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"Cleopatra, being an Account of the Fall and Vengeance of Harmachis, the Royal Egyptian, as Set Forth by His Own Hand"

This novel begins with an unnamed European doctor visiting a tomb at Aydos, with an band of Arabs led by Ali. Ali had told the doctor about the tomb (which he had robbed), and that there was a coffin yet untouched. They discover the coffin, and observe that the body looks as though it has moved after being placed in the coffin. The doctor partially unwrapped it, and this reinforces his impression. The body is hideous and contorted, and frightens even the hardened Arabs. He discovers the papyrus of which rest of the story is the translation – completed subsequently in London by a qualified archaeologist.

Harmachis, son of Amenemhat, hereditary high priest of Temple of Sethi was born at Abouthis, later Abydos (where Osiris was buried), on the same day as Cleopatra, in reign of Pharaoh Ptolemy Auletes (the Piper). His (unnamed) mother, who died the same day, prophesised that Harmachis would become pharaoh, and sweep the Macdeonian line from the throne. Amenemhat closed the doors of the hall and made all those present swear by the oath that cannot be broken that they will not reveal what has been prophesised. However, Atoua, who had been nurse to his mother and now assumed that role for her son, has difficulty keeping quiet. She tells her daughter, whose husband tells a friend – who is a spy of pharaoh’s.

Greek guards are sent to kill Harmachis, lest the prophecy be fulfilled. Their boat runs aground, and before they come ashore a local farmer and overseer of canals runs to the Temple of Sethi to warn them. Amenemhat is away, visiting the Valley of the Kings. The overseer sees a child, of approximately the same age as Harmachis, asking whose it is. It is Atoua’s grandson. The overseer simply says to her, "woman, thou knowest thy duty, do it!", and Atoua swaps children. The guards kill her grandson. The parents return and are not very please, but Amenemhat, who now also returns, arranges for them to be seized in the night and convey to the secret chambers of the temple, and they are never heard from again.

It is now put about that Harmachis is the grandson of Atoua, adopted by Amenemhat in place of his own son. He is taught the usual priestly knowledge – though he does also go out and kill a lion at 17, against the wishes of his father. His father who now tells him that he is indeed his own son, and that it is foreseen that he will be pharaoh – but not yet will the plan be put into effect, since he cannot be trusted yet (though Ptolemy is just recently deceased). Amenemhat and Harmachis are the only descendants of the pre-Ptolemy pharaohs (specifically from Pharaoh Nekt-nebf, driven out by Ochus the Persian), and throughout Egypt (or Khem as it is generally called) people were already swearing allegiance to him who would be revealed.

Harmachis prays to Isis, for he is to be dedicated to the service if her in particular, and a lotus blossom floats into his hand. He takes this as an omen.

Harmachis is sent to his uncle Sepa, high priest of the Temple of Ra at On (Heliopolis, or Annu el Ra), for further education. On the way, he stopped at Memfi, where he say Apis, the Ptah in the form of a bull, who bowed down to him in front of a select group of high priests and nobles.

He spends 5 years at On, studying religion, astronomy, magic, dreams, Greek and Latin languages, history, politics, etc. Cleopatra is now queen. Harmachis now travels from Annu to Abouthis. After a three month initiation into the mysteries of the gods he is ordained (if such is the term) as a priest of Isis. Because he is to be high priest of Isis – and is pretender to the throne (Amenemhat has always given his place up), he is permitted to commune with Isis, being left in the holy of holies overnight (the priest of Isis who initiates him says that he himself has not undergone this test, and that during his lifetime only three have dared it – only one survived the night).

Harmachis sees Isis in Amenti (the underworld). She tells him that if he succeeds he will sit upon the throne of Egypt and restore her ancient worship in its purity (for the Macedonians were somewhat lax), but that if he fails then Isis would become but a memory in Egypt. She won’t be drawn on whether he will fail, but that it depends upon his strength and the measure of his heart’s purity. She does say that if he should fail heavy indeed shall be his punishment, both in the flesh and in Amenti – though not eternally.

He is now crowned pharaoh in a secret ceremony in the Temple of Sethi at Abouthis, with 37 nobles – some from every nome, and all the High Priests in attendance. He travels to Alexandria to carry out the plan – of which he knows little as yet.

He meets Sepa, who has gone on before to make preparation, and Charmion, his 20 year old niece, who is serving woman to Cleopatra, and despite her relative youth principal architect of the conspiracy. Harmachis observes Cleopatra in a procession, and he attracts her notice by defeating a Nubian guard in a fight, after the guard hits a woman in the street (while clearing the route for the queen). It is arranged through Charmion that Harmachis, in the guise of an astrologer, will have an audience.

Harmachis does the usual rod into snake trick (which as Cleopatra said, any roadside conjurer could do – though I doubt they could now), but then makes it multiple until the room is seething with snakes. He then reads the meaning of a dream Cleopatra has had (about Julius Caesar ), then calls up Caesar’s spirit. He is hired on the spot as court astrologer and magician-in-chief.

Arrangements are made for risings through Egypt, the signal being the death of Cleopatra, whom Harmachis is to dispatch, using his role as astrologer to get close to her. Unfortunately, he doesn’t particularly like the idea of killing her, but steels himself for the task. Meanwhile, Charmion has fallen in love with her cousin, though Harmachis is oblivious to this. He is jealous of Cleopatra – whom she already hates as the hereditary foe of their family – as she sees that Harmachis is falling pray to her attractions.

Atoua arrives from Abouthis with a message form Amenemhat, warning that he has foreseen a great danger overhanging Harmachis, and that if he holds fast to his duty he will prosper. The night of the assassination arrives. Rebels, led by Sepa, await outside the palace, Paulus, the Roman captain of the gate, has been bribed to leave them open. All is ready, and it just awaits the signal – Harmachis stabbing Cleopatra. He enters the waiting room. Charmion, who is indispensable to Cleopatra, goes to seek permission for Harmachis to enter. She is an unusually long time, but finally returns to bid Harmachis enter the Queen’s chamber.

The ostensible reason for visiting Cleopatra was because she had asked him to prepare some astrological predictions. He showed her the results, and the idea was that he would stab her as she read. But she only pretends to read, and it is obvious that she has something on her mind. She plays with him, as a cat would a mouse, and in the end makes him admit that he loves her, and to drink a toast – which is of course drugged. He awakes next morning in his own chamber in the palace, to see the corpse of Paulus on the floor, with Harmachis’ own dagger – that which he was to stab Cleopatra – in his heart. There is a note attached, saying something like "thus die all traitors". Cleopatra tells Harmachis that Paulus has betrayed the plot.

Harmachis is a prisoner in his own rooms. Cleopatra visits him regularly, deliberately entwining him into her snare. As he is told later by Charmion, she was afraid to have him killed, because of the strength of the party attached to him, so preferred to shame him and win him over.

The conspirators have all be captured – thanks to a list of them which Harmachis had in his robe. But Cleopatra promises to spare them – though again the reason is for fear of the strength of the party. Most end up in the desert mines. Sepa has disappeared.

Harmachis is taunted by Charmion – of whose role in the conspiracy Cleopatra is unaware. He knows that he is ruined, since rather than kill the usurper Cleopatra he has become her plaything and tool. However, Cleopatra suggests to him that she will marry him, and thus strengthen her hold on the throne, while making him king.

Meanwhile, Quintus Dellius, an envoy of Antony, arrives. He delivers a blunt summons to Cleopatra to come to Cilicia to answer charges of conspiring with enemies of Rome. Cleopatra tells Harmachis that she has no choice by to submit, because the treasury is empty and they cannot afford to wage war on Antony. She insinuates that if they had the money they could defy Antony, and the rest of the Romans.

Cleopatra knows that Harmachis, as High Priest of Isis, has the secret of the fabled secret treasury of the Pharaohs. He warns her that this can only be touched if the need of Egypt justifies it, for to touch the treasure for improper or insufficient reason would incur the curse of Pharaoh Menka-ra, eh who laid it up.

Cleopatra, Harmachis, and a small following, sail to the pyramids. The others wait at the Nile, while the first two, with a single eunuch, approach the pyramids. They enter the third pyramid through a secret doorway, whose clue is known to Harmachis. They pass three stone doors, which can only be opened by those knowing the location of the hidden locks. Finally they reach a pit, which they must be lowered into. The eunuch stays behind – because it is not lawful that he should enter there. The chamber at the bottom of the pit is the burial chamber of Menka-ra. There is an inscription left by a pharaoh hundreds of years earlier, saying th
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Reocities HOMENEIGHBORHOODSMAKING OFIf you like the project you can donate bitcoins to:1E8rQq9cmv95CrdrLmqaoD6TErUFKok3bF"Cleopatra, being an Account of the Fall and Vengeance of Harmachis, the Royal Egyptian, as Set Forth by His Own Hand"This novel begins with an unnamed European doctor visiting a tomb at Aydos, with an band of Arabs led by Ali. Ali had told the doctor about the tomb (which he had robbed), and that there was a coffin yet untouched. They discover the coffin, and observe that the body looks as though it has moved after being placed in the coffin. The doctor partially unwrapped it, and this reinforces his impression. The body is hideous and contorted, and frightens even the hardened Arabs. He discovers the papyrus of which rest of the story is the translation – completed subsequently in London by a qualified archaeologist.Harmachis, son of Amenemhat, hereditary high priest of Temple of Sethi was born at Abouthis, later Abydos (where Osiris was buried), on the same day as Cleopatra, in reign of Pharaoh Ptolemy Auletes (the Piper). His (unnamed) mother, who died the same day, prophesised that Harmachis would become pharaoh, and sweep the Macdeonian line from the throne. Amenemhat closed the doors of the hall and made all those present swear by the oath that cannot be broken that they will not reveal what has been prophesised. However, Atoua, who had been nurse to his mother and now assumed that role for her son, has difficulty keeping quiet. She tells her daughter, whose husband tells a friend – who is a spy of pharaoh’s.Greek guards are sent to kill Harmachis, lest the prophecy be fulfilled. Their boat runs aground, and before they come ashore a local farmer and overseer of canals runs to the Temple of Sethi to warn them. Amenemhat is away, visiting the Valley of the Kings. The overseer sees a child, of approximately the same age as Harmachis, asking whose it is. It is Atoua’s grandson. The overseer simply says to her, "woman, thou knowest thy duty, do it!", and Atoua swaps children. The guards kill her grandson. The parents return and are not very please, but Amenemhat, who now also returns, arranges for them to be seized in the night and convey to the secret chambers of the temple, and they are never heard from again.It is now put about that Harmachis is the grandson of Atoua, adopted by Amenemhat in place of his own son. He is taught the usual priestly knowledge – though he does also go out and kill a lion at 17, against the wishes of his father. His father who now tells him that he is indeed his own son, and that it is foreseen that he will be pharaoh – but not yet will the plan be put into effect, since he cannot be trusted yet (though Ptolemy is just recently deceased). Amenemhat and Harmachis are the only descendants of the pre-Ptolemy pharaohs (specifically from Pharaoh Nekt-nebf, driven out by Ochus the Persian), and throughout Egypt (or Khem as it is generally called) people were already swearing allegiance to him who would be revealed.Harmachis prays to Isis, for he is to be dedicated to the service if her in particular, and a lotus blossom floats into his hand. He takes this as an omen.Harmachis is sent to his uncle Sepa, high priest of the Temple of Ra at On (Heliopolis, or Annu el Ra), for further education. On the way, he stopped at Memfi, where he say Apis, the Ptah in the form of a bull, who bowed down to him in front of a select group of high priests and nobles.He spends 5 years at On, studying religion, astronomy, magic, dreams, Greek and Latin languages, history, politics, etc. Cleopatra is now queen. Harmachis now travels from Annu to Abouthis. After a three month initiation into the mysteries of the gods he is ordained (if such is the term) as a priest of Isis. Because he is to be high priest of Isis – and is pretender to the throne (Amenemhat has always given his place up), he is permitted to commune with Isis, being left in the holy of holies overnight (the priest of Isis who initiates him says that he himself has not undergone this test, and that during his lifetime only three have dared it – only one survived the night).Harmachis sees Isis in Amenti (the underworld). She tells him that if he succeeds he will sit upon the throne of Egypt and restore her ancient worship in its purity (for the Macedonians were somewhat lax), but that if he fails then Isis would become but a memory in Egypt. She won’t be drawn on whether he will fail, but that it depends upon his strength and the measure of his heart’s purity. She does say that if he should fail heavy indeed shall be his punishment, both in the flesh and in Amenti – though not eternally.He is now crowned pharaoh in a secret ceremony in the Temple of Sethi at Abouthis, with 37 nobles – some from every nome, and all the High Priests in attendance. He travels to Alexandria to carry out the plan – of which he knows little as yet.He meets Sepa, who has gone on before to make preparation, and Charmion, his 20 year old niece, who is serving woman to Cleopatra, and despite her relative youth principal architect of the conspiracy. Harmachis observes Cleopatra in a procession, and he attracts her notice by defeating a Nubian guard in a fight, after the guard hits a woman in the street (while clearing the route for the queen). It is arranged through Charmion that Harmachis, in the guise of an astrologer, will have an audience.Harmachis does the usual rod into snake trick (which as Cleopatra said, any roadside conjurer could do – though I doubt they could now), but then makes it multiple until the room is seething with snakes. He then reads the meaning of a dream Cleopatra has had (about Julius Caesar ), then calls up Caesar’s spirit. He is hired on the spot as court astrologer and magician-in-chief.Arrangements are made for risings through Egypt, the signal being the death of Cleopatra, whom Harmachis is to dispatch, using his role as astrologer to get close to her. Unfortunately, he doesn’t particularly like the idea of killing her, but steels himself for the task. Meanwhile, Charmion has fallen in love with her cousin, though Harmachis is oblivious to this. He is jealous of Cleopatra – whom she already hates as the hereditary foe of their family – as she sees that Harmachis is falling pray to her attractions.Atoua arrives from Abouthis with a message form Amenemhat, warning that he has foreseen a great danger overhanging Harmachis, and that if he holds fast to his duty he will prosper. The night of the assassination arrives. Rebels, led by Sepa, await outside the palace, Paulus, the Roman captain of the gate, has been bribed to leave them open. All is ready, and it just awaits the signal – Harmachis stabbing Cleopatra. He enters the waiting room. Charmion, who is indispensable to Cleopatra, goes to seek permission for Harmachis to enter. She is an unusually long time, but finally returns to bid Harmachis enter the Queen’s chamber.
The ostensible reason for visiting Cleopatra was because she had asked him to prepare some astrological predictions. He showed her the results, and the idea was that he would stab her as she read. But she only pretends to read, and it is obvious that she has something on her mind. She plays with him, as a cat would a mouse, and in the end makes him admit that he loves her, and to drink a toast – which is of course drugged. He awakes next morning in his own chamber in the palace, to see the corpse of Paulus on the floor, with Harmachis’ own dagger – that which he was to stab Cleopatra – in his heart. There is a note attached, saying something like "thus die all traitors". Cleopatra tells Harmachis that Paulus has betrayed the plot.

Harmachis is a prisoner in his own rooms. Cleopatra visits him regularly, deliberately entwining him into her snare. As he is told later by Charmion, she was afraid to have him killed, because of the strength of the party attached to him, so preferred to shame him and win him over.

The conspirators have all be captured – thanks to a list of them which Harmachis had in his robe. But Cleopatra promises to spare them – though again the reason is for fear of the strength of the party. Most end up in the desert mines. Sepa has disappeared.

Harmachis is taunted by Charmion – of whose role in the conspiracy Cleopatra is unaware. He knows that he is ruined, since rather than kill the usurper Cleopatra he has become her plaything and tool. However, Cleopatra suggests to him that she will marry him, and thus strengthen her hold on the throne, while making him king.

Meanwhile, Quintus Dellius, an envoy of Antony, arrives. He delivers a blunt summons to Cleopatra to come to Cilicia to answer charges of conspiring with enemies of Rome. Cleopatra tells Harmachis that she has no choice by to submit, because the treasury is empty and they cannot afford to wage war on Antony. She insinuates that if they had the money they could defy Antony, and the rest of the Romans.

Cleopatra knows that Harmachis, as High Priest of Isis, has the secret of the fabled secret treasury of the Pharaohs. He warns her that this can only be touched if the need of Egypt justifies it, for to touch the treasure for improper or insufficient reason would incur the curse of Pharaoh Menka-ra, eh who laid it up.

Cleopatra, Harmachis, and a small following, sail to the pyramids. The others wait at the Nile, while the first two, with a single eunuch, approach the pyramids. They enter the third pyramid through a secret doorway, whose clue is known to Harmachis. They pass three stone doors, which can only be opened by those knowing the location of the hidden locks. Finally they reach a pit, which they must be lowered into. The eunuch stays behind – because it is not lawful that he should enter there. The chamber at the bottom of the pit is the burial chamber of Menka-ra. There is an inscription left by a pharaoh hundreds of years earlier, saying th
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Reocities HOMENEIGHBORHOODSMAKING OF Jika Anda seperti proyek Anda dapat menyumbangkan Bitcoins ke: 1E8rQq9cmv95CrdrLmqaoD6TErUFKok3bF "Cleopatra, menjadi Rekening Kejatuhan dan Vengeance dari Harmachis, Royal Mesir, yang diatur oleh tangan-Nya sendiri" Novel ini dimulai dengan tidak disebutkan namanya Dokter Eropa mengunjungi makam di Aydos, dengan band Arab yang dipimpin oleh Ali. Ali mengatakan kepada dokter tentang makam (yang telah merampok), dan bahwa ada peti mati belum tersentuh. Mereka menemukan peti mati, dan mengamati bahwa tubuh tampak seolah-olah itu telah pindah setelah ditempatkan dalam peti mati. Dokter sebagian membukanya, dan ini memperkuat kesan nya. Tubuh adalah mengerikan dan berkerut, dan takut bahkan orang-orang Arab mengeras. Ia menemukan papirus yang sisa dari cerita ini adalah terjemahan -. Selesai kemudian di London oleh seorang arkeolog yang berkualitas Harmachis, anak Amenemhat, imam besar turun-temurun dari Temple of Sethi lahir di Abouthis, kemudian Abydos (di mana Osiris dimakamkan), pada hari yang sama dengan Cleopatra, di masa pemerintahan Firaun Ptolemy Auletes (Piper). Nya (tidak disebutkan namanya) ibu, yang meninggal pada hari yang sama, prophesised bahwa Harmachis akan menjadi firaun, dan menyapu garis Macdeonian dari takhta. Amenemhat menutup pintu-pintu aula dan membuat semua yang hadir bersumpah dengan sumpah yang tidak dapat rusak bahwa mereka tidak akan mengungkapkan apa yang telah prophesised. Namun, Atoua, yang telah perawat ibunya dan sekarang diasumsikan bahwa peran anaknya, telah kesulitan menjaga tenang. Dia mengatakan putrinya, yang suaminya menceritakan teman -. Yang merupakan mata-mata dari firaun penjaga Yunani dikirim untuk membunuh Harmachis, supaya nubuat terpenuhi. Perahu mereka kandas berjalan, dan sebelum mereka datang ke darat petani lokal dan pengawas kanal berjalan ke Kuil Sethi untuk memperingatkan mereka. Amenemhat sedang pergi, mengunjungi Lembah Para Raja. Pengawas melihat anak, sekitar usia yang sama seperti Harmachis, meminta yang itu. Ini adalah cucu Atoua itu. Pengawas hanya mengatakan padanya, "wanita, Engkau tahu tugas-Mu, melakukannya!", Dan Atoua swap anak. Para penjaga membunuh cucunya. Orang tua kembali dan tidak sangat silakan, tapi Amenemhat, yang kini juga kembali, mengatur bagi mereka untuk disita di malam hari dan menyampaikan ke kamar-kamar rahasia kuil, dan mereka tidak pernah terdengar lagi. Sekarang menempatkan sekitar itu Harmachis adalah cucu dari Atoua, diadopsi oleh Amenemhat di tempat anaknya sendiri. Dia mengajarkan pengetahuan imam biasa - meskipun ia juga pergi keluar dan membunuh seekor singa di 17, melawan keinginan ayahnya. Ayahnya yang kini mengatakan bahwa ia memang anaknya sendiri, dan bahwa itu meramalkan bahwa ia akan firaun - tetapi belum akan rencana akan diberlakukan, karena ia tidak bisa dipercaya lagi (meskipun Ptolemy hanya baru saja meninggal) . Amenemhat dan Harmachis adalah satu-satunya keturunan firaun pra-Ptolemeus (khususnya dari Firaun Nekt-nebf, didorong oleh Ochus Persia), dan seluruh Mesir (atau Khem seperti yang umumnya disebut) orang sudah bersumpah setia kepada orang yang akan terungkap. Harmachis berdoa kepada Isis, karena ia harus didedikasikan untuk layanan jika dirinya pada khususnya, dan bunga teratai mengapung ke tangannya. Dia mengambil ini sebagai pertanda. Harmachis dikirim ke pamannya Sepa, imam besar dari Kuil Ra di On (Heliopolis, atau Annu el Ra), untuk pendidikan lebih lanjut. Dalam perjalanan, ia berhenti di Memfi, di mana ia mengatakan Apis, yang Ptah dalam bentuk banteng, yang membungkuk kepadanya di depan kelompok memilih imam besar dan bangsawan. Dia menghabiskan 5 tahun di On, belajar agama, astronomi, sihir, mimpi, bahasa Yunani dan Latin, sejarah, politik, dll Cleopatra sekarang Ratu. Harmachis sekarang perjalanan dari Annu ke Abouthis. Setelah inisiasi tiga bulan ke dalam misteri para dewa ia ditahbiskan (jika itu adalah istilah) sebagai imam Isis. Karena dia menjadi imam besar dari Isis - dan pura-pura takhta (Amenemhat selalu diberi tempat ke atas), ia diizinkan untuk berkomunikasi dengan Isis, yang tersisa di Mahakudus semalam (imam Isis yang memulai dia mengatakan bahwa ia sendiri belum mengalami tes ini, dan selama hidupnya hanya tiga telah berani itu - hanya satu selamat malam). Harmachis melihat Isis di Amenti (dunia bawah). Dia mengatakan kepadanya bahwa jika ia berhasil ia akan duduk di atas takhta Mesir dan mengembalikan ibadah kuno dia di kemurniannya (untuk orang Makedonia yang agak longgar), tetapi jika ia gagal maka Isis akan menjadi tapi memori di Mesir. Dia tidak akan ditarik pada apakah ia akan gagal, tetapi itu tergantung pada kekuatan dan ukuran kemurnian hatinya. Dia tidak mengatakan bahwa jika ia harus gagal berat memang akan hukumannya, baik dalam daging dan di Amenti -. Meskipun tidak selamanya Ia dimahkotai firaun dalam sebuah upacara rahasia di Kuil Sethi di Abouthis, dengan 37 bangsawan - beberapa dari setiap nome, dan semua imam besar yang hadir. Ia melakukan perjalanan ke Alexandria untuk melaksanakan rencana tersebut -. Dari mana dia tahu sedikit belum Dia bertemu Sepa, yang telah pergi sebelumnya untuk melakukan persiapan, dan Charmion, keponakan berusia 20 tahun itu, yang menjalani wanita untuk Cleopatra, dan meskipun dia relatif arsitek utama pemuda konspirasi. Harmachis mengamati Cleopatra dalam prosesi, dan ia menarik perhatian nya dengan mengalahkan penjaga Nubia dalam perkelahian, setelah penjaga hits seorang wanita di jalan (sambil membersihkan rute untuk ratu). Hal ini diatur melalui Charmion yang Harmachis, dalam kedok seorang peramal, akan memiliki penonton. Harmachis melakukan batang yang biasa menjadi ular trik (yang seperti kata Cleopatra, setiap tukang sulap pinggir jalan bisa melakukan - meskipun aku ragu sekarang mereka bisa), tapi kemudian membuat beberapa sampai ruangan yang mendidih dengan ular. Dia kemudian membaca arti mimpi Cleopatra telah memiliki (sekitar Julius Caesar), kemudian memanggil roh Caesar. Ia dipekerjakan di tempat sebagai peramal pengadilan dan penyihir-in-chief. Pengaturan yang dibuat untuk risings melalui Mesir, sinyal menjadi kematian Cleopatra, yang Harmachis adalah untuk mengirimkan, menggunakan perannya sebagai peramal untuk mendapatkan dekat dengannya. Sayangnya, ia tidak terlalu menyukai gagasan membunuh, tapi baja dirinya untuk tugas tersebut. Sementara itu, Charmion telah jatuh cinta dengan sepupunya, meskipun Harmachis adalah menyadari hal ini. Dia cemburu Cleopatra - yang ia sudah membenci sebagai musuh turun-temurun dari keluarga mereka - saat ia melihat bahwa Harmachis adalah jatuh berdoa untuk atraksi nya. Atoua datang dari Abouthis dengan bentuk pesan Amenemhat, memperingatkan bahwa ia telah meramalkan bahaya besar menggantung Harmachis , dan bahwa jika ia memegang teguh tugasnya dia akan berhasil. Malam pembunuhan itu tiba. Pemberontak, yang dipimpin oleh Sepa, menunggu di luar istana, Paulus, kapten Roma gerbang, telah disuap untuk meninggalkan mereka terbuka. Semua sudah siap, dan itu hanya menunggu sinyal - Harmachis menusuk Cleopatra. Dia memasuki ruang tunggu. Charmion, yang sangat diperlukan untuk Cleopatra, pergi untuk meminta izin untuk Harmachis untuk masuk. Dia adalah waktu yang sangat panjang, namun akhirnya kembali ke menawar Harmachis memasuki ruang Ratu. Alasan nyata untuk mengunjungi Cleopatra adalah karena ia telah memintanya untuk menyiapkan beberapa prediksi astrologi. Dia menunjukkan hasil, dan gagasan adalah bahwa ia akan menikamnya saat ia membaca. Tapi dia hanya berpura-pura membaca, dan jelas bahwa dia memiliki sesuatu di pikirannya. Dia bermain dengan dia, seperti kucing akan mouse, dan pada akhirnya membuat dia mengakui bahwa dia mencintainya, dan bersulang - yang tentu saja dibius. Dia terbangun keesokan harinya di kamar sendiri di istana, untuk melihat mayat Paulus di lantai, dengan Harmachis 'keris sendiri - apa yang ia menusuk Cleopatra - dalam hatinya. Ada catatan yang melekat, mengatakan sesuatu seperti "demikian mati semua pengkhianat". Cleopatra mengatakan Harmachis yang Paulus telah mengkhianati plot. Harmachis adalah tahanan di kamar sendiri. Cleopatra mengunjungi dia secara teratur, sengaja melilit dia ke perangkap nya. Saat ia diberitahu kemudian oleh Charmion, dia takut telah membuatnya terbunuh, karena kekuatan partai melekat pada dirinya, sehingga lebih suka malu dia dan memenangkan dia atas. Para konspirator memiliki semua ditangkap - berkat daftar mereka yang Harmachis telah di jubahnya. Tapi Cleopatra berjanji untuk cadangan mereka - meskipun lagi alasannya adalah karena takut kekuatan partai. Sebagian besar berakhir di tambang gurun. Sepa telah menghilang. Harmachis yang diejek oleh Charmion - dari yang perannya dalam konspirasi Cleopatra tidak menyadari. Dia tahu bahwa dia hancur, karena bukannya membunuh perampas Cleopatra ia telah menjadi mainan dan alat. Namun, Cleopatra menunjukkan kepadanya bahwa dia akan menikah dengannya, dan dengan demikian memperkuat terus dia di atas takhta, sementara membuat dia menjadi raja. Sementara itu, Quintus Dellius, seorang utusan dari Antony, tiba. Dia memberikan panggilan tumpul ke Cleopatra untuk datang ke Cilicia untuk menjawab tuduhan bersekongkol dengan musuh Roma. Cleopatra mengatakan Harmachis bahwa dia tidak punya pilihan dengan menyerahkan, karena kas kosong dan mereka tidak mampu untuk berperang di Antony. Dia menyindir bahwa jika mereka punya uang mereka bisa menentang Antony, dan sisanya dari Roma. Cleopatra tahu bahwa Harmachis, sebagai Imam Isis, memiliki rahasia perbendaharaan rahasia dongeng Firaun. Dia memperingatkan bahwa ini hanya bisa disentuh jika kebutuhan Mesir membenarkan hal itu, untuk menyentuh harta untuk alasan yang tidak tepat atau tidak cukup akan mendatangkan kutukan Firaun Menka-ra, eh yang meletakkan itu. Cleopatra, Harmachis, dan kecil berikut, berlayar ke piramida. Yang lain menunggu di sungai Nil, sementara dua yang pertama, dengan seorang kasim tunggal, pendekatan piramida. Mereka memasuki piramida ketiga melalui pintu rahasia, yang petunjuk diketahui Harmachis. Mereka melewati tiga pintu batu, yang hanya bisa dibuka oleh mereka mengetahui lokasi kunci tersembunyi. Akhirnya mereka mencapai lubang, yang mereka harus diturunkan ke. Kasim tetap berada di belakang - karena tidak sah bahwa ia harus masuk ke sana. Ruang di bagian bawah lubang adalah ruang pemakaman dari Menka-ra. Ada sebuah prasasti yang ditinggalkan oleh ratusan Firaun dari tahun sebelumnya, mengatakan th

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