„My entire sect, remaining old man, today, the old man must only slaughter 100,000 alien races, comes sacrificial offering my sect heroic deed”
„Supports me to live, is revenge” rumbling, Mountains and Seas Plane cultivator, especially thoses experienced the person of past mountain and sea war, was insane, their vicious tendencies are dreadful, kills unceasingly at this bang, all alien races of first huge land, extinguishes directly completely kills, then rushes to the second day.
Their sides, these in Mountains and Seas Plane cultivator that in more than 1000 years were born, their hatreds apparently do not have that many, but they started from the birth, knew once matter from elder there, they listened to the past frigid story to grow up, they know that the top of the head had 33 days.
They saw the elder to recall once Mountains and Seas Plane innumerable, they have also listened, past Mountains and Seas Plane, there are nine mountains, nine pieces of seas.
But these, after all are only the stories, after is only the description, they regarding once Mountains and Seas Plane, only then fuzzy outline, regarding hatred, understanding profound of by no means that until the present
Until the present these experience the old people who mountain and sea has fought, they lost in the ordinary day in these young people impressions calm, when crazy that changes, in the hearts of these young people, was attacked intensely.
They really understood suddenly, in these stories, hatreds in these descriptions, how intense, how profound, makes the human clench jaws, absolutely irreconcilable.
In this intense reacted, their warm-blooded were infected, in their bloodline, seemed stimulated fragments, that is the memory in Mountains and Seas Plane cultivator inheritance, that is each mountain and sea person, past that forever can never forget.
In the mind that these memory fragments, was born mountain and sea that cultivation with these more than 1000 years in this moment to thunder the eruption, in addition that everywhere demented whooshing of outside world, these young people, they shiver, has sent out the low roar, two eyes is red, with the seniors together, has launched the crazy revenge.
Fatty has cried, his body is very fat, is similar to a meatball, may quite be flexible, to the front, extinguished the alien race who kills to see.
„You have killed my more than 300 Dao Companion, damn, your bastards, you have killed my more than 300 Dao Companion”
„My these sons, my these grandsons, damn, your alien race, the fat master and you spelled”
In this Fatty all around, over ten thousand people surround impressively, they shout Patriarch, follows in side, slaughters toward all around proliferates, in these people have the male to have the female, has always has few, some of them are Dao Companion of Fatty more than 1000 years of Shinyu, but other, are his posterity.
He, had already formed a huge family, perhaps only has Meng Hao clone eighth, can in this regard, compare with Fatty.
Next day the mainland, collapses quickly loudly, the Mountains and Seas Plane cultivator army, gets angry, kills third day, fourth day, thunders, is crazy.
The entire starry sky, floats the bloodshed, Wang Youcai is closing one's eyes, when his hand is taking a sword, Cultivation dispersing, the place visited, alien races collapse completely, are split up, the only head is complete, was curled by him in behind, quick, his behind forms the perpetual flow that a head has composed.
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
"Saya sekte seluruh, sisa hari ini, orang tua, orang tua harus hanya menyembelih 100.000 ras Asing, datang korban persembahan akta heroik sekte saya""Membunuh""Mendukung saya untuk hidup, Apakah balas dendam adalah" gemuruh, pegunungan dan laut pesawat elastis dengan beralih, terutama thoses orang mengalami masa lalu gunung dan perang laut, adalah gila, kecenderungan mereka setan mengerikan, membunuh tanpa henti di ini bang, semua ras asing pertama besar tanah, memadamkan langsung benar-benar membunuh, kemudian bergegas untuk hari kedua.Sisi mereka, pegunungan di ini dan beralih pesawat laut yang di lebih dari 1000 tahun dilahirkan, kebencian mereka tampaknya tidak punya banyak, tapi mereka mulai dari kelahiran, tahu sekali masalah dari penatua tidak, mereka mendengarkan kisah dingin lalu tumbuh, mereka tahu bahwa atas kepala memiliki 33 hari.Mereka melihat yang lebih tua untuk mengingat setelah pegunungan dan laut pesawat tak terhitung, mereka juga telah mendengarkan, melewati pegunungan dan laut pesawat, ada pegunungan sembilan, sembilan potongan laut.Tapi ini, setelah semua hanya cerita, setelah adalah hanya deskripsi, mereka mengenai sekali pegunungan dan laut pesawat, hanya kemudian fuzzy garis, mengenai kebencian, pemahaman mendalam tidak berarti itu hingga sekarangHingga sekarang ini pengalaman orang-orang tua yang gunung dan laut telah berjuang, mereka kehilangan pada hari biasa di tayangan orang-orang muda ini tenang, ketika gila yang berubah, di dalam hati orang-orang muda ini, diserang intens.They really understood suddenly, in these stories, hatreds in these descriptions, how intense, how profound, makes the human clench jaws, absolutely irreconcilable.In this intense reacted, their warm-blooded were infected, in their bloodline, seemed stimulated fragments, that is the memory in Mountains and Seas Plane cultivator inheritance, that is each mountain and sea person, past that forever can never forget.In the mind that these memory fragments, was born mountain and sea that cultivation with these more than 1000 years in this moment to thunder the eruption, in addition that everywhere demented whooshing of outside world, these young people, they shiver, has sent out the low roar, two eyes is red, with the seniors together, has launched the crazy revenge.Fatty has cried, his body is very fat, is similar to a meatball, may quite be flexible, to the front, extinguished the alien race who kills to see.„You have killed my more than 300 Dao Companion, damn, your bastards, you have killed my more than 300 Dao Companion”„My these sons, my these grandsons, damn, your alien race, the fat master and you spelled”In this Fatty all around, over ten thousand people surround impressively, they shout Patriarch, follows in side, slaughters toward all around proliferates, in these people have the male to have the female, has always has few, some of them are Dao Companion of Fatty more than 1000 years of Shinyu, but other, are his posterity.Dia sudah terbentuk besar keluarga, mungkin hanya memiliki klon Meng Hao kedelapan, dapat dalam hal ini, Bandingkan dengan lemak.Hari berikutnya daratan, runtuh dengan cepat keras, pegunungan dan laut pesawat tentara beralih, marah, membunuh hari ketiga, hari keempat, guruh, gila.Seluruh langit berbintang, mengapung pertumpahan darah, Wang Youcai adalah menutup satu mata, ketika tangannya mengambil pedang, budidaya menyebar, tempat yang dikunjungi, alien ras runtuh sepenuhnya, dibagi, kepala hanya selesai, adalah meringkuk dengan dia di belakang, cepat, belakang nya bentuk aliran abadi yang kepala telah disusun.
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