331 HEAT TREATMENT  Heat treatment is used to avert or relieve the det terjemahan - 331 HEAT TREATMENT  Heat treatment is used to avert or relieve the det Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

331 HEAT TREATMENT Heat treatment

Heat treatment is used to avert or relieve the detrimental effects of high temperature and severe temperature gradients inherent in welding, and to relieve residual stresses created by bending and forming. Provisions in para. 331 are basic practices which are suitable for most welding, bending, and forming operations, but not necessarily appropriate for all service conditions.
331.1 General
331.1.1 Heat Treatment Requirements
(a) Heat treatment shall be in accordance with the material groupings and thickness ranges in Table 331.1.1 except as provided in paras. 331.2.1 and 331.2.2.

(b) Heat treatment to be used after production welding shall be specified in the WPS and shall be used in qualifying the welding procedure.
(c) The engineering design shall specify the examination and/or other production quality control (not less than the requirements of this Code) to ensure that the final welds are of adequate quality.
(d) Heat treatment for bending and forming shall be in accordance with para. 332.4.

331.1.3 Governing Thickness.
When components are joined by welding, the thickness to be used in applying the heat treatment provisions of Table 331.1.1 shall be that of the thicker component measured at the joint, except as follows.
(a) In the case of branch connections, metal (other than weld metal) added as reinforcement, whether an integral part of a branch fitting or attached as a reinforcing pad or saddle, shall not be considered in determining heat treatment requirements. Heat treatment is required, however, when the thickness through the weld in any plane through the branch is greater than twice the minimum material thickness requiring heat treatment even though the thickness of the components at the joint is less than the minimum thickness. Thickness through the weld for the details shown in Fig. 328.5.4D shall be computed using the following formulas:

(b) In the case of fillet welds at slip-on and socket welding flanges and piping connections DN 50 (NPS 2) and smaller, for seal welding of threaded joints in piping DN 50 and smaller, and for attachment of external nonpressure parts such as lugs or other pipe supporting elements in all pipe sizes, heat treatment is required when the thickness through the weld in any plane is more than twice the minimum material thickness requiring heat treatment (even though the thickness of the components at the joint is less than that minimum thickness) except as follows:
(1) not required for P-No. 1 materials when weld throat thickness is 16 mm ( in.) or less, regardless of base metal thickness;
(2) not required for P-No. 3, 4, 5, or 10A materials when weld throat thickness is 13 mm ( in.) or less, regardless of base metal thickness, provided that not less than the recommended preheat is applied, and the specified minimum tensile strength of the base metal is less than 490 MPa (71 ksi);
(3) not required for ferritic materials when welds are made with filler metal which does not air harden. Austenitic welding materials may be used for welds to ferritic materials when the effects of service conditions, such as differential thermal expansion due to elevated temperature, or corrosion, will not adversely affect the weldment.
331.1.4 Heating and Cooling.
The heating method shall provide the required metal temperature, metal temperature uniformity, and temperature control, and may include an enclosed furnace, local flame heating, electric resistance, electric induction, or exothermic chemical reaction. The cooling method shall provide the required or desired cooling rate and may include cooling in a furnace, in air, by application of local heat or insulation, or by other suitable means.
331.1.6 Temperature Verification.
Heat treatment temperature shall be checked by thermocouple pyrometers or other suitable methods to ensure that the WPS requirements are met. See para. 330.1.3(b) for attachment of thermocouples by the capacitor discharge method of welding.
331.1.7 Hardness Tests.
Hardness tests of production welds and of hot bent and hot formed piping are intended to verify satisfactory heat treatment. The hardness limit applies to the weld and to the heat affected zone (HAZ) tested as close as practicable to the edge of the weld.
(a) Where a hardness limit is specified in Table 331.1.1, at least 10% of welds, hot bends, and hot formed components in each furnace heat treated batch and 100% of those locally heat treated shall be tested.
(b) When dissimilar metals are joined by welding, the hardness limits specified for the base and welding materials in Table 331.1.1 shall be met for each material.

331.2 Specific Requirements
Where warranted by experience or knowledge of service conditions, alternative methods of heat treatment or exceptions to the basic heat treatment provisions of para. 331.1 may be adopted as provided in paras. 331.2.1 and 331.2.2.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
331 HEAT TREATMENT Heat treatment is used to avert or relieve the detrimental effects of high temperature and severe temperature gradients inherent in welding, and to relieve residual stresses created by bending and forming. Provisions in para. 331 are basic practices which are suitable for most welding, bending, and forming operations, but not necessarily appropriate for all service conditions.331.1 General 331.1.1 Heat Treatment Requirements (a) Heat treatment shall be in accordance with the material groupings and thickness ranges in Table 331.1.1 except as provided in paras. 331.2.1 and 331.2.2. (b) Heat treatment to be used after production welding shall be specified in the WPS and shall be used in qualifying the welding procedure. (c) The engineering design shall specify the examination and/or other production quality control (not less than the requirements of this Code) to ensure that the final welds are of adequate quality. (d) Heat treatment for bending and forming shall be in accordance with para. 332.4.331.1.3 Governing Thickness. When components are joined by welding, the thickness to be used in applying the heat treatment provisions of Table 331.1.1 shall be that of the thicker component measured at the joint, except as follows. (a) In the case of branch connections, metal (other than weld metal) added as reinforcement, whether an integral part of a branch fitting or attached as a reinforcing pad or saddle, shall not be considered in determining heat treatment requirements. Heat treatment is required, however, when the thickness through the weld in any plane through the branch is greater than twice the minimum material thickness requiring heat treatment even though the thickness of the components at the joint is less than the minimum thickness. Thickness through the weld for the details shown in Fig. 328.5.4D shall be computed using the following formulas:

(b) In the case of fillet welds at slip-on and socket welding flanges and piping connections DN 50 (NPS 2) and smaller, for seal welding of threaded joints in piping DN 50 and smaller, and for attachment of external nonpressure parts such as lugs or other pipe supporting elements in all pipe sizes, heat treatment is required when the thickness through the weld in any plane is more than twice the minimum material thickness requiring heat treatment (even though the thickness of the components at the joint is less than that minimum thickness) except as follows:
(1) not required for P-No. 1 materials when weld throat thickness is 16 mm ( in.) or less, regardless of base metal thickness;
(2) not required for P-No. 3, 4, 5, or 10A materials when weld throat thickness is 13 mm ( in.) or less, regardless of base metal thickness, provided that not less than the recommended preheat is applied, and the specified minimum tensile strength of the base metal is less than 490 MPa (71 ksi);
(3) not required for ferritic materials when welds are made with filler metal which does not air harden. Austenitic welding materials may be used for welds to ferritic materials when the effects of service conditions, such as differential thermal expansion due to elevated temperature, or corrosion, will not adversely affect the weldment.
331.1.4 Heating and Cooling.
The heating method shall provide the required metal temperature, metal temperature uniformity, and temperature control, and may include an enclosed furnace, local flame heating, electric resistance, electric induction, or exothermic chemical reaction. The cooling method shall provide the required or desired cooling rate and may include cooling in a furnace, in air, by application of local heat or insulation, or by other suitable means.
331.1.6 Temperature Verification.
Heat treatment temperature shall be checked by thermocouple pyrometers or other suitable methods to ensure that the WPS requirements are met. See para. 330.1.3(b) for attachment of thermocouples by the capacitor discharge method of welding.
331.1.7 Hardness Tests.
Hardness tests of production welds and of hot bent and hot formed piping are intended to verify satisfactory heat treatment. The hardness limit applies to the weld and to the heat affected zone (HAZ) tested as close as practicable to the edge of the weld.
(a) Where a hardness limit is specified in Table 331.1.1, at least 10% of welds, hot bends, and hot formed components in each furnace heat treated batch and 100% of those locally heat treated shall be tested.
(b) When dissimilar metals are joined by welding, the hardness limits specified for the base and welding materials in Table 331.1.1 shall be met for each material.

331.2 Specific Requirements
Where warranted by experience or knowledge of service conditions, alternative methods of heat treatment or exceptions to the basic heat treatment provisions of para. 331.1 may be adopted as provided in paras. 331.2.1 and 331.2.2.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
perlakuan panas digunakan untuk mencegah atau mengurangi efek merugikan dari suhu tinggi dan gradien suhu yang parah melekat dalam pengelasan, dan untuk meringankan tegangan sisa yang dibuat oleh lentur dan membentuk. Ketentuan dalam ayat. 331 adalah praktek dasar yang cocok untuk sebagian besar pengelasan, membungkuk, dan membentuk operasi, tetapi belum tentu sesuai untuk semua kondisi pelayanan.
331,1 Umum
331.1.1 Heat Treatment Persyaratan
(a) perlakuan panas harus sesuai dengan pengelompokan material dan ketebalan berkisar pada Tabel 331.1.1 kecuali sebagaimana ditentukan dalam paragraf. 331.2.1 dan 331.2.2. (b) perlakuan panas yang akan digunakan setelah produksi pengelasan harus ditentukan dalam WPS dan harus digunakan dalam kualifikasi prosedur pengelasan. (c) Desain rekayasa akan menentukan pemeriksaan dan / atau produksi lainnya kontrol kualitas (tidak kurang dari persyaratan Standar ini) untuk memastikan bahwa lasan akhir yang berkualitas memadai. (d) Perlakuan panas untuk membungkuk dan membentuk harus sesuai dengan butir. 332,4. 331.1.3 Pemerintahan Tebal. Ketika komponen bergabung dengan pengelasan, ketebalan yang akan digunakan dalam menerapkan ketentuan perlakuan panas dari Tabel 331.1.1 akan bahwa dari komponen tebal diukur pada sendi, kecuali sebagai berikut. (a) Dalam kasus koneksi cabang, logam (selain logam las) ditambahkan sebagai penguat, apakah merupakan bagian integral dari cabang pas atau melekat sebagai pad memperkuat atau sadel, tidak akan dipertimbangkan dalam menentukan persyaratan perlakuan panas. Perlakuan panas diperlukan, namun, ketika ketebalan melalui las di pesawat apapun melalui cabang lebih besar dari dua kali ketebalan material minimum membutuhkan perlakuan panas meskipun ketebalan komponen di sendi kurang dari ketebalan minimum. Ketebalan melalui las untuk rincian ditunjukkan pada Gambar. 328.5.4D harus dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus berikut: (b) Dalam hal lasan fillet di slip-on dan soket pengelasan flensa dan koneksi pipa DN 50 (NPS 2) dan lebih kecil, untuk segel pengelasan ulir sendi di pipa DN 50 dan lebih kecil, dan untuk lampiran bagian nonpressure eksternal seperti lugs atau elemen pipa pendukung lainnya dalam semua ukuran pipa, perlakuan panas diperlukan ketika ketebalan melalui las di pesawat apapun lebih dari dua kali ketebalan material minimum membutuhkan perlakuan panas (meskipun ketebalan komponen di sendi kurang dari itu ketebalan minimum), kecuali sebagai berikut: (1) tidak diperlukan untuk P-ada. 1 bahan ketika ketebalan tenggorokan las adalah 16 mm (in.) Atau kurang, terlepas dari ketebalan logam dasar; (2) tidak diperlukan untuk P-ada. 3, 4, 5, atau 10A bahan ketika ketebalan tenggorokan las 13 mm (in.) Atau kurang, terlepas dari ketebalan logam dasar, asalkan tidak kurang dari pemanasan awal dianjurkan diterapkan, dan kekuatan tarik minimum tertentu dari logam dasar kurang dari 490 MPa (71 ksi); (3) tidak diperlukan untuk bahan feritik saat pengelasan dibuat dengan logam pengisi yang tidak mengeras udara. Bahan las austenitik dapat digunakan untuk las untuk bahan feritik ketika efek dari kondisi pelayanan, seperti ekspansi termal diferensial karena suhu tinggi, atau korosi, tidak akan mempengaruhi lasan tersebut. 331.1.4 pemanas dan pendingin. Metode pemanasan harus menyediakan Suhu yang diperlukan logam, keseragaman suhu logam, dan kontrol suhu, dan mungkin termasuk tungku tertutup, pemanasan api lokal, ketahanan listrik, induksi listrik, atau reaksi kimia eksotermis. Metode pendinginan harus memberikan tingkat pendinginan yang dibutuhkan atau diinginkan dan dapat mencakup pendinginan dalam tungku, di udara, dengan aplikasi panas lokal atau isolasi, atau dengan cara lain yang cocok. Verifikasi 331.1.6 Suhu. suhu perlakuan panas harus diperiksa oleh thermocouple pirometer atau metode lain yang cocok untuk memastikan bahwa persyaratan WPS terpenuhi. Lihat para. 330.1.3 (b) untuk lampiran dari termokopel dengan metode kapasitor discharge pengelasan. 331.1.7 Kekerasan Tes. tes Kekerasan lasan produksi dan panas membungkuk dan panas membentuk pipa dimaksudkan untuk memverifikasi perlakuan panas yang memuaskan. Batas kekerasan berlaku untuk las dan panas terkena zona (HAZ) diuji sedekat praktis untuk tepi las. (a) Dimana batas kekerasan ditentukan dalam Tabel 331.1.1, setidaknya 10% dari lasan, tikungan panas, dan komponen terbentuk panas di setiap tungku panas bets dirawat dan 100% dari mereka yang panas lokal diperlakukan harus diuji. (b) Ketika logam berbeda bergabung dengan pengelasan, batas kekerasan yang ditentukan untuk dasar dan pengelasan bahan pada Tabel 331,1. 1 harus dipenuhi untuk setiap materi. 331,2 Persyaratan Khusus Dimana dibenarkan oleh pengalaman atau pengetahuan tentang kondisi pelayanan, metode alternatif perlakuan panas atau pengecualian ketentuan perlakuan panas dasar para. 331,1 dapat diadopsi sebagaimana diatur dalam paragraf. 331.2.1 dan 331.2.2.

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