Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Perhaps no other area of business activity gives rise to as much discussion amongand between those directly involved and those who are not involved as the activityknown as selling. This is not surprising when one considers that so many people derivetheir livelihood, either directly or indirectly, from selling. Even those who haveno direct involvement in selling come into contact with it in their roles as consumers.Perhaps, because of this familiarity, many people have strong, and often misplaced,views about selling and salespeople. Surprisingly, many of these misconceptions areheld by people who have spent their working lives in selling, so it might well be acase of ‘familiarity breeds contempt’.It is important to recognise that selling and sales management, although closelyrelated, are not the same and we shall start in this chapter by examining the natureand role of selling and sales management in the contemporary organisation and exploringsome of the more common myths and misconceptions.We shall also look at the developing role of selling because, like other businessfunctions, it is required to adapt and change. Perhaps one of the most important andfar-reaching of these business changes has been the adoption of the concept andpractice of marketing, due to changes in the business environment. Because of theimportance of this development to the sales function, we shall examine the place ofpemasaran dalam perusahaan dan tempat menjual dalam pemasaran.
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