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We often hear about solarcars, solar heating, and solarbatteries. But will solar energy everbe a major source of energy forsociety?Solar energy is cheaper thanother fossil fuels because we can getan abundant source from the sun. insunny desert area, 50% of the sun’sradiation that reach the groundcould be used to produce electricityfor businesses and industry and toprovide heat, light, and hot water forhomes. Experimental solar ponds canalso produce hot water to drivegenerators.Unfortunately, we can’t yetpower our homes entirely onsunlight. Solar energy can only beused effectively in bright light. Itsgreatest potential therefore is in hotcountries that have clear skies formost of the year. But, unfortunatelymost houses are not in the sunniestparts of the world. Moreover, inorder to harness solar power solarcells are needed to convert sunlightdirectly into electricity. Solar cellsare very cheap to run, but relativelyexpensive to buy and many peoplecan’t afford them.Needless to say, solar energyis useful and non-pollution source ofenergy. Unfortunately, solar cells,the main to harness the sun’s energyare still very expensive.Share this:Share4 thoughts on “TheControversy ofHarnessing SolarEnergy ”Silakan tulis komentar anda dikolom yg disediakanKALENDEROctober 2008M T W T F S S1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 31« Aug Nov »POSTING TERBARUNew but old trend in educationCharacter building through freereading the right step to takeGive teachers space under uniformeducation policyIndonesia needs to invest more inhuman resourcesAre international school studentsIndonesian enough?When testing matters morethan learningTo regain greatness, fix educationMaking Indonesia astudy destinationHow can ‘pesantren’ contribute tonational educationNew recruitment model for teachers:Toward competencyKELOMPOKArtikelCara MudahCerpenContoh2 TeksTeks DescriptiveTeks DiscussionTeks ExplanationTeks ExpositionTeks Exposition -AnalyticalTeks Exposition -HortatoryTeks NarrativeTeks News ItemTeks ProcedureTeks RecountTeks ReportTeks ReviewInformasiKomentarKOMENTAR TERBARUBunga permata sari on New but oldtrend in educationRiski Yulianto on New but old trendin educationgian febri adzani on New but oldtrend in educationAfrida on New but old trend ineducationLAMAN/POSTING PALING MENARIK5 Langkah Mudah Mengcopy File Textdari InternetThe Controversy of Harnessing SolarEnergyHow Photosynthesis WorksMaking Paper from Woodchips3 Strategi Jitu Menjawab Soal-SoalUjian NasionalLife Cycle of the Malaria ParasiteCloning of Animals: Allowed or notallowed?Abortion: Pro and ContraWhy do the Sun and the Moon live inthe sky?Human Respiratory SystemARSIPADMINRegisterLog inEntries RSSComments RSSWordPress.comBlog at WordPress.com.The Big Brother Theme. YUSUF EFENDYKTSP, K-13, Guru, dan Pendidikan diIndonesia About these ads
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