„Un­ex­pect­edly the mas­ter line duty, luck is good!” Li Mu grins to  terjemahan - „Un­ex­pect­edly the mas­ter line duty, luck is good!” Li Mu grins to  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Un­ex­pect­edly the mas­ter line d

„Un­ex­pect­edly the mas­ter line duty, luck is good!” Li Mu grins to say with a smile: „I as if had had a pre­mo­ni­tion that ghost nian and Di­vine Tier equip­ment have been wav­ing to me, Ha Ha”
I in­sti­gated the warhorse to go down the stair, looked at the map again, Lum­ing hole was pre­sent­ing the Eight Di­a­grams shape, over­lap­ping killing in the past, nat­u­rally had many mon­sters all the way, not far away, was one grasps is fight­ing the bear clan sol­dier of ham­mer, some were the black bear essence in Jour­ney to the West, on the shoul­der even are also throw­ing likely over fer­rogu­inous shoul­der Ar­mour, but other spots have not worn the clothes, crotch dark was hang­ing there, back and forth was drag­ging.
The Dong Cheng month cor­ners of the mouth raise, can­not bear spit the mor­tise: „Knows to wear the shawl, ac­tu­ally does not know to wear the pants, what cus­tom is this?”
Lin Wan Er also said with a smile: „flat­ter pig on quick!”
My vi­sion glance, this is 145 lev­els of mon­sters, but is 3 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon Pin Jie, the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency nat­u­rally can­not miss, there­fore a nod, said: „Li Mu, Wang Jian, with me on to­gether!”
Three peo­ple flushed one after an­other, charge shape „bang bang bang” hit in this „bear clan sol­dier” body, con­tin­ual dizzi­ness, town Yue Dao, Longchi sword also „” cuts to strike con­tin­u­ously, the at­tack ef­fect is good, chops the flesh and blood to spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, but this bear clan sol­diers nat­u­rally will not wait for death, in the hand the iron ham­mer wields fiercely pounds above my shoul­der!
The strik­ing power is good, bro­ken has de­fended, what a pity I now 67000 HP, want to kill me re­ally am too dif­fi­cult.
Three peo­ple sphere, chops the first bear clan sol­dier who kills ran­domly, has not blown out equip­ment, but left 11 gold coins, the gold coin in team con­trolled has been wild with joy, this time was other perquisite does not have, at least the gold coin must have.
Con­tin­ues to pro­ceed along the green para­pet, pro­ceeds to start batches of quan­ti­ties pre­sents Xiong Clan the sol­dier again, knows that this duty will not be sim­ple, bear clan sol­dier bunches is about 10 peo­ple, NND, our trip of rid­ing of fight the de­part­ment to have 10 peo­ple luck­ily, the tank was enough.
Is rais­ing town Yue Dao, my dis­tant start marks these bear clan sol­diers, then said: „I at­tract 1 and No. 2 bear war, Li Mu holds on 3 rd, Wang Jian Lazhu 4 th, Ran Min draws 5 th, wipes the tea to draw 6 th, dream Yao draws 7 th, brave clean 8 th, the month mon­ster face draws 9 th, Tang Xinla 10 th, pre­pares, prac­tic­ing med­i­cine fa­vors the blood, whose blood is short on the milk any­one, long-dis­tance main­tains with my tar­get is con­sis­tent, killing in the past, quick­est speed, safest clean­ing up they!”
When I clash, other one group of peo­ple also over­ran, holds on the bear war that one­self must lock one after an­other, di­rects me­thod­i­cally, kills nat­u­rally is not the issue, let alone this bring is the [Zhan Long] top play­ers, even if the match were the mon­ster of dif­fer­ent demon level can also deal with has more than enough to spare.
After wave of 10 bears fight kills off com­pletely, the last mon­ster under a Li Mengyao sword was killed, was shout­ing, ac­tu­ally to­gether the in­digo blue ray blew out, that was chest Ar­mour, equip­ment of armor de­part­ment, above is reap­pear­ing Lu Wen, im­me­di­ately I moved, knows that our op­por­tu­ni­ties came
„Dream Yao, shares the equip­ment at­tribute!” I said.
Dream Yao picks up the breast­plate, puts out a hand to stroke, the at­tribute of this chest Ar­mour ap­pears in air­borne, this is the cov­er­all part of strong rank, we Lum­ing hole was com­ing today right
【Lum­ing chest Ar­mour】( Saint sun­light)
Type: Heavy armor
De­fense: 1400
Strength: + 155
Phys­i­cal strength: + 151
Agile: + 144
Ad­di­tional: Pro­motes the user 37% de­fe
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Un­ex­pect­edly the mas­ter line duty, luck is good!” Li Mu grins to say with a smile: „I as if had had a pre­mo­ni­tion that ghost nian and Di­vine Tier equip­ment have been wav­ing to me, Ha Ha”I in­sti­gated the warhorse to go down the stair, looked at the map again, Lum­ing hole was pre­sent­ing the Eight Di­a­grams shape, over­lap­ping killing in the past, nat­u­rally had many mon­sters all the way, not far away, was one grasps is fight­ing the bear clan sol­dier of ham­mer, some were the black bear essence in Jour­ney to the West, on the shoul­der even are also throw­ing likely over fer­rogu­inous shoul­der Ar­mour, but other spots have not worn the clothes, crotch dark was hang­ing there, back and forth was drag­ging.The Dong Cheng month cor­ners of the mouth raise, can­not bear spit the mor­tise: „Knows to wear the shawl, ac­tu­ally does not know to wear the pants, what cus­tom is this?”Lin Wan Er also said with a smile: „flat­ter pig on quick!”My vi­sion glance, this is 145 lev­els of mon­sters, but is 3 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon Pin Jie, the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency nat­u­rally can­not miss, there­fore a nod, said: „Li Mu, Wang Jian, with me on to­gether!”Three peo­ple flushed one after an­other, charge shape „bang bang bang” hit in this „bear clan sol­dier” body, con­tin­ual dizzi­ness, town Yue Dao, Longchi sword also „” cuts to strike con­tin­u­ously, the at­tack ef­fect is good, chops the flesh and blood to spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, but this bear clan sol­diers nat­u­rally will not wait for death, in the hand the iron ham­mer wields fiercely pounds above my shoul­der!„Bang!”„4012!”The strik­ing power is good, bro­ken has de­fended, what a pity I now 67000 HP, want to kill me re­ally am too dif­fi­cult.Three peo­ple sphere, chops the first bear clan sol­dier who kills ran­domly, has not blown out equip­ment, but left 11 gold coins, the gold coin in team con­trolled has been wild with joy, this time was other perquisite does not have, at least the gold coin must have.Con­tin­ues to pro­ceed along the green para­pet, pro­ceeds to start batches of quan­ti­ties pre­sents Xiong Clan the sol­dier again, knows that this duty will not be sim­ple, bear clan sol­dier bunches is about 10 peo­ple, NND, our trip of rid­ing of fight the de­part­ment to have 10 peo­ple luck­ily, the tank was enough.Is rais­ing town Yue Dao, my dis­tant start marks these bear clan sol­diers, then said: „I at­tract 1 and No. 2 bear war, Li Mu holds on 3 rd, Wang Jian Lazhu 4 th, Ran Min draws 5 th, wipes the tea to draw 6 th, dream Yao draws 7 th, brave clean 8 th, the month mon­ster face draws 9 th, Tang Xinla 10 th, pre­pares, prac­tic­ing med­i­cine fa­vors the blood, whose blood is short on the milk any­one, long-dis­tance main­tains with my tar­get is con­sis­tent, killing in the past, quick­est speed, safest clean­ing up they!”„Good!”When I clash, other one group of peo­ple also over­ran, holds on the bear war that one­self must lock one after an­other, di­rects me­thod­i­cally, kills nat­u­rally is not the issue, let alone this bring is the [Zhan Long] top play­ers, even if the match were the mon­ster of dif­fer­ent demon level can also deal with has more than enough to spare.After wave of 10 bears fight kills off com­pletely, the last mon­ster under a Li Mengyao sword was killed, was shout­ing, ac­tu­ally to­gether the in­digo blue ray blew out, that was chest Ar­mour, equip­ment of armor de­part­ment, above is reap­pear­ing Lu Wen, im­me­di­ately I moved, knows that our op­por­tu­ni­ties came„Dream Yao, shares the equip­ment at­tribute!” I said.Dream Yao picks up the breast­plate, puts out a hand to stroke, the at­tribute of this chest Ar­mour ap­pears in air­borne, this is the cov­er­all part of strong rank, we Lum­ing hole was com­ing today right【Lum­ing chest Ar­mour】( Saint sun­light)Type: Heavy armorDe­fense: 1400Strength: + 155Phys­i­cal strength: + 151Agile: + 144Ad­di­tional: Pro­motes the user 37% de­fe
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Tiba-tiba master baris tugas, keberuntungan baik!" Li Mu menyeringai mengatakan dengan tersenyum: "Saya seakan punya firasat bahwa hantu nian dan peralatan Tier Ilahi telah melambai kepada saya, Ha Ha"
Saya menghasut kuda perang untuk turun tangga, memandang peta lagi, Luming lubang sedang mempresentasikan bentuk Delapan Diagram, tumpang tindih membunuh di masa lalu, secara alami memiliki banyak monster sepanjang jalan, tidak jauh, adalah salah satu menangkap berjuang prajurit beruang klan palu, ada yang esensi beruang hitam di Perjalanan ke Barat, di bahu bahkan juga membuang kemungkinan lebih ferroguinous Armour bahu, tapi tempat lain belum dikenakan pakaian, selangkangan gelap di gantung itu, bolak-balik menyeret.
The Dong Cheng bulan sudut kenaikan mulut, tidak tahan meludah tanggam yang: "? Knows memakai selendang, sebenarnya tidak tahu memakai celana, apa custom ini"
Lin Wan Er juga mengatakan dengan senyum: "! babi datar pada cepat"
saya visi sekilas, ini adalah 145 tingkat monster, tetapi 3 tingkat iblis yang berbeda Pin Jie, efisiensi pertempuran secara alami tidak bisa kehilangan, karena itu mengangguk, mengatakan: "Li Mu, Wang Jian, dengan saya bersama-sama!"
Tiga orang memerah satu demi satu, biaya bentuk "bang bang bang" hit dalam "beruang prajurit klan" tubuh, pusing terus-menerus, kota Yue Dao, Longchi pedang juga "" pemotongan untuk menyerang terus, efek serangan yang baik, daging daging dan darah hujan rintik-rintik di semua arah, tapi beruang ini tentara klan secara alami tidak akan menunggu kematian, di tangan palu besi memegang keras pound di atas bahu saya!
kekuatan mencolok baik, rusak telah membela, apa Sayang sekali aku sekarang 67000 HP, ingin membunuh saya benar-benar minta terlalu sulit.
Tiga orang bola, daging pertama tentara beruang klan yang membunuh secara acak, tidak pecah peralatan, tetapi meninggalkan 11 koin emas, koin emas di tim dikendalikan telah liar dengan sukacita, kali ini adalah prasyarat lain tidak memiliki, setidaknya koin emas harus memiliki.
Terus melanjutkan sepanjang tembok pembatas hijau, hasil untuk memulai batch jumlah menyediakan Xiong Clan prajurit lagi, tahu bahwa tugas ini tidak akan mudah, . beruang klan tentara tandan sekitar 10 orang, NND, perjalanan kami naik dari melawan departemen memiliki 10 orang untungnya, tangki cukup
Apakah menaikkan kota Yue Dao, mulai jauh saya menandai ini menanggung tentara klan, lalu berkata: "aku menarik perang 1 dan No 2 beruang, Li Mu memegang pada 3 rd, Wang Jian Lazhu 4 th, Ran Min menarik 5 th, tisu teh untuk menggambar 6 th, bermimpi Yao menarik 7 th, berani bersih 8 th, yang rakasa bulan wajah menarik 9 th, Tang Xinla 10 th, mempersiapkan, praktek pengobatan nikmat darah, yang darahnya pendek pada susu siapa pun, jarak jauh mempertahankan dengan target saya konsisten, membunuh di masa lalu, kecepatan tercepat, paling aman membersihkan mereka! " "
Baik! "
Ketika saya berbenturan, lain satu kelompok orang juga menyerbu, memegang pada perang beruang yang diri harus mengunci satu demi satu, mengarahkan metodis, membunuh secara alami tidak masalah, apalagi ini membawa adalah [Zhan panjang] pemain top, bahkan jika pertandingan adalah rakasa tingkat setan yang berbeda juga dapat menangani memiliki lebih dari cukup untuk cadangan.
Setelah gelombang 10 beruang melawan membunuh sepenuhnya, yang rakasa terakhir di bawah pedang Li Mengyao tewas, berteriak, sebenarnya bersama-sama sinar biru indigo meniup, itu dada Armour, peralatan departemen armor, di atas muncul kembali Lu Wen, segera saya pindah, tahu bahwa peluang kami datang
"Mimpi Yao, berbagi atribut peralatan!" kataku.
Mimpi Yao mengambil dada itu, menempatkan tangan untuk stroke, atribut dada ini Armour muncul di udara, ini adalah bagian coverall dari peringkat yang kuat, kami Luming lubang datang hari ini tepat
【Luming dada Armour】 (Saint sinar matahari)
Ketik: Heavy armor
Pertahanan : 1400
kekuatan: + 155
kekuatan fisik: + 151
Agile: + 144
tambahan: Mempromosikan pengguna 37% defe
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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