„Sir?”The trans­mit­ting or­ders of­fi­cer turned head to have a look  terjemahan - „Sir?”The trans­mit­ting or­ders of­fi­cer turned head to have a look  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Sir?”The trans­mit­ting or­ders of

The trans­mit­ting or­ders of­fi­cer turned head to have a look at me, dis­cov­ered that I was look­ing around, some­what re­luc­tantly said: „Sir, please quick num­ber of lines step, your majesty civil and mil­i­tary im­me­di­ately must dis­cuss of­fi­cial busi­ness with one crowd!”
I nod to skice sev­eral steps, then re­ceived the fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse, raised the Longchi sword to enter the coun­try Wang Zhongjun ac­count, here has laid down the golden light shin­ing floor tile, even the rug out­lined Phnom Penh, this let per­son can­not help but at heart acid, the com­mon peo­ple eco­nom­i­cal in every­day spend­ing pay­ment of taxes was used to make these un­ex­pect­edly, the bat­tal­ion that es­tab­lished hur­riedly here so was also lux­u­ri­ous, on this day the plume king usu­ally lived how ar­ro­gantly ex­trav­a­gant can be in­ferred.
„Palace guard com­mands Sir Li Xiao Yao!” Be­fore the gate , the gar­ri­son com­man­der rec­og­nizes me, big shouted one.
I raise the sword to enter slowly, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ery both sides civil and mil­i­tary whole body of min­is­ters like are looked mon­ster vis­its me, as if I am dif­fer­ent races am com­mon, even also some peo­ple di­rect, the song said in a low voice: „This per­son is Li Xiao Yao, new com­mand­ing of palace guard, per­son who Sir Lian the sons of mar­quis dares to re­prove, is quite fear­ful, it is said also leads the palace guard to kill 2000 dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, but al­ways thought that this and other vul­gar peo­ple rad­i­cally will not be the dif­fer­ent demon matches, should be only cuts down the merit boast com­mis­ser­ate to be able, the gen­er­a­tion of line of gab to be right.”
I have not spo­ken, but walks to go for­ward, wears the princess to move for­ward to meet some­body, puts out a hand to hold my skill, leads under the two sides me to Great stair, has stood firm in her side, can look, wore truly has re­garded the ab­solute trusted sub­or­di­nate de­part­ment to chal­lenge me, this treat­ment was other mil­i­tary of­fi­cers has a dream can­not think that, wore the in­born beauty, was the Locker Great only daugh­ter, the em­pire only princess, the home does not know how many no­bil­ity ju­niors in look­ing upon with favor that long­ing for wear­ing, what a pity, wears as if re­garded as im­por­tant the sol­dier who for the coun­try that strives, but was not. The sen­ti­men­tal son of the in­flu­en­tial of fresh flower and happy words.
Locker Great looked at my one eyes, in the eye is air­tight any sen­ti­ment, but said: „Since the palace guard also ar­rived, then pre­pares to dis­cuss of­fi­cial busi­ness, gen­eral, you thinks how this does fight us to hit?”
Im­me­di­ately, a black face com­bat gen­eral walks to go for­ward, said: „End be­lieves that should su­per­vise the naval units to start from Luhu im­me­di­ately, in does not turn over to the ma­rine in­ter­cep­tion dif­fer­ent demon reg­i­ment, mak­ing them as­cend does not come ashore, is un­able to bribe in­clud­ing the Tian Ling Em­pire land on the sink­ing body con­sid­ers as fin­ished in the seabed!”
Big em­peror's son Theodore smiles im­me­di­ately: „Land to sub­due gen­eral chat­ted, Tian Ling Em­pire naval units al­to­gether also only then the triv­ial 5 W per­son, the war­ship is very lim­ited, not to men­tion to does not turn over to the sea to want the half day trav­el­ing sched­ule from Luhu, can­not catch up, even if has caught up, the triv­ial naval units are not the dif­fer­ent demon match, the per­son of sink­ing body seabed can be we, but is not the dif­fer­ent demon.”
Lu Ke is star­tled, ac­tu­ally com­plex­ion starts rud­dily, said: „Under main hall rather thought dif­fer­ent demon fiercely, end once will fight also with the dif­fer­ent demon, does not think they likely were in the fa­bles was so fear­ful, they were also same are the flesh and blood, a blade gets down to be de­cap­i­tated.”
Theodore sneers: „Empty talk.”
„Under main hall, you!” Lu Ke cl
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Sir?”The trans­mit­ting or­ders of­fi­cer turned head to have a look at me, dis­cov­ered that I was look­ing around, some­what re­luc­tantly said: „Sir, please quick num­ber of lines step, your majesty civil and mil­i­tary im­me­di­ately must dis­cuss of­fi­cial busi­ness with one crowd!”I nod to skice sev­eral steps, then re­ceived the fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse, raised the Longchi sword to enter the coun­try Wang Zhongjun ac­count, here has laid down the golden light shin­ing floor tile, even the rug out­lined Phnom Penh, this let per­son can­not help but at heart acid, the com­mon peo­ple eco­nom­i­cal in every­day spend­ing pay­ment of taxes was used to make these un­ex­pect­edly, the bat­tal­ion that es­tab­lished hur­riedly here so was also lux­u­ri­ous, on this day the plume king usu­ally lived how ar­ro­gantly ex­trav­a­gant can be in­ferred.„Palace guard com­mands Sir Li Xiao Yao!” Be­fore the gate , the gar­ri­son com­man­der rec­og­nizes me, big shouted one.I raise the sword to enter slowly, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ery both sides civil and mil­i­tary whole body of min­is­ters like are looked mon­ster vis­its me, as if I am dif­fer­ent races am com­mon, even also some peo­ple di­rect, the song said in a low voice: „This per­son is Li Xiao Yao, new com­mand­ing of palace guard, per­son who Sir Lian the sons of mar­quis dares to re­prove, is quite fear­ful, it is said also leads the palace guard to kill 2000 dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, but al­ways thought that this and other vul­gar peo­ple rad­i­cally will not be the dif­fer­ent demon matches, should be only cuts down the merit boast com­mis­ser­ate to be able, the gen­er­a­tion of line of gab to be right.”I have not spo­ken, but walks to go for­ward, wears the princess to move for­ward to meet some­body, puts out a hand to hold my skill, leads under the two sides me to Great stair, has stood firm in her side, can look, wore truly has re­garded the ab­solute trusted sub­or­di­nate de­part­ment to chal­lenge me, this treat­ment was other mil­i­tary of­fi­cers has a dream can­not think that, wore the in­born beauty, was the Locker Great only daugh­ter, the em­pire only princess, the home does not know how many no­bil­ity ju­niors in look­ing upon with favor that long­ing for wear­ing, what a pity, wears as if re­garded as im­por­tant the sol­dier who for the coun­try that strives, but was not. The sen­ti­men­tal son of the in­flu­en­tial of fresh flower and happy words.
Locker Great looked at my one eyes, in the eye is air­tight any sen­ti­ment, but said: „Since the palace guard also ar­rived, then pre­pares to dis­cuss of­fi­cial busi­ness, gen­eral, you thinks how this does fight us to hit?”
Im­me­di­ately, a black face com­bat gen­eral walks to go for­ward, said: „End be­lieves that should su­per­vise the naval units to start from Luhu im­me­di­ately, in does not turn over to the ma­rine in­ter­cep­tion dif­fer­ent demon reg­i­ment, mak­ing them as­cend does not come ashore, is un­able to bribe in­clud­ing the Tian Ling Em­pire land on the sink­ing body con­sid­ers as fin­ished in the seabed!”
Big em­peror's son Theodore smiles im­me­di­ately: „Land to sub­due gen­eral chat­ted, Tian Ling Em­pire naval units al­to­gether also only then the triv­ial 5 W per­son, the war­ship is very lim­ited, not to men­tion to does not turn over to the sea to want the half day trav­el­ing sched­ule from Luhu, can­not catch up, even if has caught up, the triv­ial naval units are not the dif­fer­ent demon match, the per­son of sink­ing body seabed can be we, but is not the dif­fer­ent demon.”
Lu Ke is star­tled, ac­tu­ally com­plex­ion starts rud­dily, said: „Under main hall rather thought dif­fer­ent demon fiercely, end once will fight also with the dif­fer­ent demon, does not think they likely were in the fa­bles was so fear­ful, they were also same are the flesh and blood, a blade gets down to be de­cap­i­tated.”
Theodore sneers: „Empty talk.”
„Under main hall, you!” Lu Ke cl
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"? Sir"
Petugas pesanan pemancar menoleh untuk melihat-lihat padaku, menemukan bahwa saya melihat sekeliling, agak enggan mengatakan: "Pak, tolong jumlah cepat garis langkah, keagungan militer sipil dan segera harus mendiskusikan bisnis resmi dengan satu kerumunan! "
aku mengangguk ke skice beberapa langkah, kemudian menerima terbang sabit lapis baja kuda perang, mengangkat pedang Longchi untuk memasuki negara akun Wang Zhongjun, di sini telah meletakkan ubin lantai cahaya keemasan bersinar, bahkan karpet diuraikan Phnom Penh, ini biarkan orang tidak bisa tidak di asam hati, orang-orang biasa yang ekonomis dalam pengeluaran pembayaran sehari-hari pajak digunakan untuk membuat ini tiba-tiba, batalyon yang didirikan buru-buru di sini jadi juga mewah, pada hari ini raja bulu-bulu biasanya tinggal bagaimana arogan boros bisa tereka.
"penjaga Istana perintah Sir Li Xiao Yao!" Sebelum pintu gerbang, komandan garnisun mengakui saya, besar teriak salah.
aku mengangkat pedang untuk masuk perlahan-lahan, sebenarnya penemuan kedua belah pihak sipil dan militer seluruh tubuh dari menteri suka yang tampak kunjungan rakasa saya, karena jika saya ras yang berbeda am umum, bahkan juga beberapa orang langsung, kata lagu dengan suara rendah: "orang ini adalah Li Xiao Yao, komandan baru dari pengawal istana, orang yang Sir Lian anak-anak marquis berani menegur , cukup menakutkan, dikatakan juga mengarah pengawal istana untuk membunuh 2.000 roh-roh jahat yang berbeda, tetapi selalu berpikir bahwa ini dan orang lain vulgar radikal tidak akan menjadi setan yang berbeda cocok, harus hanya menghemat prestasi bermegah commisserate untuk dapat , generasi garis gab untuk menjadi benar. "
saya belum berbicara, tetapi berjalan untuk maju, memakai sang putri untuk bergerak maju untuk menemui seseorang, menempatkan tangannya untuk memegang keterampilan saya, memimpin di bawah dua sisi saya untuk besar tangga, telah berdiri kokoh di sisinya, dapat melihat, mengenakan benar-benar telah dianggap mutlak departemen bawahan dunia untuk menantang saya, perawatan ini adalah perwira militer lainnya memiliki mimpi tidak bisa berpikir bahwa, mengenakan keindahan bawaan, adalah Locker besar putri saja, kekaisaran hanya putri, rumah tidak tahu berapa banyak yunior bangsawan di mencari atas dengan nikmat yang merindukan mengenakan, sayang, memakai seakan dianggap sebagai penting prajurit yang bagi negara yang berusaha, tapi tidak. . Anak sentimental dari berpengaruh bunga segar dan kata-kata bahagia
Locker besar tampak di salah satu mata saya, di mata kedap udara sentimen apapun, tetapi mengatakan: "Sejak pengawal istana juga tiba, kemudian bersiap untuk membicarakan bisnis resmi, umum, Anda ? berpikir bagaimana ini tidak melawan kita untuk memukul "
segera, hitam wajah tempur umum berjalan untuk maju, mengatakan:" Akhir percaya bahwa harus mengawasi unit angkatan laut mulai dari Luhu segera, di tidak menyerahkan ke intersepsi laut setan yang berbeda resimen, membuat mereka naik tidak datang ke darat, tidak mampu untuk menyuap termasuk tanah Tian Ling Empire pada tubuh tenggelam menganggap sebagai selesai di dasar laut! "
anak Big kaisar Theodore tersenyum segera:" tanah untuk menundukkan umum mengobrol, Tian Ling Empire angkatan laut unit sama sekali juga hanya maka sepele 5 W orang, kapal perang sangat terbatas, belum lagi untuk tidak berpaling ke laut untuk ingin setengah hari perjalanan jadwal dari Luhu, tidak bisa mengejar, bahkan jika telah terperangkap, yang sepele . unit angkatan laut tidak pertandingan setan yang berbeda, orang tenggelam di dasar laut tubuh dapat kita, tapi bukan setan yang berbeda "
Lu Ke yang terkejut, sebenarnya kulit mulai ruddily, mengatakan:" di bawah ruang utama agak berpikir setan yang berbeda sengit, akhirnya sekali akan bertarung juga dengan iblis yang berbeda, tidak berpikir mereka mungkin berada di dongeng itu begitu takut, mereka juga sama adalah daging dan darah, pisau akan turun untuk dipenggal ".
Theodore menyeringai:". pembicaraan kosong "
" Di bawah aula, Anda! "Lu Ke cl utama
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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