„Swims me, I come T!”in ad­di­tion holds to be good to mump the wall,  terjemahan - „Swims me, I come T!”in ad­di­tion holds to be good to mump the wall,  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Swims me, I come T!”in ad­di­tion

„Swims me, I come T!”
in ad­di­tion holds to be good to mump the wall, my rapid flight goes, the body sinks by the shoul­der Ar­mour nu­mer­ous hits sud­denly above Zhou Hai's warhorse, im­me­di­ately „bang” a fierce sound, Zhou Hai has drawn back sev­eral steps with horse, does not wait for him to turn around my nearby body sword to di­vide to chop on his arm, the under foot white air/Qi glow erupts, the side jumps „the Holy Ghost third-or­der” phrase, Lian Zhao rides, when thou­sand erupt loudly, the straight thrust + sweeps away + cut down to cut three to strike to shake, the vig­or­ous strength emerges the stature sud­denly to­gether, a near body hit, the Xun tri­gram wind cuts to bring the strong gale to tear into shreds in­stan­ta­neously. Zhou Hai the de­fense, blew out the high quota in­jury of 21 W +.
The nav­i­ga­tion bar of ha­tred value beats fiercely, I retro­cede one step, lifts the hand is great an­tiq­uity, the but­ter­fly changes into three han­dles, pen­e­trated Zhou Hai the stature in­stan­ta­neously, is the 18 W in­jury digit, fi­nally ex­ceeded 70% to at­tract this BOSS ha­tred value, but the re­sult of bring­ing was Zhou Hai pounc­ing upon sud­denly!
„Brat, courts death!”
Above the long hal­berd lin­gered the pro­ces­sion of lanterns roar­ing flame, Zhou Hai is roar­ing to punc­ture thor­oughly my de­fense the long hal­berd, pierced the chest di­rectly, car­ried over the big in­jury digit
Zhou Hai roared is lay­ing out a palm, in the palm the roar­ing flame surged, im­me­di­ately I bore the brunt was at­tacked by the roar­ing flame, was a big in­jury digit flies
Strength of flame im­pact is too strong, I draw back con­tin­u­ally dozens steps, launch­ings the deep ditch mark in the ground, si­mul­ta­ne­ously sus­pends Mu Yushu + life to cure tech­nique in ad­di­tion to hold, fills the next blood bot­tle, but swims the baby, thou­sand area units Yaochi and other prac­tic­ing med­i­cine of the treat­ments also rapidly to fol­low up, the blood strip brushes up­ward jumps, gains ground, Zhou Haiti the long hal­berd was pro­gress­ing to ar­rive my at pre­sent, lifts the long hal­berd is flame sweeps away!
I make the de­fense stance in the front town Yue Dao­heng hur­riedly, „bang” con­tin­u­ally drew back sev­eral steps, the ha­tred value nav­i­ga­tion bar beats once more fiercely, wants OT, re­acted in­stan­ta­neously, the but­ter­fly flew, „puff puff” con­tin­ual pen­e­trated Zhou Hai the stature, but I edited the sharp knife blade spa­tial spin the path, while both hands held the town Yue Dao hilt, started the dou­ble hit out­ra­geously, sev­eral daz­zling golden six glow stars fled on the knife, town Yue Dao­dai just echo, „” chopped one to pass chaot­i­cally, will hate the value. Pulls back all.
Lifts the hand to hold five-star mag­i­cal in­stru­ment but­ter­fly, the for­ma­tion that the sword com­bines and com­ple­ments one an­other in­stan­ta­neously once again the de­fense stance, the stan­dard has kept off Zhou Hai the long hal­berd one round to wield hits, does not avoid, the but­ter­fly sends out in­stan­ta­neously, matches He Town Yue Dao is one round kills, like this mu­tu­ally is spelling with BOSS, will stands firm the bat­tle­field sit­u­a­tion, but Zhou Hai the at­tack was too high, and is the piece kills the skill is the focus, the flame im­pact and hal­berd flame sweeps away and other skills not only causes the dam­age to me, can cause the dam­age to my be­hind player, there­fore to kill this BOSS we have gone all out, rode to fight much. Was the player dies re­ac­ti­vated, even some al­ready re­ac­ti­vat­ing two, in one hour can only re­ac­ti­vate again one time.
After sev­eral min­utes, Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian and Dong Cheng month et al. cleaned up the re­main­ing some demon palaces to ride, starts to turn back in order to help friendly forces, fi­nally we meet head-on this in­fe­rior god level BOSS by 100 peo­ple of stances, al­though Zhou Hai is very strong, so long a
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Swims me, I come T!”in ad­di­tion holds to be good to mump the wall, my rapid flight goes, the body sinks by the shoul­der Ar­mour nu­mer­ous hits sud­denly above Zhou Hai's warhorse, im­me­di­ately „bang” a fierce sound, Zhou Hai has drawn back sev­eral steps with horse, does not wait for him to turn around my nearby body sword to di­vide to chop on his arm, the under foot white air/Qi glow erupts, the side jumps „the Holy Ghost third-or­der” phrase, Lian Zhao rides, when thou­sand erupt loudly, the straight thrust + sweeps away + cut down to cut three to strike to shake, the vig­or­ous strength emerges the stature sud­denly to­gether, a near body hit, the Xun tri­gram wind cuts to bring the strong gale to tear into shreds in­stan­ta­neously. Zhou Hai the de­fense, blew out the high quota in­jury of 21 W +.The nav­i­ga­tion bar of ha­tred value beats fiercely, I retro­cede one step, lifts the hand is great an­tiq­uity, the but­ter­fly changes into three han­dles, pen­e­trated Zhou Hai the stature in­stan­ta­neously, is the 18 W in­jury digit, fi­nally ex­ceeded 70% to at­tract this BOSS ha­tred value, but the re­sult of bring­ing was Zhou Hai pounc­ing upon sud­denly!„Brat, courts death!”Above the long hal­berd lin­gered the pro­ces­sion of lanterns roar­ing flame, Zhou Hai is roar­ing to punc­ture thor­oughly my de­fense the long hal­berd, pierced the chest di­rectly, car­ried over the big in­jury digit„92772!”
Zhou Hai roared is lay­ing out a palm, in the palm the roar­ing flame surged, im­me­di­ately I bore the brunt was at­tacked by the roar­ing flame, was a big in­jury digit flies
Strength of flame im­pact is too strong, I draw back con­tin­u­ally dozens steps, launch­ings the deep ditch mark in the ground, si­mul­ta­ne­ously sus­pends Mu Yushu + life to cure tech­nique in ad­di­tion to hold, fills the next blood bot­tle, but swims the baby, thou­sand area units Yaochi and other prac­tic­ing med­i­cine of the treat­ments also rapidly to fol­low up, the blood strip brushes up­ward jumps, gains ground, Zhou Haiti the long hal­berd was pro­gress­ing to ar­rive my at pre­sent, lifts the long hal­berd is flame sweeps away!
I make the de­fense stance in the front town Yue Dao­heng hur­riedly, „bang” con­tin­u­ally drew back sev­eral steps, the ha­tred value nav­i­ga­tion bar beats once more fiercely, wants OT, re­acted in­stan­ta­neously, the but­ter­fly flew, „puff puff” con­tin­ual pen­e­trated Zhou Hai the stature, but I edited the sharp knife blade spa­tial spin the path, while both hands held the town Yue Dao hilt, started the dou­ble hit out­ra­geously, sev­eral daz­zling golden six glow stars fled on the knife, town Yue Dao­dai just echo, „” chopped one to pass chaot­i­cally, will hate the value. Pulls back all.
Lifts the hand to hold five-star mag­i­cal in­stru­ment but­ter­fly, the for­ma­tion that the sword com­bines and com­ple­ments one an­other in­stan­ta­neously once again the de­fense stance, the stan­dard has kept off Zhou Hai the long hal­berd one round to wield hits, does not avoid, the but­ter­fly sends out in­stan­ta­neously, matches He Town Yue Dao is one round kills, like this mu­tu­ally is spelling with BOSS, will stands firm the bat­tle­field sit­u­a­tion, but Zhou Hai the at­tack was too high, and is the piece kills the skill is the focus, the flame im­pact and hal­berd flame sweeps away and other skills not only causes the dam­age to me, can cause the dam­age to my be­hind player, there­fore to kill this BOSS we have gone all out, rode to fight much. Was the player dies re­ac­ti­vated, even some al­ready re­ac­ti­vat­ing two, in one hour can only re­ac­ti­vate again one time.
After sev­eral min­utes, Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian and Dong Cheng month et al. cleaned up the re­main­ing some demon palaces to ride, starts to turn back in order to help friendly forces, fi­nally we meet head-on this in­fe­rior god level BOSS by 100 peo­ple of stances, al­though Zhou Hai is very strong, so long a
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Berenang saya, saya datang T!"
Selain memegang untuk menjadi baik untuk mengemis-ngemis dinding, penerbangan cepat saya masuk, tenggelam tubuh dengan bahu Armour banyak hit tiba-tiba di atas kuda perang Zhou Hai, segera "bang" suara sengit, Zhou Hai telah menarik kembali beberapa langkah dengan kuda, tidak menunggu dia untuk berbalik pedang tubuh terdekat saya untuk membagi untuk memotong di lengannya, kaki di bawah air putih / Qi bersinar meletus, sisi melompat "Roh Kudus orde ketiga" frase , Lian Zhao naik, ketika ribu meletus keras, dorong langsung + menyapu + ditebang untuk memotong tiga untuk menyerang mengguncang, kekuatan yang kuat muncul bertubuh tiba-tiba bersama-sama, dekat hit tubuh, pemotongan trigram angin Xun untuk membawa kuat gale merobeknya cabik seketika. Zhou Hai pertahanan, meniup cedera kuota tinggi 21 W +.
Bar navigasi nilai kebencian mengalahkan keras, saya retrocede satu langkah, mengangkat tangan adalah kuno besar, perubahan kupu-kupu menjadi tiga pegangan, menembus Zhou Hai bertubuh seketika , adalah 18 W cedera digit, akhirnya melebihi 70% untuk menarik ini nilai kebencian BOSS, tetapi hasil dari membawa adalah Zhou Hai menerkam pada tiba-tiba!
"Brat, lapangan mati!"
di atas tombak panjang berlama-lama prosesi lentera menderu api, Zhou Hai mengaum untuk menusuk menyeluruh pertahanan saya tombak panjang, menembus dada langsung, dibawa cedera digit besar
Zhou Hai meraung adalah meletakkan telapak tangan, di telapak api menderu melonjak, segera saya menanggung beban yang diserang oleh api menderu, adalah cedera digit besar lalat
Kekuatan dampak api terlalu kuat, aku menarik kembali terus puluhan langkah, peluncuran tanda parit jauh di dalam tanah, secara bersamaan menunda Mu Yushu + hidup untuk menyembuhkan teknik selain terus, mengisi botol darah berikutnya, tapi berenang bayi, ribu unit daerah Yaochi dan obat-obatan berlatih lain dari perawatan juga cepat untuk menindaklanjuti, sikat jalur darah ke atas melompat, keuntungan tanah, Zhou Haiti yang tombak panjang itu maju tiba saya saat ini, mengangkat tombak panjang adalah api menyapu!
saya membuat sikap pertahanan di kota depan Yue Daoheng buru-buru, "bang" terus mundur beberapa langkah, nilai kebencian bar navigasi mengalahkan sekali lebih keras, ingin OT, bereaksi seketika, kupu-kupu terbang, "engah engah" terus-menerus menembus Zhou Hai perawakannya, tapi saya edit pisau tajam spasial berputar jalan, sementara kedua tangan memegang kota Yue Dao gagang, mulai hit ganda penghinaan, beberapa menyilaukan emas enam bintang glow melarikan diri pada pisau, kota Yue Daodai hanya echo, "" cincang yang lulus berantakan, akan membenci nilai. Menarik kembali semua.
Lift tangan untuk memegang bintang lima instrumen magis kupu-kupu, formasi yang menggabungkan pedang dan melengkapi satu sama lain seketika sekali lagi sikap pertahanan, standar telah terus off Zhou Hai orang tombak panjang satu putaran untuk memegang hits, tidak tidak menghindari, kupu-kupu mengirimkan seketika, cocok Ia Kota Yue Dao adalah salah satu kills bulat, seperti ini saling adalah ejaan dengan BOSS, akan berdiri teguh situasi medan perang, tapi Zhou Hai serangan itu terlalu tinggi, dan potongan membunuh keterampilan adalah fokus, dampak api dan tombak api menyapu dan keterampilan lainnya tidak hanya menyebabkan kerusakan kepada saya, dapat menyebabkan kerusakan untuk saya di belakang pemain, karena itu untuk membunuh BOSS ini kami telah pergi semua keluar, naik untuk melawan banyak. Apakah pemain meninggal diaktifkan kembali, bahkan beberapa sudah mengaktifkan dua, dalam satu jam hanya dapat mengaktifkan lagi satu waktu.
Setelah beberapa menit, Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian dan Dong Cheng bulan et al. membersihkan sisa beberapa istana setan untuk naik, mulai kembali untuk membantu pasukan ramah, akhirnya kami bertemu kepala-on BOSS tingkat dewa rendah ini dengan 100 orang dari sikap, meskipun Zhou Hai sangat kuat, sehingga lama
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