If the first form of learning is reviewed from a philosophical approach, certainly there has been no explicit written goals can be found. People learn Arabic solely because of religious motives. However, implied there was already a clear objective, namely the Arabic language as a means of supporting peribadatan.
The teaching of the Arabic language that verbalistik felt not enough, because the Qur'an is not enough read as a means of expression, but rather guidelines which need to be understood the meaning of life and practiced his teachings. Then came the second form of the Arabic language learning with the aim of deepening the teaching of the Islamic religion, which initially grow at boarding schools. The subject matter in this boarding school include the Hadith, aqidah, Fiqh, tafsir, and studies the Arabic language such as nahwu, balaghah sharraf, and with Arabic text books written by the scholars of the past.
Forms and institutions of learning the Arabic language in Indonesia is very diverse. Quote from Effendy (2009) there are several forms of the Arabic language and educational institutions in Indonesia, namely:
1. Learning the Arabic language are verbalistik, i.e. learning the Arabic language that aims to master the skill of reading the Qur'an. Institutions of learning this model in the form of children's Education of the Qur'an, mosques, small mosque – small mosque, and muslim families privately.
2. Learning the Arabic language which is closely related to understanding or deepening scientific Arabic and religion. This model of learning institutions are boarding cottages. This model uses the method Qowaid wa tarjamah in teaching the Arabic language and Arabic language books.
3. Learning the Arabic language as a whole. Learning Arabic this model aims to teach Arabic as a language of communication in addition to religious language. Learning methods used are direct methods (' al-thariqah al-mubasyirah). Agencies that use this model is a modern boarding schools that pioneered by Mahmud Yunus in Sumatra and the priest Zarkasyi Modern boarding schools at Gontor Ponorogo Modern lodges and others as well as lodges of the salaf.
4. Learning with a curriculum determined by the Government, namely in Madrasa Ibtidaiyyah, Mts and Madrasah Aliyah.
5. Learning the Arabic language with the goal of expertise and professionalism. This model of learning done at colleges in Indonesia, namely in Islamic religious College (PTAI), a public College, and learning Arabic language for special purposes (li al-aghradh al-khassah). This model is done by learning institutions courses with the purpose of tourism, Hajj, umrah, trade and labor.