Taeyeon and Tiffany quickly pulled away from each other and turned tow terjemahan - Taeyeon and Tiffany quickly pulled away from each other and turned tow Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Taeyeon and Tiffany quickly pulled

Taeyeon and Tiffany quickly pulled away from each other and turned towards the door where Jessica and Sooyoung stood with mouths hung open.

Sooyoung moved closer to Jessica and whispered, “I thought you said they broke up?”

“That’s what Sunny told me.”

“Hmm.” Sooyoung nodded her head then leaned down to whisper again. “Will we be like that if we break up?”

She had to stifle a curse when Jessica’s sharp elbow met her stomach with much force. She managed a small ‘ouch’ as Jessica made her way to the two blushing girls. Taeyeon and Tiffany fidgeted under Jessica strong gaze.

“W-what are you two doing here?” Tiffany said as she tried to get rid of the awkwardness surrounding them.

“Well, Juhyun told me you’ve been coming to the office alone these past few days and she was getting worried but...” she eyed them again, “I don’t think that’s the case now. Didn’t you brea–”

Sooyoung quickly covered Jessica’s mouth to prevent her from asking about the break up. “We just thought you might need company or someone to talk to, Fany, that’s all.”

Jessica struggled to get Sooyoung’s hand off her mouth. When she finally did, she glared at the girl, who immediately cowered at the look. “Anyway, since you have company, we can just leave because I’m sure you’d prefer Taeyeon to the two of us.”

Got that right. Tiffany wouldn’t say that out loud, though. “I’m fine guys. You don’t have to worry about me.”

“I can see that,” Jessica said as she glanced at the quiet Taeyeon. “Well, let’s go, Sooyoung-ah. We don’t want to disturb anything.” She smirked at the two before hooking her arm with Sooyoung’s and dragging her out the office.

Once the two were out, there was still awkwardness inside the room. Taeyeon cleared her throat and went to sit on the couch, pretending to be interested in the magazines laid out.


The drive home was quiet until Tiffany spoke up. “T-taeyeon?”

The girl looking out the window turned to meet Tiffany’s gaze. “Yeah?”

“Are you doing anything tomorrow?”

“Um... I don’t think I am. Why?”

She smiled. “Do you want to come with me to a party tomorrow night? Juhyun and the others are throwing a party for me and I thought maybe–”

The mention of the party suddenly reminded Taeyeon of what Juhyun asked her to do. “Oh! I forgot. I haven’t finished packing yet.” It wasn’t a complete lie. She did have to finish packing but there were only two or three more clothes she had to fold and put inside her bag and she was done. It wouldn’t even take her ten minutes to do it.

“O-oh,” Tiffany’s shoulders slumped. She was really hoping to spend more time with Taeyeon before the girl leaves the day after tomorrow. But I guess she does have to finish packing first.


“I-it’s fine.”

The rest of the ride was silent.


“You better make sure this works, Sooyoung-ah. We won’t have another chance!”

“I’ll make sure, okay? Sheesh!”

“We just don’t want to ruin Uncle Hwang’s plan.”

“That won’t happen. My plan’s foolproof!”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Taeyeon and Tiffany quickly pulled away from each other and turned towards the door where Jessica and Sooyoung stood with mouths hung open. Sooyoung moved closer to Jessica and whispered, “I thought you said they broke up?” “That’s what Sunny told me.” “Hmm.” Sooyoung nodded her head then leaned down to whisper again. “Will we be like that if we break up?” She had to stifle a curse when Jessica’s sharp elbow met her stomach with much force. She managed a small ‘ouch’ as Jessica made her way to the two blushing girls. Taeyeon and Tiffany fidgeted under Jessica strong gaze. “W-what are you two doing here?” Tiffany said as she tried to get rid of the awkwardness surrounding them. “Well, Juhyun told me you’ve been coming to the office alone these past few days and she was getting worried but...” she eyed them again, “I don’t think that’s the case now. Didn’t you brea–” Sooyoung quickly covered Jessica’s mouth to prevent her from asking about the break up. “We just thought you might need company or someone to talk to, Fany, that’s all.” Jessica struggled to get Sooyoung’s hand off her mouth. When she finally did, she glared at the girl, who immediately cowered at the look. “Anyway, since you have company, we can just leave because I’m sure you’d prefer Taeyeon to the two of us.” Got that right. Tiffany wouldn’t say that out loud, though. “I’m fine guys. You don’t have to worry about me.” “I can see that,” Jessica said as she glanced at the quiet Taeyeon. “Well, let’s go, Sooyoung-ah. We don’t want to disturb anything.” She smirked at the two before hooking her arm with Sooyoung’s and dragging her out the office. Once the two were out, there was still awkwardness inside the room. Taeyeon cleared her throat and went to sit on the couch, pretending to be interested in the magazines laid out. - The drive home was quiet until Tiffany spoke up. “T-taeyeon?” The girl looking out the window turned to meet Tiffany’s gaze. “Yeah?” “Are you doing anything tomorrow?” “Um... I don’t think I am. Why?” She smiled. “Do you want to come with me to a party tomorrow night? Juhyun and the others are throwing a party for me and I thought maybe–” The mention of the party suddenly reminded Taeyeon of what Juhyun asked her to do. “Oh! I forgot. I haven’t finished packing yet.” It wasn’t a complete lie. She did have to finish packing but there were only two or three more clothes she had to fold and put inside her bag and she was done. It wouldn’t even take her ten minutes to do it. “O-oh,” Tiffany’s shoulders slumped. She was really hoping to spend more time with Taeyeon before the girl leaves the day after tomorrow. But I guess she does have to finish packing first. “Sorry.” “I-it’s fine.” The rest of the ride was silent. - “You better make sure this works, Sooyoung-ah. We won’t have another chance!” “I’ll make sure, okay? Sheesh!” “We just don’t want to ruin Uncle Hwang’s plan.” “That won’t happen. My plan’s foolproof!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Taeyeon dan Tiffany cepat menarik diri dari satu sama lain dan berbalik menuju pintu di mana Jessica dan Sooyoung berdiri dengan mulut ternganga. Sooyoung mendekati Jessica dan berbisik, "Saya pikir Anda mengatakan mereka putus?" "Itulah yang Cerah mengatakan kepada saya." "Hmm." Sooyoung mengangguk kemudian membungkuk untuk berbisik lagi. "Apakah kita akan seperti itu jika kita putus?" Dia harus menahan kutukan ketika siku tajam Jessica bertemu perutnya dengan banyak kekuatan. Dia berhasil 'aduh' kecil Jessica berjalan ke dua gadis memerah. Taeyeon dan Tiffany gelisah di bawah tatapan Jessica yang kuat. "W-apa yang kalian berdua lakukan di sini?" Tiffany berkata sambil mencoba untuk menyingkirkan kecanggungan di sekitar mereka. "Nah, Juhyun bilang kau telah datang ke kantor saja ini beberapa hari terakhir dan dia mulai khawatir tapi ... "dia menatap mereka lagi," Saya tidak berpikir itu yang terjadi sekarang. Apakah Anda tidak brea- "Sooyoung cepat menutup mulut Jessica untuk mencegah dia bertanya tentang putus. "Kami hanya berpikir Anda mungkin perlu perusahaan atau seseorang untuk diajak bicara, Fany, itu saja." Jessica berjuang untuk mendapatkan tangan Sooyoung dari mulutnya. Ketika dia akhirnya melakukan, dia memelototi gadis, yang segera meringkuk di tampilan. "Pokoknya, karena Anda memiliki perusahaan, kita dapat hanya pergi karena saya yakin Anda lebih memilih Taeyeon untuk kami berdua." Punya hak. Tiffany tidak akan mengatakan bahwa dengan keras, meskipun. "Aku baik-baik saja orang-orang. Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang saya. "" Saya bisa melihat itu, "kata Jessica saat ia melirik Taeyeon tenang. "Nah, mari kita pergi, Sooyoung-ah. Kami tidak ingin mengganggu apa-apa. "Dia menyeringai di dua sebelum mengaitkan lengannya dengan Sooyoung dan menyeret dia keluar kantor. Setelah keduanya keluar, masih ada kecanggungan di dalam ruangan. Taeyeon berdeham dan pergi untuk duduk di sofa, berpura-pura tertarik pada majalah ditata. - Perjalanan pulang itu tenang sampai Tiffany berbicara. "T-taeyeon?" Gadis melihat keluar jendela berbalik untuk memenuhi tatapan Tiffany. "Ya?" "Apakah Anda melakukan apa-apa besok?" "Um ... Saya tidak berpikir saya. Mengapa? "Dia tersenyum. "Apakah Anda ingin datang dengan saya untuk besok malam pesta? Juhyun dan yang lainnya mengadakan pesta bagi saya dan saya pikir mungkin- "Penyebutan partai tiba-tiba mengingatkan Taeyeon dari apa yang diminta Juhyun dia lakukan. "Oh! Saya lupa. Saya belum selesai kemasan belum. "Itu bukan kebohongan yang lengkap. Dia harus menyelesaikan packing tapi hanya ada dua atau tiga pakaian lebih dia harus lipat dan dimasukkan ke dalam tasnya dan dia dilakukan. Ia bahkan tidak akan mengambil sepuluh menit dia melakukannya. "O-oh," bahu Tiffany merosot. Dia benar-benar berharap untuk menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu dengan Taeyeon sebelum gadis itu meninggalkan lusa. . Tapi kurasa dia tidak harus menyelesaikan pengepakan pertama ". Maaf". "I-itu baik-baik saja" Sisa perjalanan diam. - "Anda lebih baik pastikan ini bekerja, Sooyoung-ah. Kita tidak akan memiliki kesempatan lain! "" Aku akan memastikan, oke? Sheesh! "" Kami hanya tidak ingin merusak rencana Paman Hwang. "" Itu tidak akan terjadi. Rencana saya adalah sangat mudah! "

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