arguments for increased social Responsibility Proponents of the socioe terjemahan - arguments for increased social Responsibility Proponents of the socioe Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

arguments for increased social Resp

arguments for increased social Responsibility Proponents of the socioeconomic model maintain that a business must do more than simply seek profits. To support their position, they offer the following arguments:
1. Because business is a part of our society, it cannot ignore social issues.
2. Business has the technical, financial, and managerial resources needed to tackle
today’s complex social issues.
3. By helping resolve social issues, business can create a more stable environment for
long-term profitability.
4. Socially responsible decision making by firms can prevent increased government
intervention, which would force businesses to do what they fail to do voluntarily.
These arguments are based on the assumption that a business has a responsibility
not only to its stockholders but also to its customers, employees, suppliers, and the
general public.
arguments against increased social Responsibility Opponents of the socioeconomic model argue that business should do what it does best: earn a profit by
manufacturing and marketing products that people want. Those who support this
position argue as follows:
1. Business managers are responsible primarily to stockholders, so management must
be concerned with providing a return on owners’ investments.
2. Corporate time, money, and talent should be used to maximize profits, not to solve
society’s problems.
3. Social problems affect society in general, so individual businesses should not be
expected to solve these problems.
4. Social issues are the responsibility of government officials who are elected for that
purpose and who are accountable to the voters for their decisions.
These arguments obviously are based on the assumption that the primary objective
of business is to earn profits and that government and social institutions should deal
with social problems.
Table 2.3 compares the economic and socioeconomic viewpoints in terms of
business emphasis. Today, few firms are either purely economic or purely socioeconomic in outlook; most have chosen some middle ground between the two extremes.
However, our society generally seems to want—and even to expect—some degree
of social responsibility from business. Thus, within this middle ground, businesses
are leaning toward the socioeconomic view. In the next several sections, we look
at some results of this movement in four specific areas: consumerism, employment
practices, concern for the environment, and implementation of social responsibility

Economic Model Primary Emphasis Socioeconomic Model Primary Emphasis
1. production 1. Quality of life
2.exploitation of natural resources 2.conservation of natural resources
3.internal, market-based decisions Middle ground 3.Market-based decisions, with some community
4.economic return (profit) 4.Balance of economic return and social return
5.Firm’s or manager’s interest 5. Firm’s and community’s interests
6.Minor role for government 6. active government
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
arguments for increased social Responsibility Proponents of the socioeconomic model maintain that a business must do more than simply seek profits. To support their position, they offer the following arguments:1. Because business is a part of our society, it cannot ignore social issues.2. Business has the technical, financial, and managerial resources needed to tackletoday’s complex social issues.3. By helping resolve social issues, business can create a more stable environment forlong-term profitability.4. Socially responsible decision making by firms can prevent increased governmentintervention, which would force businesses to do what they fail to do voluntarily.These arguments are based on the assumption that a business has a responsibilitynot only to its stockholders but also to its customers, employees, suppliers, and thegeneral public.arguments against increased social Responsibility Opponents of the socioeconomic model argue that business should do what it does best: earn a profit bymanufacturing and marketing products that people want. Those who support thisposition argue as follows:1. Business managers are responsible primarily to stockholders, so management mustbe concerned with providing a return on owners’ investments.2. Corporate time, money, and talent should be used to maximize profits, not to solvesociety’s problems.3. Social problems affect society in general, so individual businesses should not beexpected to solve these problems.4. Social issues are the responsibility of government officials who are elected for thatpurpose and who are accountable to the voters for their decisions.These arguments obviously are based on the assumption that the primary objectiveof business is to earn profits and that government and social institutions should dealwith social problems.Table 2.3 compares the economic and socioeconomic viewpoints in terms ofbusiness emphasis. Today, few firms are either purely economic or purely socioeconomic in outlook; most have chosen some middle ground between the two extremes.However, our society generally seems to want—and even to expect—some degreeof social responsibility from business. Thus, within this middle ground, businessesare leaning toward the socioeconomic view. In the next several sections, we lookat some results of this movement in four specific areas: consumerism, employmentpractices, concern for the environment, and implementation of social responsibilityprograms.Economic Model Primary Emphasis Socioeconomic Model Primary Emphasis1. production 1. Quality of life2.exploitation of natural resources 2.conservation of natural resources3.internal, market-based decisions Middle ground 3.Market-based decisions, with some communitycontrols4.economic return (profit) 4.Balance of economic return and social return5.Firm’s or manager’s interest 5. Firm’s and community’s interests6.Minor role for government 6. active government
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
argumen untuk meningkatkan Pendukung Tanggung Jawab sosial dari model sosial ekonomi mempertahankan bahwa bisnis harus melakukan lebih dari sekedar mencari keuntungan. Untuk mendukung posisi mereka, mereka menawarkan argumen berikut:
1. Karena bisnis adalah bagian dari masyarakat kita, tidak bisa mengabaikan isu-isu sosial.
2. Bisnis memiliki sumber daya teknis, keuangan, dan manajerial yang diperlukan untuk mengatasi
masalah-masalah sosial yang kompleks saat ini.
3. Dengan membantu menyelesaikan isu-isu sosial, bisnis dapat menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih stabil untuk
keuntungan jangka panjang.
4. Pengambilan keputusan yang bertanggung jawab secara sosial oleh perusahaan dapat mencegah peningkatan pemerintah
intervensi, yang akan memaksa perusahaan untuk melakukan apa yang mereka gagal untuk melakukannya secara sukarela.
Argumen ini didasarkan pada asumsi bahwa bisnis memiliki tanggung jawab
tidak hanya kepada pemegang saham, tetapi juga kepada pelanggan, karyawan , pemasok, dan. masyarakat umum argumen terhadap peningkatan Lawan Tanggung Jawab sosial dari model sosial ekonomi berpendapat bahwa bisnis harus melakukan apa yang dilakukannya terbaik: mendapatkan keuntungan dengan manufaktur dan pemasaran produk-produk yang orang inginkan. Mereka yang mendukung ini posisi berpendapat sebagai berikut: 1. Manajer bisnis bertanggung jawab terutama kepada pemegang saham, sehingga manajemen harus peduli dengan memberikan pengembalian investasi pemilik '. 2. Waktu perusahaan, uang, dan bakat harus digunakan untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan, bukan untuk memecahkan masalah masyarakat. 3. Masalah sosial mempengaruhi masyarakat pada umumnya, sehingga usaha perorangan tidak boleh diharapkan untuk memecahkan masalah ini. 4. Masalah sosial merupakan tanggung jawab pejabat pemerintah yang terpilih untuk itu tujuan dan yang bertanggung jawab kepada pemilih untuk keputusan mereka. Argumen ini jelas adalah didasarkan pada asumsi bahwa tujuan utama dari bisnis adalah untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dan bahwa lembaga-lembaga pemerintah dan sosial harus berurusan dengan masalah-masalah sosial. Tabel 2.3 membandingkan sudut pandang ekonomi dan sosial ekonomi dalam hal penekanan bisnis. Hari ini, beberapa perusahaan yang baik murni ekonomi atau murni sosial ekonomi di outlook; sebagian telah memilih beberapa jalan tengah antara dua ekstrem. Namun, masyarakat kita umumnya tampaknya ingin-dan bahkan mengharapkan-beberapa derajat dari tanggung jawab sosial dari bisnis. Dengan demikian, dalam jalan tengah ini, bisnis yang condong ke arah pandangan sosial ekonomi. Pada beberapa bagian berikutnya, kita melihat beberapa hasil gerakan ini di empat daerah tertentu: konsumerisme, kerja praktek, kepedulian terhadap lingkungan, dan pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial program. Model Ekonomi Penekanan Primer Sosial Ekonomi Model Penekanan Primer 1. Produksi 1. Kualitas hidup 2.exploitation sumber daya alam 2.conservation sumber daya alam 3.internal, keputusan berbasis pasar tanah Tengah keputusan berbasis 3.Market, dengan beberapa komunitas mengontrol pulang 4.economic (profit) dari 4.Balance kembali ekonomi dan sosial kembali bunga 5. Badan manajer dan kepentingan masyarakat 5.Firm atau peran 6.Minor pemerintah 6. pemerintah aktif

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