Xia Qingyue appeared between the arms of two bridesmaids. She wore a r terjemahan - Xia Qingyue appeared between the arms of two bridesmaids. She wore a r Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Xia Qingyue appeared between the ar

Xia Qingyue appeared between the arms of two bridesmaids. She wore a red phoenix coronet on top of her head. A fine curtain of beads hung down from the phoenix coronet to completely cover her entire face while also hiding her current expression. Her soft and shiny black hair fell gently behind her shoulders. Her straight scarlet robe was decorated in the “four happiness” cloud pattern” cloud pattern and the belt displayed her slender narrow waist nicely. On her belt hung a charm made of exquisite jade while pearls dangled at it’s tassels, matching her golden shoes. These significant details made her magnificent outfit even more dazzling than ever.

Xia Qingyue slowly came to Xiao Che’s side in the arms of the bridesmaids and every step she made was light and elegant, as if she were walking across the clouds. An ordinary person would look like they were walking but if they were in her body, they would look like a fairy riding on top of a cloud. Her usual posture was already that beautiful and Xiao Che saw such a feast for the eyes.

Xia Qingyue finally came to the front of the carriage and the two bridesmaid walked away bowing backwards. In accordance to the Blue Wind Empire’s wedding tradition, the groom will bring the bride onto the bridal chair. Xiao Che stepped forward and stretched out a helping hand at Xia Qingyue. Xia Qingyue elegantly lifted her hand…. However as Xiao Che took Xia Qingyue’s hands in his palm, a piercing cold energy unraveled onto Xiao Che’s hand and his entire right arm stiffened in pain, half-immobilized.

The biting cold sensation slowly disappeared as Xiao Che put his arm down with a silent indifferent expression. Aside from a frown between his eyebrows when the icy cold hit him, he did not make any other expression nor the slightest sound.

If one opened Xia Qingyue’s curtain of fine beads, one would see her beautiful eyes flash in surprise and then hastily become cold once more.

Xiao Che sat on the horse and the wedding procession went on with great strength and vigor. The Xia clan’s wedding team followed in the direction of the Xiao clan shortly after.

After another hour and a half, the procession returned to the Xiao clan’s main entrance. This long journey was smooth and calm, to the disappointment of those who looked forward to the development of any drama.

Xiao Lie was already at the doorway and stood to welcome their guests. Sadly, the number of people who came for Xiao Che can be counted with one hand. Most of the guests came for Xiao Lie and the Xia clan. With Xiao Lie’s fame and Xia Clan’s connection, many guests were seen. Outside the entrance of Xiao Clan house, people who came to see the event was next to infinite, the streets were so filled up that not even a water droplet could get through. All these people came for the marriage of the number one beauty in Floating Cloud City.

Xia Qingyue’s bridal carriage slowly stopped in the middle of the noise. A corner of the curtain was opened as her maid Xia Dongling gently spoke: “Miss, we have arrived.”

Afterwards, a hand reached out and Xia Dongling gently lowered her arms. As soon as she got out of the carriage, the deafening atmosphere suddenly quieted to replaced by deep breathes that followed one after another.

It was almost noon. The soft sunshine reflected against her phoenix coronet while her robe charmingly glittered against the breeze making one’s eyes blur if they look too long. Her hair was wrapped up high into a bun on top of her head and the phoenix coronet that framed her head was that of four layers. The top layer was adorned with fine golden hairpins while the bottom had several golden phoenix engravings. The satin red golden phoenix coronet extended into a fringe of swaying pearl tassels. Although her face was not laid bare, with her eyes and lips partly hidden yet partly exposed, her beauty was exquisitely flawless.

The sound of irrepressible breathing overlapped against one another as many people stared straight ahead, unable to snap back into reality. That is the power of Xia Qingyue’s charisma, for this all happened without the revealment of her face! Based on her aura and posture alone, she still seemed like a fairy that had walked out straight from a painting. Her beauty was so immense that none could take their eyes off her.

Xia Dongling wrapped a red silk sash around Xia Qingyue’s hand. Naturally, the other end of the sash was tied to Xiao Che’s hand. As he got off the saddle, Xiao Che smiled as he walked over to lead Xia Qingyue across the brazier. They cruised over the doorstep of the Xiao clan and stepped directly into the hall.
(TL: More info about why they walking over it.)

As they entered through the main entrance of the Xiao clan, the noise did not abate. Xiao Che’s expression did not change as he kept pace but he naturally wanted the wedding to end as soon as possible.

This was Xiao Clan’s center hall for important meetings. The only people who were allowed to use this place for a
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Xia Qingyue appeared between the arms of two bridesmaids. She wore a red phoenix coronet on top of her head. A fine curtain of beads hung down from the phoenix coronet to completely cover her entire face while also hiding her current expression. Her soft and shiny black hair fell gently behind her shoulders. Her straight scarlet robe was decorated in the “four happiness” cloud pattern” cloud pattern and the belt displayed her slender narrow waist nicely. On her belt hung a charm made of exquisite jade while pearls dangled at it’s tassels, matching her golden shoes. These significant details made her magnificent outfit even more dazzling than ever.Xia Qingyue slowly came to Xiao Che’s side in the arms of the bridesmaids and every step she made was light and elegant, as if she were walking across the clouds. An ordinary person would look like they were walking but if they were in her body, they would look like a fairy riding on top of a cloud. Her usual posture was already that beautiful and Xiao Che saw such a feast for the eyes.Xia Qingyue finally came to the front of the carriage and the two bridesmaid walked away bowing backwards. In accordance to the Blue Wind Empire’s wedding tradition, the groom will bring the bride onto the bridal chair. Xiao Che stepped forward and stretched out a helping hand at Xia Qingyue. Xia Qingyue elegantly lifted her hand…. However as Xiao Che took Xia Qingyue’s hands in his palm, a piercing cold energy unraveled onto Xiao Che’s hand and his entire right arm stiffened in pain, half-immobilized.
The biting cold sensation slowly disappeared as Xiao Che put his arm down with a silent indifferent expression. Aside from a frown between his eyebrows when the icy cold hit him, he did not make any other expression nor the slightest sound.

If one opened Xia Qingyue’s curtain of fine beads, one would see her beautiful eyes flash in surprise and then hastily become cold once more.

Xiao Che sat on the horse and the wedding procession went on with great strength and vigor. The Xia clan’s wedding team followed in the direction of the Xiao clan shortly after.

After another hour and a half, the procession returned to the Xiao clan’s main entrance. This long journey was smooth and calm, to the disappointment of those who looked forward to the development of any drama.

Xiao Lie was already at the doorway and stood to welcome their guests. Sadly, the number of people who came for Xiao Che can be counted with one hand. Most of the guests came for Xiao Lie and the Xia clan. With Xiao Lie’s fame and Xia Clan’s connection, many guests were seen. Outside the entrance of Xiao Clan house, people who came to see the event was next to infinite, the streets were so filled up that not even a water droplet could get through. All these people came for the marriage of the number one beauty in Floating Cloud City.

Xia Qingyue’s bridal carriage slowly stopped in the middle of the noise. A corner of the curtain was opened as her maid Xia Dongling gently spoke: “Miss, we have arrived.”

Afterwards, a hand reached out and Xia Dongling gently lowered her arms. As soon as she got out of the carriage, the deafening atmosphere suddenly quieted to replaced by deep breathes that followed one after another.

It was almost noon. The soft sunshine reflected against her phoenix coronet while her robe charmingly glittered against the breeze making one’s eyes blur if they look too long. Her hair was wrapped up high into a bun on top of her head and the phoenix coronet that framed her head was that of four layers. The top layer was adorned with fine golden hairpins while the bottom had several golden phoenix engravings. The satin red golden phoenix coronet extended into a fringe of swaying pearl tassels. Although her face was not laid bare, with her eyes and lips partly hidden yet partly exposed, her beauty was exquisitely flawless.

The sound of irrepressible breathing overlapped against one another as many people stared straight ahead, unable to snap back into reality. That is the power of Xia Qingyue’s charisma, for this all happened without the revealment of her face! Based on her aura and posture alone, she still seemed like a fairy that had walked out straight from a painting. Her beauty was so immense that none could take their eyes off her.

Xia Dongling wrapped a red silk sash around Xia Qingyue’s hand. Naturally, the other end of the sash was tied to Xiao Che’s hand. As he got off the saddle, Xiao Che smiled as he walked over to lead Xia Qingyue across the brazier. They cruised over the doorstep of the Xiao clan and stepped directly into the hall.
(TL: More info about why they walking over it.)

As they entered through the main entrance of the Xiao clan, the noise did not abate. Xiao Che’s expression did not change as he kept pace but he naturally wanted the wedding to end as soon as possible.

This was Xiao Clan’s center hall for important meetings. The only people who were allowed to use this place for a
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Xia Qingyue muncul antara lengan dua pengiring pengantin. Dia mengenakan phoenix bertajuk merah di atas kepalanya. Sebuah tirai halus manik-manik menggantung turun dari bertajuk phoenix untuk benar-benar menutupi seluruh wajahnya sementara juga menyembunyikan ekspresinya saat ini. Rambut hitam lembut dan berkilau jatuh dengan lembut di belakang bahunya. Dia jubah merah lurus dihiasi dalam "empat kebahagiaan" pola awan "pola awan dan sabuk ditampilkan pinggang yang sempit ramping baik. Pada ikat pinggangnya tergantung sebuah pesona yang terbuat dari batu giok indah sementara mutiara bergelantungan di itu jumbai, pencocokan sepatu emasnya. Ini rincian signifikan yang dibuat pakaian megah bahkan lebih menyilaukan dari sebelumnya. Xia Qingyue perlahan datang ke samping Xiao Che di pelukan pengiring pengantin dan setiap langkah dia membuat ringan dan elegan, seolah-olah dia sedang berjalan melintasi awan. Orang biasa akan terlihat seperti mereka berjalan tetapi jika mereka berada di tubuhnya, mereka akan terlihat seperti naik peri di atas awan. Postur tubuhnya biasa sudah yang indah dan Xiao Che melihat pesta tersebut untuk mata. Xia Qingyue akhirnya datang ke depan kereta dan dua pengiring pengantin berjalan pergi membungkuk mundur. Sesuai tradisi pernikahan Blue Wind Kekaisaran, pengantin pria akan membawa pengantin ke kursi pengantin. Xiao Che melangkah maju dan mengulurkan tangan membantu di Xia Qingyue. Xia Qingyue elegan mengangkat tangannya .... Namun sebagai Xiao Che mengambil tangan Xia Qingyue di telapak tangannya, energi dingin menusuk terurai ke tangan Xiao Che dan lengan seluruh kanannya kaku sakit, setengah bergerak. Sensasi dingin menggigit perlahan menghilang sebagai Xiao Che melingkarkan tangannya ke bawah dengan diam ekspresi acuh tak acuh. Selain dari kerutan antara alis ketika es dingin memukulnya, dia tidak membuat ekspresi lain maupun suara sedikit pun. Jika salah satu membuka tirai Xia Qingyue ini manik-manik halus, orang akan melihat mata flashdisk yang indah kaget dan kemudian buru-buru menjadi dingin sekali lagi. Xiao Che duduk di atas kuda dan prosesi pernikahan berlangsung dengan kekuatan besar dan kekuatan. Tim pernikahan Xia klan diikuti arah klan Xiao tak lama setelah. Setelah satu jam setengah, prosesi kembali ke pintu masuk utama Xiao klan. Perjalanan panjang ini halus dan tenang, untuk kekecewaan mereka yang memandang ke depan untuk pengembangan drama. Xiao Lie sudah di ambang pintu dan berdiri untuk menyambut tamu mereka. Sayangnya, jumlah orang yang datang untuk Xiao Che bisa dihitung dengan satu tangan. Sebagian besar tamu datang untuk Xiao Lie dan klan Xia. Dengan ketenaran Xiao Lie dan koneksi Xia Clan, banyak tamu terlihat. Di luar pintu masuk Xiao Clan rumah, orang-orang yang datang untuk melihat acara ini di samping tak terbatas, jalan-jalan begitu penuh yang tidak bahkan tetesan air bisa melewati. Semua orang-orang ini datang untuk pernikahan nomor satu keindahan di Terapung Cloud City. Carriage pengantin Xia Qingyue perlahan berhenti di tengah-tengah kebisingan. Sebuah sudut tirai dibuka sebagai pembantunya Xia Dongling lembut berbicara: ". Nona, kami telah tiba" Setelah itu, tangan mengulurkan tangan dan Xia Dongling lembut menurunkan lengannya. Begitu ia keluar dari kereta, suasana memekakkan telinga tiba-tiba tenang untuk digantikan oleh bernafas dalam yang susul menyusul. Itu hampir siang. Sinar matahari lembut tercermin terhadap bertajuk phoenix sementara jubahnya apik berkilauan terhadap angin membuat mata seseorang kabur jika mereka melihat terlalu lama. Rambutnya terbungkus tinggi ke bun di atas kepalanya dan mahkota phoenix yang membingkai kepalanya adalah bahwa dari empat lapisan. Lapisan atas dihiasi dengan jepit rambut emas halus sedangkan bagian bawah memiliki beberapa ukiran phoenix emas. Satin merah emas phoenix bertajuk diperpanjang menjadi pinggiran bergoyang jumbai mutiara. Meskipun wajahnya tidak meletakkan telanjang, dengan mata dan bibir sebagian tersembunyi namun sebagian terkena, kecantikannya adalah indah sempurna. Suara napas tak tertahankan tumpang tindih terhadap satu sama lain karena banyak orang menatap lurus ke depan, tidak dapat sehat kembali menjadi kenyataan. Itulah kekuatan karisma Xia Qingyue, karena ini semua terjadi tanpa revealment dari wajahnya! Berdasarkan aura dan postur saja, ia masih tampak seperti peri yang telah berjalan keluar langsung dari lukisan. Kecantikannya begitu besar bahwa tidak bisa mengambil mata mereka dari dia. Xia Dongling dibungkus sabuk sutra merah di sekitar tangan Xia Qingyue ini. Tentu, ujung sabuk yang diikat ke tangan Xiao Che. Saat ia turun dari pelana, Xiao Che tersenyum sambil berjalan untuk memimpin Xia Qingyue di anglo. Mereka melaju di atas ambang pintu klan Xiao dan melangkah langsung ke lorong. (TL:. Info lebih lanjut tentang mengapa mereka berjalan di atasnya) Ketika mereka masuk melalui pintu masuk utama dari klan Xiao, kebisingan tidak mereda. Ekspresi Xiao Che tidak berubah saat ia terus berpacu tapi dia secara alami ingin pernikahan berakhir secepat mungkin. Ini adalah pusat aula Xiao Clan untuk pertemuan penting. Satu-satunya orang yang diizinkan untuk menggunakan tempat ini untuk

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