Who says nothing gets done at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switz terjemahan - Who says nothing gets done at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switz Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Who says nothing gets done at the W

Who says nothing gets done at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland? As the weeklong winter fest, which costs tens of thousands of dollars to attend, has grown over the past decade, it has become as much about dealmaking as about brainstorming solutions to the world’s problems. In fact, gray-suited consultants slipping around the Magic Mountain in their city loafers now seem to outnumber genuine thought leaders (to use a very WEF term) by about 2 to 1. Still, the elite haven’t abandoned Davos. This year’s shindig drew several heads of state, the world’s top bankers and a good helping of Fortune 500 CEOs, Nobel laureates and rock-star entrepreneurs (though, for once, no rock stars). Davos remains, as Foreign Policy Group CEO David Rothkopf put it, “the factory in which conventional wisdom is manufactured.” And so it is in that spirit that we offer this year’s best takeaways, factory-direct.

A New Bubble?
We are now in historically uncharted territory in terms of how much central bankers are doing, in lieu of real political action, to try to boost the global economy. They are buying up trillions of dollars’ worth of bonds and buoying world markets in the process. Apart from a few worried Germans, nobody was talking about this last year. Now everyone is fretting about how the Fed, the European Central Bank (until recently), the Bank of Japan and even Chinese authorities have distorted the prices of assets from stocks to bonds to real estate, quite possibly laying the foundation for a market crash or, in the longer term, hyperinflation. “Central bankers can buy time, but they can’t fix the world’s underlying economic problems,” said UBS chairman and former Bundesbank head Axel Weber, who worries that easy money and low interest rates are covering up the fact that most rich countries still need to pay down debt and create a lot more jobs. “We’re buying short-term fixes at the expense of future generations.”

(MORE: Davos Wisdom 2013: Five Lessons from the Global Forum)

Hedge-fund titan George Soros believes that the problems could come sooner rather than later. When every country wants to keep its interest rates down and its currency weak in order to boost exports, there’s an inevitable race to the bottom. Soros predicted that Germany, the growth engine of Europe, will start to slow down in 2013 as a weaker yen makes Japanese cars and consumer goods more popular than German ones. That could throw the euro zone, which has begun to stabilize a bit, back into crisis.

Bank Anxiety.
A crisis is exactly what we don’t need, given that there’s still so much risk in the global banking system. One of the world’s richest hedge funders, Elliott Management’s Paul Singer, used the Davos stage to continue his public fight with JPMorgan Chase head Jamie Dimon over the lack of transparency in big financial institutions, saying that even his team of skilled analysts couldn’t make heads or tails of the trading positions of major global banks via public documents. For their part, Dimon and other bankers fretted over the fact that they are being asked to do more lending—while being asked at the same time to keep risk low and retain more capital. Meanwhile, fresh players are moving into lending: emerging-market sovereign wealth funds are doling out money for infrastructure projects worldwide, and peer-to-peer lenders are providing hundreds of millions for small businesses in the U.K. (New rules coming soon in the U.S. may allow them to take off here too.) The message to banks is clear: if you don’t lend, others will.

(MORE: The Future of Davos: Is a Hipper World Forum on the Way?)

Global Free Riders.
Multinational companies are under fire. Five years on from the financial crisis, countries with shrinking public budgets are finally pressuring rich firms to pick up some of the costs of globalization rather than just the benefits. British Prime Minister David Cameron gave a powerful Davos speech on this front, promising that now that the U.K. has taken over the presidency of the G-8, he will name and shame multinationals that use creative accounting to avoid taxes. Cameron made a pointed “wake up and smell the coffee” reference to Starbucks, which recently came under fire for paying only a few million in taxes on billions of U.K. revenue in the past 14 years. (The firm volunteered to cough up $31 million as a result.)

Of course, whether Cameron or any of the other G-8 leaders will be around long enough to enforce that threat is another matter. As the multinational Trust Barometer survey unveiled every year at Davos by the p.r. firm Edelman shows, faith in public officials in many developed countries is low. This year there’s a big gap in trust between elites and the common man: the former put a lot more stock in public institutions of all kinds than Mr. Main Street does. That’s one bit of conventional wisdom that the Davos establishment would do well to remember.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Siapa bilang tidak mendapat dilakukan di Forum ekonomi dunia di Davos, Swiss? Sebagai fest musim dingin selama seminggu, biaya ribuan dolar untuk menghadiri, yang telah berkembang lebih dari satu dekade, telah menjadi sebagai banyak tentang dealmaking tentang brainstorming solusi untuk masalah di dunia. Pada kenyataannya, abu-abu-cocok konsultan menyelinap di sekitar Gunung Magic di sepatu kota mereka sekarang tampaknya melebihi asli pemikiran pemimpin (untuk menggunakan istilah WEF) oleh tentang 2 ke 1. Namun, elite belum meninggalkan Davos. Tahun ini heboh menarik beberapa kepala negara, bankir atas dunia dan membantu baik Fortune 500 CEO, pemenang Hadiah Nobel dan pengusaha bintang rock (meskipun, untuk sekali, tidak ada batu bintang). Davos tetap, seperti kebijakan luar negeri Group CEO David Rothkopf, "pabrik di mana kebijaksanaan konvensional diproduksi." Dan demikian pula dalam semangat yang kami tawarkan takeaways terbaik tahun ini, pabrik langsung.Gelembung baru?Kini kita berada di wilayah yang belum dipetakan secara historis dalam hal berapa banyak Gubernur Bank Sentral lakukan, sebagai tindakan nyata politik, untuk mencoba untuk meningkatkan ekonomi global. Mereka membeli triliunan dolar nilai obligasi dan pasar dunia dalam proses buoying. Selain beberapa Jerman khawatir, tidak ada berbicara tentang tahun terakhir ini. Sekarang semua orang hidupannya Bagaimana Fed, Bank Sentral Eropa (sampai saat ini), Bank of Japan dan pihak berwenang Cina bahkan telah menyimpang harga aset dari saham untuk Obligasi untuk real estat, sangat mungkin meletakkan dasar untuk pasar crash atau, dalam jangka panjang, hiperinflasi. "Bankir dapat membeli waktu, tetapi mereka tidak dapat memperbaiki masalah dasar ekonomi dunia," kata Ketua UBS dan Bundesbank mantan kepala Axel Weber, yang juga kekhawatiran bahwa uang mudah dan bunga rendah yang menutupi fakta bahwa negara-negara yang paling kaya masih perlu membayar utang dan menciptakan lebih banyak pekerjaan. "Kami sedang membeli perbaikan jangka pendek dengan mengorbankan generasi mendatang."(Lebih: Davos kebijaksanaan 2013: lima pelajaran dari Global Forum)Hedge-fund titan George Soros believes that the problems could come sooner rather than later. When every country wants to keep its interest rates down and its currency weak in order to boost exports, there’s an inevitable race to the bottom. Soros predicted that Germany, the growth engine of Europe, will start to slow down in 2013 as a weaker yen makes Japanese cars and consumer goods more popular than German ones. That could throw the euro zone, which has begun to stabilize a bit, back into crisis.Bank Anxiety.A crisis is exactly what we don’t need, given that there’s still so much risk in the global banking system. One of the world’s richest hedge funders, Elliott Management’s Paul Singer, used the Davos stage to continue his public fight with JPMorgan Chase head Jamie Dimon over the lack of transparency in big financial institutions, saying that even his team of skilled analysts couldn’t make heads or tails of the trading positions of major global banks via public documents. For their part, Dimon and other bankers fretted over the fact that they are being asked to do more lending—while being asked at the same time to keep risk low and retain more capital. Meanwhile, fresh players are moving into lending: emerging-market sovereign wealth funds are doling out money for infrastructure projects worldwide, and peer-to-peer lenders are providing hundreds of millions for small businesses in the U.K. (New rules coming soon in the U.S. may allow them to take off here too.) The message to banks is clear: if you don’t lend, others will.(Lebih: masa depan Davos: adalah Forum dunia Hipper di jalan?)Global gratis pengendara.Perusahaan multinasional berada di bawah api. Lima tahun pada dari krisis keuangan, negara-negara dengan menyusut Umum anggaran akhirnya memaksa perusahaan-perusahaan yang kaya untuk mengambil beberapa biaya globalisasi bukan hanya manfaat. Perdana Menteri Inggris David Cameron memberikan pidato Davos kuat di depan ini, menjanjikan bahwa sekarang bahwa Inggris telah mengambil alih kepresidenan G-8, ia akan nama dan malu perusahaan-perusahaan multinasional yang menggunakan akuntansi kreatif untuk menghindari pajak. Cameron membuat referensi "bangun dan mencium bau kopi" menunjuk ke Starbucks, yang baru saja datang di bawah api untuk membayar pajak pada miliaran U.K. pendapatan hanya beberapa juta dalam 14 tahun. (Perusahaan sukarela batuk hingga $31 juta hasilnya.)Tentu saja, Apakah Cameron atau salah satu pemimpin G-8 lainnya akan lama cukup untuk menegakkan ancaman itu adalah perkara lain. Seperti meluncurkan survei percaya Barometer multinasional setiap tahun di Davos oleh p.r. perusahaan Edelman menunjukkan, iman kepada pejabat publik di banyak negara maju rendah. Tahun ini ada kesenjangan yang besar dalam kepercayaan antara elit dan orang-orang biasa: mantan menaruh banyak stok di lembaga-lembaga publik dari semua jenis daripada Mr Main Street. Itu adalah salah satu dari sedikit kebijaksanaan konvensional yang pembentukan Davos akan melakukannya dengan baik untuk mengingat.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Who says nothing gets done at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland? As the weeklong winter fest, which costs tens of thousands of dollars to attend, has grown over the past decade, it has become as much about dealmaking as about brainstorming solutions to the world’s problems. In fact, gray-suited consultants slipping around the Magic Mountain in their city loafers now seem to outnumber genuine thought leaders (to use a very WEF term) by about 2 to 1. Still, the elite haven’t abandoned Davos. This year’s shindig drew several heads of state, the world’s top bankers and a good helping of Fortune 500 CEOs, Nobel laureates and rock-star entrepreneurs (though, for once, no rock stars). Davos remains, as Foreign Policy Group CEO David Rothkopf put it, “the factory in which conventional wisdom is manufactured.” And so it is in that spirit that we offer this year’s best takeaways, factory-direct.

A New Bubble?
We are now in historically uncharted territory in terms of how much central bankers are doing, in lieu of real political action, to try to boost the global economy. They are buying up trillions of dollars’ worth of bonds and buoying world markets in the process. Apart from a few worried Germans, nobody was talking about this last year. Now everyone is fretting about how the Fed, the European Central Bank (until recently), the Bank of Japan and even Chinese authorities have distorted the prices of assets from stocks to bonds to real estate, quite possibly laying the foundation for a market crash or, in the longer term, hyperinflation. “Central bankers can buy time, but they can’t fix the world’s underlying economic problems,” said UBS chairman and former Bundesbank head Axel Weber, who worries that easy money and low interest rates are covering up the fact that most rich countries still need to pay down debt and create a lot more jobs. “We’re buying short-term fixes at the expense of future generations.”

(MORE: Davos Wisdom 2013: Five Lessons from the Global Forum)

Hedge-fund titan George Soros believes that the problems could come sooner rather than later. When every country wants to keep its interest rates down and its currency weak in order to boost exports, there’s an inevitable race to the bottom. Soros predicted that Germany, the growth engine of Europe, will start to slow down in 2013 as a weaker yen makes Japanese cars and consumer goods more popular than German ones. That could throw the euro zone, which has begun to stabilize a bit, back into crisis.

Bank Anxiety.
A crisis is exactly what we don’t need, given that there’s still so much risk in the global banking system. One of the world’s richest hedge funders, Elliott Management’s Paul Singer, used the Davos stage to continue his public fight with JPMorgan Chase head Jamie Dimon over the lack of transparency in big financial institutions, saying that even his team of skilled analysts couldn’t make heads or tails of the trading positions of major global banks via public documents. For their part, Dimon and other bankers fretted over the fact that they are being asked to do more lending—while being asked at the same time to keep risk low and retain more capital. Meanwhile, fresh players are moving into lending: emerging-market sovereign wealth funds are doling out money for infrastructure projects worldwide, and peer-to-peer lenders are providing hundreds of millions for small businesses in the U.K. (New rules coming soon in the U.S. may allow them to take off here too.) The message to banks is clear: if you don’t lend, others will.

(MORE: The Future of Davos: Is a Hipper World Forum on the Way?)

Global Free Riders.
Multinational companies are under fire. Five years on from the financial crisis, countries with shrinking public budgets are finally pressuring rich firms to pick up some of the costs of globalization rather than just the benefits. British Prime Minister David Cameron gave a powerful Davos speech on this front, promising that now that the U.K. has taken over the presidency of the G-8, he will name and shame multinationals that use creative accounting to avoid taxes. Cameron made a pointed “wake up and smell the coffee” reference to Starbucks, which recently came under fire for paying only a few million in taxes on billions of U.K. revenue in the past 14 years. (The firm volunteered to cough up $31 million as a result.)

Of course, whether Cameron or any of the other G-8 leaders will be around long enough to enforce that threat is another matter. As the multinational Trust Barometer survey unveiled every year at Davos by the p.r. firm Edelman shows, faith in public officials in many developed countries is low. This year there’s a big gap in trust between elites and the common man: the former put a lot more stock in public institutions of all kinds than Mr. Main Street does. That’s one bit of conventional wisdom that the Davos establishment would do well to remember.
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