QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION AND DISCUSSION1. Do you agree with the assump terjemahan - QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION AND DISCUSSION1. Do you agree with the assump Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


1. Do you agree with the assumption of REBT that the basis for emotional disturbance
lies in irrational beliefs and thinking? To what degree do you accept the notion that events themselves do not cause emotional and behavioral problems; rather, that it is
our cognitive evaluation and beliefs about life events that lead to our problems?
2. According to Ellis, effective psychotherapy can take place without personal warmth
from the therapist. He contends that too much warmth and understanding can be
counterproductive by fostering dependence on the therapist for approval. Beck emphasizes
the collaborative nature of the therapeutic relationship, viewing it as essential
for effective therapy to take place. Which of these views comes closer to your
thinking about the role of the client–therapist relationship?
3. REBT tends to be highly directive, persuasive, and confrontive and involves a teaching
role for the therapist. In contrast, cognitive therapy places more stress on Socratic
dialogue, a process of posing open-ended questions to clients and letting them arrive
at their own conclusions. If you were a client, which style do you think would be more
effective with you? As a counselor, which role might you favor? Why?
4. In Beck’s cognitive therapy the assumption is that a client’s internal dialogue plays a
major role in behavior. For him, how individuals monitor themselves, how they give
themselves praise or criticism, how they interpret events, and how they make predictions
of future behavior are directly related to emotional disorders. How could you
apply his ideas to counseling a depressed client? How might you teach such a client to
challenge his or her own thinking and develop new thinking?
5. Beck maintains that systematic errors in reasoning lead to faulty assumptions and
misconceptions, which he terms “cognitive distortions.” After reviewing his list of cognitive
distortions, which, if any, apply to you? Which CT procedures might be of value
to you in examining your faulty assumptions?
6. In Meichenbaum’s cognitive behavior modifi cation, cognitive restructuring is vital in
teaching people how to deal effectively with stress. Part of his program involves teaching
clients cognitive and behavioral strategies to cope with stressful situations. If you
had a client who wanted to learn self-management techniques to reduce stress, what
are some specifi c steps you would teach the client?
7. What do you consider to be some of the major contributions of the cognitive behavioral
approaches? How do you think cognitive factors infl uence one’s emotions and behaviors?
8. Think of situations in which you might encounter clients with culturally diverse backgrounds.
What aspects of cognitive behavioral therapy do you think might work well
in multicultural counseling? How might you have to modify some of your techniques
so that they would be appropriate for the client’s cultural background?
9. Homework is a part of all of the cognitive behavioral approaches. What are some ways
in which you might attempt to incorporate homework in your counseling practice?
Can you think of ways to increase the chances of your client cooperating and carrying
out the homework?
10. What are some ways to incorporate exploration of feelings in the cognitive behavioral
approaches? Of the theories you’ve studied so far, what approaches might you want to
blend with cognitive behavioral therapy? What are a few experiential techniques that
you might want to add to the cognitive and behavioral techniques?
The following questions and some of the underlying issues can be applied personally to
help you get a better grasp of cognitive behavior therapy. Bring the questions to class for
1. Are you aware of reindoctrinating yourself with certain beliefs and values that you
originally accepted from your parents or from society? Make a list of some of your
beliefs and values. Do you want to keep them? Do you want to modify them?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
PERTANYAAN-PERTANYAAN UNTUK REFLEKSI DAN DISKUSI1. Apakah Anda setuju dengan asumsi REBT yang dasar untuk gangguan emositerletak pada keyakinan irasional dan berpikir? Untuk apa gelar yang Anda terima gagasan bahwa peristiwa itu sendiri tidak menyebabkan masalah emosional dan perilaku; Sebaliknya, itu adalahkami evaluasi kognitif dan keyakinan tentang peristiwa-peristiwa kehidupan yang menyebabkan masalah kami?2. menurut untuk Ellis, efektif psikoterapi dapat berlangsung tanpa kehangatan pribadidari terapis. Dia berpendapat bahwa terlalu banyak kehangatan dan pemahaman dapatkontraproduktif oleh mendorong ketergantungan pada terapis untuk persetujuan. Beck menekankansifat kolaboratif hubungan terapeutik, melihatnya sebagai esensialterapi yang efektif untuk mengambil tempat. Yang pandangan ini datang lebih dekat dengan Andaberpikir tentang peran hubungan klien-terapis?3. REBT cenderung sangat direktif, persuasif dan confrontive dan melibatkan mengajarperan untuk terapis. Sebaliknya, terapi kognitif tempat lebih stres pada Sokratesmemupuk dialog, proses mengajukan pertanyaan terbuka kepada klien dan membiarkan mereka tibapada kesimpulan mereka sendiri. Jika Anda seorang klien, gaya yang menurut Anda akan lebihefektif dengan Anda? Sebagai penasihat, peran yang mungkin Anda mendukung? Mengapa?4. dalam terapi kognitif Beck's asumsi adalah bahwa dialog internal klien memainkanperan utama dalam perilaku. Baginya, bagaimana individu memantau sendiri, bagaimana mereka memberikansendiri pujian atau kritik, bagaimana mereka menafsirkan peristiwa, dan bagaimana mereka membuat prediksiperilaku masa depan yang langsung berhubungan dengan gangguan emosional. Bagaimana mungkin Andamenerapkan ide-ide untuk konseling klien depresi? Bagaimana Anda mungkin mengajar seorang klien untukmenantang berpikir sendiri dan mengembangkan pemikiran baru?5. beck mempertahankan bahwa kesalahan sistematis dalam penalaran mengarah pada asumsi-asumsi yang rusak dankesalahpahaman, yang dia mengistilahkan "distorsi kognitif." Setelah meninjau daftar kognitifdistorsi, yang, jika ada, berlaku untuk Anda? Prosedur CT yang mungkin nilaiuntuk Anda dalam memeriksa asumsi Anda rusak?6. di Meichenbaum's perilaku kognitif modifi kation, restrukturisasi kognitif sangat penting dalammengajar orang bagaimana untuk secara efektif mengatasi stres. Bagian dari program melibatkan pengajaranklien kognitif dan perilaku strategi untuk mengatasi situasi stres. Jika Andapunya klien yang ingin mempelajari manajemen mandiri teknik untuk mengurangi stres, apaApakah olah beberapa langkah-langkah c Anda akan mengajar klien?7. apa yang Anda pertimbangkan beberapa kontribusi besar kognitif perilakupendekatan? Bagaimana Anda berpikir kognitif faktor angkutan infl salah satu emosi dan perilaku?8. berpikir situasi di mana Anda mungkin mengalami klien dengan latar belakang budaya.Apa aspek terapi perilaku kognitif yang menurut Anda mungkin bekerja dengan baikdi multikultural konseling? Bagaimana mungkin Anda harus mengubah beberapa teknik Andaso that they would be appropriate for the client’s cultural background?9. Homework is a part of all of the cognitive behavioral approaches. What are some waysin which you might attempt to incorporate homework in your counseling practice?Can you think of ways to increase the chances of your client cooperating and carryingout the homework?10. What are some ways to incorporate exploration of feelings in the cognitive behavioralapproaches? Of the theories you’ve studied so far, what approaches might you want toblend with cognitive behavioral therapy? What are a few experiential techniques thatyou might want to add to the cognitive and behavioral techniques?ISSUES AND QUESTIONS FOR PERSONAL APPLICATIONThe following questions and some of the underlying issues can be applied personally tohelp you get a better grasp of cognitive behavior therapy. Bring the questions to class fordiscussion.1. Are you aware of reindoctrinating yourself with certain beliefs and values that youoriginally accepted from your parents or from society? Make a list of some of yourbeliefs and values. Do you want to keep them? Do you want to modify them?
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