Article 8 Title and RiskTitle and ownership of the “parts” sold to the terjemahan - Article 8 Title and RiskTitle and ownership of the “parts” sold to the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Article 8 Title and RiskTitle and o

Article 8 Title and Risk

Title and ownership of the “parts” sold to the Buyer hereunder shall pass to the Buyer at the moment when, in case of delivery by ship, the “parts” shall have been effectively loaded on the ship at the port of shipment in Tanjung Priok, or in case of delivery by air, customs clearance of commercial shipments shall have been completed at the airport in Cengkareng. The responsibility for, and the risk concerning, the “parts” sold to the Buyer hereunder shall be transferred to the Buyer simultaneously with the passing to the Buyer of the title to and ownership of such parts.

Article 9 Receiving and Inspection

9.1 When the Buyer received at the Buyer’s facility in Indonesia any “parts” sold by the Seller under this Agreement, the Buyer shall immediately inspect the received “parts” and if any deficiency in the shipment is found, the Buyer shall submit a claim in accordance with the requirements specified below:

(1) After receiving the “parts” from the Seller at the aforementioned facility, the Buyer has sixty three (63) business days to inspect the “parts”. However, there shall be other options if the Seller considers given time of the period as reasonable.

(2) If the Buyer found any shortage or defect of the “parts” as a result of inspection, (I) the Buyer shall prepare a claim report on the shortage or defect using the format designed by the Seller within the aforementioned period of twenty one (21) business days or that which the Seller has judged as reasonable, and send the report to the Seller (this report must accompany evidentiary documents and information to the satisfaction of the Seller), and (II) the Buyer must also send to the Seller additional information as may be requested by the Seller for use in determining the shortage or defect.

(3) If the Seller acknowledges that the shortage or defect of the “parts” is attributable to any cause occurring before the delivery from the Seller under the provision of Article 6 hereunder, and that the claim submitted per the aforementioned format is valid and appropriate, the Seller shall promptly supply the Buyer with the necessary quantity of “parts” to cover the shortage, or replacement “parts” of good quality in such cases, free of charge and without incurring any expenses on the part of the Buyer.

(4) If the Buyer did not submit any claim to the Seller during the aforementioned period of sixty three (63) business days or that which the Seller had judged as reasonable, the Buyer shall be deemed to have acknowledged that the “parts” were delivered to the Buyer in an appropriate quantity and free of defects and the Seller shall be released from all responsibilities and quality assurance liabilities relating to the quantity and quality of the “parts.”

(5) The Buyer shall deal with the defective “parts” that have been replaced by the replacement “parts” of good quality supplied to the Buyer, in accordance with the instruction of the Seller, without incurring any additional cost by the buyer.

9.2 The responsibilities of the Seller in connection with the shortage or defect of “parts” as specified in Article 9.1 above shall comprise the sole obligations and responsibilities of the Seller relating to the warranty of “parts” sold by the Seller under this Agreement. This warranty, either explicit or implicit, or regardless of whether yes or no such warranty is required by law, shall replace all other obligations (including warranty of marketability as well as suitability and fitness for specific applications) and all other duties and responsibilities on the part of the Seller, and the Seller’s warranty under this Agreement shall not be construed as assumption of any other responsibility by the Seller regarding “parts” or use or handling thereof, nor it shall be construed as giving the Buyer or any other party any power to assume such responsibility on behalf of the Seller. Unless an appropriate sum of compensation is agreed upon through rational discussion between the Seller and Buyer on a case-by-case basis, the Seller shall not be held responsible for whatever reason for any special damage, secondary damage, consequential damage or punitive damage arising in connection with “parts” sold to the Buyer under this Agreement. The Seller shall take responsibility for any damage to the life, body, or property of a third party or to the Buyer’s employees that is incurred as a result of the parts or relating to the parts that the Sellers provides to the Seller, on the condition that the damage arises from or relating to flaws or defects in the parts, or from the negligence of the Seller.

9.3 Traceability & Identification

The identification mark provided on the product of the seller will be Unique and as agreed upon. The seller will maintain a system of tracing back the exact source of any quality problem as well as the suspected defective parts and will take immediate corrective and preventive actions.

9.4 Secrecy and Confidentiality

The drawings, designs, documents and any other information furnished by the Buyer to the Seller shall always remain the property of the Buyer. The seller further covenant that he shall use the highest degree of care to prevent unauthorized disclosure of such drawings, designs, documents and information to third parties.

Article 10 Quality Assurance

10.1 The Seller shall make every effort to reduce defects to a minimum and to ensure high quality Parts. The Seller shall set up and maintain a quality control system that is consistent with the provision under this clause.

10.2 If the Seller wishes to change any raw material, tool, equipment, machinery, jig, production processes or techniques or any detail which are likely to affect quality, it has to notify the Purchaser of the facts in advance, and obtain the Purchaser’s approval before effecting such change. Upon delivery of the first lot of parts (1) produced by such new raw material, tool, equipment, machinery, jig, production process and techniques, approved by the Buyer, or (2) produced by revision or modification of any details or specifications approved by the Buyer, the complete and clear details have to be given in the from introduced by the Buyer.

10.3 The Seller shall record the detail of the parts in each lot. A unit in each lot shall mean the parts or components produced under the same condition, e.g. the parts produced on the same day. The Seller shall keep the records of all the lots for future reference in case any problems arise, e.g. the parts fail to meet the standard. Such records shall indicate the production under certain condition or by any other means. The records shall include the names of parts / components, lot number, production date, delivery date and other particulars. The Seller shall deliver such parts to the Buyer in production’s chronological order, unless otherwise stated, advised or approved by the Buyer.

10.4 The Seller permits the Buyer to inspect its factory to check the system and quality control. Such inspection might be performed by a representative of the Buyer and or Honda Motor Company Limited and or other parties appointed by the Buyer.

10.5 In order to allow the quality control system as discussed previously to run effectively and to improve and ensure the quality of the Parts, the Buyer and the Seller may enter into a separate agreement from this contract in respect of the details of quality control, which shall be used throughout the entire production process of the Seller.

Article 11 Terms

This Agreement shall take effect on the day first above written, and remain valid for five (5) years thereafter. Upon expiration of the initial term, the Agreement shall be renewed automatically for one (1) additional year, and the same terms and conditions shall apply thereafter. However, this Agreement shall lapse if either party notifies the other party in writing of its intention to end the Agreement by no later than six (6) months before the expiration of the renewed term. In case of obsolete model of parts, the seller will supply the parts for a period of ten years even after termination of this agreement to meet the demand for spare parts in the market.

Article 12 Supplementation, Commercial Terms and Governing Law

The commercial terms specified in this Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the latest provisions of “INCOTERMS (International Commercial Terms)” effective at the time of interpretation, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement or any “transaction contract” or otherwise agreed upon by the parties to this Agreement expressly in writing. All terms and conditions under this Agreement or any “transaction contract” or performance thereof shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Republic of Indonesia.

Article 13 Arbitration

Any dispute or breach arising in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved between the parties through amicable discussions. If the dispute or breach cannot be resolve between the parties through discussions, however, it shall be put to the judgment of The Japan Commercial Arbitration Association in Tokyo, Japan. The judgment made by the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association shall be final and binding upon the Buyer and the Seller.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Buyer and Seller signed duplicate sets of originals of this Agreement on the day first above written through the respective representatives having the necessary powers under the applicable laws.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Judul pasal 8 dan risikoJudul dan kepemilikan "bagian" yang dijual kepada pembeli ini akan lulus kepada pembeli saat ketika, dalam kasus pengiriman oleh kapal, "bagian" akan telah efektif dibuka di kapal di pelabuhan pengiriman di Tanjung Priok, atau dalam kasus pengiriman oleh udara, bea clearance pengiriman komersial akan telah selesai di bandara di Cengkareng. Tanggung jawab, dan risiko mengenai, "bagian" dijual kepada pembeli ini bisa ditransfer kepada pembeli secara bersamaan dengan berlalunya pembeli hak milik dan kepemilikan bagian tersebut. Pasal 9 menerima dan inspeksi9.1 ketika pembeli menerima di fasilitas pembeli di Indonesia setiap "bagian" yang dijual oleh penjual di bawah Perjanjian ini, pembeli akan segera memeriksa "bagian" yang diterima dan jika ada kekurangan dalam pengiriman ditemukan, pembeli harus mengajukan klaim sesuai dengan persyaratan yang ditentukan di bawah ini:(1) setelah menerima "bagian" dari Penjual di fasilitas tersebut, pembeli memiliki enam tiga (63) hari kerja untuk memeriksa "bagian". Namun, akan ada pilihan lain jika Penjual menganggap diberi waktu periode masuk akal.(2) If the Buyer found any shortage or defect of the “parts” as a result of inspection, (I) the Buyer shall prepare a claim report on the shortage or defect using the format designed by the Seller within the aforementioned period of twenty one (21) business days or that which the Seller has judged as reasonable, and send the report to the Seller (this report must accompany evidentiary documents and information to the satisfaction of the Seller), and (II) the Buyer must also send to the Seller additional information as may be requested by the Seller for use in determining the shortage or defect. (3) If the Seller acknowledges that the shortage or defect of the “parts” is attributable to any cause occurring before the delivery from the Seller under the provision of Article 6 hereunder, and that the claim submitted per the aforementioned format is valid and appropriate, the Seller shall promptly supply the Buyer with the necessary quantity of “parts” to cover the shortage, or replacement “parts” of good quality in such cases, free of charge and without incurring any expenses on the part of the Buyer. (4) If the Buyer did not submit any claim to the Seller during the aforementioned period of sixty three (63) business days or that which the Seller had judged as reasonable, the Buyer shall be deemed to have acknowledged that the “parts” were delivered to the Buyer in an appropriate quantity and free of defects and the Seller shall be released from all responsibilities and quality assurance liabilities relating to the quantity and quality of the “parts.” (5) The Buyer shall deal with the defective “parts” that have been replaced by the replacement “parts” of good quality supplied to the Buyer, in accordance with the instruction of the Seller, without incurring any additional cost by the buyer. 9.2 The responsibilities of the Seller in connection with the shortage or defect of “parts” as specified in Article 9.1 above shall comprise the sole obligations and responsibilities of the Seller relating to the warranty of “parts” sold by the Seller under this Agreement. This warranty, either explicit or implicit, or regardless of whether yes or no such warranty is required by law, shall replace all other obligations (including warranty of marketability as well as suitability and fitness for specific applications) and all other duties and responsibilities on the part of the Seller, and the Seller’s warranty under this Agreement shall not be construed as assumption of any other responsibility by the Seller regarding “parts” or use or handling thereof, nor it shall be construed as giving the Buyer or any other party any power to assume such responsibility on behalf of the Seller. Unless an appropriate sum of compensation is agreed upon through rational discussion between the Seller and Buyer on a case-by-case basis, the Seller shall not be held responsible for whatever reason for any special damage, secondary damage, consequential damage or punitive damage arising in connection with “parts” sold to the Buyer under this Agreement. The Seller shall take responsibility for any damage to the life, body, or property of a third party or to the Buyer’s employees that is incurred as a result of the parts or relating to the parts that the Sellers provides to the Seller, on the condition that the damage arises from or relating to flaws or defects in the parts, or from the negligence of the Seller.9.3 Traceability & IdentificationThe identification mark provided on the product of the seller will be Unique and as agreed upon. The seller will maintain a system of tracing back the exact source of any quality problem as well as the suspected defective parts and will take immediate corrective and preventive actions.9.4 Secrecy and Confidentiality The drawings, designs, documents and any other information furnished by the Buyer to the Seller shall always remain the property of the Buyer. The seller further covenant that he shall use the highest degree of care to prevent unauthorized disclosure of such drawings, designs, documents and information to third parties.Article 10 Quality Assurance10.1 The Seller shall make every effort to reduce defects to a minimum and to ensure high quality Parts. The Seller shall set up and maintain a quality control system that is consistent with the provision under this clause.10.2 If the Seller wishes to change any raw material, tool, equipment, machinery, jig, production processes or techniques or any detail which are likely to affect quality, it has to notify the Purchaser of the facts in advance, and obtain the Purchaser’s approval before effecting such change. Upon delivery of the first lot of parts (1) produced by such new raw material, tool, equipment, machinery, jig, production process and techniques, approved by the Buyer, or (2) produced by revision or modification of any details or specifications approved by the Buyer, the complete and clear details have to be given in the from introduced by the Buyer.10.3 The Seller shall record the detail of the parts in each lot. A unit in each lot shall mean the parts or components produced under the same condition, e.g. the parts produced on the same day. The Seller shall keep the records of all the lots for future reference in case any problems arise, e.g. the parts fail to meet the standard. Such records shall indicate the production under certain condition or by any other means. The records shall include the names of parts / components, lot number, production date, delivery date and other particulars. The Seller shall deliver such parts to the Buyer in production’s chronological order, unless otherwise stated, advised or approved by the Buyer.10.4 The Seller permits the Buyer to inspect its factory to check the system and quality control. Such inspection might be performed by a representative of the Buyer and or Honda Motor Company Limited and or other parties appointed by the Buyer.10.5 In order to allow the quality control system as discussed previously to run effectively and to improve and ensure the quality of the Parts, the Buyer and the Seller may enter into a separate agreement from this contract in respect of the details of quality control, which shall be used throughout the entire production process of the Seller.Article 11 TermsThis Agreement shall take effect on the day first above written, and remain valid for five (5) years thereafter. Upon expiration of the initial term, the Agreement shall be renewed automatically for one (1) additional year, and the same terms and conditions shall apply thereafter. However, this Agreement shall lapse if either party notifies the other party in writing of its intention to end the Agreement by no later than six (6) months before the expiration of the renewed term. In case of obsolete model of parts, the seller will supply the parts for a period of ten years even after termination of this agreement to meet the demand for spare parts in the market. Article 12 Supplementation, Commercial Terms and Governing LawThe commercial terms specified in this Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the latest provisions of “INCOTERMS (International Commercial Terms)” effective at the time of interpretation, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement or any “transaction contract” or otherwise agreed upon by the parties to this Agreement expressly in writing. All terms and conditions under this Agreement or any “transaction contract” or performance thereof shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Republic of Indonesia. Article 13 ArbitrationAny dispute or breach arising in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved between the parties through amicable discussions. If the dispute or breach cannot be resolve between the parties through discussions, however, it shall be put to the judgment of The Japan Commercial Arbitration Association in Tokyo, Japan. The judgment made by the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association shall be final and binding upon the Buyer and the Seller. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Buyer and Seller signed duplicate sets of originals of this Agreement on the day first above written through the respective representatives having the necessary powers under the applicable laws.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pasal 8 Judul dan Risiko Judul dan kepemilikan "bagian" dijual ke Pembeli bawah ini akan lolos ke Pembeli pada saat ketika, dalam hal pengiriman dengan kapal, yang "bagian" harus sudah efektif dimuat di kapal di pelabuhan pengiriman di Tanjung Priok, atau dalam kasus pengiriman melalui udara, bea cukai untuk pengiriman komersial harus telah selesai di bandara Cengkareng. Tanggung jawab untuk, dan risiko terkait, yang "bagian" dijual ke pembeli di bawah ini akan dipindahkan ke Pembeli bersamaan dengan berlalunya ke Pembeli dari judul ke dan kepemilikan bagian tersebut. Pasal 9 Menerima dan Inspeksi 9.1 Ketika Pembeli diterima di Pembeli 'fasilitas di Indonesia setiap "bagian" yang dijual oleh penjual berdasarkan Perjanjian ini, Pembeli harus segera memeriksa menerima "bagian" dan jika ada kekurangan dalam pengiriman ditemukan, Pembeli harus mengajukan klaim sesuai dengan persyaratan yang ditentukan di bawah: (1) Setelah menerima "bagian" dari Penjual di fasilitas tersebut, Pembeli memiliki 63 (63) hari kerja untuk memeriksa "bagian". Namun, akan ada pilihan lain jika Penjual menganggap diberikan waktu dari periode yang wajar. (2) Jika Pembeli menemukan kekurangan atau cacat dari "bagian" sebagai hasil pemeriksaan, (saya) Pembeli harus menyiapkan laporan klaim atas kekurangan atau cacat menggunakan format yang dirancang oleh Penjual dalam periode tersebut dua puluh satu (21) hari kerja atau yang Penjual telah dinilai sebagai akal, dan mengirim laporan kepada Penjual (laporan ini harus menemani dokumen dan informasi untuk kepuasan Penjual pembuktian), dan ( II) Pembeli juga harus mengirim ke Penjual informasi tambahan yang mungkin diminta oleh Penjual untuk digunakan dalam menentukan kekurangan atau cacat. (3) Jika Penjual mengakui bahwa kekurangan atau cacat dari "bagian" disebabkan sebab apapun terjadi sebelum pengiriman dari Penjual di bawah ketentuan Pasal 6 di bawah ini, dan bahwa klaim yang diajukan per format tersebut adalah sah dan sesuai, Penjual harus segera menyediakan Pembeli dengan kuantitas yang diperlukan "bagian" untuk menutupi kekurangan tersebut, atau pengganti "bagian" dari kualitas yang baik dalam kasus tersebut, secara gratis dan tanpa menimbulkan biaya apapun pada bagian dari Pembeli. (4) Jika Pembeli tidak mengajukan klaim apapun kepada Penjual selama periode tersebut dari 63 (63) hari kerja atau yang Penjual telah dinilai sebagai akal, Pembeli dianggap telah mengakui bahwa "bagian" dikirim ke Pembeli dalam kuantitas yang tepat dan bebas dari cacat dan Penjual harus dibebaskan dari semua tanggung jawab dan jaminan kualitas kewajiban yang berkaitan dengan kuantitas dan kualitas "bagian." (5) Pembeli harus berurusan dengan cacat "bagian" yang telah digantikan oleh pengganti "bagian" dari kualitas yang baik diberikan kepada pembeli, sesuai dengan instruksi dari Penjual, tanpa menimbulkan biaya tambahan oleh pembeli. 9.2 Tanggung jawab Penjual sehubungan dengan kekurangan atau cacat "bagian" sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Pasal 9.1 di atas terdiri tunggal kewajiban dan tanggung jawab Penjual yang berkaitan dengan garansi "bagian" yang dijual oleh penjual berdasarkan Perjanjian ini. Garansi ini, baik eksplisit atau implisit, atau terlepas dari apakah ya atau tidak garansi tersebut diperlukan oleh hukum, harus mengganti semua kewajiban lainnya (termasuk garansi dari pemasaran serta kesesuaian dan kebugaran untuk aplikasi khusus) dan semua tugas-tugas lain dan tanggung jawab pada bagian dari Penjual, dan Penjual 'garansi s berdasarkan Perjanjian ini tidak akan ditafsirkan sebagai asumsi tanggung jawab lain dengan Penjual tentang "bagian" atau menggunakan atau penanganannya, atau itu akan ditafsirkan sebagai memberikan Pembeli atau pihak lain kekuatan untuk memikul tanggung jawab tersebut atas nama Penjual. Kecuali jumlah yang tepat dari kompensasi yang disepakati melalui diskusi rasional antara Penjual dan Pembeli pada kasus - oleh - per kasus, Penjual tidak bertanggung jawab atas alasan apapun atas kerusakan khusus, kerusakan sekunder, kerusakan konsekuensial atau kerusakan hukuman yang timbul sehubungan dengan "bagian" dijual ke pembeli berdasarkan Perjanjian ini. Penjual harus bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan pada kehidupan, tubuh, atau milik pihak ketiga atau ke Pembeli 'karyawan s yang timbul sebagai akibat dari bagian-bagian atau yang berhubungan dengan bagian-bagian yang Penjual memberikan kepada Penjual, pada kondisi bahwa kerusakan timbul dari atau berhubungan dengan kekurangan atau cacat pada bagian, atau dari kelalaian Penjual. 9,3 Lacak & Identifikasi tanda identifikasi yang disediakan pada produk dari penjual akan Unik dan sebagai disepakati. Penjual akan mempertahankan sistem melacak kembali sumber yang tepat dari masalah kualitas serta bagian yang cacat dicurigai dan akan segera mengambil tindakan perbaikan dan pencegahan. 9.4 Kerahasiaan dan Kerahasiaan yang gambar, desain, dokumen dan informasi lainnya dilengkapi oleh Pembeli kepada Penjual akan selalu tetap menjadi milik Pembeli. Penjual perjanjian lebih lanjut bahwa ia akan menggunakan tingkat tertinggi perawatan untuk mencegah pengungkapan yang tidak sah seperti gambar, desain, dokumen dan informasi kepada pihak ketiga. Pasal 10 Quality Assurance 10.1 Penjual akan melakukan segala upaya untuk mengurangi cacat untuk minimum dan untuk memastikan Parts kualitas tinggi. Penjual harus mengatur dan menjaga sistem kontrol kualitas yang konsisten dengan ketentuan dalam pasal ini. 10.2 Jika Penjual ingin mengubah bahan baku, alat, peralatan, mesin, jig, proses produksi atau teknik atau rinci yang mungkin mempengaruhi kualitas, ia harus memberitahukan Pembeli dari fakta-fakta di muka, dan mendapatkan Pembeli 'persetujuan sebelum melakukan perubahan. Setelah pengiriman banyak pertama dari bagian (1) yang dihasilkan oleh bahan seperti baru baku, alat, peralatan, mesin, jig, proses produksi dan teknik, disetujui oleh Pembeli, atau (2) yang dihasilkan oleh revisi atau modifikasi rincian atau spesifikasi disetujui oleh Pembeli, rincian lengkap dan jelas harus diberikan dalam dari yang diperkenalkan oleh Pembeli. 10.3 Penjual akan merekam detail dari bagian-bagian dalam setiap lot. Sebuah unit di setiap lot berarti bagian atau komponen yang diproduksi di bawah kondisi yang sama, misalnya bagian diproduksi pada hari yang sama. Penjual harus menyimpan catatan dari semua banyak untuk referensi di masa mendatang dalam hal apapun masalah muncul, misalnya bagian gagal memenuhi standar. Catatan tersebut akan menunjukkan produksi di bawah kondisi tertentu atau dengan cara lain. Catatan harus mencakup nama-nama bagian / komponen, nomor lot, tanggal produksi, tanggal pengiriman dan keterangan lainnya. Penjual harus memberikan bagian tersebut kepada pembeli dalam produksi 'kronologis s, kecuali dinyatakan lain, disarankan atau disetujui oleh Pembeli. 10.4 Penjual memungkinkan pembeli untuk memeriksa pabrik untuk memeriksa sistem dan kontrol kualitas. Pemeriksaan tersebut mungkin dilakukan oleh wakil dari Pembeli dan atau Honda Motor Company Limited dan atau pihak lain yang ditunjuk oleh Pembeli. 10.5 Dalam rangka untuk memungkinkan sistem kontrol kualitas seperti yang dibahas sebelumnya untuk menjalankan secara efektif dan untuk meningkatkan dan menjamin kualitas bagian, Pembeli dan Penjual dapat masuk ke dalam perjanjian terpisah dari kontrak ini sehubungan dengan rincian kontrol kualitas, yang akan digunakan selama proses produksi seluruh Penjual. Pasal 11 Syarat Perjanjian ini mulai berlaku pada hari pertama di atas ditulis, dan tetap berlaku selama lima (5) tahun sesudahnya. Setelah berakhirnya masa awal, Persetujuan ini akan diperpanjang secara otomatis untuk satu (1) tahun tambahan, dan syarat dan kondisi yang sama berlaku setelahnya. Namun, Perjanjian ini akan berakhir bila salah satu pihak memberitahukan pihak lainnya secara tertulis keinginannya untuk mengakhiri Perjanjian selambat-lambatnya enam (6) bulan sebelum berakhirnya jangka diperbaharui. Dalam kasus model usang dari bagian, penjual akan memasok suku cadang untuk jangka waktu sepuluh tahun bahkan setelah berakhirnya perjanjian ini untuk memenuhi permintaan suku cadang di pasar. Pasal 12 Suplementasi, Syarat Komersial dan Hukum yang Mengatur Istilah komersial ditentukan Persetujuan ini tidak akan ditafsirkan sesuai dengan ketentuan terbaru dari "Incoterms (Syarat Komersial Internasional)" yang efektif pada saat interpretasi, kecuali dinyatakan khusus dalam Perjanjian ini atau "kontrak transaksi" atau disepakati oleh para pihak untuk Perjanjian ini tegas secara tertulis. Semua syarat dan kondisi Perjanjian ini atau "kontrak transaksi" atau kinerja daripadanya akan diatur oleh dan ditafsirkan sesuai dengan hukum Republik Indonesia. Pasal 13 Arbitrase Setiap sengketa atau pelanggaran yang timbul sehubungan dengan Perjanjian ini akan diselesaikan antara pihak melalui diskusi damai. Jika sengketa atau pelanggaran tidak dapat menyelesaikan antara pihak melalui diskusi, bagaimanapun, harus dihukum penghakiman The Japan Association Arbitrase Komersial di Tokyo, Jepang. Penghakiman dibuat oleh Asosiasi Arbitrase Jepang Commercial bersifat final dan mengikat Pembeli dan Penjual. SEBAGAI BUKTI, Pembeli dan Penjual menandatangani duplikat set asli dari Perjanjian ini pada hari pertama di atas ditulis melalui perwakilan masing-masing memiliki diperlukan kekuasaan di bawah hukum yang berlaku.

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