#1337: Goal, first day! ( Fourth )The Meng Hao form, soars to the heav terjemahan - #1337: Goal, first day! ( Fourth )The Meng Hao form, soars to the heav Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1337: Goal, first day! ( Fourth )T

#1337: Goal, first day! ( Fourth )

The Meng Hao form, soars to the heavens to go from Fourth Mountain and Sea, directly soars the starry sky, directly soars first day the mainland, his form, is bringing regretless, is bringing firmly, is bringing crazily, is bringing rising of entire Mountains and Seas Plane spirit!
He must make one, shakes the heavens moves the place the important matter!
He must destroy the homeland of first day, he must make Mountains and Seas Plane all be in the abyss of suffering, during slaughters cultivator, sees ... Collapse of first day!
This matter, looks like as if no what significance, was inferior that Meng Hao in Mountains and Seas Plane, kills some alien races by its Cultivation, may in fact, the significance of this matter ... Actually is unequalled!
Mountains and Seas Plane, in this desperate, in this by invasion, this was oppressed absolutely the year later, already lost was the pride of Paragon immortal world, when Paragon immortal world, Mountains and Seas Plane cultivator is firm, but arrival of catastrophe, was similar to has destroyed Dao Heart, then the seal in 33 days, once more collapsed Dao Heart that was just born.
After two times, cultivator is no longer firm, the sharp knife blade does not dare outward, only to be able internal ...
Rising of nationality, needs the spirit, an eruption of family country's, same needs the spirit!
Meng Hao knows one are only a person, in this war, even if became Paragon, is unable to change the huge ship of flames of war, therefore, he must make one, rouses all mountain and sea cultivator matters, with the aid of this matter, awakens ... Mountains and Seas Plane cultivator, firm of once Paragon immortal world!
When Paragon immortal world, there is words, violates my immortal world, although must execute!
At the present, Meng Hao must collapse this first day, let once words, presented Mountains and Seas Plane again, violated my mountain and sea, although must execute!!
Mountains and Seas Plane, arrived at the edge of crisis, retreats one step is the abyss, at this time, may not retreats, at this time, unable in retreats, at this time, to need to rise again!
Meng Hao two eyes reveals the fine glow, his will, his train of thought that his Cultivation, his all, in this moment thorough eruption, thunder, he changed to the meteor, is similar to a flare, seems to be a beacon light!
This beacon light, did not strive for being able to illuminate the Mountains and Seas Plane starry sky, only asked it ... Ignition in each Mountains and Seas Plane cultivator mind!
Exists forever with the world, eternal does not extinguish!
His form, rapidly high, his speed, is getting more and more fast, became the rainbow, became radiant, became focuses attention on! First notes Meng Hao here, is this Fourth Mountain and Sea cultivator.
They look at Meng Hao that the starry sky overshoots dull, at the beginning also nobody realized that Meng Hao must make anything, but is quick, they discovered that the Meng Hao speed is getting more and more fast, its direction ... It is not the starry sky, but is above that the terminus, constrains in all Mountains and Seas Plane cultivator hearts ...
First day!
„He ... He must make anything ...”
„Place that he must go, is the mainland of first day!!”
„This ... This ...” The intermittent inspiration sound, in this Fourth Mountain and Sea cultivator army, spreads one after another, continuously, quick, more and more cultivator look change, reveals with amazement with shocking.
Xu Qing in the sacrificial altar , the body trembles at this moment, lifts the broad and handsome forehead to look at Meng Hao of distant place, looks at Meng Hao to soar, her has revealed the strange glow slowly, slowly had brightly, although was worried, may more is one is proud and proud.
This is she likes, is deeply in love with the lifetime man!
Entire Fourth Mountain and Sea, in this moment, completely in an uproar.
„His goal, is first day!!”
„His is must go ... Collapses first day!!”
„He ... Can he succeed?”
Thunders, together shock, Fourth Mountain and Sea these alien races, these alien races dull sees the Meng Hao form, thinks inconceivable, thinks unable to believe that thought that Meng Hao is crazy.
In Fourth Mountain and Sea, De Cang and alien race control, they when sparring, thunder, saw this, De Cang two eyes reveals the fine glow instant, he on clearly has become in a flash aware the heart of Meng Hao.
The alien race controlled to stare, afterward facial color change.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1337: Goal, first day! ( Fourth )The Meng Hao form, soars to the heavens to go from Fourth Mountain and Sea, directly soars the starry sky, directly soars first day the mainland, his form, is bringing regretless, is bringing firmly, is bringing crazily, is bringing rising of entire Mountains and Seas Plane spirit!He must make one, shakes the heavens moves the place the important matter!He must destroy the homeland of first day, he must make Mountains and Seas Plane all be in the abyss of suffering, during slaughters cultivator, sees ... Collapse of first day!This matter, looks like as if no what significance, was inferior that Meng Hao in Mountains and Seas Plane, kills some alien races by its Cultivation, may in fact, the significance of this matter ... Actually is unequalled!Mountains and Seas Plane, in this desperate, in this by invasion, this was oppressed absolutely the year later, already lost was the pride of Paragon immortal world, when Paragon immortal world, Mountains and Seas Plane cultivator is firm, but arrival of catastrophe, was similar to has destroyed Dao Heart, then the seal in 33 days, once more collapsed Dao Heart that was just born.After two times, cultivator is no longer firm, the sharp knife blade does not dare outward, only to be able internal ...Rising of nationality, needs the spirit, an eruption of family country's, same needs the spirit!Meng Hao tahu satu hanya orang, dalam perang ini, bahkan jika menjadi Paragon, adalah mampu mengubah besar kapal api perang, karena itu, dia harus membuat satu, rouses gunung dan laut beralih hal dengan bantuan hal ini, terbangun... Pegunungan dan laut pesawat beralih, tegas sekali Paragon dunia abadi!Kapan Paragon abadi dunia, ada kata-kata, melanggar dunia abadi, meskipun harus menjalankan!Saat ini, Meng Hao harus runtuh hari pertama ini, biarkan sekali kata-kata, disajikan pegunungan dan laut pesawat lagi, melanggar saya gunung dan laut, meskipun harus mengeksekusi!!Pegunungan dan pesawat laut, tiba di tepi krisis, retret satu langkah adalah jurang, saat ini, mungkin tidak retret, pada saat ini, tidak di retret, saat ini, perlu bangkit!meng Hao dua mata mengungkapkan cahaya halus, kehendakNya, dia melatih pemikiran bahwa budidaya nya, kepada semua, dalam letusan menyeluruh saat ini, thunder, ia berubah menjadi meteor, mirip dengan suar, tampaknya cahaya beacon!Cahaya beacon ini, Apakah tidak berusaha untuk mampu menerangi pegunungan dan laut pesawat starry langit, hanya meminta itu... Pengapian di pegunungan dan laut pesawat setiap beralih pikiran!Ada selamanya dengan dunia kekal tidak memadamkan!Bentuk, cepat tinggi, kecepatan nya, mendapatkan lebih banyak dan lebih cepat, menjadi pelangi, menjadi berseri-seri, menjadi fokus perhatian pada! Catatan pertama Meng Hao di sini, adalah ini beralih keempat gunung dan laut.Mereka melihat Meng Hao yang langit berbintang cenderung melakukan pengetatan membosankan, pada awal juga tak menyadari bahwa Meng Hao harus membuat apa-apa, tapi cepat, mereka menemukan bahwa kecepatan Meng Hao semakin lebih dan lebih cepat, arah... Itu tidak langit berbintang, tetapi berada di atas bahwa ujung, kendala di sepanjang pegunungan dan laut pesawat beralih hati...Hari pertama!"Dia... Dia harus membuat apa-apa...""Tempat yang ia harus pergi, adalah daratan hari pertama!!""Ini... Ini..." Inspirasi intermiten suara, tentara beralih yang keempat gunung dan laut ini, menyebar satu demi satu, terus menerus, cepat, semakin beralih melihat perubahan, mengungkapkan dengan takjub dengan mengejutkan.Xu Qing di mezbah korban, tubuh gentar pada saat ini, mengangkat luas dan tampan dahi untuk melihat Meng Hao dari tempat yang jauh, terlihat pada Meng Hao melambung, dia telah mengungkapkan cahaya aneh perlahan-lahan, perlahan-lahan memiliki cerah, meskipun khawatir, Mei lebih adalah salah satu sangat bangga dan bangga.Ini dia suka, sangat cinta dengan seumur hidup manusia!Seluruh keempat gunung dan laut, di saat ini, benar-benar gempar."Tujuannya, adalah hari pertama!!""Nya adalah keharusan pergi... Runtuh hari pertama!!""Dia... Bisa dia sukses?"Guruh, bersama-sama syok, keempat gunung dan laut ini ras Asing, ras asing ini membosankan melihat bentuk Meng Hao, berpikir tak terbayangkan, berpikir tidak bisa percaya bahwa berpikir bahwa Meng Hao gila.Keempat gunung dan laut, De Cang dan kontrol ras alien, mereka ketika perdebatan, Guntur, melihat ini, De Cang dua mata mengungkapkan cahaya halus instan, ia pada jelas telah menjadi dalam sekejap sadar jantung Meng Hao.Ras alien yang dikendalikan untuk menatap, perubahan warna wajah sesudahnya.
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