ChymotrypsinDATABANKSMEROPS name: chymotrypsin A (cattle-type) MEROPS  terjemahan - ChymotrypsinDATABANKSMEROPS name: chymotrypsin A (cattle-type) MEROPS  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

ChymotrypsinDATABANKSMEROPS name: c

MEROPS name: chymotrypsin A (cattle-type) MEROPS classification: clan PA, subclan PA(S), family
S1, subfamily S1A, peptidase S01.001
Tertiarystructure: Available
Speciesdistribution: known only from BosTaurus
Reference sequence from: Bos taurus(UniProt:P00766)
MEROPSname: chymotrypsin B
MEROPS classification: clan PA, subclan PA(S), family
S1, subfamily S1A, peptidase S01.152
Tertiary structure: Available
Speciesdistribution: superclass Tetrapoda
Referencesequence from: Bos taurus(UniProt:P00767)
Name and History
It has been known for a long time that cattle pancreatic juice possesses the property of digesting proteins [1]. Ku¨hnesuggested that this property of the juice was due to the presence of an ‘unorganized ferment’ or enzyme that he named ‘trypsin’. Subsequent studies revealed that the pancreatic juice contains more than just one proteinase, and the name trypsin was retained to designate the one that was thought to be the most important [2]. Historic experiments reviewed by Northropet al. [3] showed that the freshly secreted pancreatic juice contains
proteinases in inactive (proenzyme) forms and that these proenzymes undergo activation upon addition of extracts of the small intestine, or upon standing in slightly acid
solution. Chymotrypsin was identified as the second major proteinase component of the pancreatic juice (see [3]). Cattle chymotrypsinogen A, the precursor form of chymotrypsin A, was first crystallized by Kunitz & Northrop[4]. A second crystalline cattle chymotrypsinogen, named chymotrypsinogen B, which on activation leads to a crystallizable chymotrypsin B, was obtained by Laskowski[5]. Complete amino acid sequences of both forms, chymotrypsinogen A [6,7] and chymotrypsinogen B[8] were determined, revealing an 80% sequence identity between the two proteins. They are present in the cattle pancreas in equal quantities, and have similar, though
not identical, activation and activity properties (see below). Chymotrypsin cDNAs with apparent sequence similarities to either cattle chymotrypsin A (e.g. human chymotrypsin:[9]) or to cattle chymotrypsin B (e.g. rat chymotrypsin:[10]) have been cloned from a variety of species. Studies on the activation mechanisms of chymotrypsinogenAand on the characterization of a series of molecular forms of the active proteinase have a long and interesting history. In theory, tryptic cleavage of a single peptide bond, the Arg15kIle16 bond of the proenzyme, is sufficient to activate chymotrypsinogen A (or B). The activation mechanism of the proenzyme, however, turned out to be a much more complex one, in fact a combination of activating (by trypsin action) and autolytic events (by chymotrypsin action). Northropet al. [3] andJacobsen [11]
activated chymotrypsinogen A with chymotrypsinogen to trypsin ratios of 104 and 30, respectively, giving rise to chymotrypsins of the ‘α-type’ by slow activation, or the γ-type’ by fast activation, respectively (Figure 582.1). The α- andγ-chymotrypsins have identical primary structures:
the three polypeptide chains of residues 113 (the activation peptide), residues 16147 and residues 149246 are held together with disulfide bridges. These two forms of chymotrypsin A, however, were shown to have somewhat different enzymatic properties and stabilities [12], and
X-ray structures[13]. Intermediate forms of the two activation mechanisms have the chain compositions as follows:
residues 1146 and 149246 (neochymotrypsinogen) [‘slow’ activation], residues 115 and 16246 (π-chymotrypsin), residues 113 and 16246 (π-chymotrypsin) [‘fast’ activation][12,14].
During the past decades chymotrypsin and related members of the pancreatic serine proteinase family have become favorite models with which to investigate many aspects of enzymology, including the molecular mechanisms of proenzyme activation [15] andsubstrate-specific
Activity and Specificity
The specificity of chymotrypsin for hydrolysis of peptide bonds formed by the carboxyl groups of Tyr, Phe, Trp and Leu has been recognized for some time[6,12,14].As earlyas the late 1930s, Bergmann & Fruton[16] realized
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
ChymotrypsinDATABANKSMEROPS name: chymotrypsin A (cattle-type) MEROPS classification: clan PA, subclan PA(S), familyS1, subfamily S1A, peptidase S01.001IUBMB: EC AvailableSpeciesdistribution: known only from BosTaurusReference sequence from: Bos taurus(UniProt:P00766)MEROPSname: chymotrypsin BMEROPS classification: clan PA, subclan PA(S), familyS1, subfamily S1A, peptidase S01.152Tertiary structure: AvailableSpeciesdistribution: superclass TetrapodaReferencesequence from: Bos taurus(UniProt:P00767)Name and HistoryIt has been known for a long time that cattle pancreatic juice possesses the property of digesting proteins [1]. Ku¨hnesuggested that this property of the juice was due to the presence of an ‘unorganized ferment’ or enzyme that he named ‘trypsin’. Subsequent studies revealed that the pancreatic juice contains more than just one proteinase, and the name trypsin was retained to designate the one that was thought to be the most important [2]. Historic experiments reviewed by Northropet al. [3] showed that the freshly secreted pancreatic juice containsproteinases in inactive (proenzyme) forms and that these proenzymes undergo activation upon addition of extracts of the small intestine, or upon standing in slightly acidsolution. Chymotrypsin was identified as the second major proteinase component of the pancreatic juice (see [3]). Cattle chymotrypsinogen A, the precursor form of chymotrypsin A, was first crystallized by Kunitz & Northrop[4]. A second crystalline cattle chymotrypsinogen, named chymotrypsinogen B, which on activation leads to a crystallizable chymotrypsin B, was obtained by Laskowski[5]. Complete amino acid sequences of both forms, chymotrypsinogen A [6,7] and chymotrypsinogen B[8] were determined, revealing an 80% sequence identity between the two proteins. They are present in the cattle pancreas in equal quantities, and have similar, thoughnot identical, activation and activity properties (see below). Chymotrypsin cDNAs with apparent sequence similarities to either cattle chymotrypsin A (e.g. human chymotrypsin:[9]) or to cattle chymotrypsin B (e.g. rat chymotrypsin:[10]) have been cloned from a variety of species. Studies on the activation mechanisms of chymotrypsinogenAand on the characterization of a series of molecular forms of the active proteinase have a long and interesting history. In theory, tryptic cleavage of a single peptide bond, the Arg15kIle16 bond of the proenzyme, is sufficient to activate chymotrypsinogen A (or B). The activation mechanism of the proenzyme, however, turned out to be a much more complex one, in fact a combination of activating (by trypsin action) and autolytic events (by chymotrypsin action). Northropet al. [3] andJacobsen [11]activated chymotrypsinogen A with chymotrypsinogen to trypsin ratios of 104 and 30, respectively, giving rise to chymotrypsins of the ‘α-type’ by slow activation, or the γ-type’ by fast activation, respectively (Figure 582.1). The α- andγ-chymotrypsins have identical primary structures:the three polypeptide chains of residues 113 (the activation peptide), residues 16147 and residues 149246 are held together with disulfide bridges. These two forms of chymotrypsin A, however, were shown to have somewhat different enzymatic properties and stabilities [12], andX-ray structures[13]. Intermediate forms of the two activation mechanisms have the chain compositions as follows:residues 1146 and 149246 (neochymotrypsinogen) [‘slow’ activation], residues 115 and 16246 (π-chymotrypsin), residues 113 and 16246 (π-chymotrypsin) [‘fast’ activation][12,14].During the past decades chymotrypsin and related members of the pancreatic serine proteinase family have become favorite models with which to investigate many aspects of enzymology, including the molecular mechanisms of proenzyme activation [15] andsubstrate-specificcatalysis[16,17,18,19].Activity and SpecificityThe specificity of chymotrypsin for hydrolysis of peptide bonds formed by the carboxyl groups of Tyr, Phe, Trp and Leu has been recognized for some time[6,12,14].As earlyas the late 1930s, Bergmann & Fruton[16] realized
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
menggunakan data
Nama Merops: Chymotrypsin A (sapi-type) Merops Klasifikasi: klan PA, subclan PA (S), keluarga
S1, subfamili S1A, peptidase S01.001
Tertiarystructure: Tersedia
Speciesdistribution: hanya diketahui dari BosTaurus
Referensi urutan dari: Bos taurus (UniProt: P00766)
MEROPSname: kimotripsin B
klasifikasi Merops: klan PA, subclan PA (S), keluarga
S1, subfamili S1A, peptidase S01.152
struktur tersier: Tersedia
Speciesdistribution: superclass Tetrapoda
Referencesequence dari: Bos taurus (UniProt: P00767)
Nama dan Sejarah
Telah diketahui sejak lama bahwa sapi jus pankreas memiliki properti mencerna protein [1]. Ku¨hnesuggested bahwa properti jus itu karena kehadiran 'fermentasi terorganisir' atau enzim yang ia beri nama 'tripsin'. Penelitian selanjutnya menunjukkan bahwa jus pankreas mengandung lebih dari satu proteinase, dan nama tripsin dipertahankan untuk menunjuk salah satu yang dianggap paling penting [2]. Eksperimen bersejarah ditinjau oleh Northropet al. [3] menunjukkan bahwa jus pankreas baru disekresikan mengandung
proteinase di aktif (proenzim) bentuk dan proenzymes ini mengalami aktivasi setelah penambahan ekstrak dari usus kecil, atau pada saat berdiri di sedikit asam
solusi. Kimotripsin diidentifikasi sebagai komponen utama proteinase kedua jus pankreas (lihat [3]). Sapi chymotrypsinogen A, bentuk prekursor kimotripsin A, pertama kali dikristalisasi oleh Kunitz & Northrop [4]. Sebuah sapi kristal kedua chymotrypsinogen, bernama chymotrypsinogen B, yang pada aktivasi mengarah ke dikristalisasi kimotripsin B, diperoleh Laskowski [5]. Urutan asam amino yang lengkap dari kedua bentuk, chymotrypsinogen A [6,7] dan chymotrypsinogen B [8] ditentukan, mengungkapkan identitas urutan 80% antara dua protein. Mereka hadir dalam pankreas sapi dalam jumlah yang sama, dan memiliki serupa, meskipun
tidak identik, aktivasi dan aktivitas properti (lihat di bawah). Chymotrypsin cDNA dengan urutan jelas kesamaan baik ternak Chymotrypsin A (misalnya kimotripsin manusia: [9]) atau sapi kimotripsin B (misalnya tikus kimotripsin: [10]) telah diklon dari berbagai spesies. Studi tentang mekanisme aktivasi chymotrypsinogenAand pada karakterisasi serangkaian bentuk molekul proteinase aktif memiliki sejarah panjang dan menarik. Secara teori, pembelahan tryptic ikatan peptida tunggal, Arg15kIle16 ikatan proenzim, adalah cukup untuk mengaktifkan chymotrypsinogen A (atau B). Mekanisme aktivasi proenzim, namun, ternyata menjadi yang jauh lebih kompleks, bahkan kombinasi dari mengaktifkan (dengan tindakan tripsin) dan acara autolitik (dengan tindakan kimotripsin). Northropet al. [3] andJacobsen [11]
chymotrypsinogen diaktifkan A dengan chymotrypsinogen untuk tripsin rasio 104 dan 30, masing-masing, sehingga menimbulkan chymotrypsins dari 'α-type' oleh aktivasi lambat, atau γ-tipe 'oleh aktivasi cepat, masing-masing (Gambar 582,1). The α- andγ-chymotrypsins memiliki struktur primer identik:
? rantai polipeptida tiga residu 1 13 (peptida aktivasi), residu 16 147 dan residu 149 246 diadakan bersama-sama dengan disulfida jembatan??. Kedua bentuk kimotripsin A, bagaimanapun, terbukti memiliki sifat yang agak berbeda enzimatik dan kestabilan [12], dan
X-ray struktur [13]. Bentuk-bentuk lanjutan dari dua mekanisme aktivasi memiliki komposisi rantai sebagai berikut:
???? residu 1 146 dan 149 246 (neochymotrypsinogen) ['lambat' aktivasi], residu 1 15 dan 16 246 (π-kimotripsin), residu 1 13? dan 16? 246 (π-kimotripsin) ['cepat' aktivasi] [12,14].
Selama dekade terakhir kimotripsin dan anggota terkait dari pankreas keluarga serin proteinase telah menjadi model favorit yang dapat digunakan untuk menyelidiki banyak aspek enzim, termasuk mekanisme molekuler aktivasi proenzim [15]-spesifik andsubstrate
katalis [16,17,18,19].
Kegiatan dan Spesifisitas
Kekhasan kimotripsin menghidrolisis ikatan peptida yang dibentuk oleh kelompok karboksil dari Tyr, Phe, Trp dan Leu telah diakui untuk beberapa waktu [6,12,14] .Sebagai earlyas akhir 1930-an, Bergmann & Fruton [16] direalisasikan
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