Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Mirip dengan transfer kekuatan dari gunung dan laut, menekan pada orang tua ini, orang tua ini mengirimkan sedih dan melengking berteriak menyedihkan, tubuh bang, perubahan langsung runtuhnya daging berlumpur."gunung dan laut kekuatan." Meng Hao bergumam, ia dapat merasa, pada saat ini, dibandingkan dengan mantan lebih jelas merasa pegunungan dan laut pesawat kekuatan, pingsan, dapat mentransfer beberapa.Ini, dilihat oleh dunia Dao lainnya, dalam kelimpahan ketika dengan takjub, retret, Meng Hao tiba-tiba condong kepala, satu langkah keluar, dalam sekejap, muncul sebelum lain dunia Dao powerhouse, lengan besar melemparkan, badai meletus, tempat yang dikunjungi, berteriak menyedihkan adalah sedih dan melengking, bagaimana apa pun lokomotif yang menolak, segera menghancurkan tubuh dan jiwa."Lari, segera lari!!""Jahat bintang, yang adalah bintang jahat!!""Sialan, ketujuh gunung dan laut harus memadamkan Meng klan seluruh keluarga atau nanti!!" Kapan menyebar intermiten menyedihkan berteriak, penyusup dan Meng klan orang memuakkan klan, ini dipotong oleh ini mengguncang pikiran, di saat pikiran hanya pikiran ini yang segera lari.Beberapa ribu orang awalnya, hanya tersisa setengah, terhadap seluruh gemuruh menyebar, meletus dalam kehidupan saat ini kecepatan tercepat, tidak ragu-ragu untuk memulai rahasia keterampilan, klan Meng clansman sulit untuk menyalip, melihat bahwa burung-burung penyusup ini longgar, di mata Meng Hao cahaya dingin dodges.„The war that I participate, will little have the living witness.” When Meng Hao light to open mouth, the right foot lifts, toward fierce one step falls, after these step treads, his body erupts the dreadful sea of fire immediately, is Essence of Divine Flame, toward all around, heartless sweeping away.In an instant, this Divine Flame proliferates, scatters in all directions side cultivator that to howl from these, has surmounted their speed, in their front, the encirclement became a giant hot link.As the Meng Hao right hand lifts to raises, this hot link thunders, became the wall with flues for heating, covers all around, this all directions thorough blockade, such as a seal, has prevented running away of all people.„Does not remain.” Meng Hao light to open mouth, the big sleeve flings, when storm shakes the heavens, Meng Clan clansman, kills to get angry, immediately runs out.The sad and shrill sound is unceasing, sound of Changming slaughtering, Meng Hao to Dao Realm act, he are only more, lets the Meng Clan clansman, goes to custom such slaughtering, goes to the familiar war.A side is powerful, a side is sad and shrill, this does not calculate that the large-scale war, in this not coordinated condition, has continued several double-hour, the cultivator of invasion as well as revolting clan, completely ... Death!Meng Clan, has paid not the small price, the casualty are many, but these had not died, under the baptism of this war, already transformed, they freely also in frightened, but their, actually lit the ray of slaughtering, after this battlefield is all of a sudden peaceful, all Meng Clan clansmen, roars look suddenly to Meng Hao.Does not know that is whose first worships on bended knees, quick, all around all Meng Clan clansmen, turn toward Meng Hao, worships on bended knees instantaneously.„Pays a visit Patriarch!” This is all of them, from the sound of bottom of one's heart, shakes the heavens moves, under the set-off of all around innumerable remnant corpse skeletons, spreads over the starry sky!----------Has abandoned ... Let me rest explodes again what kind of! To be continued..
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