MANAGERS AND SCIENTISTS/TECHNICIANSl'olitely, the problem is one of co terjemahan - MANAGERS AND SCIENTISTS/TECHNICIANSl'olitely, the problem is one of co Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


l'olitely, the problem is one of communications. More bluntly, it's one of jargon. I can understand why medicine has its jargon. It ' goes back to Aristotle and Hippocrates. And I can understand why law has its jargon. It goes back to Solon. And both fields have in-congruities and anachronisms about them which, 1 suppose, will always baffle the layman. But why sciences born in the middle of this century should need words like "algorithm," "heuristic," and "stochastic" in communications with management perplexes me. They can be translated, because they almost always are—even in technical papers. So why use foreign languages when. the message alone may be complex enough in English. You may not agree with my view, but I assure you that language is a roadblock to progress and you gentlemen (scientists/technicians) are continually putting these communication boulders in the path of even sympathetic management."
The problem of implementing scientific findings has been uppermost in the minds of many researchers. It is a perennial topic for discussion at professional meetings, and better communi-
cation usually is cited as an important step in attaining mutuality of interests. The Institute of Management Sciences (TIMS) has maintained a running debate since its inception on its objectives in this area.33 Although the integration of science and manage¬ment has been emphasized, divergent opinions eventually resulted in a split which is reflected in the publication of a two-part journal (Series A—Sciences, and Series B—Managerial).34 This move illustrates Boulding's lament, referred to in Chapter 1.
Hence physicists only talk to physicists, economists to economists —worse still, nuclear physicists talk only to nuclear physicists and econometricians to econometricians. One wonders sometimes if science will not grind to a stop in an assemblage of walled-in her¬mits, each Mumbling to himself words in a private language that only he can understand."
Whiie many causal factors could be identified, a basic contro¬versy revolves around the question of problem versus technique orienta►ion. In the extreme, managers are interested in problem
"Louis T. Rader, "Roadblocks to Progress in the Management Sciences and Opera¬tiom; Research," Management Science, February 1965, p. C-2.
."The journal cover states: "An international society to identify, extend and unify scientific kn3wledge pertaining to management."
"Since 1967 the division has been Theory and Application.
"Kenneth Boulding, "General Systems Theory: The Skeleton of Science," Mattage¬ment Sct•nc•. April 1956, p. 198

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
MANAGERS AND SCIENTISTS/TECHNICIANSl'olitely, the problem is one of communications. More bluntly, it's one of jargon. I can understand why medicine has its jargon. It ' goes back to Aristotle and Hippocrates. And I can understand why law has its jargon. It goes back to Solon. And both fields have in-congruities and anachronisms about them which, 1 suppose, will always baffle the layman. But why sciences born in the middle of this century should need words like "algorithm," "heuristic," and "stochastic" in communications with management perplexes me. They can be translated, because they almost always are—even in technical papers. So why use foreign languages when. the message alone may be complex enough in English. You may not agree with my view, but I assure you that language is a roadblock to progress and you gentlemen (scientists/technicians) are continually putting these communication boulders in the path of even sympathetic management."The problem of implementing scientific findings has been uppermost in the minds of many researchers. It is a perennial topic for discussion at professional meetings, and better communi-.cation usually is cited as an important step in attaining mutuality of interests. The Institute of Management Sciences (TIMS) has maintained a running debate since its inception on its objectives in this area.33 Although the integration of science and manage¬ment has been emphasized, divergent opinions eventually resulted in a split which is reflected in the publication of a two-part journal (Series A—Sciences, and Series B—Managerial).34 This move illustrates Boulding's lament, referred to in Chapter 1.Hence physicists only talk to physicists, economists to economists —worse still, nuclear physicists talk only to nuclear physicists and econometricians to econometricians. One wonders sometimes if science will not grind to a stop in an assemblage of walled-in her¬mits, each Mumbling to himself words in a private language that only he can understand."Whiie many causal factors could be identified, a basic contro¬versy revolves around the question of problem versus technique orienta►ion. In the extreme, managers are interested in problem"Louis T. Rader, "Roadblocks to Progress in the Management Sciences and Opera¬tiom; Research," Management Science, February 1965, p. C-2.."The journal cover states: "An international society to identify, extend and unify scientific kn3wledge pertaining to management.""Since 1967 the division has been Theory and Application."Kenneth Boulding, "General Systems Theory: The Skeleton of Science," Mattage¬ment Sct•nc•. April 1956, p. 198
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
l'olitely, masalahnya adalah salah satu komunikasi. Lebih blak-blakan, itu salah satu jargon. Aku bisa mengerti mengapa obat memiliki jargon nya. Ini kembali ke Aristoteles dan Hippocrates. Dan aku bisa mengerti mengapa hukum memiliki jargon nya. Itu akan kembali ke Solon. Dan kedua bidang telah di-congruities dan anakronisme tentang mereka yang, 1 kira, akan selalu membingungkan orang awam. Tapi mengapa ilmu lahir di pertengahan abad ini harus perlu kata-kata seperti "algoritma," "heuristik," dan "stochastic" dalam komunikasi dengan manajemen membingungkan saya. Mereka dapat diterjemahkan, karena mereka hampir selalu ber-bahkan dalam makalah teknis. Jadi mengapa menggunakan bahasa asing saat. pesan saja mungkin cukup kompleks dalam bahasa Inggris. Anda mungkin tidak setuju dengan pandangan saya, tapi saya jamin bahwa bahasa merupakan penghalang untuk kemajuan dan Anda sekalian (ilmuwan / teknisi) terus menempatkan batu-batu komunikasi ini di jalur manajemen bahkan simpatik. "
Masalah pelaksanaan temuan ilmiah telah paling penting dalam pikiran banyak peneliti. Ini adalah topik abadi untuk diskusi pada pertemuan profesional, dan lebih baik nitas
kation biasanya dikutip sebagai langkah penting dalam mencapai mutualitas kepentingan. Lembaga Ilmu Manajemen (TIMS) telah mempertahankan menjalankan sebuah perdebatan sejak awal pada tujuan dalam area.33 ini Meskipun integrasi ilmu dan manage¬ment telah ditekankan, pendapat yang berbeda akhirnya menimbulkan perpecahan yang tercermin dalam publikasi jurnal dua bagian (Seri A-Sciences, dan Seri B-Manajerial) .34 Langkah ini menggambarkan ratapan Boulding, sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Bab 1.
Oleh karena itu fisikawan hanya berbicara dengan fisikawan, ekonom ekonom -worse masih, fisikawan nuklir hanya berbicara dengan fisikawan nuklir dan ekonometri untuk ekonometri. Kadang-kadang orang bertanya-tanya jika ilmu pengetahuan tidak akan menggiling berhenti di satu himpunan berdinding di her¬mits, masing-masing bergumam pada dirinya sendiri kata-kata dalam bahasa pribadi yang hanya ia bisa mengerti. "
Whiie banyak faktor penyebab dapat diidentifikasi, sebuah contro¬ dasar versy berkisar pada pertanyaan tentang masalah dibandingkan teknik orienta►ion Dalam ekstrim, manajer tertarik masalah.
"Louis T. Rader," rintangan untuk Kemajuan dalam Ilmu Manajemen dan Opera¬tiom, Penelitian, "Ilmu Manajemen, Februari 1965, p. C-2.
Sebuah masyarakat internasional untuk mengidentifikasi, memperluas dan menyatukan kn3wledge ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan manajemen ".:" Negara-negara penutup jurnal ".
"Sejak tahun 1967 divisi ini telah Teori dan Aplikasi.
"Kenneth Boulding," Teori Sistem Umum: The Skeleton Ilmu, "Mattage¬ment Sct • nc •. April 1956, hlm. 198

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