Jalal playfully asked her

Jalal playfully asked her "So what

Jalal playfully asked her "So what game you didn't want to play? You just said you can't..." Jodha was trapped... She had no answer... She looked shy and blushed!!!

His lips curved with romantically smirk and said "I always play any game to win something... Without challenge it's no fun!!!"

Jodha with proudly replied "I am a Rajvanshi...I am not scared of any challenge..."

Jalal with a mysterious smile said "Sure Jodha begum... promise..."

with little resentment Jodha said "YES! What is the challenge...?"

Jalal with mystifying gaze said "Whoever wins get one wish..."

Jodha shockingly replied "A Wish!"

He smiled and said "looked like you already scared, forget it."

Jodha with annoyance proudly replied "I accept it..."

Jalal again asked "Are you sure and any wish!!!!!!!!"

Jodha with overconfidence replied "hmmm...Why should I worry, I know I am going win..."

They set up chess in the middle of their bed and game start...

While playing... Jodha talked about Amer, her childhood, her brother Sujamal, How she learned fencing from his brother...Jalal was listing to her sweet talks and stealing glance at her secretly...

After few minutes Jalal asked "So Jodha begum, I am sure lots of princes were crazy about your beauty..."

She replied instantly very naively "Oh yes, lot of them, Shenshah!!! And told him innocently "how crazy some princes were about her... how people followed her to just see her once..."

Jalal with teasing asked "So you think you are beautiful..."

Jodha gaze at him annoyed and replied in upsetting tone "Oh...so you don't think I am beautiful..."

Jalal smirk seeing her annoyed innocent face and replied "I didn't say that..."

Jodha got little upset thinking Jalal doesn't think she is beautiful... she said with irritation "Let's play chess, I don't want to talk about anything else, I know you have many beautiful women in your harem..." Her face suddenly was saddened thinking Jalal has many beautiful women in his harem, why he will think I am beautiful...

Jalal enjoyed her jealousy and anger...but he couldn't see her sad face much longer...

At last, Jalal with smile said "Jodha begum, look at me." her eyes still lowered, she was upset and lost, her mind was stuck at Jalal thinks she is not beautiful enough...

Jalal said with little louder tone "Jodha begum," she slowly lift up her doe like beautiful eyes...

Jalal with pleasant smile said "Jodha begum, I have never seen any beautiful women in my life like you, your beauty is beyond any words, any imagination and that is true, I have so many beautiful women in my harem but none can stand near you, do you know why? Because your beauty reflects in your soul, you are innocent, pure, truthful and divine; you have no fear of saying truth, I have never seen any women whose inner and outer beauty beyond any words, for me your are most beautiful women in the world.

Jodha never imagined that Jalal will answer like this, she didn't know how to react, she couldn't lift up her face, she was feeling so shy, and her cheeks turn red again in bashfulness. Jalal lift her chin up with grin, Jodha begum your turn... Where are you lost? Jodha was so shocked to hear this intense appreciation of her beauty...she felt like her stomach has many butterfly flying inside...

Jodha didn't say word just blushed... their game start again... Jalal trapped by her queen... Jalal was pretty impress with her chess skill... Her every move was trapping Jalal little by little, she played like an expert... It was a very long emotional day for both of them, they both were tired, so she lay on bed while playing and her legs were dancing ... her payal was making soothing music, she didn't realize while playing when her dress was exposing her half legs... he gazed at her soft, smooth, spotless, attractive legs sensually; he couldn't take his eye off... Jodha saw him and realized, suddenly got up and covered her legs...he smirk at her mysteriously, he was not able to concentrate on game, and he was constantly being distracted by her innocent talk and beauty.

Jalal rushed a little in his next move and gave her check and didn't realize he left his own king open...

Jodha with victorious smirk said; "Shenshah, in rush you have put your king in danger and left him alone and it's trapped by enemy..."

Jalal realized his mistake sharply replied "Do you know Jodha begum King is always alone..."

Jodha in advising tone "but you can still save your king by sacrificing your queen..."

Jalal with sarcastic grin replied "Without my queen, I would rather finish my game; king supposes to protect his queen..."

At last, Jalal lost and Jodha win the game...

Jalal proudly said "Jodha begum, I am very impressed with your talent... As per promise, tell me what do you want?"

Jodha with content smile replied " I don't want anything now; when time comes I will ask for it..."

Jalal leisurely said "Jodha begum, it's very late, we should go to sleep. I will sleep on that sofa; you sleep on the bed..."

Jodha was very much please but she said "No Shenshah, I will sleep on sofa and you sleep here..."

They argue for a minute finally Jodha gave up and said "Shenshah, I have complete trust on you, we both can sleep on same bed... "

Jalal felt happy to hear she has started to trust on him... he asked teasingly "Jodha begum, what you said in the afternoon, between husband and wife ... something bridge, respect, trust and faith.. and ... Jodha put her finger on his mouth... and stopped him before he say love... Jalal looked at her with intense look and kiss on her finger, like a electric shock she took away finger from his mouth, then he hold her hand, pulled her close to him asked her sensually "Jodha, you respect me, you trust me and you also have faith in me... Are you in love with me...? She looked at him with intense love... she asked him cross question; I think you respect me, you also trust me, you have faith on me? Are you in love with me?

Jalal with smile replied "I have asked you first so you suppose to answer my question... I am ordering you to answer my question"

Jodha smirk back at him and answer with witty gaze "hmmm! I can love you but there is problem... you don't have heart!!! You are claiming that you don't have heart... The day I find your heart, I might think about loving you, she mischievously smirks at him!!!"

Jalal had no answer to this... he knew she trapped him in his talk...

Jalal "subhan allah bato me aapse koi jit nahi sakta" and talks to himself, one day you will admit it that you are in love with me.

They both sleep on same bed...

Jalal softly asked "Are you sleeping?"

Jodha: "not yet..."

Jalal: "something is missing, Jodha begum"

Jodha with irritating tone "Shenshah, Now what is missing?"

Jalal "I can't go to sleep without good night kiss..." to make her more jealous Jalal added Rukaiya every night kiss me before we go to bed and also massage my legs...

Jodha with shock and annoyance "WHAT????"

Jalal continued with smirk "Actually Jodha begum, that is mughal custom, whoever wife I sleep with they have to kiss me good night and massage my legs till I fall in sleep... but I understand if you can't, don't worry I will go to Rukaiya begum."

Jodha with puzzling tone replied "But you didn't told that night we slept together...

Jalal "I didn't because you were sick and it was my decision to sleep with you..."

Jodha; remembered her mother used to massage her father's leg, her mom also told her this was part of wife's duty...

Jalal with mischievous voice "it's okay I will go to Rukaiya's room" Jalal pretend to get up from his bed... with the act of disappointment.

"Wait Shenshah... You don't need to go anywhere I can follow the custom... with little awkwardness she said...

Jalal " Are you sure...! Okay than I will sleep here only," Jalal never thought, she will agree on kissing him... he was just joking'

Jodha came very close him, sensually gazed his eyes... came near his face and stopped up at his lips, she wait there for a second and playfully kissed quickly on his forehead instead of lips and said good night Shenshah with winning look.

Jalal got annoyed and turned towards her...his half body on top of her...he came close to her... with sensual tone he said "Let me teach you how to kiss your husband..." they both gazed at each other intensely, with her eyes expression she gave him consent to kiss her... he ran figure through her face and kissed on her forehead than cheeks...Jodha opened her eyes... he waited for few second and quickly kissed on her lips a softly... As soon as his lips touches, her entire body tremble and shiver... Jalal gaze at her sensually and with smirk said "Good night Jodha begum, I was kidding about massage but kiss is obligatory custom and wink at her...

Finally they both went to sleep peacefully after long day of emotional roller coaster ride...

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Jalal playfully asked her "So what game you didn't want to play? You just said you can't..." Jodha was trapped... She had no answer... She looked shy and blushed!!!His lips curved with romantically smirk and said "I always play any game to win something... Without challenge it's no fun!!!"Jodha with proudly replied "I am a Rajvanshi...I am not scared of any challenge..."Jalal with a mysterious smile said "Sure Jodha begum... promise..."with little resentment Jodha said "YES! What is the challenge...?"Jalal with mystifying gaze said "Whoever wins get one wish..."Jodha shockingly replied "A Wish!"He smiled and said "looked like you already scared, forget it."Jodha with annoyance proudly replied "I accept it..."Jalal again asked "Are you sure and any wish!!!!!!!!"Jodha with overconfidence replied "hmmm...Why should I worry, I know I am going win..."They set up chess in the middle of their bed and game start...While playing... Jodha talked about Amer, her childhood, her brother Sujamal, How she learned fencing from his brother...Jalal was listing to her sweet talks and stealing glance at her secretly...After few minutes Jalal asked "So Jodha begum, I am sure lots of princes were crazy about your beauty..."She replied instantly very naively "Oh yes, lot of them, Shenshah!!! And told him innocently "how crazy some princes were about her... how people followed her to just see her once..."Jalal with teasing asked "So you think you are beautiful..."Jodha gaze at him annoyed and replied in upsetting tone "Oh...so you don't think I am beautiful..."Jalal smirk seeing her annoyed innocent face and replied "I didn't say that..."Jodha got little upset thinking Jalal doesn't think she is beautiful... she said with irritation "Let's play chess, I don't want to talk about anything else, I know you have many beautiful women in your harem..." Her face suddenly was saddened thinking Jalal has many beautiful women in his harem, why he will think I am beautiful...Jalal enjoyed her jealousy and anger...but he couldn't see her sad face much longer...At last, Jalal with smile said "Jodha begum, look at me." her eyes still lowered, she was upset and lost, her mind was stuck at Jalal thinks she is not beautiful enough...Jalal said with little louder tone "Jodha begum," she slowly lift up her doe like beautiful eyes...Jalal with pleasant smile said "Jodha begum, I have never seen any beautiful women in my life like you, your beauty is beyond any words, any imagination and that is true, I have so many beautiful women in my harem but none can stand near you, do you know why? Because your beauty reflects in your soul, you are innocent, pure, truthful and divine; you have no fear of saying truth, I have never seen any women whose inner and outer beauty beyond any words, for me your are most beautiful women in the world.Jodha tidak pernah membayangkan bahwa Jalal akan menjawab seperti ini, dia tidak tahu bagaimana harus bereaksi, ia tidak bisa mengangkat wajahnya, ia merasa sangat malu dan nya pipi merah lagi di malu. Jalal mengangkat dagunya dengan senyum, Jodha begum giliran Anda... Mana Anda kehilangan? Jodha begitu terkejut mendengar apresiasi ini intens kecantikannya... dia merasa seperti perutnya memiliki banyak kupu-kupu terbang di dalam...Jodha tidak mengatakan kata hanya tersipu... mereka mulai permainan lagi... Jalal terjebak oleh Ratu... Jalal adalah cukup terkesan dengan keterampilan catur nya... Dia setiap langkah adalah perangkap Jalal sedikit demi sedikit, dia bermain seperti seorang ahli... Itu adalah hari yang sangat panjang emosional bagi mereka berdua, mereka berdua lelah, jadi dia berbaring di tempat tidur sambil bermain dan kakinya yang menari... dia Zulfan membuat musik yang menenangkan, dia tidak menyadari sambil bermain ketika gaunnya mengekspos kakinya setengah... ia memandang kakinya lembut, halus, bersih, menarik sensual; Dia tidak bisa lepas landas matanya... Jodha melihatnya dan menyadari, tiba-tiba bangun dan ditutupi kakinya... Dia menyeringai padanya secara misterius, ia mampu tidak berkonsentrasi pada permainan dan dia terus-menerus menjadi terganggu oleh bicara tidak bersalah dan Salon Kecantikan.Jalal bergegas sedikit di depan bergerak dan memberi cek nya dan tidak menyadari bahwa ia meninggalkan raja sendiri terbuka...Jodha dengan seringai menang berkata; "Shenshah, dalam terburu-buru Anda menempatkan raja Anda dalam bahaya dan meninggalkannya sendirian dan terperangkap oleh musuh..."Jalal realized his mistake sharply replied "Do you know Jodha begum King is always alone..."Jodha in advising tone "but you can still save your king by sacrificing your queen..."Jalal with sarcastic grin replied "Without my queen, I would rather finish my game; king supposes to protect his queen..."At last, Jalal lost and Jodha win the game...Jalal proudly said "Jodha begum, I am very impressed with your talent... As per promise, tell me what do you want?"Jodha with content smile replied " I don't want anything now; when time comes I will ask for it..."Jalal leisurely said "Jodha begum, it's very late, we should go to sleep. I will sleep on that sofa; you sleep on the bed..."Jodha was very much please but she said "No Shenshah, I will sleep on sofa and you sleep here..."They argue for a minute finally Jodha gave up and said "Shenshah, I have complete trust on you, we both can sleep on same bed... "Jalal felt happy to hear she has started to trust on him... he asked teasingly "Jodha begum, what you said in the afternoon, between husband and wife ... something bridge, respect, trust and faith.. and ... Jodha put her finger on his mouth... and stopped him before he say love... Jalal looked at her with intense look and kiss on her finger, like a electric shock she took away finger from his mouth, then he hold her hand, pulled her close to him asked her sensually "Jodha, you respect me, you trust me and you also have faith in me... Are you in love with me...? She looked at him with intense love... she asked him cross question; I think you respect me, you also trust me, you have faith on me? Are you in love with me?Jalal with smile replied "I have asked you first so you suppose to answer my question... I am ordering you to answer my question"Jodha smirk back at him and answer with witty gaze "hmmm! I can love you but there is problem... you don't have heart!!! You are claiming that you don't have heart... The day I find your heart, I might think about loving you, she mischievously smirks at him!!!"Jalal had no answer to this... he knew she trapped him in his talk...Jalal "subhan allah bato me aapse koi jit nahi sakta" and talks to himself, one day you will admit it that you are in love with me.They both sleep on same bed...Jalal softly asked "Are you sleeping?"Jodha: "not yet..."Jalal: "something is missing, Jodha begum"Jodha with irritating tone "Shenshah, Now what is missing?"Jalal "I can't go to sleep without good night kiss..." to make her more jealous Jalal added Rukaiya every night kiss me before we go to bed and also massage my legs...Jodha with shock and annoyance "WHAT????"Jalal continued with smirk "Actually Jodha begum, that is mughal custom, whoever wife I sleep with they have to kiss me good night and massage my legs till I fall in sleep... but I understand if you can't, don't worry I will go to Rukaiya begum."Jodha with puzzling tone replied "But you didn't told that night we slept together...Jalal "I didn't because you were sick and it was my decision to sleep with you..."Jodha; remembered her mother used to massage her father's leg, her mom also told her this was part of wife's duty...Jalal with mischievous voice "it's okay I will go to Rukaiya's room" Jalal pretend to get up from his bed... with the act of disappointment."Wait Shenshah... You don't need to go anywhere I can follow the custom... with little awkwardness she said...Jalal " Are you sure...! Okay than I will sleep here only," Jalal never thought, she will agree on kissing him... he was just joking'Jodha came very close him, sensually gazed his eyes... came near his face and stopped up at his lips, she wait there for a second and playfully kissed quickly on his forehead instead of lips and said good night Shenshah with winning look.Jalal mendapat kesal dan berubah ke arah her... tubuhnya setengah di atas her...he datang dekat her... dengan nada sensual dia mengatakan "Biarkan aku mengajarkan Anda bagaimana untuk mencium suami Anda..." keduanya menatap satu sama lain intens, dengan ekspresi mata Nya dia memberinya izin untuk mencium dia... Dia berlari gambar melalui wajahnya dan mencium pada dahinya daripada pipi...Jodha membuka matanya... dia menunggu sedikit kedua dan cepat mencium di bibir lembut... Segera setelah menyentuh bibirnya, seluruh tubuhnya gemetar dan menggigil... Jalal tatapan padanya sensual dan dengan seringai kata "malam Jodha begum, aku bercanda tentang pijat tetapi kiss adalah wajib kustom dan wink padanya...Akhirnya mereka berdua pergi ke tidur dengan nyenyak setelah hari panjang naik emosional roller coaster...NEXT: JODHA PERGI UNTUK MELIHAT SUJAMAL...
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jalal playfully asked her "So what game you didn't want to play? You just said you can't..." Jodha was trapped... She had no answer... She looked shy and blushed!!!

His lips curved with romantically smirk and said "I always play any game to win something... Without challenge it's no fun!!!"

Jodha with proudly replied "I am a Rajvanshi...I am not scared of any challenge..."

Jalal with a mysterious smile said "Sure Jodha begum... promise..."

with little resentment Jodha said "YES! What is the challenge...?"

Jalal with mystifying gaze said "Whoever wins get one wish..."

Jodha shockingly replied "A Wish!"

He smiled and said "looked like you already scared, forget it."

Jodha with annoyance proudly replied "I accept it..."

Jalal again asked "Are you sure and any wish!!!!!!!!"

Jodha with overconfidence replied "hmmm...Why should I worry, I know I am going win..."

They set up chess in the middle of their bed and game start...

While playing... Jodha talked about Amer, her childhood, her brother Sujamal, How she learned fencing from his brother...Jalal was listing to her sweet talks and stealing glance at her secretly...

After few minutes Jalal asked "So Jodha begum, I am sure lots of princes were crazy about your beauty..."

She replied instantly very naively "Oh yes, lot of them, Shenshah!!! And told him innocently "how crazy some princes were about her... how people followed her to just see her once..."

Jalal with teasing asked "So you think you are beautiful..."

Jodha gaze at him annoyed and replied in upsetting tone "Oh...so you don't think I am beautiful..."

Jalal smirk seeing her annoyed innocent face and replied "I didn't say that..."

Jodha got little upset thinking Jalal doesn't think she is beautiful... she said with irritation "Let's play chess, I don't want to talk about anything else, I know you have many beautiful women in your harem..." Her face suddenly was saddened thinking Jalal has many beautiful women in his harem, why he will think I am beautiful...

Jalal enjoyed her jealousy and anger...but he couldn't see her sad face much longer...

At last, Jalal with smile said "Jodha begum, look at me." her eyes still lowered, she was upset and lost, her mind was stuck at Jalal thinks she is not beautiful enough...

Jalal said with little louder tone "Jodha begum," she slowly lift up her doe like beautiful eyes...

Jalal with pleasant smile said "Jodha begum, I have never seen any beautiful women in my life like you, your beauty is beyond any words, any imagination and that is true, I have so many beautiful women in my harem but none can stand near you, do you know why? Because your beauty reflects in your soul, you are innocent, pure, truthful and divine; you have no fear of saying truth, I have never seen any women whose inner and outer beauty beyond any words, for me your are most beautiful women in the world.

Jodha never imagined that Jalal will answer like this, she didn't know how to react, she couldn't lift up her face, she was feeling so shy, and her cheeks turn red again in bashfulness. Jalal lift her chin up with grin, Jodha begum your turn... Where are you lost? Jodha was so shocked to hear this intense appreciation of her beauty...she felt like her stomach has many butterfly flying inside...

Jodha didn't say word just blushed... their game start again... Jalal trapped by her queen... Jalal was pretty impress with her chess skill... Her every move was trapping Jalal little by little, she played like an expert... It was a very long emotional day for both of them, they both were tired, so she lay on bed while playing and her legs were dancing ... her payal was making soothing music, she didn't realize while playing when her dress was exposing her half legs... he gazed at her soft, smooth, spotless, attractive legs sensually; he couldn't take his eye off... Jodha saw him and realized, suddenly got up and covered her legs...he smirk at her mysteriously, he was not able to concentrate on game, and he was constantly being distracted by her innocent talk and beauty.

Jalal rushed a little in his next move and gave her check and didn't realize he left his own king open...

Jodha with victorious smirk said; "Shenshah, in rush you have put your king in danger and left him alone and it's trapped by enemy..."

Jalal realized his mistake sharply replied "Do you know Jodha begum King is always alone..."

Jodha in advising tone "but you can still save your king by sacrificing your queen..."

Jalal with sarcastic grin replied "Without my queen, I would rather finish my game; king supposes to protect his queen..."

At last, Jalal lost and Jodha win the game...

Jalal proudly said "Jodha begum, I am very impressed with your talent... As per promise, tell me what do you want?"

Jodha with content smile replied " I don't want anything now; when time comes I will ask for it..."

Jalal leisurely said "Jodha begum, it's very late, we should go to sleep. I will sleep on that sofa; you sleep on the bed..."

Jodha was very much please but she said "No Shenshah, I will sleep on sofa and you sleep here..."

They argue for a minute finally Jodha gave up and said "Shenshah, I have complete trust on you, we both can sleep on same bed... "

Jalal felt happy to hear she has started to trust on him... he asked teasingly "Jodha begum, what you said in the afternoon, between husband and wife ... something bridge, respect, trust and faith.. and ... Jodha put her finger on his mouth... and stopped him before he say love... Jalal looked at her with intense look and kiss on her finger, like a electric shock she took away finger from his mouth, then he hold her hand, pulled her close to him asked her sensually "Jodha, you respect me, you trust me and you also have faith in me... Are you in love with me...? She looked at him with intense love... she asked him cross question; I think you respect me, you also trust me, you have faith on me? Are you in love with me?

Jalal with smile replied "I have asked you first so you suppose to answer my question... I am ordering you to answer my question"

Jodha smirk back at him and answer with witty gaze "hmmm! I can love you but there is problem... you don't have heart!!! You are claiming that you don't have heart... The day I find your heart, I might think about loving you, she mischievously smirks at him!!!"

Jalal had no answer to this... he knew she trapped him in his talk...

Jalal "subhan allah bato me aapse koi jit nahi sakta" and talks to himself, one day you will admit it that you are in love with me.

They both sleep on same bed...

Jalal softly asked "Are you sleeping?"

Jodha: "not yet..."

Jalal: "something is missing, Jodha begum"

Jodha with irritating tone "Shenshah, Now what is missing?"

Jalal "I can't go to sleep without good night kiss..." to make her more jealous Jalal added Rukaiya every night kiss me before we go to bed and also massage my legs...

Jodha with shock and annoyance "WHAT????"

Jalal continued with smirk "Actually Jodha begum, that is mughal custom, whoever wife I sleep with they have to kiss me good night and massage my legs till I fall in sleep... but I understand if you can't, don't worry I will go to Rukaiya begum."

Jodha with puzzling tone replied "But you didn't told that night we slept together...

Jalal "I didn't because you were sick and it was my decision to sleep with you..."

Jodha; remembered her mother used to massage her father's leg, her mom also told her this was part of wife's duty...

Jalal with mischievous voice "it's okay I will go to Rukaiya's room" Jalal pretend to get up from his bed... with the act of disappointment.

"Wait Shenshah... You don't need to go anywhere I can follow the custom... with little awkwardness she said...

Jalal " Are you sure...! Okay than I will sleep here only," Jalal never thought, she will agree on kissing him... he was just joking'

Jodha came very close him, sensually gazed his eyes... came near his face and stopped up at his lips, she wait there for a second and playfully kissed quickly on his forehead instead of lips and said good night Shenshah with winning look.

Jalal got annoyed and turned towards her...his half body on top of her...he came close to her... with sensual tone he said "Let me teach you how to kiss your husband..." they both gazed at each other intensely, with her eyes expression she gave him consent to kiss her... he ran figure through her face and kissed on her forehead than cheeks...Jodha opened her eyes... he waited for few second and quickly kissed on her lips a softly... As soon as his lips touches, her entire body tremble and shiver... Jalal gaze at her sensually and with smirk said "Good night Jodha begum, I was kidding about massage but kiss is obligatory custom and wink at her...

Finally they both went to sleep peacefully after long day of emotional roller coaster ride...

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