period. While Scenedesmus, Spirulina, Anabaena, Chaetoceros, Spirogyra terjemahan - period. While Scenedesmus, Spirulina, Anabaena, Chaetoceros, Spirogyra Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

period. While Scenedesmus, Spirulin

period. While Scenedesmus, Spirulina, Anabaena, Chaetoceros, Spirogyra and Microcystis were the representative phytoplankton genera throughout the observation period in cow manure treated pond (Noriega­ Curtis, 1979), Microcystis, Anabaena, Oscillatoria, Pondarina, Volvox, Euglena, Pediastrum, Melosira, Scenedesmus and Closterium were the major genera all the year round in poultry manure fertilized pond water (Das, 1986). Though the phytoplankton groups were more or less common in order to their abundance in the vicinity of present study area, the generic representation differs either in quality and quantity (Dewan, 1973; Ahmedetal., 1997; Wahabetal., 1994; Azim etal., 2001). It has been observed that phytoplankton abundance both in quantity and quality varies from location to location, pond to pond even within the same location with similar ecological conditions (Boyd, 1982).
Fertilization (both inorganic and organic) has of great
implications in increasing primary productivity that usually follows in greater zooplankton production in ponds (Boyd, 1982; Shandhu et al., 1985) though the abundance and composition of zooplankton are often strikingly different, i.e., fertilization had little effect upon community composition. The poultry manure with inorganic fertilizer (T-2) resulted in significantly higher zooplankton production, both in total number and in group-wise variations. Of the crustacean, Daphnia, Diaphanosoma, Diaptomus, Cyclops and of the rotifers, Brachionus, Asplanchna and Keratella were the dominant genera found consistently in all ponds during the study period. Though Crustacea was the dominant zooplankton group in both types of manure treated pond, rotifers have been reported as the common and dominant group in manure-rich waters (Noriega-Curtis, 1979; Shadhu et al., 1985) the crustaceans (copepods, cladocerans) and rotifers may also occur as equally abundant in manure treated ponds (Ghosh et al., 1974). Hasan (1990) observed that zooplankton biomass varied from 0.12 to 9.48 mg L-1 in cow manure treated ponds, where nauplii were the dominant (59.3%) group among zooplankton, followed by rotifers (24.8%), copepods (11.9%) and cladocerans (4.0%). The plankton production in pond under both fertilization treatments increased rapidly in around the 3rd week of fertilization and afterwards the production was stabilized, though apparently in a increasing rate. The type of quick dissolution of organic manure might have given rise to high phytoplankton abundance during the first 21-28 days after fertilization. Later on towards the end of the experimental period, the release of nutrients by decomposition of solid portions of manure might have produced the larger bloom of plankton. It is to note here that despite a similar amount of nitrogen and phosphorus
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
periode. Sementara Scenedesmus, Spirulina, Anabaena, Chaetoceros, Spirogyra dan Microcystis adalah genera representatif fitoplankton sepanjang periode pengamatan di sapi pupuk diperlakukan kolam (Noriega Curtis, 1979), Microcystis, Anabaena, Oscillatoria, Pondarina, Volvox, Euglena, Pediastrum, Melosira, Scenedesmus dan Closterium adalah genera utama sepanjang tahun di unggas pupuk dibuahi kolam air (Das, 1986). Meskipun kelompok fitoplankton lebih atau kurang umum dalam rangka untuk kelimpahan mereka di daerah studi hadir, representasi generik berbeda baik dalam kualitas dan kuantitas (Dewan, 1973; Ahmedetal., 1997; Wahabetal., 1994; Azim etal., 2001). Telah diamati bahwa kelimpahan fitoplankton baik kualitas maupun kuantitas bervariasi dari satu lokasi ke lokasi, Kolam-kolam bahkan dalam lokasi yang sama dengan kondisi ekologi serupa (Boyd, 1982).
pemupukan (baik organik dan anorganik) memiliki besar
implikasi utama produktivitas yang biasanya mengikuti produksi zooplankton yang lebih besar dalam kolam (Boyd, 1982; Shandhu et al., 1985) meskipun kelimpahan dan komposisi dari zooplankton sering sangat berbeda, yaitu, pemupukan memiliki sedikit efek pada masyarakat komposisi. Unggas pupuk dengan pupuk anorganik (T-2) mengakibatkan produksi zooplankton signifikan lebih tinggi, baik dalam jumlah dan variasi group-wise. Crustacea, Daphnia, Diaphanosoma, Diaptomus, Cyclops dari rotifers, Brachionus, Asplanchna dan Keratella adalah genera dominan ditemukan secara konsisten di semua kolam selama masa studi. Meskipun Crustacea kelompok dominan zooplankton di kedua jenis pupuk diobati pond, rotifers telah dilaporkan sebagai kelompok dominan dan umum di perairan yang kaya pupuk (Noriega-Curtis, 1979; Shadhu et al., 1985) krustasea (copepods, cladocerans) dan rotifers dapat juga terjadi sama-sama berlimpah dalam pupuk diperlakukan kolam (Ghosh et al., 1974). Hasan (1990) mengamati bahwa biomassa zooplankton yang bervariasi dari 0,12 sampai 9.48 mg L-1 di kolam pupuk diperlakukan sapi, di mana nauplii adalah kelompok (59.3%) dominan antara zooplankton, diikuti oleh rotifers (24.8%), copepods (11,9%) dan cladocerans (4,0%). Produksi plankton di kolam di bawah perawatan fertilisasi kedua meningkat pesat di sekitar 3 minggu pemupukan dan kemudian produksi stabil, meskipun tampaknya di tingkat meningkat. Jenis cepat pembubaran pupuk organik mungkin telah membangkitkan kelimpahan fitoplankton tinggi selama 21-28 hari pertama setelah pembuahan. Kemudian menjelang akhir periode percobaan, pelepasan hara oleh pembusukan bagian-bagian padat pupuk mungkin telah menghasilkan lebih besar mekar plankton. Untuk dicatat di sini bahwa meskipun jumlah yang sama nitrogen dan fosfor
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
period. While Scenedesmus, Spirulina, Anabaena, Chaetoceros, Spirogyra and Microcystis were the representative phytoplankton genera throughout the observation period in cow manure treated pond (Noriega­ Curtis, 1979), Microcystis, Anabaena, Oscillatoria, Pondarina, Volvox, Euglena, Pediastrum, Melosira, Scenedesmus and Closterium were the major genera all the year round in poultry manure fertilized pond water (Das, 1986). Though the phytoplankton groups were more or less common in order to their abundance in the vicinity of present study area, the generic representation differs either in quality and quantity (Dewan, 1973; Ahmedetal., 1997; Wahabetal., 1994; Azim etal., 2001). It has been observed that phytoplankton abundance both in quantity and quality varies from location to location, pond to pond even within the same location with similar ecological conditions (Boyd, 1982).
Fertilization (both inorganic and organic) has of great
implications in increasing primary productivity that usually follows in greater zooplankton production in ponds (Boyd, 1982; Shandhu et al., 1985) though the abundance and composition of zooplankton are often strikingly different, i.e., fertilization had little effect upon community composition. The poultry manure with inorganic fertilizer (T-2) resulted in significantly higher zooplankton production, both in total number and in group-wise variations. Of the crustacean, Daphnia, Diaphanosoma, Diaptomus, Cyclops and of the rotifers, Brachionus, Asplanchna and Keratella were the dominant genera found consistently in all ponds during the study period. Though Crustacea was the dominant zooplankton group in both types of manure treated pond, rotifers have been reported as the common and dominant group in manure-rich waters (Noriega-Curtis, 1979; Shadhu et al., 1985) the crustaceans (copepods, cladocerans) and rotifers may also occur as equally abundant in manure treated ponds (Ghosh et al., 1974). Hasan (1990) observed that zooplankton biomass varied from 0.12 to 9.48 mg L-1 in cow manure treated ponds, where nauplii were the dominant (59.3%) group among zooplankton, followed by rotifers (24.8%), copepods (11.9%) and cladocerans (4.0%). The plankton production in pond under both fertilization treatments increased rapidly in around the 3rd week of fertilization and afterwards the production was stabilized, though apparently in a increasing rate. The type of quick dissolution of organic manure might have given rise to high phytoplankton abundance during the first 21-28 days after fertilization. Later on towards the end of the experimental period, the release of nutrients by decomposition of solid portions of manure might have produced the larger bloom of plankton. It is to note here that despite a similar amount of nitrogen and phosphorus
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