This case study chronicled the demise of the second largest auto maker terjemahan - This case study chronicled the demise of the second largest auto maker Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

This case study chronicled the demi

This case study chronicled the demise of the second largest auto maker in the world. General Motors was a one hundred year old company that enjoyed huge success. However, near the end of 2008, GM was suffering losses of two billion dollars per month and was on the verge of bankruptcy. Rick Wagoner became the youngest CEO in the company’s history and definitely had the fast track to the top. Wagoner enjoyed the success that was built for him by others prior to his reign as CEO. However, it would seem that the company lacked vision as to where the world was headed in regards to the future of the automobile industry. After huge successes with the large SUV markets, when gas prices started to soar, SUV’s lost market share rapidly. This decline started GM’s demise. With the seemingly inability to recognize these changes, GM watched as other automakers adapted and started selling successfully hybrid vehicles.
On the brink of bankruptcy, Wagoner knew he had to ask for help. He knew that with the failures of major lending and banking agencies and the bailouts being offered by the government, that this may be his only chance to save the company. Eventually, congress made it possible to give GM a bailout option. But even with the option available, Wagoner and fellow company executives failed to meet requirements of the bailout terms. Wagoner was forced to resign and GM was bought out by the “new GM Company” and the government retained control of the new company. With the government’s involvement in bailing out GM and other banks, came harsh criticism from those who warned against socialism and protecting capitalism and the free market values.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
This case study chronicled the demise of the second largest auto maker in the world. General Motors was a one hundred year old company that enjoyed huge success. However, near the end of 2008, GM was suffering losses of two billion dollars per month and was on the verge of bankruptcy. Rick Wagoner became the youngest CEO in the company’s history and definitely had the fast track to the top. Wagoner enjoyed the success that was built for him by others prior to his reign as CEO. However, it would seem that the company lacked vision as to where the world was headed in regards to the future of the automobile industry. After huge successes with the large SUV markets, when gas prices started to soar, SUV’s lost market share rapidly. This decline started GM’s demise. With the seemingly inability to recognize these changes, GM watched as other automakers adapted and started selling successfully hybrid vehicles.On the brink of bankruptcy, Wagoner knew he had to ask for help. He knew that with the failures of major lending and banking agencies and the bailouts being offered by the government, that this may be his only chance to save the company. Eventually, congress made it possible to give GM a bailout option. But even with the option available, Wagoner and fellow company executives failed to meet requirements of the bailout terms. Wagoner was forced to resign and GM was bought out by the “new GM Company” and the government retained control of the new company. With the government’s involvement in bailing out GM and other banks, came harsh criticism from those who warned against socialism and protecting capitalism and the free market values.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Studi kasus ini mencatat kematian pembuat mobil terbesar kedua di dunia. General Motors adalah sebuah perusahaan berusia seratus tahun yang menikmati sukses besar. Namun, menjelang akhir 2008, GM adalah menderita kerugian dari dua miliar dolar per bulan dan berada di ambang kebangkrutan. Rick Wagoner menjadi CEO termuda dalam sejarah perusahaan dan pasti memiliki jalur cepat ke atas. Wagoner menikmati keberhasilan yang dibangun untuknya oleh orang lain sebelum pemerintahannya sebagai CEO. Namun, tampaknya bahwa perusahaan tidak memiliki visi ke mana dunia sedang menuju dalam hal masa depan industri otomotif. Setelah sukses besar dengan pasar SUV besar, ketika harga gas mulai melambung, pangsa pasar yang hilang SUV cepat. Penurunan ini mulai kematian GM. Dengan tampaknya ketidakmampuan untuk mengenali perubahan ini, GM menyaksikan mobil lain diadaptasi dan mulai menjual kendaraan berhasil hybrid.
Di ambang kebangkrutan, Wagoner tahu ia harus meminta bantuan. Dia tahu bahwa dengan kegagalan lembaga pinjaman dan perbankan besar dan dana talangan yang ditawarkan oleh pemerintah, bahwa ini mungkin satu-satunya kesempatan untuk menyelamatkan perusahaan. Akhirnya, kongres memungkinkan untuk memberikan GM pilihan bailout. Tetapi bahkan dengan pilihan yang tersedia, Wagoner dan sesama eksekutif perusahaan gagal memenuhi persyaratan persyaratan bailout. Wagoner dipaksa mengundurkan diri dan GM dibeli oleh "GM Perusahaan baru" dan pemerintah mempertahankan kontrol dari perusahaan baru. Dengan keterlibatan pemerintah dalam bailing out GM dan bank lain, datang kritik keras dari orang-orang yang memperingatkan terhadap sosialisme dan melindungi kapitalisme dan nilai-nilai pasar bebas.
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