sort of suture is used to sew together deep layers of connective tissu terjemahan - sort of suture is used to sew together deep layers of connective tissu Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

sort of suture is used to sew toget

sort of suture is used to sew together deep layers of connective tissue. The
body eventually breaks down the suture material and absorbs it."
“And where would he get this catgut suture?” Rizzoli looked at Moore.
“Did you trace a source for it on Sterling?”
“It’s almost impossible to identiry a specific source," said Moore. "Catgut
suture's manufactured by a dozen different companies, most of them in Asia.
It's still used in a number of foreign hospitals.”
“Only foreign hospitals?”
Tierney said, “There are now better alternatives. Catgut doesn't have the
strength or durability of synthetic sutures. I doubt many surgeons in the U.S.
are currently using it."
“why would our unsub use it at all?”
“To maintain his visual field. To control the bleeding long enough so he
can see what he's doing. Our unsub is a very neat man."
Rizzoli pulled her hand from the wound. In her gloved palm was cupped a
tiny clot of blood, like a bright red bead. “How skillful is he? Are we dealing
with a doctor? Or a butcher?”
“Clearly he has anatomical knowledge," said Tierney. “I have no doubt
he's done this before.”
Moore took a step backward from the table, recoilin8 from the thought of
what Elena Ortiz must have suffered, yet unable to keep the images at bay.
The aftermath lay right in front of him, staring with open eyes.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
sort of suture is used to sew together deep layers of connective tissue. Thebody eventually breaks down the suture material and absorbs it."“And where would he get this catgut suture?” Rizzoli looked at Moore.“Did you trace a source for it on Sterling?”“It’s almost impossible to identiry a specific source," said Moore. "Catgutsuture's manufactured by a dozen different companies, most of them in Asia.It's still used in a number of foreign hospitals.”“Only foreign hospitals?”Tierney said, “There are now better alternatives. Catgut doesn't have thestrength or durability of synthetic sutures. I doubt many surgeons in the U.S.are currently using it."“why would our unsub use it at all?”“To maintain his visual field. To control the bleeding long enough so hecan see what he's doing. Our unsub is a very neat man."Rizzoli pulled her hand from the wound. In her gloved palm was cupped atiny clot of blood, like a bright red bead. “How skillful is he? Are we dealingwith a doctor? Or a butcher?”“Clearly he has anatomical knowledge," said Tierney. “I have no doubthe's done this before.”Moore took a step backward from the table, recoilin8 from the thought ofwhat Elena Ortiz must have suffered, yet unable to keep the images at bay.The aftermath lay right in front of him, staring with open eyes.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
semacam jahitan digunakan untuk menjahit lapisan bersama-sama dalam jaringan ikat. The
tubuh akhirnya memecah bahan jahitan dan menyerap itu.
"" Dan di mana dia akan mendapatkan catgut jahitan ini? "Rizzoli melihat
Moore." Apakah Anda melacak sumber untuk itu di Sterling?
"" Ini hampir mustahil untuk identiry sumber tertentu , "kata Moore. "Catgut
jahitan ini diproduksi oleh selusin perusahaan yang berbeda, sebagian besar dari mereka di Asia.
Ini masih digunakan di sejumlah rumah sakit asing."
"Hanya rumah sakit asing?"
Tierney mengatakan, "Ada alternatif sekarang lebih baik. Catgut tidak memiliki
kekuatan atau daya tahan jahitan sintetis. Aku ragu banyak ahli bedah di AS
sedang menggunakan itu.
"" mengapa Unsub kita menggunakannya sama sekali?
"" Untuk menjaga bidang visual nya. Untuk mengontrol perdarahan cukup lama sehingga ia
bisa melihat apa yang dia lakukan. Unsub kita adalah orang yang sangat rapi.
"Rizzoli menarik tangannya dari luka. Dalam sawit bersarung nya menangkup sebuah
gumpalan kecil dari darah, seperti manik-manik merah cerah." Bagaimana terampil dia? Apakah kita berurusan
dengan dokter? Atau daging?
"" Jelas dia memiliki pengetahuan anatomi, "kata Tierney. "Saya telah diragukan lagi
dia melakukan ini sebelumnya."
Moore mundur selangkah dari meja, recoilin8 dari pikiran
apa Elena Ortiz harus menderita, namun tidak dapat menjaga gambar di teluk.
Setelah berbaring tepat di depannya, menatap dengan mata terbuka.
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