Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
I seemed to be watching an illusion of the pastDid our love have meaning or was it all fake?The gaping hole in my heart is filled with doubtsAnd my tears begin to overflow and I drownYou don’t need me anymore; I’ve become a burdenYou’d never say it outright, but still I knowSince when did our feelings become so rottenI didn’t want thisIt’s okay, it’s okay to always keep on movingTowards that brightly lit future that you kept dreamingAs you pass, the dim light blinks out of this existenceAs it leaves, it takes my breath away with itI’m falling, I’m falling into a deep deep slumberAs I sleep, my mem’ries their colors start to bleed outI’m dreaming, I’m dreaming it’s all beginning to endThis isn’t the place where I wanted to beEven soI wanted to believe all you saidWanted to have no doubts about youEven though deep inside I knew that you would one day leaveStill I hopedWas everything you said a lie? - andWere you never going to come to see me?Still my heart fluttered for you; I feel just like a foolYou said the one thing you could give was the gift of “love”But I wonder if it was only meant to be a jokeI guess I was used to take up space in your toy boxAnd when you’re tired of me, surely you’ll throw me out?I thought I was the only one who’d be in your heartBut now I see that this could never be the truthYou always put yourself in the number 1 slotI wonder if you’ll notice if I fade away? Tirelessly you compare and choose the best of bestAnd then once you’ve had your fill, you’d say “bye-bye”Since when did our feelings become so rottenThis is goodbyeThese wounds have become scars I can no longer run fromAnd my tears have long since ceased to fall down from my eyesAll this pain for one short beautiful moment with youWhy was I deceived so easily by you?Once againIt was all too easy for youYou’ve always gotten what you wantedAnd then it came to this end but still I was only yoursObeyingA repetitive design that won’t changeA good that is always the sameI knew but still I couldn’t escape from inside your dark trapYou said the one thing you could give was the gift of “love”But I wonder if it was to see if I’d obeyWe used to play together for hours on endBut surely you’ve already forgotten all about me?To you it’s just a word without any meaningOnly a tool for you to get what you desireDoes it weigh on your mind; will you regret it?Because you haven’t once looked back at meYou said the one thing you could give was the gift of “love”But I wonder if it was only meant to be a jokeAre you really happy with how things are right now?When you’ve given away your “love” to try something new just for funYou said the one thing you could give was the gift of “love”But I wonder if it was to see if I’d obeyKami digunakan untuk bermain bersama selama berjam-jam pada akhirMem'ries akan tetap selamanya terkunci di dalam hati saya kesepianAku sepertinya untuk menonton ilusi masa laluApakah cinta kita memiliki makna atau itu semua palsu?Lubang menganga di hati saya dipenuhi dengan keraguanMataku mulai melimpah dan aku tenggelamAnda tidak membutuhkan aku lagi; Aku sudah menjadi bebanAnda akan pernah mengatakannya langsung, tapi masih aku tahuSejak kapan Apakah perasaan kita menjadi begitu busukSaya tidak ingin iniSaya pikir saya adalah satu-satunya yang akan di hati AndaTapi sekarang aku melihat bahwa ini tidak akan pernah bisa kebenaranAnda selalu menempatkan diri dalam slot nomor 1Aku bertanya-tanya jika Anda akan melihat jika saya memudar? Tanpa kenal lelah Anda membandingkan dan memilih yang terbaik dari terbaikDan kemudian setelah Anda memiliki Anda mengisi, Anda akan berkata "bye-bye"Sejak kapan Apakah perasaan kita menjadi begitu busukIni merupakan selamat tinggal
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