Hearing this Sukanya's tears disappeared and converted into an amusing terjemahan - Hearing this Sukanya's tears disappeared and converted into an amusing Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Hearing this Sukanya's tears disapp

Hearing this Sukanya's tears disappeared and converted into an amusing smile on her face... she glanced at Jodha with the look see Jiji, I caught you.

Jodha with annoyance in fumbling tone said "Shenshah, don't lie. I don't remember anything like that."

Jalal laughed seeing her extremely annoyed face, to add on more fire he said "You know Sukanya, Your sister has got some special training on how to lie."

Jodha frustratingly gazed at Jalal.

After controlling the situation, Jalal said in very serious and thick tone "Anyway Surya, I know you so it is fine but being on a private terrace with a young beautiful girl alone can create suspicions. But since I know both of you are like brother and sister...so that's okay."

Jodha, Surya and Sukanya all three's eyes widen with Jalal's statement of BROTHER SISTER. Jalal scanned all three of them with his sharp eyes quickly. He felt Surya's eyes will come out and fall on the floor. Sukanya was looking at Surya with horrible shock. Jodha was looking at Jalal with what the heck are you saying? He wanted to laugh out loud seeing their faces. He turned towards the other side to hide the smile on his face.

After about thirty seconds Surya said in a little grouchier tone "Shenshah, we all are friends, I am not her brother."

Jalal turned back and with very serious tone said "Anyway, its good Sukanya that you are here, I wanted to talk to you before the announcement tonight" everyone looked at him with strange curiosity.

After a brief silence Jalal continued "Sukanya, I have talked to Rajasaheb earlier and asked your hand for Mirza and if everyone agrees, then we will announce your engagement tonight at the time of our ring ceremony. Jodha will be most happy person with this alliance... you and your sister will be together in the same palace forever."

Sukanya was just standing there dumbstruck, It was a big shock for her... she looked at Surya hoping he will say something but it was so sudden for Surya to digest that he just stood their stupefied dis-concertedly.

Seeing Sukanya's face Surya said in his defense with bitter tone "Shenshah, Why Sukanya needs to marry Mirza? Well, Jodha's situation was different but as you know, our culture and religions are completely different and Agra is very far from Amer."

Jalal replied in displeased tone "Sukanya, Seems like Surya is not happy with this alliance, but I love his reasoning. First I also prefer Surya that Sukanya get married to a Rajvanshi king but unfortunately all Ravanshis have decided to punish Raja Bharmal for shaking hands with Mughals. Some are pretending to have good relation with Raja Saheb but it's out of fear only. They all know now what Raja Saheb did was good for his State and also for his daughter but no one wants to admit their mistake. I am a part of this family and It's my responsibility also to find an appropriate groom for Sukanya and I would like to say proudly that I know Mirza very well, he is a very good hearted, brave, sober and caring person. His heart is made of gold."

He paused and looked at Surya and said "For long distance and different culture and religion Surya, I would like to say that after marriage life changes for every person. After marrying Jodha I can tell one thing for sure, when two people love each other then there is no culture or distance that makes any difference." He took a brief pause and looked at Sukanya and Surya... then he continued with a little louder tone... "Above and all, Mirza himself wishes to marry you Sukanya."

Jodha confusingly looked at Jalal and thinking, why he sounded very serious to this proposal, she was shocked to hear that he has already proposed Sukanya's hand for Mirza to Bapusa...she gaze at him with look, what the heck you are doing ?

Seeing Jodha with squinted and irritated questionable eyes, Jalal teasingly smirked back at her.

Surya wanted to say so much but his words got stuck in his throat, he was thinking so much has happened in the last hour. How will I face this situation, my entire family is against Raja Bharmal, and his decision to shake hands with Mughals, my parents were so against that they didn't even let me attend Jodha's wedding the first time and also this time I had to fight with them to attend this marriage. If they come to know that I am in love with Sukanya they will be completely against it, the only person who will support me is Lila but the situation was different before, at the time of Jodha's marriage I was only a prince and now I am a king of three states. I can take my own decisions, but how can I tell Sukanya I need some time to figure it out.

Seeing Surya completely in shock and silent, Sukanya's heart shattered infrastructure to pieces. She gulped her tears and pain and replied in low tone "Jijusa, I do agree that Mirza is a very nice person, but can you please give me an hour to think it over." She wanted to say more but it was unfeasible for her to control her tears.

Jodha's heart broke seeing Sukanya's utterly gloomy face. She gazed at Surya while gnashing her teeth angrily and said loudly while looking at him, "Sukanya, I am so proud of Mirza, at least he is not a coward and he can stand up for himself. Let's go, come with me."

Sukanya desperately wanted to talk to Surya before leaving but she couldn't say a word the way Jodha insisted to come with her.

Jalal immediately realized that Sukanya and Surya need to talk. He dryly said "Jodha begum, it's almost time for the Sangeet cerymony; I have got some precious jewelry for you, come with me I want to show it you."

Jodha was so mad at Jalal for this mess, she furiously gazed at him and without saying a word decided to walk with him.

While leaving from there, Jodha and Jalal both noticed Sukanya's heated red depressed face and her widened eyes with deathly glares towards Surya. She was extremely mad at Surya for not telling Jalal that he loves her and wants to marry her.

As soon as, Surya saw her angry face his heart skipped a beat and face became pale. He couldn't understand how things changed so fast and in totally opposite direction, just minutes ago he had confessed his love to Sukanya and held her lovingly in his arms, passionately kissed her and now Jalal is going to ask her hand for Mirza. He could clearly see his silence killed her inside, her anger was boiling up in her eyes. Her furious gawk scared him.

After a long pause of silence... he dared to look up towards Sukanya, who had started to walk towards the door to leave with tears gushing out of her eyes with silent sobs. Surya quickly ran towards her and held her wrist to stop her from leaving.

She shouted at the top of her voice "Surya, Leave my hand, don't ever dare to touch me again," while snatching her hand away from his grip with fuming anger. "You took advantage of me, not only today but every time you needed a shoulder to cry you came to me, you just said you loved me and wanted to marry me... Ohhh... feels like you were just playing with my emotions you never loved me, if you would have loved me than you would have declared your love in front of Jiji and Jijasa. You just stood there with your pathetic silence and watched Jijasa while he went to Bapusa to ask my hand for Mirza. I should have never let you touch me or kiss me, oooh...what a dramatic act you did today...you showed so much anger to me just for talking to Mirza and now you stayed quite in front of Jijasa when he talked about getting me married to Mirza. Why Surya why, why are you doing this to me??? What have I done to deserve this?? I have loved you since many years, watched you love Jiji, watched you cry for Jiji, I stayed quiet and cried silently for you all those years but not today, today your silence has shattered me" she fell on her knees while crying incoherently.

On the other side Jodha was extremely mad at Jalal and was walking angrily with him!

Jodha fumingly walking down the stairs. Jalal could sense her anger in her pace...she walked hastily towards his chamber and angrily said "Shenshah, I have no interest in you and your dress or jewelry...I have already planned what I am wearing tonight for the function."

Jalal grinned seeing her frustrated "Ohhh!!! Jodha begum trust me, you will wear the dress I bought for you."

Jodha stopped and looked at him with sharp angry gaze and said "aww!!! I didn't know you have started seeing day dreams...Poor Shenshah."

Jalal with smirk replied "its a challenge Jodha begum, I will make you apologize for this attitude and you will wear the dress I brought for you."

Jodha narrowed her eyes and said "Challenge accepted. Do whatever you can?"

Jalal whispered "Jodha begum, day dream... hmmm...poor me...let's see."
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hearing this Sukanya's tears disappeared and converted into an amusing smile on her face... she glanced at Jodha with the look see Jiji, I caught you.Jodha with annoyance in fumbling tone said "Shenshah, don't lie. I don't remember anything like that."Jalal laughed seeing her extremely annoyed face, to add on more fire he said "You know Sukanya, Your sister has got some special training on how to lie."Jodha frustratingly gazed at Jalal.After controlling the situation, Jalal said in very serious and thick tone "Anyway Surya, I know you so it is fine but being on a private terrace with a young beautiful girl alone can create suspicions. But since I know both of you are like brother and sister...so that's okay."Jodha, Surya and Sukanya all three's eyes widen with Jalal's statement of BROTHER SISTER. Jalal scanned all three of them with his sharp eyes quickly. He felt Surya's eyes will come out and fall on the floor. Sukanya was looking at Surya with horrible shock. Jodha was looking at Jalal with what the heck are you saying? He wanted to laugh out loud seeing their faces. He turned towards the other side to hide the smile on his face.After about thirty seconds Surya said in a little grouchier tone "Shenshah, we all are friends, I am not her brother."Jalal turned back and with very serious tone said "Anyway, its good Sukanya that you are here, I wanted to talk to you before the announcement tonight" everyone looked at him with strange curiosity.After a brief silence Jalal continued "Sukanya, I have talked to Rajasaheb earlier and asked your hand for Mirza and if everyone agrees, then we will announce your engagement tonight at the time of our ring ceremony. Jodha will be most happy person with this alliance... you and your sister will be together in the same palace forever."Sukanya was just standing there dumbstruck, It was a big shock for her... she looked at Surya hoping he will say something but it was so sudden for Surya to digest that he just stood their stupefied dis-concertedly.Seeing Sukanya's face Surya said in his defense with bitter tone "Shenshah, Why Sukanya needs to marry Mirza? Well, Jodha's situation was different but as you know, our culture and religions are completely different and Agra is very far from Amer."Jalal replied in displeased tone "Sukanya, Seems like Surya is not happy with this alliance, but I love his reasoning. First I also prefer Surya that Sukanya get married to a Rajvanshi king but unfortunately all Ravanshis have decided to punish Raja Bharmal for shaking hands with Mughals. Some are pretending to have good relation with Raja Saheb but it's out of fear only. They all know now what Raja Saheb did was good for his State and also for his daughter but no one wants to admit their mistake. I am a part of this family and It's my responsibility also to find an appropriate groom for Sukanya and I would like to say proudly that I know Mirza very well, he is a very good hearted, brave, sober and caring person. His heart is made of gold."He paused and looked at Surya and said "For long distance and different culture and religion Surya, I would like to say that after marriage life changes for every person. After marrying Jodha I can tell one thing for sure, when two people love each other then there is no culture or distance that makes any difference." He took a brief pause and looked at Sukanya and Surya... then he continued with a little louder tone... "Above and all, Mirza himself wishes to marry you Sukanya."Jodha confusingly looked at Jalal and thinking, why he sounded very serious to this proposal, she was shocked to hear that he has already proposed Sukanya's hand for Mirza to Bapusa...she gaze at him with look, what the heck you are doing ?Seeing Jodha with squinted and irritated questionable eyes, Jalal teasingly smirked back at her.Surya wanted to say so much but his words got stuck in his throat, he was thinking so much has happened in the last hour. How will I face this situation, my entire family is against Raja Bharmal, and his decision to shake hands with Mughals, my parents were so against that they didn't even let me attend Jodha's wedding the first time and also this time I had to fight with them to attend this marriage. If they come to know that I am in love with Sukanya they will be completely against it, the only person who will support me is Lila but the situation was different before, at the time of Jodha's marriage I was only a prince and now I am a king of three states. I can take my own decisions, but how can I tell Sukanya I need some time to figure it out.Seeing Surya completely in shock and silent, Sukanya's heart shattered infrastructure to pieces. She gulped her tears and pain and replied in low tone "Jijusa, I do agree that Mirza is a very nice person, but can you please give me an hour to think it over." She wanted to say more but it was unfeasible for her to control her tears.Jodha's heart broke seeing Sukanya's utterly gloomy face. She gazed at Surya while gnashing her teeth angrily and said loudly while looking at him, "Sukanya, I am so proud of Mirza, at least he is not a coward and he can stand up for himself. Let's go, come with me."Sukanya desperately wanted to talk to Surya before leaving but she couldn't say a word the way Jodha insisted to come with her.Jalal immediately realized that Sukanya and Surya need to talk. He dryly said "Jodha begum, it's almost time for the Sangeet cerymony; I have got some precious jewelry for you, come with me I want to show it you."Jodha was so mad at Jalal for this mess, she furiously gazed at him and without saying a word decided to walk with him.While leaving from there, Jodha and Jalal both noticed Sukanya's heated red depressed face and her widened eyes with deathly glares towards Surya. She was extremely mad at Surya for not telling Jalal that he loves her and wants to marry her.As soon as, Surya saw her angry face his heart skipped a beat and face became pale. He couldn't understand how things changed so fast and in totally opposite direction, just minutes ago he had confessed his love to Sukanya and held her lovingly in his arms, passionately kissed her and now Jalal is going to ask her hand for Mirza. He could clearly see his silence killed her inside, her anger was boiling up in her eyes. Her furious gawk scared him.After a long pause of silence... he dared to look up towards Sukanya, who had started to walk towards the door to leave with tears gushing out of her eyes with silent sobs. Surya quickly ran towards her and held her wrist to stop her from leaving.Dia berteriak di atas suaranya "Surya, meninggalkan tanganku, tidak pernah berani menyentuh saya lagi," sementara menyambar tangannya dari pegangannya dengan kemarahan kemarahan. "Anda mengambil keuntungan dari saya, tidak hanya hari ini tetapi setiap kali Anda perlu bahu untuk menangis Anda datang kepada saya, Anda hanya mengatakan Anda mencintaiku dan ingin menikah denganku... Oh... rasanya seperti Anda hanya bermain-main dengan emosi saya Anda tidak pernah mencintai saya, jika Anda akan senang saya daripada Anda akan telah menyatakan cinta Anda di depan Jiji dan Jijasa. Anda hanya berdiri di sana dengan berdiam diri Anda menyedihkan dan menyaksikan Jijasa sementara ia pergi ke Bapusa untuk meminta tanganku Mirza. Saya harus memiliki pernah membiarkan Anda sentuh aku atau mencium saya, oooh... apa tindakan dramatis yang Anda lakukan hari ini... Anda menunjukkan begitu banyak kemarahan bagi saya untuk berbicara dengan Mirza dan sekarang Anda tinggal cukup di depan Jijasa ketika ia berbicara tentang mendapatkan saya menikah dengan Mirza. Mengapa Surya mengapa, mengapa Anda melakukan ini padaku??? Apa yang telah kuperbuat sehingga terjadi begini?? Aku mencintaimu sejak bertahun-tahun, menonton Anda cinta Jiji, menyaksikan Anda menangis untuk Jiji, aku tinggal tenang dan menangis diam-diam untuk Anda semua tahun tapi tidak hari ini, hari ini berdiam diri Anda telah menghancurkan saya"dia jatuh berlutut sambil menangis tidak keruan.Di sisi lain Jodha sangat marah pada Jalal dan berjalan dengan marah dengan dia!Jodha fumingly berjalan menuruni tangga. Jalal bisa merasakan kemarahan di kecepatan nya... dia berjalan tergesa-gesa menuju ruang nya dan marah berkata: "Shenshah, saya tidak tertarik pada Anda dan pakaian atau perhiasan...Saya telah direncanakan apa saya memakai malam ini untuk fungsi."Jalal grinned seeing her frustrated "Ohhh!!! Jodha begum trust me, you will wear the dress I bought for you."Jodha stopped and looked at him with sharp angry gaze and said "aww!!! I didn't know you have started seeing day dreams...Poor Shenshah."Jalal with smirk replied "its a challenge Jodha begum, I will make you apologize for this attitude and you will wear the dress I brought for you."Jodha narrowed her eyes and said "Challenge accepted. Do whatever you can?"Jalal whispered "Jodha begum, day dream... hmmm...poor me...let's see."
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