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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
His looking pale, but the murderous intention in both eyes fills the air as before, when gains ground, he is looking at that Men in Black, ice-cold in item, such as gives up on the human, this vision, lets the Men in Black facial color big change, by his Cultivation, has had the fear unexpectedly, wants to run away, but that alligator goes crazy the stop.The Meng Hao look is indifferent, takes up bag of holding, takes out clothes, after does not abhor Xu's putting on , received the bronze lamp bag of holding, the flame on this lamp, was obviously dim, resembles uses again 1-2 times, will thoroughly extinguish.Tidied up all, Meng Hao looked at the place that second true body was collapsing, the right hand lifts void grasps, immediately one group of flesh and blood fly, the real immortal soul, dissipated by no means completely, may actually lose nearly 90%, only remaining this group of flesh and blood, among condensed complete Devilish Will, looked like, this group of flesh and blood, resembled a black heart.After its seal , when receives, Meng Hao moves toward with the Men in Black who the alligator battles.This war, he loses frigidly, if not but so, Meng Hao has the eternal boundary, must die without doubt.The Men in Black facial color change, the innermost feelings have produced to Meng Hao unexpectedly panic-stricken, Meng Hao walks, as if an ancient times evil spirit, was approaching step by step.With amazement , before this Men in Black, was injured, now innermost feelings one chaotic, immediately is nipped by alligator one on the right leg, his right leg disruption, in this flickers, Meng Hao approaches suddenly, his under foot has red vortex, this vortex is getting bigger and bigger, to finally, almost changed to a piece of bloodshed.„Do not come!” The Men in Black whoosh, the body speeds away Retreats, may have the alligator to divert, his injury is more serious, Cultivation that at this moment can display, no longer is complete, the comparable five boundary immortals are the same.The Meng Hao speed is extremely fast, under foot bloodshed is getting more and more huge, to finally, this bloodshed vortex tumbled, directly after the Meng Hao whole body covers, his form disappears, can see, is only piece of bloodshed vortex.Bang!Men in Black waves hand, the magical powers transform, separate the spatial bombardment, the bloodshed shake, the silk must collapse, may blink restores as usual, to approach as before, the Men in Black looks pale, unceasing waves hand, shells unceasingly, the body withdraws, even does not hesitate to be wounded by the alligator again.His Fighting Intent vanished, when that two companions died, he was shocked by Meng Hao here, particularly saw that Meng Hao dies to reactivate, this shocks is more intense.Apa pun tetapi bagaimana dia kerang, vortex pertumpahan darah bahwa perubahan Meng Hao, bahkan jika diterkam, berkedip restorasi, setelah beberapa waktu napas, bang, vortex pertumpahan darah telah bertemu orang-orang ini hitam, seluruh tubuhnya, mencakup seketika.Guruh dengung, laki-laki hitam yang dipanggil menyedihkan untuk menjadi tertekan untuk menyebarkan sedih dan melengking, bersama dengan bunyi guruh, sepotong pertumpahan darah vortex runtuh tanpa henti, mungkin sebenarnya seluruh tidak meledak, runtuhnya setiap, akan mengembalikan seketika, antara berteriak menyedihkan adalah secara bertahap sedih dan melengking, adalah perlahan-lahan lemah, setelah setengah-tongkat Dupa, benar-benar kehilangan suara.Sesudahnya, ketika sepotong pertumpahan darah ini perlahan-lahan mengambil kembali, kental Meng Hao, depan nya, tubuh laki-laki ini hitam telah dikeringkan up, kedua mata dibuka, membawa keputusasaan sebelum kematian, daging dan darah, budidaya nya, jiwanya, semua, adalah menelan bersih oleh Meng Hao.Meng Hao wajah warna sedikit merah, berdiri ketika langit berbintang mata tertutup, setelah lama, membuka mata, mengungkapkan exhaustedly, mungkin ini habis, memiliki maksud pembunuh untuk mengisi udara."Benar-benar adalah... Fang klan!!" Sosok yang Meng Hao menggunakan akhirnya, adalah setan darah ** ketika ke puncak, satu mengerikan magis kekuatan perubahan itu, tetapi kekuatan magis ini memiliki malpraktik fatal, memerlukan waktu.Dan dalam waktu yang menelan ini, tidak mampu menghadapi serangan dari luar, karena itu Meng Hao dari sia-sia, teknik ini dapat menyelesaikan menyerap seberang Partai semua kenangan sepenuhnya.
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