This article reflects on a group of constitutional devices: mechanisms terjemahan - This article reflects on a group of constitutional devices: mechanisms Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

This article reflects on a group of

This article reflects on a group of constitutional devices: mechanisms
that empower one state institution to defend itself against another
institution. Rather than relying on a third body to police the relationship,
these devices create the potential for a form of self-defence.1 The
institution is given a shield to protect against the attentions of another
body, or is given a sword it can use to repel or deter an attack. Selfdefence
mechanisms are interesting for many reasons, but they are
particularly interesting for the light they cast on the separation of
powers. At first glance, these measures seem to run contrary to the
normal prescriptions of that principle. They are instances where a
capacity is allocated to a body that, on the surface at least, it is ill suited
to possess. Understanding when and why the separation of powers
requires these surprising allocations helps explain the operation of the
principle in more routine contexts.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
This article reflects on a group of constitutional devices: mechanisms
that empower one state institution to defend itself against another
institution. Rather than relying on a third body to police the relationship,
these devices create the potential for a form of self-defence.1 The
institution is given a shield to protect against the attentions of another
body, or is given a sword it can use to repel or deter an attack. Selfdefence
mechanisms are interesting for many reasons, but they are
particularly interesting for the light they cast on the separation of
powers. At first glance, these measures seem to run contrary to the
normal prescriptions of that principle. They are instances where a
capacity is allocated to a body that, on the surface at least, it is ill suited
to possess. Understanding when and why the separation of powers
requires these surprising allocations helps explain the operation of the
principle in more routine contexts.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Artikel ini mencerminkan pada sekelompok perangkat konstitusional: mekanisme
yang memberdayakan satu lembaga negara untuk mempertahankan diri terhadap yang lain
institusi. Daripada mengandalkan tubuh ketiga untuk polisi hubungan,
perangkat ini membuat potensi bentuk self-defence.1 The
institusi diberi perisai untuk melindungi terhadap perhatian dari yang lain
tubuh, atau diberi pedang itu dapat digunakan untuk mengusir atau mencegah serangan. Selfdefence
mekanisme menarik karena berbagai alasan, tetapi mereka
sangat menarik untuk lampu mereka melemparkan pada pemisahan
kekuasaan. Pada pandangan pertama, langkah-langkah ini tampaknya berjalan bertentangan dengan
resep normal prinsip itu. Mereka adalah contoh di mana
kapasitas dialokasikan untuk tubuh yang, pada permukaan setidaknya, itu kurang cocok
untuk memiliki. Memahami kapan dan mengapa pemisahan kekuasaan
membutuhkan alokasi ini mengejutkan membantu menjelaskan operasi
prinsip dalam konteks yang lebih rutin.
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