It means that if the device which is throwing the error has added its  terjemahan - It means that if the device which is throwing the error has added its  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

It means that if the device which i

It means that if the device which is throwing the error has added its own custom error text to your Windows system when the device was installed, then when the device encounters an error, you will see the custom error message specific to that device. But if it doesn’t have its own custom error message, then Windows uses its own generic error message for devices, which is “This device cannot start. (Code 10)”

Some cheaper digital cameras install something called libusb, as well as a program used to make your ps3 controller work on your pc. Somehow libusb interferes with the Zune drivers. Go to Program and Features in the Control Panel and uninstall it if it exist on your computer.

If it is not the case, Microsoft recommends that when this happens, you click “Update Driver” to update the drivers for the device. You can also start the Windows troubleshooting wizard by going to the general properties tab of the device, and clicking on “Troubleshoot”.

Before doing this, be sure that you have the correct and most up-to-date versions of the driver(s) for that device. You can also try uninstalling and reinstalling the device, using the disk which came with it. You can also go to the website of the device’s manufacturer, and check their downloads or support section for current, up-to-date drivers.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ini berarti bahwa jika perangkat yang melempar kesalahan telah menambahkan teks kesalahan kustom sendiri untuk sistem Windows Anda ketika perangkat dipasang, maka bila perangkat menemukan kesalahan, Anda akan melihat pesan kesalahan kustom khusus untuk perangkat. Tapi jika tidak memiliki pesan kesalahan kustom sendiri, maka Windows menggunakan pesan galat generik sendiri untuk perangkat, yang adalah "perangkat ini tidak dapat memulai. (Kode 10) "

beberapa kamera digital yang murah menginstal sesuatu yang disebut libusb, serta program yang digunakan untuk membuat controller ps3 Anda bekerja pada pc Anda. Entah bagaimana libusb mengganggu driver Zune. Buka Program dan fitur di Panel kontrol dan uninstall itu jika ada di komputer Anda.

jika tidak demikian, Microsoft menganjurkan bahwa ketika ini terjadi, Anda klik "Update Driver" untuk update driver untuk perangkat. Anda juga dapat memulai wizard pemecahan masalah Windows dengan pergi ke tab sifat-sifat umum perangkat, dan mengklik pada "Mengatasi masalah".

sebelum melakukan hal ini, pastikan bahwa Anda memiliki versi driver untuk perangkat yang benar dan terkini. Anda juga dapat mencoba menghapus dan menginstal ulang perangkat, menggunakan disk yang datang dengan itu. Anda juga dapat pergi ke situs produsen perangkat, dan memeriksa mingguan mereka atau bagian dukungan untuk saat ini, up-to-date driver.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
It means that if the device which is throwing the error has added its own custom error text to your Windows system when the device was installed, then when the device encounters an error, you will see the custom error message specific to that device. But if it doesn’t have its own custom error message, then Windows uses its own generic error message for devices, which is “This device cannot start. (Code 10)”

Some cheaper digital cameras install something called libusb, as well as a program used to make your ps3 controller work on your pc. Somehow libusb interferes with the Zune drivers. Go to Program and Features in the Control Panel and uninstall it if it exist on your computer.

If it is not the case, Microsoft recommends that when this happens, you click “Update Driver” to update the drivers for the device. You can also start the Windows troubleshooting wizard by going to the general properties tab of the device, and clicking on “Troubleshoot”.

Before doing this, be sure that you have the correct and most up-to-date versions of the driver(s) for that device. You can also try uninstalling and reinstalling the device, using the disk which came with it. You can also go to the website of the device’s manufacturer, and check their downloads or support section for current, up-to-date drivers.

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