He unendingly swung his fists, beating on the walls of the cauldron, w terjemahan - He unendingly swung his fists, beating on the walls of the cauldron, w Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

He unendingly swung his fists, beat

He unendingly swung his fists, beating on the walls of the cauldron, wanting to release the energy in his body.

And at the same time, within the pill cauldron, another change happened.

On the eight patterns carved onto the walls of the cauldron, every line began to emit with a radiance. As if every line was an ordered chain, it shot out from the walls, wrapping around Ye Qingyu’s body. It was as if it wanted to pierce and bury into his flesh. The refining power of the cauldron, through these lines, seamlessly affected Ye Qingyu’s body.

“If this continues on, will I become the fist person in history that is stuffed to death with Spirit energy?”

Countless thoughts flickered in Ye Qingyu’s mind.

“Then lets do it!”

He made an extremely mad decision.

Fiercely suppressing the chaos in his heart, he began to utilise the nameless heart sutra. He did not reject the Spirit energy within the Origin crystal anymore, but instead began to absorb it of his own initiative.

Success and failure depended on this.

Ye Qingyu risked everything.



The time frame of nine days and nine nights had completely passed.

Chen Moyun had nearly expended all his energy.

The Cloud top cauldron floated to the ground, incomparably peaceful.

The lines of light emitting from the copper cauldron, were like golden fluctuating ripples. From within the pill cauldron, there was a faint fragrance seeping out. And in the interior of the cauldron, one could vaguely hear the singing of angels.

An apparition had appeared.

Chen Moyun controlled the excitement in his heart, circling around the cauldron several times. Carefully observing and listening to any commotion within, a satisfied expression appeared on his face.

According to his previous experience, it seems like refining the pill was a success.

According to the pill mantra, the appearance of an apparition, represented the birth of a divine pill.

It must be the human pill of dragon’s blood that was successfully created.

“Hahahaha, even the heaven’s itself is bequeathing onto me. I, Chen Moyun can finally change my fate. Ahahahaha……..” He laughed loudly. “Ye Qingyu, this is your fate, you were destined to be used by me. Thank you for your generosity. Ahaha, I hope that after you die, you won’t blame me. But, even if you blame me, it is no use. You should just honestly stay under the yellow river, and watch with wide eyes as I soar into the heavens.”

Saying this, he used his pill mantra, quickly unlocking the pill cauldron.

The copper lid slowly floated up.

A five coloured radiance shone from within the cauldron.

Within the ice cave, a strange fragrance immediately surged out.

Chen Moyun could not wait to jump next to the cauldron, lowering his head to peer into the cauldron.

It was completely dark inside. Chaotic mist was swirling about, and nothing was able to seen clearly.

Chen Moyun chuckled loudly, his lips curling in such a fashion that it had gone completely bent. He stretched his hand within the cauldron, half his shoulder going in. Fumbling inside, he laughed loudly: “Everything about this cauldron is good except for that it is too large. Ai, every time after I refine a pill, I have to stretch my hand out and feel for the inside. The human pill of dragon blood, quickly come out! Wahahahaha……..”

At this time, he had an excited expression that was hard to describe.

But at this time, suddenly——–


On his bottom, a fierce kick was struck.

Chen Moyun was far too excited, with no defence at all. He did not react. With a crash, he fell headlong into the cauldron, a harsh tumble.


The copper lid fell back down at the same time, covering the cauldron.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
He unendingly swung his fists, beating on the walls of the cauldron, wanting to release the energy in his body.And at the same time, within the pill cauldron, another change happened.On the eight patterns carved onto the walls of the cauldron, every line began to emit with a radiance. As if every line was an ordered chain, it shot out from the walls, wrapping around Ye Qingyu’s body. It was as if it wanted to pierce and bury into his flesh. The refining power of the cauldron, through these lines, seamlessly affected Ye Qingyu’s body.“If this continues on, will I become the fist person in history that is stuffed to death with Spirit energy?”Countless thoughts flickered in Ye Qingyu’s mind.“Then lets do it!”He made an extremely mad decision.Fiercely suppressing the chaos in his heart, he began to utilise the nameless heart sutra. He did not reject the Spirit energy within the Origin crystal anymore, but instead began to absorb it of his own initiative.Success and failure depended on this.Ye Qingyu risked everything.…………The time frame of nine days and nine nights had completely passed.Chen Moyun had nearly expended all his energy.The Cloud top cauldron floated to the ground, incomparably peaceful.The lines of light emitting from the copper cauldron, were like golden fluctuating ripples. From within the pill cauldron, there was a faint fragrance seeping out. And in the interior of the cauldron, one could vaguely hear the singing of angels.An apparition had appeared.Chen Moyun controlled the excitement in his heart, circling around the cauldron several times. Carefully observing and listening to any commotion within, a satisfied expression appeared on his face.According to his previous experience, it seems like refining the pill was a success.According to the pill mantra, the appearance of an apparition, represented the birth of a divine pill.It must be the human pill of dragon’s blood that was successfully created.“Hahahaha, even the heaven’s itself is bequeathing onto me. I, Chen Moyun can finally change my fate. Ahahahaha……..” He laughed loudly. “Ye Qingyu, this is your fate, you were destined to be used by me. Thank you for your generosity. Ahaha, I hope that after you die, you won’t blame me. But, even if you blame me, it is no use. You should just honestly stay under the yellow river, and watch with wide eyes as I soar into the heavens.”Saying this, he used his pill mantra, quickly unlocking the pill cauldron.The copper lid slowly floated up.A five coloured radiance shone from within the cauldron.Within the ice cave, a strange fragrance immediately surged out.Chen Moyun could not wait to jump next to the cauldron, lowering his head to peer into the cauldron.It was completely dark inside. Chaotic mist was swirling about, and nothing was able to seen clearly.Chen Moyun chuckled loudly, his lips curling in such a fashion that it had gone completely bent. He stretched his hand within the cauldron, half his shoulder going in. Fumbling inside, he laughed loudly: “Everything about this cauldron is good except for that it is too large. Ai, every time after I refine a pill, I have to stretch my hand out and feel for the inside. The human pill of dragon blood, quickly come out! Wahahahaha……..”At this time, he had an excited expression that was hard to describe.But at this time, suddenly——–Peng!On his bottom, a fierce kick was struck.Chen Moyun was far too excited, with no defence at all. He did not react. With a crash, he fell headlong into the cauldron, a harsh tumble.Boom!The copper lid fell back down at the same time, covering the cauldron.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dia unendingly mengayunkan tinjunya, mengalahkan di dinding kawah, ingin melepaskan energi dalam tubuhnya. Dan pada saat yang sama, dalam kuali pil, perubahan lain yang terjadi. Pada delapan pola diukir ke dinding kuali, setiap baris mulai memancarkan dengan cahaya a. Seolah-olah setiap baris adalah rantai memerintahkan, itu melesat keluar dari dinding, membungkus seluruh tubuh Ye Qingyu ini. Itu seolah-olah itu ingin menembus dan mengubur dagingnya. Kekuatan pemurnian kuali, melalui jalur ini, mulus terpengaruh tubuh Ye Qingyu ini. "Jika ini terus berlanjut pada, akan saya menjadi orang tinju dalam sejarah yang diisi sampai mati dengan energi Roh?" Pengalaman yang tak terhitung jumlahnya melintas dalam pikiran Ye Qingyu ini. " kemudian memungkinkan melakukannya! " dia membuat keputusan yang sangat gila. Fiercely menekan kekacauan di dalam hatinya, ia mulai memanfaatkan sutra jantung tak bernama. Dia tidak menolak energi Roh dalam kristal Asal lagi, melainkan mulai menyerapnya sendiri inisiatif. Keberhasilan dan kegagalan bergantung pada ini. Ye Qingyu mempertaruhkan segalanya. ...... ...... Kerangka waktu sembilan hari dan sembilan malam memiliki benar-benar berlalu. Chen Moyun nyaris dikeluarkan semua energinya. The Cloud atas kuali melayang ke tanah, tak terbandingkan damai. garis-garis memancarkan cahaya dari kuali tembaga, yang seperti riak berfluktuasi emas. Dari dalam kuali pil, ada aroma samar merembes keluar. Dan di pedalaman kuali, satu samar-samar bisa mendengar nyanyian malaikat. Sebuah penampakan muncul. Chen Moyun dikendalikan kegembiraan di dalam hatinya, berputar-putar di sekitar kawah beberapa kali. Hati-hati mengamati dan mendengarkan setiap keributan dalam, ekspresi puas muncul di wajahnya. Menurut pengalaman sebelumnya, sepertinya menyempurnakan pil itu sukses. Menurut mantra pil, penampilan penampakan, mewakili kelahiran pil ilahi. ini harus menjadi pil manusia darah naga yang berhasil dibuat. "Hahahaha, dirinya bahkan surga adalah mewariskan ke saya. Aku, Chen Moyun akhirnya dapat mengubah nasib saya. Ahahahaha ...... .. "Dia tertawa keras. "Ye Qingyu, ini adalah nasib, Anda ditakdirkan untuk digunakan oleh saya. Terima kasih atas kemurahan hati Anda. Ahaha, saya berharap bahwa setelah Anda mati, Anda tidak akan menyalahkan saya. Tapi, bahkan jika Anda menyalahkan saya, tidak ada gunanya. Anda hanya harus jujur ​​tinggal di bawah sungai kuning, dan menonton dengan mata lebar seperti yang saya melambung ke langit. " Mengatakan ini, ia menggunakan mantra pil nya, cepat membuka kuali pil. Tutup tembaga perlahan melayang. Lima berwarna cahaya bersinar dari dalam kawah. dalam gua es, aroma yang aneh segera melonjak keluar. Chen Moyun tidak sabar untuk melompat di samping kuali, menurunkan kepalanya untuk mengintip ke dalam kuali. itu benar-benar gelap di dalamnya. Kabut kacau itu berputar-putar tentang, dan tidak mampu melihat dengan jelas. Chen Moyun tertawa keras, bibirnya melengkung secara sedemikian rupa sehingga sudah benar-benar membungkuk. Dia mengulurkan tangannya dalam kuali, setengah bahunya masuk Sambil meraba-raba di dalam, ia tertawa keras. "Segala sesuatu tentang kawah ini baik kecuali bahwa itu terlalu besar. Ai, setiap kali setelah saya memperbaiki pil, saya harus meregangkan tangan saya dan merasa untuk bagian dalam. Pil manusia darah naga, cepat keluar! Wahahahaha ...... .. " Pada saat ini, ia memiliki ekspresi gembira bahwa sulit untuk menggambarkan. Tapi saat ini, tiba-tiba --- Peng! Pada bawahnya, tendangan keras dipukul. Chen Moyun terlalu bersemangat, dengan ada pertahanan sama sekali. Dia tidak bereaksi. Dengan kecelakaan, ia tersungkur ke dalam kuali, sebuah jatuh keras. Boom! Tutup tembaga jatuh kembali pada saat yang sama, meliputi kuali.

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