The sys­tem starts the rec­i­p­ro­cal, when 10 sec­onds, I was trans­m terjemahan - The sys­tem starts the rec­i­p­ro­cal, when 10 sec­onds, I was trans­m Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The sys­tem starts the rec­i­p­ro­c

The sys­tem starts the rec­i­p­ro­cal, when 10 sec­onds, I was trans­mit­ted the ad­mis­sion di­rectly in!
A per­son of dou­ble sword, the match is a swords­man of named peer­less squid, looks like the equip­ment not very strong ap­pear­ance, spirit Yu Qi, pur­ple con­tin­u­ous rain and Saint sun­light have, is very dis­or­derly, but he vis­its me very much ex­cit­edly, said: „This luck is re­ally a back, first meets Xiao Yao Zi Zai, cal­cu­lates that gets this box lunch, I rec­og­nized!”
My friendly smil­ing: „Come, fights to the death!”
Op­po­site party metic­u­lous in ad­di­tion holds the skill, mumps to pro­tect the bod­ies and armor of 11 pro­mo­tion mump­ing, but the wall and the frost Hua Bingjia com­pletely in ad­di­tion my also mump­ing holds well, this hero's wing does not bring the pet not to bring the sad­dle horse, is the hard strength re­sis­tance of player, pours fairly is also fairer.
The peer­less squid raised the long sword then to start the charge, I looked clearly, the under foot slid slightly, MISS suc­ceeded, but also in MISS this mo­ment, the peer­less squid turned around is a sword blade edge ad­vance, but I judged the dis­tance, the rapid back­lash, the Longchi sword shiv­ered, the Xun tri­gram wind cut to save, pulled open 6 yards with him, hap­pen to the sword blade edge ad­vance de­liv­ered to under my sword, raised the Longchi sword is Xun tri­gram wind cuts!
The left hand fire Yao Son of Heaven sweeps, Pu Gongjia holds the ef­fect of flame fierce swords­man­ship, above the sword blade edge full is the blaz­ing flame!
Twice at­tacks, the peer­less squid knees down im­me­di­ately, the face pastes in the place, is hav­ing the grat­i­fied smil­ing face: „Loses under that strong match sword, my life re­gret­less”
I: „”
Two peo­ple were sent out to­gether com­pared with the mu­si­cians who play per­cus­sion in­stru­ments, on the large screen also pre­sented the pri­mary score of both sides
1 : 0!
Lifts the hand to turn over to sheath the dou­ble sword, I said: „OK, my duty has been ac­com­plished, re­ceived to come to see your.”
Lin Wan Er nods: „Um!”
Our [Zhan Long] beau­ti­ful woman vice- guild­mas­ter was trans­mit­ted into com­pared with the mu­si­cians who play per­cus­sion in­stru­ments, her match is one named does not smile re­gret Mage, is about 20 + -year-old young peo­ple, looks at Lin Wan Er, im­me­di­ately said hap­pily fully: „My match is Tian Ling Em­pire first beau­ti­ful woman Cang Tong, was re­ally too happy, was too happy”
Lin Wan Er is re­signed-look­ing, raises dag­ger, the per­sonal ap­pear­ance sinks slightly, says with a smile: „Was my what the Tian Ling Em­pire first beau­ti­ful woman? Do not speak at a ven­ture, fights”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The sys­tem starts the rec­i­p­ro­cal, when 10 sec­onds, I was trans­mit­ted the ad­mis­sion di­rectly in!„Brushes!”A per­son of dou­ble sword, the match is a swords­man of named peer­less squid, looks like the equip­ment not very strong ap­pear­ance, spirit Yu Qi, pur­ple con­tin­u­ous rain and Saint sun­light have, is very dis­or­derly, but he vis­its me very much ex­cit­edly, said: „This luck is re­ally a back, first meets Xiao Yao Zi Zai, cal­cu­lates that gets this box lunch, I rec­og­nized!”My friendly smil­ing: „Come, fights to the death!”„OK!”Op­po­site party metic­u­lous in ad­di­tion holds the skill, mumps to pro­tect the bod­ies and armor of 11 pro­mo­tion mump­ing, but the wall and the frost Hua Bingjia com­pletely in ad­di­tion my also mump­ing holds well, this hero's wing does not bring the pet not to bring the sad­dle horse, is the hard strength re­sis­tance of player, pours fairly is also fairer.„Came!”The peer­less squid raised the long sword then to start the charge, I looked clearly, the under foot slid slightly, MISS suc­ceeded, but also in MISS this mo­ment, the peer­less squid turned around is a sword blade edge ad­vance, but I judged the dis­tance, the rapid back­lash, the Longchi sword shiv­ered, the Xun tri­gram wind cut to save, pulled open 6 yards with him, hap­pen to the sword blade edge ad­vance de­liv­ered to under my sword, raised the Longchi sword is Xun tri­gram wind cuts!„15272!”The left hand fire Yao Son of Heaven sweeps, Pu Gongjia holds the ef­fect of flame fierce swords­man­ship, above the sword blade edge full is the blaz­ing flame!„11227!”Twice at­tacks, the peer­less squid knees down im­me­di­ately, the face pastes in the place, is hav­ing the grat­i­fied smil­ing face: „Loses under that strong match sword, my life re­gret­less”I: „”Two peo­ple were sent out to­gether com­pared with the mu­si­cians who play per­cus­sion in­stru­ments, on the large screen also pre­sented the pri­mary score of both sides1 : 0!Lifts the hand to turn over to sheath the dou­ble sword, I said: „OK, my duty has been ac­com­plished, re­ceived to come to see your.”Lin Wan Er nods: „Um!”Our [Zhan Long] beau­ti­ful woman vice- guild­mas­ter was trans­mit­ted into com­pared with the mu­si­cians who play per­cus­sion in­stru­ments, her match is one named does not smile re­gret Mage, is about 20 + -year-old young peo­ple, looks at Lin Wan Er, im­me­di­ately said hap­pily fully: „My match is Tian Ling Em­pire first beau­ti­ful woman Cang Tong, was re­ally too happy, was too happy”Lin Wan Er is re­signed-look­ing, raises dag­ger, the per­sonal ap­pear­ance sinks slightly, says with a smile: „Was my what the Tian Ling Em­pire first beau­ti­ful woman? Do not speak at a ven­ture, fights”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sistem ini dimulai dengan timbal balik, ketika 10 detik, saya ditularkan pengakuan langsung dalam!
Seseorang pedang ganda, pertandingan adalah pendekar bernama cumi taranya, seperti peralatan tidak penampilan yang sangat kuat, semangat Yu Qi , ungu hujan terus menerus dan Saint sinar matahari memiliki, sangat kacau, tapi ia mengunjungi saya sangat banyak semangat, mengatakan: "! keberuntungan ini benar-benar kembali, pertama kali bertemu Xiao Yao Zi Zai, menghitung yang mendapat kotak makan siang ini, saya diakui"
My ramah tersenyum: "Ayo, perkelahian sampai mati!"
party Opposite teliti selain memegang keterampilan, gondok untuk melindungi tubuh dan baju besi dari 11 promosi mumping, tapi dinding dan es Hua Bingjia benar-benar di samping saya juga mumping memegang baik, sayap ini pahlawan tidak membawa hewan peliharaan untuk tidak membawa kuda pelana, adalah perlawanan kekuatan keras dari pemain, menuangkan cukup juga lebih adil.
cumi-cumi taranya mengangkat pedang panjang kemudian mulai muatan, aku melihat dengan jelas, kaki bawah meluncur sedikit, LEWATKAN berhasil, tetapi juga di LEWATKAN saat ini, cumi-cumi taranya berbalik adalah tepi muka pedang pisau, tapi saya menilai jarak, tendangan cepat, pedang Longchi menggigil, yang Xun trigram angin memotong untuk menyelamatkan, menarik terbuka 6 yard dengan dia, terjadi pada muka ujung pedang pisau dikirim ke bawah pedangku, mengangkat pedang Longchi adalah pemotongan Xun trigram angin!
api tangan kiri Yao Putra Langit menyapu, Pu Gongjia memegang efek api pedang sengit, di atas pedang pisau tepi penuh api menyala!
serangan Dua kali, lutut cumi taranya down segera, pasta wajah di tempat, adalah memiliki wajah tersenyum puas: "Kerugian di bawah pedang pertandingan yang kuat, hidup saya Regretless "
saya:" "
Dua orang yang dikirim bersama-sama dibandingkan dengan musisi yang memainkan alat perkusi, pada layar besar juga disajikan skor utama dari kedua belah pihak
1: 0
Lift tangan untuk mengubah ke selubung pedang ganda, saya berkata: "OK, tugas saya telah dicapai, diterima untuk datang untuk melihat Anda."
Lin Wan Er mengangguk: "! Um"
kami [Zhan panjang] Guildmaster wanita cantik wakil ditransmisikan ke dibandingkan dengan musisi yang memainkan alat perkusi, jodohnya adalah salah satu nama tidak tersenyum menyesal Mage, sekitar 20 + orang-orang muda -tahun-tua, melihat Lin Wan Er, segera berkata dengan gembira sepenuhnya: "pertandingan saya adalah Tian Ling Empire pertama yang indah wanita Cang Tong, benar-benar terlalu senang, terlalu senang "
Lin Wan Er mengundurkan diri tampak, menimbulkan belati, penampilan pribadi tenggelam sedikit, sambil tersenyum:" Apakah yang pertama wanita cantik saya Tian Ling Empire? Jangan berbicara di sebuah usaha, perkelahian "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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