A solution to this capacity problem emerged during the 50’s and 60’s w terjemahan - A solution to this capacity problem emerged during the 50’s and 60’s w Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A solution to this capacity problem

A solution to this capacity problem emerged during the 50’s and 60’s when researchers at AT&T
Bell Laboratories developed the cellular concept [1]. Cellular systems exploit the fact that the power
of a transmitted signal falls off with distance. Thus, the same frequency channel can be allocated to
users at spatially-separate locations with minimal interference between the users. Using this premise, a
cellular system divides a geographical area into adjacent, non-overlapping, “cells”. Different channel sets
are assigned to each cell, and cells that are assigned the same channel set are spaced far enough apart so
that interference between the mobiles in these cells is small. Each cell has a centralized transmitter and
receiver (called a base station) that communicates with the mobile units in that cell, both for control
purposes and as a call relay. All base stations have high-bandwidth connections to a mobile telephone
switching office (MTSO), which is itself connected to the public-switched telephone network (PSTN). The
handoff of mobile units crossing cell boundaries is typically handled by the MTSO, although in current
systems some of this functionality is handled by the base stations and/or mobile units
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
A solution to this capacity problem emerged during the 50’s and 60’s when researchers at AT&TBell Laboratories developed the cellular concept [1]. Cellular systems exploit the fact that the powerof a transmitted signal falls off with distance. Thus, the same frequency channel can be allocated tousers at spatially-separate locations with minimal interference between the users. Using this premise, acellular system divides a geographical area into adjacent, non-overlapping, “cells”. Different channel setsare assigned to each cell, and cells that are assigned the same channel set are spaced far enough apart sothat interference between the mobiles in these cells is small. Each cell has a centralized transmitter andreceiver (called a base station) that communicates with the mobile units in that cell, both for controlpurposes and as a call relay. All base stations have high-bandwidth connections to a mobile telephoneswitching office (MTSO), which is itself connected to the public-switched telephone network (PSTN). Thehandoff of mobile units crossing cell boundaries is typically handled by the MTSO, although in currentsystems some of this functionality is handled by the base stations and/or mobile units
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sebuah solusi untuk masalah kapasitas ini muncul selama 50 dan 60 ketika para peneliti di AT & T
Bell Laboratories mengembangkan konsep seluler [1]. Sistem selular mengeksploitasi fakta bahwa kekuatan
dari sinyal yang ditransmisikan jatuh dengan jarak. Dengan demikian, kanal frekuensi yang sama dapat dialokasikan untuk
pengguna di lokasi spasial-terpisah dengan gangguan minimal antara pengguna. Menggunakan premis ini,
sistem selular membagi wilayah geografis ke yang berdekatan, tidak tumpang tindih, "sel". Channel set yang berbeda
yang ditugaskan untuk setiap sel, dan sel-sel yang ditugaskan sama channel set jarak cukup jauh terpisah sehingga
bahwa interferensi antara ponsel di sel-sel ini kecil. Setiap sel memiliki pemancar terpusat dan
penerima (disebut base station) yang berkomunikasi dengan unit mobile dalam sel itu, baik untuk kontrol
tujuan dan sebagai relay panggilan. Semua BTS memiliki koneksi bandwidth tinggi untuk telepon seluler
beralih kantor (MTSO), yang itu sendiri terhubung ke jaringan telepon umum-switched (PSTN). The
handoff dari unit mobile melintasi batas-batas sel biasanya ditangani oleh MTSO, meskipun dalam saat
sistem beberapa fungsi ini ditangani oleh BTS dan / atau unit mobile
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