The neutral point converter proposed by Nabae, Takahashi, and Akagi in terjemahan - The neutral point converter proposed by Nabae, Takahashi, and Akagi in Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The neutral point converter propose

The neutral point converter proposed by Nabae, Takahashi, and Akagi in 1981 was
essentially a three-level diode-clamped inverter [5]. In the 1990s several researchers published
articles that have reported experimental resultsfor four-, five-, and six-level diode-clamped
converters for such uses as static var compensation,variablespeed motor drives, and highvoltage systeminterconnections [18-31]. A three-phase six-level diode-clamped inverteris
shown in Figure 31.5. Each of the three phases of the inverter shares a common dc bus, which
has been subdivided byfive capacitors into six levels. The voltage across each capacitor is Vdc,
and the voltage stress across each switching device is limited to Vdcthrough the clamping diodes.
Table 31.1 lists the output voltage levels possible for one phase of the inverter with the negative
dc rail voltage V0as a reference. State condition 1means the switch is on, and 0means the
switch is off. Each phasehas five complementary switch pairs such that turning on one of the
switches of the pair requires that the other complementaryswitch be turnedoff.The
complementary switch pairs for phase leg aare (Sa1, Sa’1), (Sa2, Sa’2),(Sa3, Sa’3),(Sa4, Sa’4), and
(Sa5, Sa’5). Table 31.1 also shows thatin a diode-clamped inverter, theswitches that are on for a
particular phase leg are always adjacent and in series.For a six-level inverter,a set of five
switches is on at any given time.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Konverter titik netral yang diusulkan oleh Nabae, Takahashi dan Akagi tahun 1981 adalah pada dasarnya tiga tingkat menutup dioda inverter [5]. Pada 1990-an beberapa peneliti diterbitkan Artikel yang telah melaporkan eksperimental resultsfor empat, lima dan enam tingkat menutup dioda konverter untuk menggunakan seperti statis var kompensasi, variablespeed motor drive dan highvoltage systeminterconnections [18-31]. Tiga fase enam tingkat menutup dioda inverterisditunjukkan dalam gambar 31.5. Masing-masing dari tiga fase Inverter saham umum dc bus, yang telah kapasitor byfive dibagi menjadi enam tingkatan. Tegangan capacitor masing-masing adalah Vdc, dan stres tegangan di setiap perangkat switching terbatas Vdcthrough dioda menjepit. Tabel 31.1 Daftar tingkat tegangan output mungkin bagi satu fase Inverter dengan negatif DC rel tegangan V0as referensi. Negara 1means kondisi saklar pada, dan 0means switch. Switch tambahan phasehas lima setiap pasang sehingga menyalakan salah satuswitch dari pasangan tersebut mensyaratkan bahwa complementaryswitch lainnya menjadi turnedoff.Theswitch tambahan pasang untuk tahap kaki aare (Sa1, Sa'1), (Sa2, Sa'2), (Sa3, Sa'3) (Sa4, Sa'4), dan (Sa5, Sa'5). Tabel 31.1 juga menunjukkan thatin inverter menutup dioda, theswitches yang ada di untuktahap tertentu kaki selalu berdekatan dan dalam seri.Untuk enam tingkat inverter, satu set dari limaswitch adalah pada waktu tertentu.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The neutral point converter proposed by Nabae, Takahashi, and Akagi in 1981 was
essentially a three-level diode-clamped inverter [5]. In the 1990s several researchers published
articles that have reported experimental resultsfor four-, five-, and six-level diode-clamped
converters for such uses as static var compensation,variablespeed motor drives, and highvoltage systeminterconnections [18-31]. A three-phase six-level diode-clamped inverteris
shown in Figure 31.5. Each of the three phases of the inverter shares a common dc bus, which
has been subdivided byfive capacitors into six levels. The voltage across each capacitor is Vdc,
and the voltage stress across each switching device is limited to Vdcthrough the clamping diodes.
Table 31.1 lists the output voltage levels possible for one phase of the inverter with the negative
dc rail voltage V0as a reference. State condition 1means the switch is on, and 0means the
switch is off. Each phasehas five complementary switch pairs such that turning on one of the
switches of the pair requires that the other complementaryswitch be turnedoff.The
complementary switch pairs for phase leg aare (Sa1, Sa’1), (Sa2, Sa’2),(Sa3, Sa’3),(Sa4, Sa’4), and
(Sa5, Sa’5). Table 31.1 also shows thatin a diode-clamped inverter, theswitches that are on for a
particular phase leg are always adjacent and in series.For a six-level inverter,a set of five
switches is on at any given time.
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