700 'terror suspects' have travelled to Syria, Scotland Yard saysNew f terjemahan - 700 'terror suspects' have travelled to Syria, Scotland Yard saysNew f Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

700 'terror suspects' have travelle

700 'terror suspects' have travelled to Syria, Scotland Yard says
New figures show suspected terrorists are being arrested at a rate of almost one every day
More than 700 Britons of "significant concern" have travelled to Syria, the country's top counter-terrorism officer has disclosed.
Mark Rowley, the Metropolitan Police assistant commissioner, revealed the new figure as he said he was becoming increasingly concerned that young people who would once join street gangs are now turning to terrorism.
More than a third of the 700 suspects who have been to follow jihad in Islamic State are now back in Britain, Mr Rowley confirmed.
The "make up" of terrorism is changing with more girls, women and younger boys becoming involved, he said.
"It is a replication of gang crime," said Mr Rowley.
"Young people who were getting drawn into gang crime, particularly those with troubled histories, are now turning to this."
• Google and Tesco more intrusive than police or Government, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe
• Islamic State 'threatens ruins of ancient site of Palmyra'
• New terror laws must safeguard free speech
Data released by the Met showed last year saw the largest number if terrorism arrests on record.
There were 338 suspects detained in 2014/15 - the equivalent of almost one a day.
Of those 11 per cent were female and 17 per cent were under 20.
"The make up of terrorism is changing," said Mr Rowley.
"We would not have seen that five or 10 years ago."
The 338 arrests last year compared with just 254 in the previous 12 months.
Nearly eight out of 10 of the suspects arrested were British nationals, according to the Scotland Yard figures.
Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Met Commissioner, said he supported the Conservative Government's announcement that it would seek to update powers to obtain communications data.
Theresa May, the Home Secretary, said last week there would be a renewed push to bring in a so-called "snooper's charter" to maintain the security services' ability to monitor electronic communications by terrorists and criminals.
"The Home Secretary's announcement is a welcome development," Sir Bernard said.
"It's a vital one that has been delayed too long."
Mr Rowley also said he thought the Government's "Prevent" strategy, which aims to stop people being drawn into extremism and terrorism, may need broadening.
He said there may be a case for introducing new powers to make it compulsory for suspects to become involved with Prevent, which is currently only on a voluntary footing.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
700 'terror suspects' have travelled to Syria, Scotland Yard saysNew figures show suspected terrorists are being arrested at a rate of almost one every dayMore than 700 Britons of "significant concern" have travelled to Syria, the country's top counter-terrorism officer has disclosed.Mark Rowley, the Metropolitan Police assistant commissioner, revealed the new figure as he said he was becoming increasingly concerned that young people who would once join street gangs are now turning to terrorism.More than a third of the 700 suspects who have been to follow jihad in Islamic State are now back in Britain, Mr Rowley confirmed.The "make up" of terrorism is changing with more girls, women and younger boys becoming involved, he said."It is a replication of gang crime," said Mr Rowley."Young people who were getting drawn into gang crime, particularly those with troubled histories, are now turning to this."• Google and Tesco more intrusive than police or Government, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe• Islamic State 'threatens ruins of ancient site of Palmyra'• New terror laws must safeguard free speechData released by the Met showed last year saw the largest number if terrorism arrests on record.There were 338 suspects detained in 2014/15 - the equivalent of almost one a day.Of those 11 per cent were female and 17 per cent were under 20."The make up of terrorism is changing," said Mr Rowley."We would not have seen that five or 10 years ago."The 338 arrests last year compared with just 254 in the previous 12 months.Nearly eight out of 10 of the suspects arrested were British nationals, according to the Scotland Yard figures.Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Met Commissioner, said he supported the Conservative Government's announcement that it would seek to update powers to obtain communications data.Theresa May, the Home Secretary, said last week there would be a renewed push to bring in a so-called "snooper's charter" to maintain the security services' ability to monitor electronic communications by terrorists and criminals."The Home Secretary's announcement is a welcome development," Sir Bernard said."It's a vital one that has been delayed too long."Mr Rowley also said he thought the Government's "Prevent" strategy, which aims to stop people being drawn into extremism and terrorism, may need broadening.He said there may be a case for introducing new powers to make it compulsory for suspects to become involved with Prevent, which is currently only on a voluntary footing.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
700 'teror tersangka telah melakukan perjalanan ke Suriah, Scotland Yard mengatakan
angka baru menunjukkan tersangka teroris yang ditangkap pada tingkat hampir setiap hari
Lebih dari 700 warga Inggris dari "keprihatinan yang signifikan" telah melakukan perjalanan ke Suriah, petugas kontra-terorisme negara atas telah diungkapkan.
Mark Rowley, asisten komisaris Polisi Metropolitan, mengungkapkan sosok baru karena ia mengatakan ia menjadi semakin khawatir bahwa orang-orang muda yang akan sekali bergabung dengan geng jalanan kini beralih ke terorisme.
Lebih dari sepertiga dari 700 tersangka yang telah untuk mengikuti jihad di negara Islam sekarang kembali di Inggris, Mr Rowley dikonfirmasi.
The "membuat" terorisme berubah dengan lebih banyak anak perempuan, perempuan dan anak laki-laki yang lebih muda menjadi terlibat, katanya.
"Ini adalah replikasi kejahatan geng," kata Mr Rowley.
"Orang-orang muda yang mendapatkan ditarik ke geng kejahatan, terutama mereka dengan sejarah bermasalah, kini beralih ke ini."
• Google dan Tesco lebih mengganggu daripada polisi atau pemerintah, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe
• Negara Islam 'mengancam reruntuhan Situs kuno Palmyra '
• hukum teror baru harus melindungi kebebasan berbicara
Data yang dirilis oleh Met menunjukkan tahun lalu melihat jumlah terbesar jika penangkapan terorisme pada catatan.
Ada 338 tersangka ditahan di 2014/15 -. setara dengan hampir sehari
Of mereka 11 persen adalah perempuan dan 17 persen berada di bawah 20.
"The make up terorisme berubah," kata Rowley.
"Kami tidak akan melihat bahwa lima atau 10 tahun yang lalu."
The 338 penangkapan tahun lalu dibandingkan dengan hanya 254 dalam 12 bulan sebelumnya.
Hampir delapan dari 10 tersangka yang ditangkap adalah warga Inggris, menurut angka Scotland Yard.
Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, Komisaris Met, mengatakan ia mendukung pengumuman Pemerintah Konservatif yang akan berusaha untuk memperbarui kekuasaan untuk memperoleh data komunikasi.
Theresa Mei, Sekretaris Home, mengatakan pekan lalu akan ada dorongan baru untuk membawa apa yang disebut "Piagam snooper" untuk mempertahankan kemampuan layanan keamanan 'untuk memantau komunikasi elektronik oleh teroris dan penjahat.
" Pengumuman Sekretaris merupakan perkembangan yang disambut, "kata Sir Bernard.
"Ini adalah salah satu yang penting yang telah tertunda terlalu lama."
Mr Rowley juga mengatakan, dia pikir pemerintah "Mencegah" strategi, yang bertujuan untuk menghentikan orang-orang yang ditarik ke dalam ekstrimisme dan terorisme, mungkin perlu memperluas.
Dia mengatakan mungkin ada kasus untuk memperkenalkan kekuatan baru untuk membuatnya wajib bagi tersangka untuk terlibat dengan Mencegah, yang saat ini hanya pada pijakan sukarela.

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