This place people looks remain beforehand shock, after long time, dive terjemahan - This place people looks remain beforehand shock, after long time, dive Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

This place people looks remain befo

This place people looks remain beforehand shock, after long time, diverges, has the boundless faction disciples to go forward, is leading the youth and his elder sister departs, goes through into Sect some formalities, in youth has the confusedness all the way, her elder sister is delighted, thinks that these time gained in a big way.
Especially when looks to own little brother, in the item is having the appreciation, some anticipations, thought that faintly the little brother has grown up, before these words, proved little brother here cleverness and calmness sufficiently.
Only has this to be called Yun Feng young to know, just now that flickers, his ear has a low and deep sound, was telling him, how must go to to open mouth.
„That the person who how teaches me to speak, is who ... Is that ... Corpse!” In the youth heart is somewhat disturbed, in item is bringing at a loss, walks away along with the disciples of boundless faction.
Meanwhile, in 1 million mountains this piece of eight big entrances, the purple gold old men take a step, transfers to go, he has wild with joy that is difficult to cover, in a flash, appeared in this piece of 1 million mountain deep place directly, there had one Teleportation, he did not have to stop slightly, entered into Spell formation instant.
Spell formation thunders, after the ray dodges, when his form disappears, appears, under the earth of this boundless star, here is the interior of boundless star, is boundless faction the place of core!
The interior of entire boundless star, is similar to the starry sky, there is Sun-Moon, there is stars, on each stars, has the aura of powerhouse to disperse, resembles is closing up.
The entire in starry sky, proliferates all directions, in the center of this internal starry sky, is a sea of fire, but in that sea of fire, unexpectedly ... conceal half stars!!
These half stars, are somewhat broken, disperse the years decayed meaning, above has constructed numerous Pavilion Floor main halls, plain is passing ancient.
After the purple gold old men appear, thunders to speed away, directly soars the sea of fire, directly soars these half stars, just approached, his sound immediately spreads.
„Fellow Daoist, having a look at the old man these time to bring anything to you!” The purple gold old men laugh, the right hand lifts wields, immediately the Meng Hao corpse, departs instant, floats in the midair above this Pavilion Floor.
Just a appearance, above seal dispersing, the astonishing pressure fluctuation, bang covered this half stars, caused countless person reacted at the same time, the aura of seven nine sources, the eruption, changed to six forms loudly, appeared in Meng Hao corpse all around instantaneously, changed countenance.
„Paragon corpse!! The fifth child, where you from get so far as!”
„Had not died thoroughly, a remnant soul ...”
„The Paragon corpse, is quite so rare, although what a pity this corpse completes, but the interior actually nearly withered peak!”
„Withers to might as well, my boundless faction infinite resources, may make this corpse quickest time restore in peak condition, has this corpse, receives and instructs the plan of ninth Paragon, can launch ahead of time!!”
The purple gold old men laugh, look inspired at the same time, compares the it their seven people to want terrifying too many spiritual sense together, thunders, from the interior of these half star, erupts directly, when covers all around, seven forms including purple gold old man, the look with deep veneration, holds the fist in the other hand immediately does obeisance.
„Pays a visit Headmaster!” -
At the beginning of one volume, not the suitable eruption, really very much to write also slow, needs to polish, four erupted to end, brothers and sisters,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Orang ini tampak tetap sebelumnya syok, setelah lama, ada, memiliki murid-murid faksi tak terbatas untuk maju, terkemuka pemuda dan kakak perempuannya berangkat, melewati ke dalam mazhab beberapa formalitas, pemuda memiliki confusedness sepanjang jalan, adiknya penatua senang, berpikir bahwa kali ini memperoleh di jalan besar.Terutama ketika terlihat adik yang sendiri, dalam item yang mengalami apresiasi, beberapa anticipations, berpikir bahwa samar-samar adik kecil telah tumbuh, sebelum kata-kata ini, ternyata adik di sini kepandaian dan ketenangan cukup.Hanya memiliki ini disebut Yun Feng muda untuk mengetahui, hanya sekarang bahwa Ghost, telinganya memiliki rendah dan dalam suara, itu mengatakan kepadanya, bagaimana harus pergi ke untuk membuka mulut."Bahwa orang yang bagaimana mengajarkan saya untuk berbicara, adalah yang... Adalah bahwa... Mayat!" Di remaja hati agak terganggu, dalam item adalah membawa kehilangan, berjalan pergi bersama-sama dengan murid-murid faksi tak terbatas.Sementara itu, di pegunungan 1 juta ini sepotong delapan besar pintu, ungu emas tua laki-laki mengambil langkah, transfer ke pergi, ia memiliki liar dengan sukacita yang sulit untuk menutupi, sekilas, muncul dalam bagian ini 1 juta Gunung dalam tempat langsung, ada satu teleportasi, ia tidak perlu berhenti sedikit, masuk ke dalam pembentukan mantra instan.Mantra pembentukan guruh, setelah ray dodges, ketika bentuk menghilang, muncul, di bawah bumi bintang ini tak terbatas, inilah interior bintang tak terbatas, adalah tak terbatas faksi tempat inti!Interior seluruh bintang tak terbatas, serupa dengan langit berbintang, ada ilah-matahari, ada bintang, pada setiap bintang, memiliki aura Powerhouse untuk membubarkan, menyerupai adalah menutup.Seluruh langit berbintang, berproliferasi segala arah, di tengah langit berbintang ini internal, adalah lautan api, tapi itu lautan api, tiba-tiba... menyembunyikan setengah bintang!!Bintang-bintang ini setengah, agak rusak, membubarkan tahun membusuk makna, di atas telah dibangun berbagai Pavilion lantai aula utama, polos lewat kuno.Setelah emas ungu tua muncul, guruh untuk kecepatan, langsung menjulang lautan api, langsung menjulang bintang-bintang setengah ini, hanya mendekati, suara-Nya segera menyebar."Sesama Dao, harus melihat orang tua waktu ini membawa apa-apa untuk Anda!" Laki-laki tua emas ungu tertawa, Lift kanan wields, segera mayat Meng Hao, berangkat instan, mengapung di udara di atas lantai Pavilion ini.Hanya penampilan, di atas segel menyebar, fluktuasi tekanan menakjubkan, bang menutupi setengah ini bintang-bintang, menyebabkan banyak orang bereaksi pada waktu yang sama, aura tujuh sembilan sumber, letusan, berubah menjadi enam bentuk keras, muncul dalam Meng Hao mayat di sekitar seketika, mengubah wajah."Paragon mayat!! Kelima anak, mana Anda dari mendapatkan sejauh sebagai!""Tidak mati secara menyeluruh, sisa jiwa...""Mayat Paragon, begitu langka, meskipun sayang mayat ini selesai, tapi interior sebenarnya hampir layu puncak!"„Withers to might as well, my boundless faction infinite resources, may make this corpse quickest time restore in peak condition, has this corpse, receives and instructs the plan of ninth Paragon, can launch ahead of time!!”The purple gold old men laugh, look inspired at the same time, compares the it their seven people to want terrifying too many spiritual sense together, thunders, from the interior of these half star, erupts directly, when covers all around, seven forms including purple gold old man, the look with deep veneration, holds the fist in the other hand immediately does obeisance.„Pays a visit Headmaster!” -At the beginning of one volume, not the suitable eruption, really very much to write also slow, needs to polish, four erupted to end, brothers and sisters,
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