, 1992:3 & Moloi, 1999:78).

From the above background it can be seen that organisational change, and therefore the vision of a learning organisation, is inevitable at the specific organisation under investigation. It is under pressure to increase its market share, so coping with the effects of globalisation remains a challenge. Its training department faces an immediate challenge to align with the organisation’s business goals. In this research it was reasoned that the vision of a learning organisation is essential during times of change in the global context and that the training department needs to understand how it could contribute to this vision and to organisational change towards a learning organisation.

Theoretical underpinnings towards building a learning organisation

perspectives of these definitions, models and theories vary both in discipline and focus, but they do bear some commonalities (Coetsee, 2003:6). Some theorists emphasize knowledge acquisition or development of knowledge base (McKenzie & Winkelen 2004) while others see learning organisations as adaption (Hodgson, 1995), skill learning and institutional know-how (Espejo, et. al, 1997:24). Noteworthy are three perspectives on ‘learning organisations.’

Firsty, the normative perspective, suggests that organisational learning takes place under certain conditions (Coetsee, 2003:6). Published work from Senge

(1990) and Watkins & Marsick (1993) serve as examples in this regard.

Secondly, the developmental perspective views the learning organisation as representing a later stage of organisational development (Argyris & Schon,

1978). Thirdly, the capability perspective proposes that all organisations have the inherent ability to learn and that there are different ways in which they can learn (Yeung, Ulrich, Nason & Von Glinow, 1999).

Furthermore, Kim (1998) and Schein (1997) see learning organisation as increasing an organisation’s capability to take effective action, while Dixon (1999) focuses on the intentional use of learning processes at the individual, group and system level to continuously transform the organisation in order to increasingly satisfy its stakeholders by turning knowledge into real value

(McKenzie & Winkelen, 2004). Relatedly, Senge et. al (1996:3) observe that a learning organisation is a place where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning how to learn together. Pedler, Burgoyne and Boydell

(1991) as well as Watkins and Marsick (1993) lay emphasis on the facilitation of learning by all the members with the view to continuous transformation, while Garvin (1994) emphasises skill at creating, acquiring and transferring knowledge and at modifying behaviour to reflect new knowledge and insights.

Schein (1997) suggests a continuous strategic process that is integrated with work and that results in changes in knowledge, beliefs and behaviours.

Notwithstanding the diverse views on what constitutes a “learning organisation” the contrast is not sharp. There is consensus that if individuals in the organisation are prepared to learn they will fundamentally improve the level of individual and organisational efficiency and effectiveness (Torres, Preskill & Piontek, 1996:1).
Further, the multiple perspectives imply that the slant or angle taken in the discussion about organisational learning is determined by the subject paradigm of the author or reader and should thus be interpreted accordingly (Coetsee, 2003). Although different characteristics of what a learning organisation is and

what it does are expressed, a clear thread that points towards the acquisition of useful knowledge th
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Artikel ini melihat bagaimana penerapan konsep sebuah 'organisasi belajar' dapat digunakan di sebuah organisasi tertentu di Afrika Selatan untuk mengubah kinerja kerja karyawan. Kita melakukan ini dengan menjelajahi teori yang berbeda, model, dan definisi organisasi belajar, organisasi belajar, pengetahuan organisasi dan manajemen canggih, pengalaman di lapangan, dan latar belakang ini memeriksa persepsi karyawan di sebuah organisasi Afrika Selatan. Artikel mendukung pendekatan ini dengan unik menyeimbangkan konseptual memahitkan dengan pengalaman praktis karyawan di lembaga ini. Pandangan diambil organisasi yang hidup sistem yang memiliki kemampuan untuk memperbaharui diri mereka sendiri dengan terus-menerus merenungkan praktik mereka dan dengan demikian menciptakan pengetahuan baru, berbagi dan pengaruh. Akuisisi pengetahuan dan berbagi sangat lekat dengan nilai-nilai organisasi untuk mencapai bisnis kompetitif-ness, menetapkan tujuan, efisiensi dan keberhasilan secara keseluruhan strategis. Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk memahami bagaimana organisasi pelatihan Departemen bisa menggunakan konsep sebuah organisasi belajar dalam konteks Afrika Selatan untuk mempertahankan perubahan. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, kami (para peneliti) menggunakan paradigma riset kualitatif. Phenomenologi-cal desain penelitian disajikan dengan kesempatan untuk menganalisis, menafsirkan, dan menggambarkan persepsi, perasaan dan pengalaman para peserta pada organisasi. Delapan wawancara individu semi-terstruktur menyediakan data untuk keperluan penelitian ini. Data dianalisis untuk mengidentifikasi kategori, tema dan sub-tema. Lima tema utama yang dibahas adalah organisasi belajar organisasi budaya, organisasi perubahan, Globalisasi dan pengetahuan manajemen dan ini terkait dengan teori belajar organisasi dan berdasarkan temuan.

kata kunci: manajemen pengetahuan, globalisasi, perubahan organisasi, belajar organisasi, organisasi budaya, kolaborasi


organisasi tertentu, yang membentuk konteks artikel ini, adalah salah satu yang menyediakan berbagai macam layanan untuk pelanggan di industri penerbangan. Organisasi ini adalah salah satu penyedia jasa di Afrika Selatan yang memberikan layanan maskapai kepada klien dan mitra. Mengikuti diskontinuitas dibuat oleh tingkat pertumbuhan globalisasi, volatilitas tinggi, hiper-kompetisi, perubahan-perubahan demografik dan ledakan pengetahuan, organisasi tersebut telah memiliki untuk meninjau strategi untuk keunggulan kompetitif (Easterby-Smith, Burgoyne &

Arujo (1999:23). Lebih lanjut, kemajuan teknologi di industri penerbangan yang dikombinasikan dengan transisi ke pemerintahan demokratis di Afrika Selatan mendesak organisasi untuk terlibat dalam perubahan strategi yang akan membantu dalam meningkatkan proses dan praktek-praktek karyawan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan daya saing bisnis untuk masuk ke arena bisnis global. Salah satu cara untuk tinggal di depan permainan di organisasi adalah untuk beradaptasi dengan visi organisasi pembelajaran (Tomassini, 2002:3). Kami percaya bahwa menggunakan teori yang berbeda dari organisasi belajar organisasi pembelajaran, dan terutama gambar dari SE 's (1990), teori akan memberikan wawasan yang berguna untuk memberitahu bagaimana organisasi dapat meningkatkan untuk mempertahankan perubahan. Penelitian ini menyelidiki bagaimana pelatihan Departemen dalam organisasi tertentu ini dapat berkontribusi untuk organisasi perubahan menuju organisasi pembelajaran.

dalam mengembangkan account ini, artikel ini disusun sebagai berikut. Pada awalnya, kami menyediakan sketsa organisasi dan perubahan politik yang terjadi dalam Afrika Selatan. Tertanam dalam wacana pembelajaran organisasi dan pengetahuan manajemen adalah tokoh politik dari proses yang belajar menjadi fitur yang dapat diterima organisasi kehidupan (Scarbrough &

Swan, 2003:496). Sering 'organisasi belajar' dan 'organisasi belajar' digunakan secara bergantian untuk melambangkan pandangan bahwa organisasi hidup sistem. Setelah diskusi ini, kita kemudian menjelaskan dasar-dasar teoretis konsep-konsep pembelajaran organisasi, organisasi belajar, pengetahuan organisasi dan manajemen pengetahuan; dan problematise belajar organisasi untuk mengungkapkan pandangan yang berbeda dari berbagai penulis di bidang. Kemudian diskusi desain penyelidikan, tema dan kategori, dengan ekstrak menonjol dari data mentah dan diskusi mengenai temuan dan kesimpulan yang disajikan. Kami berpendapat bahwa organisasi belajar dan pengetahuan organisasi akan meningkatkan kapasitas organisasi belajar (learning organisasi) dan kemampuan untuk memperoleh, menciptakan dan meningkatkan pengetahuan (pengetahuan manajemen).

konteks: bagaimana organisasi ditantang untuk mengubah

Penelitian ini menyimpulkan di jenis tertentu organisasi di Afrika Selatan. Organisasi ini menyediakan berbagai layanan kepada para pelanggannya di nasional dan internasional aeronautika arena, yang mencakup layanan maskapai dan pemeliharaan

perubahan politik yang dibawa di Afrika Selatan oleh perubahannya menjadi sebuah pemerintahan tidak hanya ditempatkan besar tuntutan untuk ekonomi, transformasi sosial dan politik, tetapi juga memiliki bertekanan organisasi untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran kemampuan karyawan mereka sehingga mereka dapat bersaing secara lokal dan global. Organisasi ini diperkenalkan ke dalam industri global untuk memasuki pasar internasional baru untuk meningkatkan fasilitas dan layanan untuk memastikan pertumbuhan dan ekspansi. Inisiatif ini mengusulkan untuk membuat terobosan ke pasar Afrika besar yang saat ini didominasi oleh Eropa. Lebih jauh lagi, organisasi ini bermaksud untuk menyelidiki beberapa proyek utama Eropa yang mereka outsource selama musim sepi mereka ketika telah program perawatan penuh (Tabane, 2005:6-9). Ini akan memungkinkan organisasi untuk mendapatkan proyek-proyek yang menguntungkan untuk tenaga kerja. Dalam menanggapi perubahan pertimbangannya dalam studi ini organisasi belajar itu Pemesanan organisasi transformasi - atau respon strategi untuk memandu perubahan organisasi, belajar dan pengembangan (Loughlin, 1992:3 & Moloi, 1999:78).

dari latar belakang di atas dapat dilihat bahwa perubahan organisasi, dan karena itu visi sebuah organisasi belajar, tak terelakkan di organisasi tertentu dalam penyelidikan. Di bawah tekanan untuk meningkatkan pangsa pasar, jadi mengatasi efek globalisasi tetap menjadi tantangan. Departemen pelatihan menghadapi tantangan langsung untuk menyelaraskan dengan tujuan bisnis organisasi. Dalam penelitian ini adalah beralasan bahwa visi organisasi belajar yang sangat penting saat perubahan dalam konteks global dan bahwa pelatihan Departemen perlu memahami bagaimana itu bisa berkontribusi untuk visi ini dan organisasi perubahan menuju organisasi pembelajaran.

dasar-dasar teoritis untuk membangun sebuah organisasi belajar

perspektif dari definisi ini, model dan teori bervariasi baik dalam disiplin dan fokus, tetapi mereka menanggung beberapa kesamaan (Coetsee, 2003: 6). Beberapa teori menekankan akuisisi pengetahuan atau pengembangan basis pengetahuan (McKenzie & Winkelen 2004) sementara yang lain melihat belajar organisasi sebagai adaptasi (Hodgson, 1995), belajar keterampilan dan pengetahuan kelembagaan (Espejo, et al, 1997:24). Patut dicatat adalah tiga perspektif pada 'belajar organisasi.'

Firsty, perspektif normatif, menunjukkan bahwa organisasi pembelajaran berlangsung dalam kondisi tertentu (Coetsee, 2003: 6). Diterbitkan bekerja dari Senge

(1990) dan Watkins & Marsick (1993) berfungsi sebagai contoh dalam hal ini.

kedua, perspektif perkembangan dilihat organisasi belajar sebagai mewakili tahap berikutnya pembangunan organisasi (Argyris & Schon,

1978). Ketiga, perspektif kemampuan mengusulkan bahwa semua organisasi memiliki kemampuan melekat untuk mempelajari dan bahwa ada cara yang berbeda di mana mereka dapat belajar (Yeung, Ulrich, Nason & Von Glinow, 1999).

selanjutnya, Kim (1998) dan Schein (1997) melihat belajar organisasi sebagai meningkatkan kemampuan organisasi untuk mengambil tindakan efektif, sementara Dixon (1999) berfokus pada penggunaan sengaja pembelajaran di individu, kelompok dan tingkat sistem untuk terus-menerus mengubah organisasi agar semakin memuaskan para stakeholder dengan memutar pengetahuan ke nilai nyata

(McKenzie & Winkelen, 2004). relatedly, SE et. Al (1996:3) mengamati bahwa sebuah organisasi belajar adalah tempat dimana orang-orang terus-menerus memperluas kapasitas mereka untuk menciptakan hasil yang mereka benar-benar inginkan, mana luas pola berpikir dipelihara, mana aspirasi kolektif terletak gratis dan mana orang terus-menerus belajar cara belajar bersama-sama. Pedler, Burgoyne dan Boydell

(1991) serta Watkins dan Marsick (1993) berbaring penekanan pada fasilitasi belajar oleh semua anggota dengan tujuan untuk terus-menerus transformasi, sementara Garvin (1994) menekankan keterampilan membuat, memperoleh dan mentransfer pengetahuan dan memodifikasi perilaku untuk mencerminkan pengetahuan baru dan wawasan.

Schein (1997) menunjukkan suatu proses strategis yang berkesinambungan yang terintegrasi dengan pekerjaan dan yang mengakibatkan perubahan dalam pengetahuan, keyakinan, dan perilaku.

meskipun pandangan yang beragam pada apa yang merupakan "organisasi pembelajaran" kontras digunakan tidak tajam. Ada konsensus yang jika individu dalam organisasi siap untuk belajar mereka pada dasarnya akan meningkatkan tingkat individu dan organisasi efisiensi dan efektivitas (Torres, Preskill & Piontek, 1996:1).
lebih lanjut, berbagai perspektif menyiratkan bahwa miring atau sudut yang diambil dalam diskusi tentang pembelajaran organisasi ditentukan oleh paradigma subjek penulis atau pembaca dan dengan demikian harus ditafsirkan sesuai (Coetsee, 2003). Meskipun karakteristik apa sebuah organisasi belajar yang berbeda dan

apakah ia dinyatakan, benang jelas yang menunjuk ke arah akuisisi pengetahuan yang berguna th
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
This article looks at how the application of the concept of a ‘learning organisation’ can be used at a specific organisation in South Africa to change the work performance of its employees. We do this by exploring different theories, models and definitions of organisational learning, learning organisation, organisational knowledge and knowl-edge management in the field, and against this background examine the perceptions of employees at a South African Organisation. The article underpins this approach by uniquely balancing conceptual rigour with practical experiences of employees at this institution. The view is taken that organisations are living systems that have the capacity to renew themselves by continuously reflecting on their practices and thereby create new knowledge, share and leverage it. Knowledge acquisition and sharing is closely linked to the core values of the organisation in order to achieve business competitive-ness, set goals, efficiency, and overall strategic success. The purpose of this article is to understand how an organisation’s training department could use the concept of a learning organisation within the South African context to sustain change. To achieve this objective we (the researchers) used a qualitative research paradigm. A phenomenologi-cal design presented the research with opportunities to analyse, interpret, and describe the perceptions, feelings and experiences of the participants at the organisation. Eight semi-structured individual interviews provided data for the purposes of this research. The data was analysed to identify categories, themes and sub-themes. The five main themes discussed are organisational learning, organisational culture, organisational change, globalisation and knowledge management and these were linked to the theory of learning organisations and were based on the findings.

Keywords: knowledge management, globalisation, organisational change, learning organisation, organisational culture, collaboration


The specific organisation, which forms the context of this article, is one that provides a wide range of services to its customers in the aeronautical industry. This organisation is one of the service providers in South Africa that provide airline services to clients and partners. Following the discontinuities created by a growing level of globalisation, heightened volatility, hyper-competition, demographic changes and the explosion of knowledge, the organisation has had to review its strategy for competitive advantage (Easterby-Smith, Burgoyne &

Arujo (1999:23). Further, technological advances in the aeronautical industry combined with the transition to a democratic government in South Africa urged the organisation to engage in a change strategy that would assist in improving processes and employee practices with the view to enhancing efficiency and business competitiveness for entry into the global business arena. One way of staying ahead of the game at the organisation was to adapt to the vision of a learning organisation (Tomassini, 2002:3). We believe that using different theories of a learning organisation and organisational learning, and particularly drawing from Senge’s (1990), theory will provide useful insights to inform how the organisation can improve to sustain change. A study was conducted to investigate how a training department within this specific organisation could contribute to organisational change towards a learning organisation.

In developing this account, the article is structured as follows. Initially, we provide a sketch of the organisation and the political changes that have occurred within South Africa. Embedded within the discourse of learning organisation and knowledge management is a political character of the process through which learning becomes an acceptable feature of organisational life (Scarbrough &

Swan, 2003:496). Often ‘learning organisation’ and ‘organisational learning’ are used interchangeably to epitomize the view that organisations are living systems. Following this discussion, we then explicate the theoretical underpinnings of the concepts of organisational learning, learning organisations, organisational knowledge and knowledge management; and problematise learning organisation to expose the divergent views of various authors in the field. Thereafter a discussion of the design of the inquiry, the themes and categories, with salient extracts from the raw data and a discussion of the findings and conclusions is presented. We argue that organisation learning and organisational knowledge will enhance the organisation’s capacity to learn (learning organisation) and its ability to acquire, create and leverage knowledge (knowledge management).

The context: How an organisation is challenged to change

This study was concluded in a particular kind of organisation in South Africa. The organisation provides a wide range of services to its customers in the national and international aeronautical arena, which includes airline services and maintenance.

The political changes brought about in South Africa by its transition to a democratic government has not only placed huge demands for economic, political and social transformation, but it has also pressurized organisations to improve the learning capabilities of their employees so that they are able compete locally and globally. This organisation was introduced into the global industry in order to tap into the new international market to improve its facilities and services to ensure growth and expansion. This initiative proposes to make inroads into the huge African market which is presently dominated by Europe. Further, this organisation intends to investigate some of the European major projects which they outsource during their off-peak seasons when it has a full maintenance programme (Tabane, 2005:6-9). This will enable the organisation to procure lucrative projects for its workforce. In response to change it is reasoned in this study that the learning organisation is the latest organisational transformation- or response strategy for guiding organisational change, learning and development (Loughlin, 1992:3 & Moloi, 1999:78).

From the above background it can be seen that organisational change, and therefore the vision of a learning organisation, is inevitable at the specific organisation under investigation. It is under pressure to increase its market share, so coping with the effects of globalisation remains a challenge. Its training department faces an immediate challenge to align with the organisation’s business goals. In this research it was reasoned that the vision of a learning organisation is essential during times of change in the global context and that the training department needs to understand how it could contribute to this vision and to organisational change towards a learning organisation.

Theoretical underpinnings towards building a learning organisation

perspectives of these definitions, models and theories vary both in discipline and focus, but they do bear some commonalities (Coetsee, 2003:6). Some theorists emphasize knowledge acquisition or development of knowledge base (McKenzie & Winkelen 2004) while others see learning organisations as adaption (Hodgson, 1995), skill learning and institutional know-how (Espejo, et. al, 1997:24). Noteworthy are three perspectives on ‘learning organisations.’

Firsty, the normative perspective, suggests that organisational learning takes place under certain conditions (Coetsee, 2003:6). Published work from Senge

(1990) and Watkins & Marsick (1993) serve as examples in this regard.

Secondly, the developmental perspective views the learning organisation as representing a later stage of organisational development (Argyris & Schon,

1978). Thirdly, the capability perspective proposes that all organisations have the inherent ability to learn and that there are different ways in which they can learn (Yeung, Ulrich, Nason & Von Glinow, 1999).

Furthermore, Kim (1998) and Schein (1997) see learning organisation as increasing an organisation’s capability to take effective action, while Dixon (1999) focuses on the intentional use of learning processes at the individual, group and system level to continuously transform the organisation in order to increasingly satisfy its stakeholders by turning knowledge into real value

(McKenzie & Winkelen, 2004). Relatedly, Senge et. al (1996:3) observe that a learning organisation is a place where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning how to learn together. Pedler, Burgoyne and Boydell

(1991) as well as Watkins and Marsick (1993) lay emphasis on the facilitation of learning by all the members with the view to continuous transformation, while Garvin (1994) emphasises skill at creating, acquiring and transferring knowledge and at modifying behaviour to reflect new knowledge and insights.

Schein (1997) suggests a continuous strategic process that is integrated with work and that results in changes in knowledge, beliefs and behaviours.

Notwithstanding the diverse views on what constitutes a “learning organisation” the contrast is not sharp. There is consensus that if individuals in the organisation are prepared to learn they will fundamentally improve the level of individual and organisational efficiency and effectiveness (Torres, Preskill & Piontek, 1996:1).
Further, the multiple perspectives imply that the slant or angle taken in the discussion about organisational learning is determined by the subject paradigm of the author or reader and should thus be interpreted accordingly (Coetsee, 2003). Although different characteristics of what a learning organisation is and

what it does are expressed, a clear thread that points towards the acquisition of useful knowledge th
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