From discussion above, we can see that linguistics and applied linguistics have to do with language teaching. They provide not only descriptions of the language that we are going to teach, but also give contribution to the theory of language teaching. As David S. Taylor (1987: 8) says that some specific linguistics knowledge is required by the language teacher – for assessment, for choosing learning activities, for course planning and design. There is a need for the teacher to know about language and how it is learned.
This statement implies that in the preparation of language teacher, the trainees need to know about the knowledge. And from this point of view, it seems true what Julian Edge (1988: 9) says, “Knowledge about language and language learning still have a central role to play in English language teacher training for speakers of other languages”. It means that linguistics and applied linguistics have a place in a teacher education programme for language teachers. As J.W. Morrison (1980: 12) says that he believes that linguistics does have a place, however oversold it has undoubtedly been in recent years”.
Before coming to the main discussion, it will be useful for us to look first some proposals of teacher education programme for language teachers which include linguistics and applied linguistics components. Julian Edge (1988: 9-13) offers an English teacher training programme for speakers of other languages. In this programme, he bases his proposal on the principle that knowledge about language and language learning ought to bridge between trainee roles as language learner and language teacher. This principle, of course, has a challenge. As he says that the challenge is to develop language study in such a way that it supports both language learning and decision-making in language teaching, while also making accessible to teachers an expanding field of study into which they can travel just as far as they decide to.
In this proposal, Julian Edge looks the trainees as language users, language analysts and language teachers. It means that the trainees must be able to function socially as a user of English. And they must learn how to focus learners’ attention on to specific features of English form and function, how to model the language, motivate and organize its practice and its use, and explain its workings. In other words, they have to be teachers of the language, with a full range of TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) procedures at their command, and the theoretical knowledge necessary to make decisions about the use of those procedures. As far as the above characteristics are concerned, according Julian Edge, the TEFL trainees need addition to be able to talk about the language itself, to analyse it, to understand how it works and to make judgements about acceptability in doubtful cases. In simple terms, the trainees need to be able to function as analysts of the language.
From the view of the trainees as language users, language analysts and language teachers, Julian Edge offers three major course components for TEFL training programme, such as language improvement, applied linguistics and methodology. In this proposal, Julian Edge uses the terms applied linguistics to refer to two types of languages study. First, it concerns with the study that aims to improve the trainees’ own command and use of English, for example, explicit grammar study in support of weaknesses diagnosed in written work. This study is usually given to advanced learners. But in the case of TEFL trainees, the experience of language learning and language improvement must proceed in parallel with a growing conscious awareness of how the language is structured and organized. Julian Edge believes that the explicit study on language awareness will directly support the learning style of some trainees. This awareness-raising aspect of language study and the discussion of it will provide the experiential base for the learning of descriptive terminology which trainees will need in their more advances studies and professional lives. Julian Edge stresses that this study will give the trainees practice in the skills of grammar reference, interpretation and application. The second type of applied linguistics that Julian Edge uses, is the explicit study of language and language learning which is necessary to support the making decision as a language teacher. In this case, the trainees need to be able to recognize, for purposes of presenting new language items in dialogue, when the same language structure is being used to realize different speech functions, they need to understand lexical relationship in text in order to decide which words in a reading passage to preteach, they need some information about error analysis in order to decide which mistakes to correct. According to Julian Edge, the purpose of such study is not only to show particular links between some areas of language description and some decisions that have to be made in teaching, but also to establish in principle the way in which teaching decisions are made, and to demonstrate how helpful data drawn from linguists’ description can be. In this case, Julian Edge stresses that it does not mean that every problem raised in the morning must have a quick, practical answer by the afternoon. But it shows that professional issues are consistently referred to a theoretical base for consideration of evidence. By this way, the trainees are introduced to the process of reference out to theory that can be covered in any course is limited, and application can be made only to a limited number of problems. From the description above, we can conclude that the terms applied linguistics is to be understood as an explicit study of language and language learning which facilitates language learning for the user and pedagogical decisions for the teacher. While the function of applied linguistics component is to support the other two components, language improvement and methodology.The content and methodology of applied linguistics component is defined by reference to the other two. It must be noted that the aim of giving the component is not attempting to teach vast area of linguistic knowledge, but rather awareness of when linguistic knowledge is needed, and the ability to locate, interpret and apply the knowledge. In the context of teacher education for nonnative speakers, linguistics component should be regarded less as content area than as a skill area. It is expected that trainees’ awareness and knowledge of the content of linguistics develop as they become more skilled in location, interpretation and application of that is available. According to Julian Edge (1988: 13) that the aim of including applied linguistics component as independent discipline in teacher education programme for language teachers is to be matter of raising awareness of the language, by variety of procedures towards the purposes of language learning and language teaching. The next proposal coming from J.W. Morrison (1980: 10-15), which includes linguistics component in language teacher education programme. Morrison includes the component in the programme base on the consideration that an ideal language teacher should have competence at least in language skills and professional skills. According to Morrison, in the case of language skills, a language teachers of English is expected to be a good model of English is expected to be a good model of English, be thoroughly conversant with modern usage, and be aware, through his own experience of the English language areas of potential difficulty, such as phonological, lexical and grammatical problems. While in the case of professional skills, a language teacher of English is expected to understand the principles behind the preparation of language-teaching syllabus, be familiar with various methods and technigues of classroom presentation and their rationale, with the ability to modify and supplement material according to the needs of the class teaching and language learning theories, and properly critical of claims made by their advocates (Morrison, 1980: 13) Further, Morrison (1980: 15) stresses that the aim of including the linguistics components in teacher education programme for language teachers is to make the trainees aware of the knowledge. In this context, Donard Britten (1985: 118) says that awareness of the organization and funcioning of English may or may not have been part of the trainee teacher’s previous learning. And even for non speakers who have already studied the language system, some reconversion and updating of awareness (from structural to functional, from prescriptive to descriptive) may be called for. Another proposal coming Luciano Mariani (1979: 73-78) which offers a program for teacher educations that consist of professional components. In this programme, Mariani includes components such as, (a). conscious understanding of the teacher’s role and of the learning/teaching situation with the subject Sociology of learning and teaching, (b). knowledge of the learner with the subject Development Psychology, (c). the learner’s learning processes with the subject Psychology of learning, (d). knowledge of language as the reality to work on and with, as the subject General Linguistics, Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics, (e). knowledge of specific TEFL/TEST methods and techniques with the subject Applied Linguistics and TEFL/TESL methodology. In this programme, we can see that linguistics and applied linguistics take an important place. In this context, Roger Berry (1990: 97) says, “Even teacher education programme for language teachers come in many shapes and sizes, but they all have the same underlying repertoire”. Berry (1990: 97-105) offers a programme of teacher education for language teachers which consists of a prim
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3. TEMPAT LINGUISTIK DAN LINGUISTIK TERAPAN DALAM PROGRAM PENDIDIKAN GURU BAGI GURU BAHASADari diskusi di atas, kita dapat melihat bahwa linguistik dan Linguistik terapan ada hubungannya dengan pengajaran bahasa. Mereka menyediakan tidak hanya Deskripsi bahasa yang kita akan mengajar, tetapi juga memberikan kontribusi terhadap teori pengajaran bahasa. Seperti David S. Taylor (1987:8) mengatakan bahwa beberapa pengetahuan linguistik spesifik diperlukan oleh guru bahasa-penilaian, untuk memilih kegiatan belajar, untuk lapangan perencanaan dan desain. Ada kebutuhan bagi guru untuk tahu tentang bahasa dan bagaimana itu adalah belajar.Pernyataan ini menyiratkan bahwa dalam persiapan guru bahasa, para peserta perlu tahu tentang pengetahuan. Dan dari pandang ini, tampaknya benar apa Julian tepi (1988:9) mengatakan, "Pengetahuan tentang bahasa dan belajar bahasa masih memiliki peran sentral dalam pelatihan untuk penutur bahasa lain guru bahasa Inggris". Itu berarti bahwa linguistik dan Linguistik terapan memiliki tempat dalam program pendidikan guru bagi guru bahasa. Sebagai J.W. Morrison (1980:12) mengatakan bahwa dia percaya bahwa linguistik memiliki tempat, namun oversold itu pasti telah dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ".Sebelum datang ke diskusi utama, ini akan berguna bagi kita untuk melihat pertama beberapa proposal program pendidikan guru bagi guru bahasa yang meliputi linguistik dan diterapkan linguistik komponen. Julian Edge (1988: 9-13) menawarkan guru bahasa Inggris program pelatihan untuk penutur bahasa lain. Dalam program ini, dia mendasarkan proposal pada prinsip bahwa pengetahuan tentang bahasa dan belajar bahasa harus jembatan antara peserta pelatihan peran sebagai pembelajar bahasa dan guru bahasa. Prinsip ini, tentu saja, memiliki sebuah tantangan. Ketika ia mengatakan bahwa Tantangannya adalah untuk mengembangkan studi bahasa sedemikian rupa bahwa itu mendukung pembelajaran dan pengambilan keputusan dalam bahasa mengajar, sementara juga membuat dapat diakses oleh guru memperluas bidang studi di mana mereka dapat melakukan perjalanan hanya sejauh mereka memutuskan untuk.In this proposal, Julian Edge looks the trainees as language users, language analysts and language teachers. It means that the trainees must be able to function socially as a user of English. And they must learn how to focus learners’ attention on to specific features of English form and function, how to model the language, motivate and organize its practice and its use, and explain its workings. In other words, they have to be teachers of the language, with a full range of TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) procedures at their command, and the theoretical knowledge necessary to make decisions about the use of those procedures. As far as the above characteristics are concerned, according Julian Edge, the TEFL trainees need addition to be able to talk about the language itself, to analyse it, to understand how it works and to make judgements about acceptability in doubtful cases. In simple terms, the trainees need to be able to function as analysts of the language. From the view of the trainees as language users, language analysts and language teachers, Julian Edge offers three major course components for TEFL training programme, such as language improvement, applied linguistics and methodology. In this proposal, Julian Edge uses the terms applied linguistics to refer to two types of languages study. First, it concerns with the study that aims to improve the trainees’ own command and use of English, for example, explicit grammar study in support of weaknesses diagnosed in written work. This study is usually given to advanced learners. But in the case of TEFL trainees, the experience of language learning and language improvement must proceed in parallel with a growing conscious awareness of how the language is structured and organized. Julian Edge believes that the explicit study on language awareness will directly support the learning style of some trainees. This awareness-raising aspect of language study and the discussion of it will provide the experiential base for the learning of descriptive terminology which trainees will need in their more advances studies and professional lives. Julian Edge stresses that this study will give the trainees practice in the skills of grammar reference, interpretation and application. The second type of applied linguistics that Julian Edge uses, is the explicit study of language and language learning which is necessary to support the making decision as a language teacher. In this case, the trainees need to be able to recognize, for purposes of presenting new language items in dialogue, when the same language structure is being used to realize different speech functions, they need to understand lexical relationship in text in order to decide which words in a reading passage to preteach, they need some information about error analysis in order to decide which mistakes to correct. According to Julian Edge, the purpose of such study is not only to show particular links between some areas of language description and some decisions that have to be made in teaching, but also to establish in principle the way in which teaching decisions are made, and to demonstrate how helpful data drawn from linguists’ description can be. In this case, Julian Edge stresses that it does not mean that every problem raised in the morning must have a quick, practical answer by the afternoon. But it shows that professional issues are consistently referred to a theoretical base for consideration of evidence. By this way, the trainees are introduced to the process of reference out to theory that can be covered in any course is limited, and application can be made only to a limited number of problems. From the description above, we can conclude that the terms applied linguistics is to be understood as an explicit study of language and language learning which facilitates language learning for the user and pedagogical decisions for the teacher. While the function of applied linguistics component is to support the other two components, language improvement and methodology.The content and methodology of applied linguistics component is defined by reference to the other two. It must be noted that the aim of giving the component is not attempting to teach vast area of linguistic knowledge, but rather awareness of when linguistic knowledge is needed, and the ability to locate, interpret and apply the knowledge. In the context of teacher education for nonnative speakers, linguistics component should be regarded less as content area than as a skill area. It is expected that trainees’ awareness and knowledge of the content of linguistics develop as they become more skilled in location, interpretation and application of that is available. According to Julian Edge (1988: 13) that the aim of including applied linguistics component as independent discipline in teacher education programme for language teachers is to be matter of raising awareness of the language, by variety of procedures towards the purposes of language learning and language teaching. The next proposal coming from J.W. Morrison (1980: 10-15), which includes linguistics component in language teacher education programme. Morrison includes the component in the programme base on the consideration that an ideal language teacher should have competence at least in language skills and professional skills. According to Morrison, in the case of language skills, a language teachers of English is expected to be a good model of English is expected to be a good model of English, be thoroughly conversant with modern usage, and be aware, through his own experience of the English language areas of potential difficulty, such as phonological, lexical and grammatical problems. While in the case of professional skills, a language teacher of English is expected to understand the principles behind the preparation of language-teaching syllabus, be familiar with various methods and technigues of classroom presentation and their rationale, with the ability to modify and supplement material according to the needs of the class teaching and language learning theories, and properly critical of claims made by their advocates (Morrison, 1980: 13) Further, Morrison (1980: 15) stresses that the aim of including the linguistics components in teacher education programme for language teachers is to make the trainees aware of the knowledge. In this context, Donard Britten (1985: 118) says that awareness of the organization and funcioning of English may or may not have been part of the trainee teacher’s previous learning. And even for non speakers who have already studied the language system, some reconversion and updating of awareness (from structural to functional, from prescriptive to descriptive) may be called for. Another proposal coming Luciano Mariani (1979: 73-78) which offers a program for teacher educations that consist of professional components. In this programme, Mariani includes components such as, (a). conscious understanding of the teacher’s role and of the learning/teaching situation with the subject Sociology of learning and teaching, (b). knowledge of the learner with the subject Development Psychology, (c). the learner’s learning processes with the subject Psychology of learning, (d). knowledge of language as the reality to work on and with, as the subject General Linguistics, Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics, (e). knowledge of specific TEFL/TEST methods and techniques with the subject Applied Linguistics and TEFL/TESL methodology. In this programme, we can see that linguistics and applied linguistics take an important place. In this context, Roger Berry (1990: 97) says, “Even teacher education programme for language teachers come in many shapes and sizes, but they all have the same underlying repertoire”. Berry (1990: 97-105) offers a programme of teacher education for language teachers which consists of a prim
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3. TEMPAT linguistik dan linguistik terapan DALAM PROGRAM GURU PENDIDIKAN UNTUK GURU BAHASA Dari pembahasan di atas, kita dapat melihat bahwa linguistik dan linguistik terapan harus dilakukan dengan pengajaran bahasa. Mereka menyediakan tidak hanya deskripsi dari bahasa yang kita akan mengajar, tetapi juga memberikan kontribusi kepada teori pengajaran bahasa. Seperti David S. Taylor (1987: 8) mengatakan bahwa beberapa pengetahuan linguistik tertentu diperlukan oleh guru bahasa - untuk penilaian, untuk memilih kegiatan belajar, untuk perencanaan kursus dan desain. Ada kebutuhan bagi guru untuk mengetahui tentang bahasa dan bagaimana ia belajar. Pernyataan ini menyiratkan bahwa dalam penyusunan guru bahasa, para peserta perlu tahu tentang pengetahuan. Dan dari sudut pandang ini, tampaknya benar apa Julian Ujung (1988: 9) mengatakan, "Pengetahuan tentang bahasa dan bahasa belajar masih memiliki peran sentral untuk bermain dalam pelatihan bahasa Inggris guru untuk penutur bahasa lain". Ini berarti bahwa linguistik dan linguistik terapan memiliki tempat dalam program pendidikan guru untuk guru bahasa. Sebagai JW Morrison (1980: 12) mengatakan bahwa ia percaya bahwa linguistik memang memiliki tempat, namun oversold itu telah pasti telah dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ". Sebelum datang ke pembahasan utama, itu akan berguna bagi kita untuk melihat pertama beberapa proposal dari guru Program pendidikan untuk guru bahasa yang meliputi linguistik dan diterapkan komponen linguistik. Julian Ujung (1988: 9-13) menawarkan program pelatihan guru bahasa Inggris untuk penutur bahasa lain. Dalam program ini, ia mendasarkan proposalnya pada prinsip bahwa pengetahuan tentang bahasa dan pembelajaran bahasa harus menjembatani antara peran trainee sebagai pembelajar bahasa dan guru bahasa. Prinsip ini, tentu saja, memiliki tantangan. Saat ia mengatakan bahwa tantangannya adalah untuk mengembangkan studi bahasa sedemikian rupa sehingga mendukung pembelajaran bahasa dan pengajaran bahasa pengambilan keputusan, sementara juga membuat diakses guru bidang memperluas studi di mana mereka dapat melakukan perjalanan hanya sejauh mereka memutuskan untuk. Dalam proposal ini, Julian Ujung terlihat trainee sebagai pengguna bahasa, analis bahasa dan guru bahasa. Ini berarti bahwa peserta harus dapat berfungsi sosial sebagai pengguna bahasa Inggris. Dan mereka harus belajar bagaimana untuk memfokuskan perhatian peserta didik untuk fitur khusus dari bentuk dan fungsi bahasa Inggris, bagaimana model bahasa, memotivasi dan mengatur praktek dan penggunaannya, dan menjelaskan cara kerjanya. Dengan kata lain, mereka harus guru bahasa, dengan berbagai macam TEFL (Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Asing) prosedur di bawah perintah mereka, dan pengetahuan teoritis yang diperlukan untuk membuat keputusan tentang penggunaan prosedur tersebut. Sejauh karakteristik di atas yang bersangkutan, menurut Julian Edge, para peserta pelatihan TEFL perlu Selain dapat berbicara tentang bahasa itu sendiri, untuk menganalisanya, untuk memahami cara kerjanya dan untuk membuat penilaian tentang penerimaan dalam kasus-kasus yang meragukan. Dalam istilah sederhana, para peserta harus mampu berfungsi sebagai analis dari bahasa. Dari pandangan peserta pelatihan sebagai pengguna bahasa, analis bahasa dan guru bahasa, Julian Ujung menawarkan tiga komponen saja utama untuk program pelatihan TEFL, seperti perbaikan bahasa , diterapkan linguistik dan metodologi. Dalam proposal ini, Julian Edge menggunakan istilah linguistik terapan untuk merujuk dua jenis studi bahasa. Pertama, menyangkut dengan studi yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan perintah trainee 'sendiri dan penggunaan bahasa Inggris, misalnya, studi tata bahasa eksplisit mendukung kelemahan didiagnosis pada pekerjaan tertulis. Penelitian ini biasanya diberikan kepada peserta didik maju. Tapi dalam kasus TEFL peserta pelatihan, pengalaman pembelajaran bahasa dan perbaikan bahasa harus melanjutkan secara paralel dengan kesadaran yang tumbuh dari bagaimana bahasa yang terstruktur dan terorganisir. Julian Ujung percaya bahwa studi eksplisit pada kesadaran bahasa akan langsung mendukung gaya belajar dari beberapa peserta. Aspek peningkatan kesadaran ini studi bahasa dan pembahasan itu akan memberikan dasar pengalaman untuk belajar terminologi deskriptif yang trainee perlu di mereka studi lebih kemajuan dan kehidupan profesional. Julian Ujung menekankan bahwa studi ini akan memberikan praktek peserta pelatihan dalam keterampilan referensi tata bahasa, interpretasi dan aplikasi. Tipe kedua linguistik terapan yang menggunakan Julian Edge, adalah studi eksplisit bahasa dan pembelajaran bahasa yang diperlukan untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan sebagai guru bahasa. Dalam hal ini, para peserta harus mampu mengenali, untuk tujuan penyajian item bahasa baru dalam dialog, ketika struktur bahasa yang sama digunakan untuk mewujudkan fungsi pidato yang berbeda, mereka perlu memahami hubungan leksikal dalam teks untuk menentukan kata-kata dalam bacaan untuk preteach, mereka membutuhkan beberapa informasi tentang analisis kesalahan untuk menentukan kesalahan untuk memperbaiki. Menurut Julian Edge, tujuan penelitian tersebut tidak hanya menunjukkan link tertentu antara beberapa daerah deskripsi bahasa dan beberapa keputusan yang harus dibuat dalam mengajar, tetapi juga untuk membangun pada prinsipnya cara di mana keputusan mengajar dibuat, dan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana membantu data yang diambil dari keterangan ahli bahasa 'dapat. Dalam hal ini, Julian Ujung menekankan bahwa itu tidak berarti bahwa setiap masalah dibesarkan di pagi hari harus memiliki cepat, jawaban praktis pada siang hari. Tapi itu menunjukkan bahwa masalah profesional secara konsisten disebut dasar teoritis untuk pertimbangan bukti. Dengan cara ini, para peserta diperkenalkan dengan proses referensi untuk teori yang dapat dibahas dalam kursus setiap terbatas, dan aplikasi dapat dibuat hanya untuk sejumlah masalah. Dari uraian di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa linguistik istilah diterapkan harus dipahami sebagai studi eksplisit bahasa dan bahasa belajar yang memfasilitasi pembelajaran bahasa bagi pengguna dan keputusan pedagogis bagi guru. Sementara fungsi linguistik terapan komponen untuk mendukung dua komponen lainnya, perbaikan bahasa dan konten methodology.The dan metodologi linguistik terapan komponen didefinisikan dengan mengacu pada dua lainnya. Harus dicatat bahwa tujuan pemberian komponen tidak mencoba untuk mengajarkan daerah yang luas pengetahuan linguistik, melainkan kesadaran ketika pengetahuan linguistik diperlukan, dan kemampuan untuk menemukan, menafsirkan dan menerapkan pengetahuan. Dalam konteks pendidikan guru untuk speaker normatif, komponen linguistik harus dianggap kurang sebagai area konten selain sebagai daerah keterampilan. Diharapkan kesadaran dan pengetahuan tentang isi linguistik trainee 'berkembang karena mereka menjadi lebih terampil dalam lokasi, interpretasi dan aplikasi yang tersedia. Menurut Julian Ujung (1988: 13) bahwa tujuan termasuk linguistik terapan komponen sebagai disiplin independen dalam program pendidikan guru untuk guru bahasa harus soal meningkatkan kesadaran bahasa, dengan berbagai prosedur terhadap tujuan pembelajaran bahasa dan bahasa pengajaran. Usulan berikutnya datang dari JW Morrison (1980: 10-15), yang meliputi linguistik komponen dalam program pendidikan guru bahasa. Morrison termasuk komponen di dasar program pada pertimbangan bahwa seorang guru bahasa yang ideal harus memiliki kompetensi minimal dalam keterampilan bahasa dan keterampilan profesional. Menurut Morrison, dalam kasus kemampuan bahasa, guru bahasa Inggris diharapkan menjadi model yang baik dari bahasa Inggris diharapkan menjadi model yang baik dari bahasa Inggris, menjadi benar-benar fasih dengan penggunaan modern, dan menyadari, melalui pengalamannya sendiri daerah bahasa Inggris kesulitan potensial, seperti fonologi, leksikal dan gramatikal masalah. Sementara dalam kasus keterampilan profesional, seorang guru bahasa Inggris diharapkan memahami prinsip-prinsip di balik persiapan bahasa-mengajar silabus, akrab dengan berbagai metode dan tehnik presentasi kelas dan pemikiran mereka, dengan kemampuan untuk memodifikasi dan bahan suplemen sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengajaran kelas dan teori belajar bahasa, dan benar kritis klaim yang dibuat oleh para pendukung mereka (Morrison, 1980: 13) Selanjutnya, Morrison (1980: 15) menekankan bahwa tujuan termasuk komponen linguistik dalam program pendidikan guru untuk guru bahasa adalah untuk membuat peserta menyadari pengetahuan. Dalam konteks ini, Donard Britten (1985: 118) mengatakan bahwa kesadaran organisasi dan funcioning bahasa Inggris mungkin atau mungkin tidak menjadi bagian dari pembelajaran guru peserta pelatihan sebelumnya. Dan bahkan untuk non pembicara yang telah mempelajari sistem bahasa, beberapa rekonversi dan memperbarui kesadaran (dari struktural ke fungsional, dari preskriptif untuk deskriptif) dapat disebut untuk. Usulan lain datang Luciano Mariani (1979: 73-78) yang menawarkan program untuk pendidikan guru yang terdiri dari komponen profesional. Dalam program ini, Mariani termasuk komponen seperti, (a). pemahaman sadar peran guru dan situasi belajar / mengajar dengan Sosiologi subjek belajar dan mengajar, (b). pengetahuan pelajar dengan Psikologi Pembangunan subjek, (c). proses belajar peserta didik dengan Psikologi subjek pembelajaran, (d). pengetahuan tentang bahasa sebagai realitas untuk bekerja dan dengan, sebagai subyek Linguistik Umum, Psikolinguistik dan Sosiolinguistik, (e). pengetahuan tentang metode TEFL / UJI spesifik dan teknik dengan subjek Linguistik Terapan dan metodologi TEFL / TESL. Dalam program ini, kita dapat melihat bahwa linguistik dan linguistik terapan mengambil tempat yang penting. Dalam konteks ini, Roger Berry (1990: 97) mengatakan, "Bahkan Program pendidikan guru untuk guru bahasa datang dalam berbagai bentuk dan ukuran, tetapi mereka semua memiliki repertoar dasar yang sama". Berry (1990: 97-105) menawarkan program pendidikan guru untuk guru bahasa yang terdiri dari formal

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